The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1129 Guaranteed Listening Chapter

Liang Chao doesn't know what he's thinking now, he always feels that he shouldn't come in, but there's something wrong with thinking this way, after all, what kind of place is this, it's a brothel, and it's one of the best buildings in Chengdu. It was daytime at this time, and there were hardly any guests, but the word almost did not mean nothing at all, more or less, there were still one or two, and even if there were no guests, there were still many girls and turtles and the like Yes, if Zhang Fan went in to talk to Fang Yueling, but he was standing guard at the door, I am afraid that when the time comes, people coming and going outside will stare at him and smile, but Liang Chao will definitely He couldn't bear it, and he was also very grateful to Zhang Fan for being so considerate and considerate of himself, allowing him to come in.

But after coming in, Liang Chao didn't feel that it was better than being outside.

The atmosphere in the room became a little tense for a while, not to the point where swords were on the verge of crossing swords, but the appearance of both sides insisting on their own opinions and fighting against each other really made him a little depressed.

At this time, Liang Chao felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, Fang Yueling wanted something from them at this time, but unfortunately, her attitude was still so bad, and Liang Chao, as Zhang Fan's subordinate, saw someone contradicting Zhang Fan like this. , it is natural to speak out, or even to defend Zhang Fan.

But in the current atmosphere, Liang Chao didn't know what to do at all. At such a moment, Liang Chao felt that it might not be a bad idea to wait outside. Although people passing by would make fun of him, he As long as you watch your nose with your eyes and your heart with your nose, and ignore it, it will be fine.

But in the room, he felt a little strange. Maybe he should say something at this time to defend Zhang Fan; or maybe he didn't say anything and just waited for the two to speak again. , Liang Chao really felt that something was wrong with him.

Fortunately, this atmosphere did not last long.

"I understand." The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally, Zhang Fan spoke first, "I can agree to this matter, and I can let the people of the Five Poisons Sect go to Yongning Mansion with my people to investigate the news of your father. , and play it by ear, but now that the war is approaching, many things must be handled carefully, Master Fang, can you guarantee that your subordinates will obey our orders?"

To be honest, Zhang Fan really didn't want to do this, but he, who had looked at Fang Yueling for a long time, had already understood it. It seemed that Fang Yueling would not give up until she achieved this goal, although the veiled The face made Zhang Fan unable to see Fang Yueling's eyes looking at him at this time, but Zhang Fan understood that it was definitely a very resolute and non-negotiable look.

Although what Fang Yueling said just now was tough, but Zhang Fan could understand that it was nothing more than Fang Yueling threatening him. However, Zhang Fan had no doubt that if he disagreed with Fang Yueling's If she suggested it, she really could do it, even if it was against Zhang Fan, she would do it, after all, it was related to her father's safety.

In this case, no matter what to do, things will go on like this. Instead of letting Fang Yueling send someone to act on his own, messing up his plan, and even falling out with the Five Poison Sect in the end, causing endless troubles, he might as well just Let Fang Yueling's people follow him. In this way, the situation can still be under his control. Even if those people really want to do something alone when the time comes, they can stop them with their own people by their side. It was they who wanted to force it, and they couldn't stop it. At least Zhang Fan could receive the news so that he could prepare for it.

Although it is a bit too negative to think about it this way, but now that things have reached this point, there is no way out.

"I can assure you that they will absolutely obey Master Zhang's subordinates," Fang Yueling said with such certainty, "Master Zhang also knows that since these people are members of my Five Poisons Sect, they will certainly treat you well." I, the leader of the sect, obey what I say, and if I ask them to do something, they will never dare to disobey my order." He didn't explain clearly, but the meaning was clear. Zhang Fan naturally understood that the Five Poison Sect is a means of controlling people. The "Five Immortals Honeydew" is really an excellent weapon, as long as someone has this on him, he will never dare not to listen to Fang Yueling's words.

"This is the best," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Since this is the case, there is no need to delay, Liang Chao, you immediately go to find someone, and tell them that this time you are going to Yongning, don't act rashly, and carefully inquire about those two people. According to the news, as well as the places where they stayed, find out where the old leader Fang is, and rescue him when he sees the opportunity, but everything must focus on the overall situation, and the people of the leader Fang will be with them this time. Do things, but you have to be careful, don't let them cause any trouble, "

"My lord, I understand." Liang Chao nodded and said to Zhang Fan, "But my lord, this matter is very important. Although the brothers below are all good hands, there will be no problems, but this matter , I feel that we should be more careful, my lord, this matter, I'd better let the humble officer go in person, "

"You go," Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao, "I can rest assured that you go, and you are a little more familiar with the people of the Five Poison Sect than the people below, but..."

