"What do you think of the court?" Hearing Zhang Fan ask such a question, Zhu Xuanqi was taken aback. I figured it out, I'm afraid Zhang Fan wanted to find out what he said.

Speaking of it, Zhu Xuanqi is not afraid of Zhang Fan. Although Jin Yiwei manages and monitors the royal family for a long time, he is the most powerful vassal in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Xuanqi, the most powerful vassal under the Mei rule, had nothing to fear from Zhang Fan, and would not take the initiative to trouble him no matter what happened to Zhang Fan.

However, things are different now. It is not Zhang Fan who came to trouble him now. Zhang Fan can only be regarded as an errand at best. Zhang Fan's role is also somewhat clear, he is now a role of Queen Mother Li's eyeliner, that is to say, now that Queen Mother Li wants to deal with Zhu Xuanqi, this matter is already a certainty, but what is Queen Mother Li planning to do? There was still no conclusion on sanctioning him, and Zhu Xuanqi knew that it must be Zhang Fan's words that could influence Queen Mother Li's decision.

Although it is unbelievable, although he feels that this is really good for him, but Zhu Xuanqi has a feeling that Zhang Fan is spying on him now, in fact, he is how to report this matter to Queen Mother Li And making plans, that is to say, what Zhu Xuanqi will say now will directly affect his future fate.

Or, to put it another way, Zhu Xuanqi has to make a good plan now, how to answer the question raised by Zhang Fan.

It seems to be a very simple matter, as long as you answer it correctly, you will only be slightly affected at that time, and you will not be affected by the fight at all, but in fact, this matter is very difficult to handle. Because the question Zhang Fan asked seemed to be such a simple sentence, but in fact it was extremely complicated.

What Zhang Fan asked was really too general. He asked Zhu Xuanqi what he thought of the current imperial court, which made Zhu Xuanqi unable to answer. Let me ask, Zhang Fan did not give a specific direction. What did Zhu Xuanqi say? , or the details, is it about the current ministers in the court, what about the cabinet, or what about the current emperor, and how the queen mother is in power, there is no accurate direction at all.

And it's not as simple as just saying yes, it's just to say that Zhang Fan looks right, and it's not just the tone of Zhang Fan, but more importantly, the most difficult thing is to grasp the scope. .

The details are too detailed, perhaps in Zhang Fan's view, Zhu Xuanqi has become a person who only knows how to care about every detail, only knows how to focus on small things, and is short-sighted. Of course, in this way, Zhu Xuanqi will naturally be able to Overcoming this difficulty made Empress Dowager Li feel that Zhu Xuanqi didn't have such great ambitions, and it wasn't worth her to teach her too hard.

However, although this is good, it is not what Zhu Xuanqi hopes to meet. If you want to say why, whether it is because of his self-esteem, or because he wants to be superficial, it is all the same. Will not take action against him, his "short-sighted" "personality" will also spread throughout the ruling and opposition parties.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid there's nothing wrong with it. After all, it's not a matter of face in comparison, as long as you keep your life and status, that's enough.

But Zhu Xuanqi doesn't think so. If he wants to say why, it's actually because he has encountered too many cold receptions when he was the son of man. Zhu Xuanqi, who has experienced those things, absolutely accepts this kind of thing It's no good, he managed to survive until now, and finally it's time to become a prince, and absolutely no one dares to look down on him anymore, he will never let those bad memories from the past appear in front of him again up.

However, if you talk about too many aspects, if you include the entire imperial court and the current government affairs, it will not do so, and it will give people the illusion that he is really a little too arrogant, and he is just talking about it all day long. Thinking about these things, let me ask, how can people who think about these things every day have no ambition.

If Zhu Xuanqi said these things to Zhang Fan, when Zhang Fan went back and said so, I am afraid that the Empress Dowager Li just wanted to teach him a lesson, but after hearing what Zhang Fan said, I am afraid that he would change it immediately. I made up my mind, people who look at this place are definitely ambitious, and for Zhu Xuanqi, who has status, power, and ambition, he will definitely become the most important target of the Empress Dowager Li. It was not what Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see.

Just such a matter alone made it difficult for Zhu Xuanqi to answer, but what he had to consider was far more than that.

Even if he is willing to let go of his personal self-esteem and choose to talk to Zhang Fan about the details, but what should he say and what should he say? Even though Zhu Xuanqi has been with Zhang Fan for a while, But for Zhu Xuanqi, he really didn't know much about Zhang Fan.

