After coming out from inside.Zhang Fan also found it interesting.He really didn't want to fight.This time I met Fang Yueling.It also made him see something different from the past.How Fang Yueling made Zhang Fan feel.It's always been a little bit different.Especially with her seldom-seen behavior.It makes people feel that she is somewhat mysterious.

But today.After such a conversation between two people.Zhang Fan didn't see it that way.He felt instead.Such Fang Yueling.Give him a cute vibe.That's right.Just cute.Although it sounds.Such a word was used on Fang Yueling.It also seems a bit inappropriate.But Zhang Fan really felt this way in his heart.

but.This is just such a momentary feeling.Zhang Fan would never take this matter seriously.After all, no matter how naive Fang Yueling was.But she wanted to do it for the Five Poisons Sect.She did her best for her father.If so.Although the two parties still maintain a cooperative relationship.But don't know when.will become Fan would not have any feelings for Fang Yueling either.He would never let himself feel that way.

But consider these for now.It's really too early.Now.You have to get the things in front of you done first.Since I don't know why for a while.Zhang Fan had already agreed to Fang Yueling.So although he regrets it, he will not regret it.In the end, they sent people to Yongning.and.He also agreed to let Fang Yueling's people go to Yongning with his own people.

even though.Fang Yueling has already promised.His people will definitely listen to Zhang Fan's words.But Zhang Fan still has reservations about this.After all, it wasn't Fang Yueling who was going there.It's her people.Even her subordinates.Because of the honeydew of the five immortals in the body.And definitely listen to her.But what will happen then.Zhang Fan could not see for sure.In case of trouble.Whether those people survived or not is second to none.The main thing is.That would spoil Zhang Fan's event.This was what Zhang Fan was most worried about.

With Fang Yueling's guarantee.Zhang Fan also couldn't let go.But that's all.There is no other way.

Think here.Zhang Fan decided to put this matter on the back of his mind for the time being.Now that this is the case.There is no need to think about those anymore.What is before Zhang Fan's eyes.It's about the Shu Palace.

After Zhang Fan returned to the Shu Palace.But I saw people leaving the house all the time.They are all people from the lineage of the king of Shu who came here to celebrate the New Year.original.After a year.These people are free to leave or stay as they most cases.In order not to offend the king of Shu.These people will linger for a while.It can also cultivate feelings.

but now.What appeared in front of Zhang Fan was.These people left the house one after another.And that appearance is definitely going to go directly to his own house.and.Everyone looked anxious.

Zhang Fan didn't know how many people there were before.But before he saw the gate of Shu Palace.Until the time when I walked to the gate of the palace.Already, three family members said goodbye to him face to face.

And Zhang Fan.Also weird from the start.In the end it turned out to be happy.It was only because Zhang Fan saw this appearance just now.It made him feel a little weird.But immediately.Zhang Fan wanted to understand the reason.The reason why these people left in such a hurry.Must have heard the news of the upcoming war.I was rushing home.

Speaking up.Zhang Fan also had some thoughts on this matter at the beginning.The fiefdom of the Shu king family is located in Sichuan.So the various small countries of these people are also here.Now they are all in the Shu Palace.And if the war is together.Zhang Fan was worried that these people would stay in the Shu Palace and not leave.After all, as long as there is a war.No matter how good Liu Xian promised.Said it would be over soon.It is impossible for those people to invade Sichuan.But this time.These people definitely value their lives more.And if you stay in the palace.Nature is the safest choice.After all, the palace is definitely the key protection object.Even if the enemy invaded Chengdu Mansion.With the size of the Shu Palace.As long as there is a small amount of troops inside, it can resist for a long time.

but.If so.Zhang Fan's actions here are not easy to handle.By the time.There have always been these people in the Shu Palace.How could Zhang Fan act again.No matter how good Wang Meng's skill is.But if there are people wandering around in the mansion all the time.It is also impossible for him to go to Zhu Xuanqi's room to steal things without knowing it.

To know what to wait until then.People who stay up all night.Definitely not a minority.after all.If war together.Even if the flames of war do not reach your home.But it started right next to your house.No one can still sleep peacefully.And for these people.They have more things to care about.things on the territory.and the wealth they have amassed.In comparison.compared to rebels.They may be even more afraid that some people will take advantage of the chaos to snatch their property.In this way.These people will not be able to sleep peacefully.

