The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1137 In Comparison

Zhu Xuanqi didn't want to talk anymore.The conversation with Zhang Fan ended.But Zhang Fan can understand a little bit.Even though I said it with a smile on my face.But Zhu Xuanqi's mood at this time.There is absolutely no way it will be that good.after all.say these things.Although it is my own concern.But secretly decided his own future.No one likes this kind of thing.Not to mention a prince like Zhu Xuanqi.

And Zhang Fan.However, I can understand Zhu Xuanqi's mood.So he didn't say much.He didn't say anything to leave Zhu Xuanqi behind.Just watched him leave and go back.And waited until Zhu Xuanqi left for a while.Zhang Fan just shook his head.Turned around and left.

But wait until Zhang Fan walks out.He was the one who was fooled.indeed.After Zhang Fan calmed down by himself.He is the aftertaste.I have been fooled by Zhu Xuanqi.

True.What Zhu Xuanqi said to him just now.It's all true.Not a single lie.and.Zhang Fan also listened to him very attentively.Although I dare not guarantee [-]% of it.But Zhang Fan felt that there was an [-]% possibility.What Zhu Xuanqi said is the truth.Not to lie to him.after all.If you want to make it up.He would never say that.

but.Let's be honest.And even Zhu Xuanqi didn't have any words or actions to deceive Zhang Fan.But Zhu Xuanqi didn't say everything.What he said.It's not so much his opinion of the court today.Rather it is.His views on the problems in the court today.It's just a question.and nothing else.

so.What Zhu Xuanqi said.It's not so much a view of the court.It might as well be talking about what is wrong with the court today.and how to solve these problems.But that's all.Zhu Xuanqi didn't say anything else.

If so.Zhu Xuanqi's identity.Immediately from a heart with ambition.A prince who wants to do something big.It has become a person who cares about the country and the people.A good prince who is worried about the future of the country.It sounds incredible.After all, he just missed some words.But it is what it is.It is such a part of what is said less.Completely changes the meaning of the entire paragraph.

If Zhang Fan just goes back like this.Tell these words to Queen Mother Li.I'm afraid that time will come.Zhu Xuanqi is indeed safe.After all, he didn't say anything that would endanger the court.And even more than that.He also said these words of concern for the country and the people.In this way.Queen Mother Li even wanted to punish him.You can only threaten him with Zhu Xuanluo's matter.Let him know how great it is.But it doesn't do anything to him.

But.Zhang Fan himself is in trouble.After all, he passed these words to Queen Mother Li.And before that.It was also Empress Dowager Li who sent him to inquire about these words.But after he came back.But it is like this to report good news but not bad news.How can it be safe and sound.Although Empress Dowager Li has no reason to deal with Zhang Fan now.even.She still needs to rely on Zhang Fan in many places.Her son now sits on the throne.Zhang Fan's assistance is also needed.

but.Now she does not sanction Zhang Fan.But he also found Zhang Fan's handle for her to hold in his hand.By the time.If you want to trouble Zhang Fan.That's the end of the matter.Put it lightly.That's a bad thing to do.A vegetarian meal for a dead body; to put it more seriously.That is deliberate cover-up.Don't hide it.Of course.It really is that time.Not only Zhang Fan.Even Zhu Xuanqi had to follow suit.

But for Zhang Fan.What will happen to Zhu Xuanqi?He really doesn't care.But he cares about himself.He can't always do everything.You have to put yourself in it, right?

And now.Zhang Fan fell into this kind of trouble again.Zhu Xuanqi had already told him.Even if it is incomplete.But after all it has been said.In this way.Zhang Fan wanted to find him again.Let him tell the whole story.I'm afraid Zhu Xuanqi won't be answering him anymore.after all.Since he said so today.It's like he's just going to say that.

Zhang Fan felt that he was tricked by Zhu Xuanqi.But fortunately.Zhang Fan didn't just rely on Zhu Xuanqi's words to report back to Queen Mother Li.He now has Zhu Xuanluo in his hand.In fact, Zhang Fan already had the chance to win.

