The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1130 How to stay

"Master Fang, what did you seem to be thinking just now?" After Liang Chao left, Zhang Fan originally wanted to leave, but he suddenly thought of Fang Yueling's unintentional distraction just now, which made Zhang Fan unaware What's the matter, I was very concerned, and couldn't help asking, "If it's convenient, can you tell me what you're thinking about?"

"Why," Fang Yueling was very surprised that Zhang Fan would ask this matter, "I didn't expect Master Zhang to like to inquire about these things."

"Hehe, Zhang Fan is talking too much." Seeing Fang Yueling talking like this, Zhang Fan thought she didn't want to say it anymore. Immediately after coming here, come to see me, I think the journey is very tiring, I won't bother Master Fang, please go back and rest." After saying that, Zhang Fan stood up and prepared to leave.

"I was wondering just now," Fang Yueling said suddenly, stopping Zhang Fan who was about to walk forward.

"Strange," Zhang Fan also started to feel strange when faced with the two words Fang Yueling said, "What is it that makes Master Fang feel strange?"

"The man named Liang Chao just now is Mr. Zhang's subordinate," Fang Yueling said, "Since he is your subordinate, why are you so polite when talking to him? Besides, for such things, send him to , It is also possible to die. If this is the case, why do you still worry about him and tell him to be careful? I also know that this matter is very important to you. If you are not careful, you will be in trouble. If this is the case, are you not Should he go all out to complete what you have told him? If he really started to worry about his own life as you said, wouldn’t it delay what you told him?”

"Hehe, I thought it was something. It turns out that Master Fang was thinking about it." Hearing Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, "However, it's not normal to care about your subordinates." At least I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, could it be that Master Fang never said these things to his subordinates?”

Shaking her head, Fang Yueling said: "Of course I also care about their lives, but it's a little different from what you said just now. Those people are all members of my teaching. They have been under my father and me for many years, and they are all good players. They are also extremely serious in doing things. In my opinion, if something happens to them, it will cause me a lot of trouble. After all, it may not be possible to find such a useful person again in the future.

"However, if it is compared with what they are going to do, it also depends on the importance. If this matter is very important, and it can be done by sacrificing a few people's lives, I will not feel it is a pity, but I think Mr. Zhang is not like that. Although it is said that Mr. Zhang wants to help find my father in this matter, I am afraid that Mr. Zhang has other plans. The two people Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are Zhang Yong and Wang Xin. The purpose of adults is right.

"However, no matter what Mr. Zhang thinks about this matter, there is one thing that has not changed. All in all, this matter is very important to Mr. Zhang, and nothing can be lost. Wouldn’t it be troublesome for Mr. Zhang to talk like that? In case they really encounter something at that time, they can accomplish this matter as long as they sacrifice their lives, but because of such a sentence that Mr. Zhang explained, they are greedy for life and afraid of death. In the end, their own lives were saved, but they messed up the matter, wouldn't it be even worse,"

"It's not a big question," Zhang Fan said with a smile in response to Fang Yueling's question, "But before answering Fang Yueling, I also have a question to ask Fang Jiaozhu, what kind of things do you usually send people to?" Is that how you explain it all the time, as long as you can complete what you explained, even if you lose your life, you will not hesitate."

"Of course I won't say these things," Fang Yueling said, "but even if I don't say it, they have to do it. After all, they have all been hit by the 'five immortal honeydew', so they can't help but not do it. No, if something bad happens, I'm afraid they might as well finish it off on their own, so as not to suffer the kind of life-and-death punishment."

For Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan didn't know how to answer for a while. Originally, in Zhang Fan's view, Fang Yueling seemed very mysterious. Even though he saw her real appearance that night, Zhang Fan still think so.

She is very beautiful, and such a beautiful woman can walk on the rivers and lakes, and she is also the leader of a sect. In fact, there are many dangers in it. She must have strong skills. Regarding this point, even Zhang Fan has never seen Fang Yueling make a move with his own eyes, but he can still understand that to lead the Five Poison Sect, it is not just relying on the blood that her father passed on to her, and the "Five Immortal Honeydew" and its antidote. matter.

