In a moment of soft-heartedness, Zhang Fan actually said that he would send someone to Yongning to rescue her father by chance. Fang Yueling was really moved. Apart from her voice, Fang Yueling can indeed be called a rare beauty, even compared with Luo Linger, she is not far behind. Speaking of which, being looked at by such a beauty with such touching eyes, any normal Every man will have a feeling of smugness.

Zhang Fan is no exception. At that moment just now, he did have that feeling. However, compared to that feeling, something more practical can attract Zhang Fan's attention. , the influence on oneself is the most important thing, and now for Zhang Fan, how to calm the matter in front of him when the impact is the least is the most important thing for Zhang Fan now.

Therefore, after saying those words, even seeing Fang Yueling like this, Zhang Fan already regretted it in his heart. However, there are many things in the world that cannot be undone by repentance, especially this kind of Important things, since words have been spoken, must be done.

Zhang Fan's unwillingness appeared on his face without any concealment, so that Fang Yueling who was sitting opposite her could see clearly, and Fang Yueling's gratitude for Zhang Fan's words also followed suit. Seeing the expression on Zhang Fan's face she saw, she calmed down and was no longer as happy as before.

"I know that Mr. Zhang has many concerns now," Fang Yueling said, "Your Excellency said that just now, and I can't just make you suffer. If Mr. Zhang is inconvenient now, I can let my people follow Mr. Let’s go to Yongning together. In this way, whether it’s looking for my father, or about the current war, they will be able to help. If you want to come, Mr. Zhang also understands that the people of the Five Poisons Sect have some skills, which Jin Yiwei can’t match. Up,"

"Thank you, Master Fang, for your kindness," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Indeed, as Master Fang said, in many things, Jin Yiwei is indeed inferior to the Five Poisons Sect. When it comes to the methods and means of using poison Well, speaking of it, the Jinyiwei still needs to learn more from the Five Poison Sects, and when it comes to walking on the rivers and lakes, the Jinyiwei is the imperial court after all, and it is different from the Guijiao. It is easier for the Five Poisons to help.

"But now, the situation is too serious, and no mistakes are allowed. It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't believe in Master Fang, but since the matter is so important, I don't believe in anyone, even the one I sent out. People can't fully believe it, please forgive Master Fang for this."

Zhang Fan's words were very tactful, not to belittle the other party, but to say that he could not even trust his own people, but in fact, what Zhang Fan meant was very clear. He didn't mean that Fang Yueling's people were incapable and could not use anything. The main meaning of Zhang Fan is that Fang Yueling's people may be disobedient and self-assertive, and at such a sensitive time, doing so may cause bad things, and this matter, once bad, it is It's a big deal, that is to say, Zhang Fan is politely declining Fang Yueling's proposal.

Fang Yueling is not stupid, how could she fail to understand the meaning of Zhang Fan's words? Of course, no matter how tactful Zhang Fan's words are, in the end, this is just an excuse made by Zhang Fan, and the five poisons Even if Fang Yueling knew this clearly, she didn't mean to be angry at all.

From a certain point of view, what Zhang Fan said is not wrong at all. The Five Poisons Sect is also a Jianghu gang, although because its members are all Miao people, this makes them look a little bit different compared to other Jianghu gangs. They are more united, but in essence, they have not changed much. They are still a Jianghu gang, and the people in them are still more or less arrogant.

If they cooperate with Jinyiwei, it is really unclear what problems will arise. You must know that Daming has very strict management of the gangs in the Jianghu. But like the Five Poisons Sect, most of them are problem children.

In this way, the Five Poison Sect can't say that it has any good feelings for the court. If the two sides cooperate, let alone who listens to whom, as long as the two sides don't make trouble for each other, it will be thankful.

As for this matter, no matter which side is more experienced in doing this kind of thing, there is no doubt that Jin Yiwei will inevitably make a choice that is more in line with the interests of the court. The only choice is to be able to get rid of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin without killing many people, and to ensure that the people in Yongning Mansion and Sichuan will not be harmed.

