The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1135 Explain it

"Your Highness, have you considered it?" Zhang Fan asked Zhu Xuanqi. "I think the lord would think about these things on a daily basis. Now the lord only needs to say what he thinks in his daily life. It's nothing difficult. It doesn't take so long to think about it." It's not like Zhang Fan couldn't wait any longer.It's just that I want to remind Zhu Xuanqi.

"I do have some ideas about the affairs of the court." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanqi nodded in agreement.Said that he was indeed as Zhang Fan said.I also have thoughts about these things on weekdays. "It's just that I'm a little curious. I don't know why Mr. Zhang asked me these questions." Zhu Xuanqi couldn't figure out what Zhang Fan meant.Now I am going to ask to understand.Instead of guessing like this.It's better to just ask.Ask Zhang Fan what he meant.

"My lord asked that. It's a little unnecessary." Zhang Fan faced Zhu Xuanqi's question.But he laughed.Said. "Or, I don't believe that the lord doesn't understand why Weichen asked such a question." Although neither of them planned to clarify the matter.But Zhu Xuanqi asked that.Zhang Fan replied like this.In fact, it is equivalent to saying the answer.

There is nothing wrong with doing so.Although the two of them haven't said anything substantive yet.But those few words of rivalry just now.The problem has already been stated.Neither is stupid.I absolutely don't believe that the other party can't hear such a thing.Now Zhang Fan said so.It's not a problem.

"What Master Zhang said. This king already understands a little bit." Zhu Xuanqi also laughed.Hearing what Zhang Fan said.He didn't intend to do those useless secretive work any more.Said. "But it is precisely because this king has come to understand. That's why we need to ask more clearly. After all, this matter is of great importance. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is related to this king's wealth and life. If so, say Naturally, one must be extremely cautious. That’s why I have to ask Mr. Zhang clearly. If the answer is wrong, this king will die wronged.”

"That is to say..." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanqi.Said. "What the lord means is that I want to find out what the humble minister is thinking. In this way, the lord only needs to say what the humble official thinks. The humble official can also agree with the lord. Come to think of it. That's how the lord is. Intended."

"Naturally." Zhang Fan broke his own thoughts.Zhu Xuanqi didn't think there was any problem at all. "Since I have already said it. This matter is of great importance. It may even be life-threatening. Since this is the case, I must be careful when I say it. Otherwise, when the time comes, I will die because I said something wrong. Head. Wouldn't it be even more wronged."

"My lord is serious." Zhang Fan said. "Indeed. Just like what the prince said. This kind of thing. No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious. But if the prince said something that the minister agrees with specifically to cater to the minister, it is not what the prince thinks in his heart. Then Isn't it useless.

"When the time comes, I'll go back and talk about it. The Queen Mother also agrees. But after that, the prince said one thing and did another. In the end, he caused some trouble. The prince himself will not talk about the trouble. Wouldn't the humble minister also be dragged Go into the water."

"It turns out that Mr. Zhang was worried about himself from the beginning to the end." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanqi did not answer.Instead, he said such a sentence.

"My minister would think so. The lord shouldn't find it strange." For Zhu Xuanqi, these words were almost equivalent to ridicule.Zhang Fan didn't think there was any problem.On the contrary, he agrees with what Zhu Xuanqi said. "As the saying goes, people are not for themselves. Heaven and earth will destroy. Although this sentence is a bit too exaggerated. But there is nothing wrong with its original intention. And. It's just a sophistry. If people even If you can’t even keep your own safety, how can you show your ambitions. Although it’s a bit too boastful to say so. But the humble minister can’t help others. In the end, he put himself in it.”

"Master Zhang is very realistic." Zhu Xuanqi said. "However, this king also admits it. Master Zhang's words are also true. This is indeed the case. No matter what you do, you must let yourself be safe first. However, although that is what you say, things still have to be seen Circumstances do. Isn't it?

"Take the matter that this king said to Mr. Zhang now. Although this king asked Mr. Zhang this way, what he said at that time. Even if Mr. Zhang agrees, it is not what this king thinks in his heart. Those. However, Mr. Zhang thinks that even if this king has other ideas, even if it is very similar to what this king said now, so what.