If you don't know Zhang Fan well, you don't know which point of view he supports in his heart. If you don't even know this point, it will be difficult to get Zhang Fan's approval in this regard.

Of course, there are many things, in fact, there is no need to gather too many details, you don’t need to believe what you say, you just need to say something in general, something that most people can agree with, and don’t say too much To be more specific, in this way, even if what you said is not very accurate, it does not mean that what you said is wrong, as long as you can make the other party agree, that's fine.

However, this is not a completely correct method. It can only be said that if you do this, there is an [-]% chance of success, but it is not [-]% and accidents will still happen.

What an accident, what if Zhang Fan just doesn't follow his way, what to do, what if Zhang Fan is a maverick, thinking of things that are different from others, so what to do.

Zhu Xuanqi said the kind of words that most ordinary people can accept, but Zhang Fan stood on a different point of view and disagreed with his words. In this way, he would not be shooting himself in the foot.

So at this juncture, Zhu Xuanqi was really stuck here. He didn't know how to answer Zhang Fan's question so that Zhang Fan could accurately make Zhang Fan feel that he was nothing more than a prince of An Yi who had no ambitions. He couldn't handle Zhang Fan well. The speed in everyone's heart.

But Zhang Fan, facing Zhu Xuanqi's silence, did not rush him to answer. Speaking of which, there was a reason why he would ask such a question.

Although, as Zhang Fan has emphasized several times before, he came to Sichuan this time for Zhu Xuanqi, but in the end, it is not Zhang Fan who decides how to trouble Zhu Xuanqi, but Li. Empress Dowager, Zhang Fan is just to collect evidence for Empress Dowager Li, at most, that is, to fabricate some evidence for Zhu Xuanqi. Of course, even if it is fabricated, it cannot be too outrageous, or it will be too fake.

Zhang Fan was only in charge of these things, and the final decision was made by Queen Mother Li, but this did not mean that Zhang Fan could not influence Queen Mother Li's judgment at all.

That's right, he really didn't know what Empress Dowager Li was going to do, but he was able to guess some of it. At the beginning, the assassination of Zhu Yijun happened, but Empress Dowager Li herself, who was the mastermind behind the scenes, did not immediately Using this matter to sanction Zhu Xuanqi only made people let out the rumor that Zhu Xuanqi was probably instigating this matter behind his back.

However, without her nodding, even if all the evidence points to Zhu Xuanqi, as long as Queen Mother Li doesn't speak, no one will ever dare to nod and say yes.

And Empress Dowager Li is just like this, hanging on this matter, if she really wants to put Zhu Xuanqi to death, why worry about these things, even if she insists that this matter was done by Zhu Xuanqi, and then send someone to arrest him No one dared to say anything about arresting and bringing to justice. Moreover, Queen Mother Li is not the kind of indecisive person. If it is more beneficial to do so, she can definitely do it.

However, Queen Mother Li did not do so in the end.

Why, Zhang Fan can imagine, the reason why Queen Mother Li wanted to target Zhu Xuanqi was not because she was afraid that Zhu Xuanqi would threaten her power, but because she was afraid that Zhu Xuanqi would threaten Zhu Yijun's power. It's all for Zhu Yijun.

From this point of view, it is very clear that Queen Mother Li is in power now, but she is laying the foundation for her son to ascend the throne in the future.

And if she insisted on getting rid of Zhu Xuanqi, it might not end well at that time, even if there was a military disaster, it might not be surprising.

Although Zhu Xuanqi has only 2000 troops, even if it is a false report, the maximum is only 1, but if it exceeds [-], it is easy for the court to defeat him, but no matter what, the world is bound to be chaotic. There is no telling when this chaos will calm down.

Zhu Yijun still has ten years to be in charge. Ten years, whether it is long or short, it is absolutely impossible for Empress Dowager Li to teach her son a chaotic mess, so what she hopes is stability.

In other words, Empress Dowager Li's claim on this matter is that Zhu Xuanqi can be warned, but not too many things will happen.

Zhang Fan understands this, but he wants to hear what Zhu Xuanqi is thinking at this time. Zhang Fan and Queen Mother Li have the same thinking, but no matter what, Zhu Xuanqi's thinking is to determine how to deal with this matter standards,

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