From this point of view, the imperial court seems to be on the same side as the word "justice".

But the Five Poisons Sect is different. It doesn't mean that they have to do evil this time, it's because of this time that they put them on a bad level.

Today's Five Poison Sect members are already homeless. Although they will be able to return to their original places in a short time with Zhang Fan's promise, even if it is temporary, they still have nowhere to go. homeless.

The reason why they are like this is all thanks to Zhang Yong and Wang Xin. If they go to Yongning Mansion with Zhang Fan this time, what will happen? , Can these people be able to face the people who robbed their homes and the traitors who betrayed them and dangle indifferently in front of them, not to mention, their old leader Fang Zhengan was captured by these people Gone, although I don't know where it is now, but it is around them.

If all these situations are added up, will these people be able to remain calm, and even act according to the instructions of Jin Yiwei, who was originally not easy to deal with them? Will they not do something impulsively, or even , that cannot be called impulsive, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is inevitable.

What Zhang Fan was worried about was these things, and Fang Yueling naturally knew these things clearly in her heart, but even if she understood these things, even if she knew that Zhang Fan was absolutely unwilling to let her people go, she still You have to fight for it.

Perhaps just now, before Zhang Fan mentioned the matter of her father, even though Fang Yueling was worried, she didn't think about it that much. The matter of the Five Poison Sect had already placed too much burden on her shoulders. up.

But now, after Zhang Fan's reminder, Fang Yueling could no longer let go of her worries about her father. At this moment, she must be thinking about what to do if something happens to her father. In short, Seeing such things, Fang Yueling couldn't relax.

If this is the case, she must send someone to Yongning to rescue him when the opportunity arises.

As for Zhang Fan's worries, Fang Yueling naturally understood in her heart, and she also understood why Zhang Fan thought so, and she didn't blame Zhang Fan for thinking that way.

Originally, since Zhang Fan had already agreed to send people to Yongning Mansion, there was no need for Fang Yueling to send her own people there too, but what Zhang Fan said just now, although he said a lot of uncertain things, But from Fang Yueling's point of view, there was a [-]% chance that Zhang Fan would not put saving her father first, so she had to let her own people go there as well, just in case.

If it was two days ago, Fang Yueling would never have considered so much. Once she knew where her father was, she would not have considered Zhang Fan's thoughts and sent someone there directly, but now it is different. After all, she now has to rely on Zhang Fan's blessing to save herself and the Five Poisons Sect, so Zhang Fan's opinion is also within the scope of her consideration.

Therefore, if Fang Yueling wants to send her own people to Yongning Mansion, she must obtain Zhang Fan's consent, otherwise, things will really be in big trouble.

"Master Zhang, I have thought about this matter," Fang Yueling said, "I understand what Master Zhang is worried about, but I have no other choice about this matter. My people must go to Yongning with Master Zhang's people." Okay, otherwise, I can't rest assured that I won't cause trouble over there, but I can't settle down here either.

"If Mr. Zhang refuses to agree, I will do the same. When the time comes, I will send someone there privately. If Mr. Zhang doesn't know about it, it will cause trouble, so it will be bad.

"In this way, Mr. Zhang should be able to see the pros and cons. Anyway, it is a result anyway. Why don't you let my people go with you, so that Mr. Zhang can still know the movements of these people, and I will also If you explain to them, you will definitely obey Master Zhang’s subordinates, and they will never dare to do anything superfluous.”

Although Fang Yueling knew that due to her disadvantage, it was really not suitable for her to talk to Zhang Fan in this tone, but at this moment, she could not show weakness, once she showed weakness, it would be impossible to get Zhang Fan to agree.

"Master Fang, you are threatening me," Zhang Fan squinted, looked at Fang Yueling and said, he also knew what Fang Yueling meant, but her tone made Zhang Fan feel uncomfortable.

"Master Zhang, this is not a threat," Fang Yueling said calmly in the face of Zhang Fan's state without wavering, "This is just a daughter's concern for her father."

The two stopped talking, just looked at each other like this.

In the room, the atmosphere became tense all of a sudden.

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