The reason why he asked Zhu Xuanqi these words today.There are two to make Zhu Xuanqi take it lightly.Let him feel on his side.No progress at all.In addition to talking to him.There is no other way.If so.Nature has its benefits.The most basic thing is to make Zhu Xuanqi feel that Zhang Fan came back without success this time.He felt that he was flawless.In this way.Zhu Xuanqi would not put too much energy on Zhang Fan.In this way.The matter of Zhu Xuanluo reduced the possibility of cheating.Although it can't be of any help to the family tree that I went to.But it can also make Zhu Xuanqi relax a bit.

the second.It was because Zhang Fan's views on Zhu Xuanqi had changed.Before coming to Sichuan.Even the assassination of Zhu Yijun was done with the help of Queen Mother Li.But the reason that prompted Zhang Fan to do so.It was because he believed that Zhu Xuanqi did have such an ambition.after all.At the beginning, Zhu Xuanqi cooperated with several other vassal kings to play the matter.Zhang Fan naturally knew about it.He also saw the memorial with his own words.A lot of arrogance.Indeed, only those who have that thought can write it.Moreover.Zhu Xuanqi's name is among the best.If you think about it that way.Even if the memorial was not written by Zhu Xuanqi himself.And definitely what he wanted.That being the case.Isn't that enough to explain his ambition?

Zhang Fan's thoughts.Until he arrived in Sichuan.I have always thought so.but.Ever since Zhang Fan lived in the Shu Palace.His view of Zhu Xuanqi also changed.perhaps.Zhu Xuanqi because of what he had encountered before.Let him who is now a prince.Doing things is indeed a little different.Some people think he is ambitious.Some people feel that he is defiant.

But actually.Zhang Fan has also seen it.Zhu Xuanqi also belongs to the kind of thoughtful but gutless.He absolutely can't do the things he said.In this case.Whether it is for the court.For Zhu Yijun.Or for Queen Mother Li.Even Zhu Xuanqi didn't pose much of a threat.

besides.It's about Zhu Xuanluo.Zhang Fan found Zhu Xuanluo.It is equivalent to finding what Queen Mother Li wanted.The best way to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.

Although I said a lot to Zhu Xuanluo before.But Zhang Fan knew it in his heart.It is impossible for Queen Mother Li to pull Zhu Xuanqi down.Let Zhu Xuanluo go up again.And even Queen Mother Li intends to do so.Zhang Fan will also try his best to stop her.

Why.Logically speaking, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.Let Empress Dowager Li do whatever she wants.It's fine if he doesn't ask.

But Zhang Fan had no choice but to do so.Although it is too boastful to say some great truths.But Zhang Fan understood.Doing this by yourself is definitely a great thing for the court.

Why do you say that.It was because Zhang Fan saw it.In fact, Zhu Xuanluo didn't need Zhu Xuanqi at all.Although Zhu Xuanluo has not done anything now.Even revenge for Zhu Xuanqi is a matter of course.But Zhang Fan saw something different.

That's right.Zhu Xuanluo spoke up.It is somewhat similar to Zhu Xuanqi's previous life.But not the same.Zhu Xuanluo was born from a concubine.When I was a child, I was treated coldly in the palace.But said it was a cold reception.He was nothing more than that.After all, compared to running around outside.Worried about being able to eat enough.Even if you have to compare it with others.I get blindsided every day.Was scolded a few words.But live in luxury.Compare the two situations.No need to ask which one is more acceptable.

And Zhu Xuanqi is in the second situation.After he became a prince.Although because of past events.Make him a little bit arrogant.But that's all.After such a period of time.There won't be so many boring thoughts anymore.

But Zhu Xuanluo is different.His revenge on Zhu Xuanqi now.The reason why Zhang Fan felt that it was natural for him to do so.The biggest reason is.what he suffered.suffer.Compared with Zhu Xuanqi.It is far too much.How old are you?He had to give up his status as a prince.Suffer hardships outside.Even after he just became sensible.Also had to accept a person's teaching.It hurts all over my body every day.And in this case.There is only one thing that supports Zhu Xuanluo.That is revenge.Then take back what is his own.

certainly.It's one thing.But Zhang Fan was thinking about the future.If.Zhu Xuanluo succeeded in his revenge.Pulled Zhu Xuanqi from the throne of the prince.Then.He relies on his identity.Justifiably replaced it.Then after that.What will happen after that.

Just imagine.Zhu Xuanqi hadn't suffered much crime before.But wait until he sits on the throne of the prince.It's already caused so many things.Even the empress dowager has her eye on him.

What if it was Zhu Xuanluo instead.The crime he suffered was even greater than that of Zhu Xuanqi.And he's in his 20s now.If he becomes a prince.Absolutely no one can restrain him.Wait until then.He felt it was time to display his "ambition".Let yourself feel it.Unfettered.Do whatever you want.And no one can control his life.Playing around.It will definitely cause big trouble.

This is what Zhang Fan is really worried would rather let Zhu Xuanqi stay in his current seat.Even if it is looking for trouble in the future.It won't be big either.He also didn't want Zhu Xuanluo to cause him more trouble.

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