This.It was what Zhang Fan was most worried about.

but now.These people compare their own lives.It seems that they care more about the belongings they have.Although they do this kind of thing.From Zhang Fan's point of view.Just like an idiot.but.It was naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to tell them these things.And actually.Zhang Fan hoped to see this even more.As long as these people leave.Go back to your own territory.That means.At that time, there will not be many people in the Shu Palace.

If so.Zhang Fan will act when the time comes.It is much more convenient.

And originally.Zhang Fan still had to think of a way.Let's see how we can drive these people away.Although he has reported the war here to the court.You can also stay longer because of this.But from the perspective of planned things.This war really can't last long.Wait until the end of the war.Zhang Fan could only stay for a few more days at most.after.Even the Empress Dowager Li hoped that he would stay for a few more days.Look for evidence.But there is no reason anymore.

so.Find a way to get rid of these people.This is what Zhang Fan wants to do the most.But he found it troublesome at first.After all, if these people stay.Don't wait until the war is over.I don't even think about going back.And even if the war is over.It is very possible to wait until Zhang Fan leaves.They may not leave yet.if so.Zhang Fan is in trouble.

then.Zhang Fan was on the way back.All are thinking about this question.Although he has already thought of several ways.But neither is great.And it will make Zhu Xuanqi suspicious of him.This is not beautiful.

who knows.Zhang Fan was worrying about how to solve this problem.These people are very conscious.Make way for him.

sometimes.Zhang Fan also had to sigh.There seems to be such a thing as luck.It really is indispensable.

After entering the gate of the palace.all the way.Zhang Fan ran into another person who was about to leave from Sanjiazi.Did not meet one.Zhang Fan would always call them to stop.Say a few words.He even tried to persuade him to stay.But of course this is all talk.And Zhang Fan knew it very well in his heart.It is absolutely impossible for these people to stay.Since they are so busy going back.Must be concerned about something.But whether it is a person or a thing.Zhang Fan didn't know.I don't want to know either.It's best to just leave.

And after saying goodbye to these people.Zhang Fan went directly to see Zhu Xuanqi.Even here.Zhang Fan still saw Zhu Xuanzhi's family, who was saying goodbye to Zhu Xuanqi.

Farewell to Zhu Xuanzhi.Zhu Xuanqi naturally showed reluctance and wanted to keep him.But Zhang Fan could understand.I don't know if Zhu Xuanqi really thought so.Or he has become numb to this matter.In short, he now knows that it is a made expression just by looking at his face.But to this.Whether it is Zhang Fan.Or maybe Zhu Xuanzhi didn't care.After all, this time has come.These things are really not worth noting.

After Zhu Xuanzhi bid farewell and left.Zhang Fan saw no one came in to say goodbye.Then he came to Zhu Xuanqi.

"My lord." Zhang Fan asked.

"Master Zhang." Zhu Xuanqi smiled.Said. "Look. This king's place used to be the bustling Shu Palace. Now it is deserted. There are more than a hundred people here. It only took a while. It has been gone for a long time. Now it is still Those who stayed. I’m afraid there are only 20 people. But if you want to come, these people will leave today.”

"Is it because of the war?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Yes. Otherwise, why else?" Zhu Xuanqi said. "I told them the matter before. Let them choose whether to stay or go back. But it seems that they are on this matter. It is also a heart."

"My lord. Since the war is about to start, I think it will be safer to stay in the palace." Zhang Fan asked. "Why did they all choose to leave?"

"It's not because of it. At home. There are so many things to worry about." Speaking of which.A smile appeared on Zhu Xuanqi's face.With a little helplessness.But also with sarcasm. "It's just something. In fact, it's just property. They are afraid that someone will take advantage of it. After all, they are not stupid. They know that Liu Xian is here now. Those people will never attack Sichuan. Even this king They didn’t let their soldiers back. They didn’t worry about anything. They were just worried about losing their money.”

"My lord doesn't seem very happy about this matter." Zhang Fan asked suddenly.

"Happy." Zhu Xuanqi seemed to have heard something funny. "Master Zhang. In fact, this year is over. Except because Master Zhang is here, this king is still a little interested. These people. Speaking of which, this king really doesn't want to see them very much."

It seems.The lineage of the king of Shu is the same as other lineages of kings.Harmony is such a thing.Will never exist here.

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