And if you walk in the rivers and lakes, it is not enough to rely on high-strength skills to manage affairs, but you must have a corresponding calm and smart mind. As for attacking, no matter how strong your martial arts are, you will be exhausted and die in the end.

In Zhang Fan's eyes, Fang Yueling was like this kind of person. Although she had never seen her make a move, no matter how I thought about it, she would definitely not be a weak woman. In the few times Zhang Fan met Fang Yueling, Fang Yueling hardly said anything, but she didn't speak, and when it was time to do something, she was unambiguous at all. From Zhang Fan's point of view, this is really something a smart person can do. , the effect will come out when you move it.

But now, after listening to Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan has another idea. Perhaps, Fang Yueling is not what he thought at all.

Especially the words Fang Yueling said, yes, some people do think this way of her point of view, and most of those who think this way are successful people, but Zhang Fan told himself that just now Fang Yueling The words she said should not have been thought up by herself, but more like someone told her. Zhang Fan always felt that when Fang Yueling said those words just now, although he couldn't see her expression, Zhang Fan always I feel that her words contain a lot of innocence and uncertainty about her own words.

"Master Fang, what you think..." Zhang Fan thought for a while, and finally said, "This kind of thinking is something you came up with after you led the Five Poison Sect, and someone told you about it."

"My father told me this," Fang Yueling said as expected, and when she said this, Zhang Fan could hear the uncertainty in her words.

"This..." Zhang Fan smiled and said, "It seems that the old leader Fang also has his own means to lead the Five Poisons Sect. However, your father is your father, but I am me. How should Jin Yiwei lead? In the end It's up to me to decide whether it's right or not. Speaking of it, it's not unreasonable for me to say that.

"I still remember that in the Western Han Dynasty, there was a general Huo Qubing under the command of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. His ability to command the troops was truly unparalleled in the world. He attacked the Xiongnu six times and entered and left the Great Wall as if no one was there. Everyone who killed the Xiongnu was terrified, but he He never drank and lived with the soldiers under his command. He stayed in his own big tent and the soldiers slept in his own tent. He felt that there was no need for him to do those things. It would only make the soldiers think he was considerate of his subordinates. In his view, as long as he can lead the soldiers to victory, he doesn't need to care too much about everything else, and the soldiers will naturally support him.

"However, some people don't think so. They think that if you don't understand your subordinates, when the critical time comes, your subordinates will not work for you.

"These two methods, speaking now, are actually not clear which is right and which is wrong, but they are both effective, and the key is to see which method the general chooses to use.

"The method I chose is relatively gentle. If you stay sincerely, I will definitely reward you in return. But the reason why I can do this is that there are some conditions. After all, I am in command of the Jinyiwei, and for the Jinyiwei, it is not the same. There is nothing I can't do, and if I really have any trouble, I'm afraid the people below won't be able to help if they want to, so why should I push the people below so hard?"

"Then, in Mr. Zhang's opinion, it's wrong for me to do this," Fang Yueling couldn't help asking before she could figure out what Zhang Fan meant.

"I don't know exactly what is going on with the Five Poisons Sect, so I can't tell why Master Fang is asking me this," Zhang Fan said, "but I think Master Fang is about to change it. .

"It is true that Master Fang's method of governing the Five Poisons Sect was obtained from your father. In this case, there is nothing wrong with Master Fang's governance according to your father's method. But I think that since you are in charge of your sect now, It is not your father, so how to govern the Five Poisons Sect is actually up to you, the leader of the party.

"Perhaps, Master Fang can send someone to investigate first, what is the view of you in the eyes of the congregation, and then use your own way to govern. Wouldn't it be good?"

Faced with Zhang Fan's words, Fang Yueling fell silent.

"Of course, this is just my opinion," Zhang Fan finally said, "After all, the leader of your religion is you, leader Fang, not me, Zhang Fan, so it is up to leader Fang to decide how to govern the church. Don’t take others’ words to heart, the key is to see what you think.”

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your advice," Fang Yueling said, "I will think carefully about Mr. Zhang's words."

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