Liang Chao naturally understood what Zhang Fan wanted to say, and said, "My lord, please don't worry, the humble job will definitely complete what the lord told me, and here, isn't the lord already ready now, let alone, There is still Wang Ge here, and Zhao Zijie has already agreed to it, so he doesn’t need to work here for the time being.” Liang Chao naturally understood what Zhang Fan was worried about, after all, what they were planning now was exactly About how to steal the genealogy book in the Shu Palace.

However, just as Liang Chao said, this matter is now almost ready. Originally, Liang Chao was needed to assist him, but now that Zhu Xuanluo has been in it as an internal response, he wants to complete this matter. Difficult things have become much easier.

In this way, Liang Chao would be free to do so, and since Zhang Fan was worried about the matter in Yongning Mansion, that's why Liang Chao recommended himself, although Liang Chao usually seemed a little too joking when he said it. But once he started to do things, he was very serious, not to mention, since he got married, his temperament has become a lot calmer. If he is sent, Zhang Fan will not worry.

"In that case, I will leave this matter to you," Zhang Fan nodded and agreed to Liang Chao, "There are other things in the palace, and I won't go there later, but after you go , you have to be more careful, too."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely complete what my lord told me," Liang Chao replied with a confident look.

"I'm not talking about things, I'm telling you to be careful." Seeing that Liang Chao got it wrong, Zhang Fan sighed helplessly and said, "This time you are going deep into the enemy's territory, even if we were there early There are people lurking who can help you, but the number of people is limited after all. If there is any problem, it is impossible for me to send backup. It all depends on you. I can't speak anymore,"

"Don't worry, my lord. I still have confidence in this matter." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao laughed, "Besides, didn't your lord have already mentioned this matter just now? Originally, you have to be careful not to be discovered by the other party, as long as the people of the Five Poisons Sect don't cause trouble for the humble staff, the humble staff still has the confidence to come out intact, "

"Since that's the case, it's my fault for talking too much this time." Zhang Fan also smiled, then turned his head to look at Fang Yueling, "Fang Jiaozhu, wait a moment... Fang Jiaozhu,"

Zhang Fan was about to talk to Fang Yueling, but found that Fang Yueling was looking at him, not moving. Although the face covered by the veil made Zhang Fan unable to understand what she was thinking right now, she was definitely in a daze.

"Master Zhang," Fang Yueling, who was awakened by Zhang Fan's words, hurriedly said, "What orders do you have?"

"My side is ready," Zhang Fan said. "Who will you send there later? I will ask Master Fang to decide for himself. But this time, after all, you have to be careful, and with the addition of Yongning In the current situation, if there are too many people going, people will be suspicious. Even if they are divided into several groups, they may be noticed, so this time, there should not be too many people going. It is estimated that 20 people is the limit. ,"

"I'll listen to Mr. Zhang about this matter," Fang Yueling said, "Since there can't be too many people going, then we will send ten people from each side. I don't know what Mr. Zhang thinks."

This time, Fang Yueling was really asking what Zhang Fan meant.

There are too few people going, so it is meaningless, but if more people from the Five Poisons Sect go than Jinyiwei, it will be a troublesome thing at that time, once they are really disobedient, they must It will be even more troublesome if the people of Jinyiwei can't suppress them if they act without authorization.

But if there are too few people going, Fang Yueling always feels uneasy in her heart, so she suggested that the number of people going to the two parties should be the same.

Speaking of which, she originally wanted to go, but Fang Yueling was quite sensible. She thought that at that time, she might be the first to lose her composure. Once she wanted to do something, the people who followed her would definitely If we act together, we will be in great trouble, so after thinking about it, Fang Yueling decided not to go by herself.

And Zhang Fan stared at Fang Yueling for a while, and finally said to Liang Chao: "Liang Chao, you go to prepare, this time one will go to 20 people, ten of us, ten of the Five Poison Sect."

Looking at Zhang Fan, then at Fang Yueling, Liang Chao nodded, said "yes", and left.

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