"Master Zhang has been in this king's palace for a while. These days, even Mr. Zhang can't see what is going on in this king's heart. But Mr. Zhang thinks that this king will really do those things. ."

What Zhu Xuanqi said.Zhang Fan didn't care much.But only the last sentence he said.Zhang Fan had some ideas.

Empress Dowager Li wanted to deal with Zhu Xuanqi's idea.The main reason was when Zhu Yijun succeeded to the throne.He actually joined several other vassal kings to play.Said the emperor was young.want a regency.This is simply a naked act of usurping power.And there are so many people playing.Empress Dowager Li just wanted to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.That is because Zhu Xuanqi's power is the biggest among those few people.And when playing.His name was also the first to be front of others.It is clear.This matter was initiated by Zhu Xuanqi.

The reason why Queen Mother Li did this is simple.Capture the thief first and capture the king first.As long as the leaders of these people are suppressed.That is Zhu Xuanqi.There are a few other people who are just around the corner.It will be clear in a moment.Doing this by yourself is just futile.Not only in vain.And get yourself into trouble.If so.These people will not think about it anymore.

It seems from that time.Zhu Xuanqi is indeed ambitious.And his ambition is not small.

But after so many days of thinking.Zhang Fan also understood.Things might be a little different.The reason why I thought about it at the time.Most of it was because the Empress Dowager Li was affecting his thinking at that time.Let him think involuntarily.Zhu Xuanqi has such an ambition.And not just ambition.He still has to act.

but.Zhang Fan thought about it for a while.That doesn't seem to be the case.Zhu Xuanqi's approach.Not so much ambition.Rather, it was just an impulse.

Zhang Fan already knew that Zhu Xuanqi's past life was not satisfactory.And after he became a prince.This past inappropriateness made him explode.It seems like everything has to be tried.certainly.Interference in government affairs is beyond the scope of the word attempt.But it can be explained.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi has been under the prince since he became a prince.Try everything.Including things like interference in government affairs.

certainly.This is also a manifestation of ambition.only.Zhu Xuanqi's ambition is indeed great.But it can make him act.That's all there is to it.He just wanted to play.Let Queen Mother Li know about herself.Let him do anything else.But not necessarily.

Or in other words.Zhu Xuanqi was just bragging.He may have thought so.Even on the memorial.But that's all.As long as Queen Mother Li disagrees with him.Then he will just give up.Will not continue.

That is.Zhu Xuanqi just wanted to try.Just try it out.Let him do it for real.But he won't.Say he has no guts.It doesn't matter how he is.But it doesn't matter now.What matters is that he doesn't do that.

If so.It's not bad to say that Zhu Xuanqi just wants to try everything.

"My lord is not bad." Zhang Fan nodded. "Besides, I don't think the prince will do anything. But this kind of thing doesn't count. And this time I came here by order. Since I came here by order, I have to bring something back. Okay. You can't just be empty-handed like this. So, no matter what, the prince has to give Weichen an explanation. At least he can let Weichen have something to say after returning.

"Let's talk about it. You can't let Weichen talk nonsense about this kind of thing. If the Queen Mother asks Weichen about it, what Weichen said is wrong. Not only the prince is in trouble. Weichen himself still has to There's trouble."

"Yeah. That's true." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanqi did not object.Nodding his head in agreement. "Since that's the case, it's okay for me to talk about it. But before I say it, I want to know. How does the Queen Mother plan to deal with me.

"My lord, don't look at me like that. I'm not stupid. No matter how unbearable I am. Now that things have come to this point, it's impossible for the Queen Mother to just let me go without doing anything. This king must be punished in some way."

"It's hard to say." Zhang Fan said. "My minister can understand a little bit of the Queen Mother's mind. But he dare not tell the prince. If the minister does, I am afraid that the prince will take the words of the minister as a guarantee. But if the time comes, the queen mother is not like the minister. He did what he said. Wouldn't the lord be resentful towards the humble minister?

"However, despite what I said, I also feel that the matter is actually not as serious as the prince thought. Perhaps, the Queen Mother just wants to establish her prestige. She will not do anything seriously."

"I hope so." Zhu Xuanqi sighed.Immediately became helpless. "But speaking of it. This king asked for it himself."

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