The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1138 A Big Gamble

The news that came back that night was already very clear. More than 2 people gathered near Yongning Mansion had already taken action.

Speaking of which, there is a strange thing, not to mention the rebellion that happened before, even if you have not experienced such a thing, you can think of it. Generally speaking, those who do this kind of thing are It is necessary to gather strength secretly in advance, and then burst out suddenly.

Take this time, when Zhang Yong and Wang Xin gathered so many people, they should have been silent before, so as not to let people see any flaws, and then when they acted, they suddenly appeared in front of everyone. You have to do a big thing first. After all, this kind of thing also pays attention to momentum, so that it can inspire people. If the results are achieved at the beginning, they will be more confident in the people who follow them to rebel.

Therefore, logically speaking, the first thing the two 3 people should do is not to gather all the troops and then launch an attack in a leisurely manner, but to start the attack before they have assembled.

For example, these people usually live among the tribes near Yongning Mansion, and then, through secret contacts, the time was determined, and then these people gathered in one place and immediately started their great cause of rebellion. , I am afraid that Yongning Mansion will become their first target.

This is an obvious thing, and it is also a very common sense thing. After all, they are right next to Yongning Mansion. Naturally, they have to deal with this place first. No matter what, first conquer a town and grab some things, even if it is Yongning The mansion is not too big, even if the oil and water here in Yongning mansion is not enough to satisfy these 3 people, but doing so can greatly boost the confidence of these people, and they will be ready for what they are going to do next. It was a good start.

Both Zhang Fan and Liu Xian have thought about this, and they decided to temporarily abandon Yongning Mansion. Although this was indeed a bad idea to catch those two talents, neither Zhang Fan nor Liu Xian are cold-blooded. .

Although Zhang Fan is a Jin Yiwei, he usually does things to achieve his goals by any means, but he can't do it if he is asked to use the lives of the entire state capital as the price for realizing his ambitions.

The same is true for Liu Xian. Although he is a warrior and a general who doesn't ask too many questions, he will not be able to do such a thing. After all, the reason why Liu Xian joined the army to fight was not to satisfy his warlike desire , more to make the world peaceful, or just to live a peaceful life for himself, so, in comparison, it is even more impossible for Liu Xian to do such a thing than Zhang Fan.

However, from this point of view, the two people knew that there would be a rebellion, but they did not notify the people in Yongning Mansion to take refuge. It seems that this is not the case. However, the two Do, but after consideration.

The first reason is naturally to arrest Zhang Yong and Wang Xin. If they notify the people of Yongning Mansion to take refuge in advance, it is impossible to avoid being known. After all, it will be a big scene at that time. In this way, the news will be known by those two people immediately. Based on their understanding of those two people, if they know that the court has known their plan in advance and has made preparations to arrest them, They will definitely not wait there stupidly, they must run away immediately, and this is definitely not what Zhang Fan and Liu Xian hope to see, the trouble caused by these two people, it is best to end forever It's better here.

Of course, if it was only for this reason, the two of them would not do this. After all, they are not stupid. It is impossible for so many people to be buried with them for such two people. This really made Zhang Fan and Liu Xian make up their minds. The reason is another, that is based on their understanding of these two people.

Whether it is Zhang Fan or Liu Xian, they have never seen any of these two people with their own eyes. The guesses based on their evaluations, speaking of which, whether it is Zhang Fan or Liu Xian, both of them understand that things that they have not heard or seen with their own eyes are unreliable, even if everyone is like this. Said, but you can't just rest assured, maybe those two people have fooled everyone.

But this time, for Zhang Yong and Wang Xin, they didn't just hear about it, they actually met each other. Liu Xian's experience needless to say, but Zhang Fan has Incomparably confident, why, relying on the information he sent people to stay with those two people for such a long time.

Speaking of sending people to go undercover beside these two people, the reason is simply because Zhang Fan heard that these two people are still planning something in the dark, and the two of them were also people who followed Wei Yinbao in the rebellion. Now that Zhang Fan is Jin Yiwei, when he heard the news about these two people, he naturally couldn't turn a blind eye. Afterwards, the matter of Fang Yueling's father also made Zhang Fan make up his mind to know about these two people, so this is the way to send it. People went to check around them.

However, now it's not about what Zhang Fan's people found out, but about the difficulty of putting people next to these two people.

For this matter, Zhang Fan only has one word to describe it, difficult, it is very, very difficult, even if someone with the Five Poisons Sect is the internal support, but those two people do not believe that other people's temperament has penetrated into the bone marrow, Therefore, it didn't take too long for Zhang Fan to send people there until he successfully penetrated into their interior. Although it didn't take too long for Zhang Fan to reach those two people, the effort he spent was far more than the similar actions of other Jin Yiwei. of.

This is not because Zhang Fan's people are not strong enough. After all, it is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. The main reason why it is so troublesome this time is that those two people are too suspicious. , I am cautious about everything, for fear that it will threaten my safety.

Although it is said that there is nothing wrong with being cautious when doing this kind of thing, these two people are too much. It is said that those who achieve great things do not care about small things, but no matter what this sentence is about, in short, this Neither of them is a person who does big things. Maybe what they are doing now is really big, but their minds are very small.

To put it in a disguised form, these two people are extremely cowardly.

And it is precisely because of this that Zhang Fan and Liu Xian dared not to notify the people of Yongning Mansion to let them take refuge. Firstly, they wanted to prevent them from being caught by surprise, and secondly, they felt that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin did not dare to kill in Yongning Mansion.

Why don't you dare, before you say this, why don't you think about it first, what will happen if they dare to do this, in this land, since Qin Shihuang ruled the world, no matter which dynasty it is, the territory under its rule is extremely vast Yes, and in this way, as long as there is a slight mismanagement of governance, it is easy to cause big problems below, and after the big problems, things like rebellion and rebellion will follow.

The ruler naturally understands that the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest, so even in the face of a small beacon fire, he must immediately put out the matter. Therefore, the internal control is the strictest. No dynasty or generation will allow people who cause chaos within themselves. Even if the country is facing a double situation of internal and external troubles, even if the external troubles are far greater than the internal troubles, they still focus on the interior first and follow the " It is an iron rule that we must first settle down when fighting against the outside world.

In this way, the thoughts of these two people can be somewhat understood. First of all, what they are doing now is definitely a treasonable thing for Ming Ting. There is no doubt about this. If they are arrested If you live, you will definitely die.

However, if the court did not catch anyone, there are two situations.

If these two people were truly sinful and did a lot of bad things, for example, killing many people, the imperial court would definitely regard these two people as thorns in their eyes and thorns in their flesh, and wanted to get rid of them quickly. Even if it takes a lot of effort, the court will send people to hunt them down until they die.

However, if it is said that although these two people made a lot of noise, they didn't kill anyone in the end, and what they caused was only a situation that could be recovered by spending money, the situation would be different again, until At that time, the two packed up their bags and fled. The imperial court may send people to arrest them, but the force will definitely not be too great.

Then, after the two of them made a lot of money through this time, as long as they keep their names incognito and don't show off too much, it is impossible to live until the day they die of old age.

Obviously, that's what the two men had in mind.

And it was precisely because of this that Zhang Fan and Liu Xian made up their minds not to announce the plans over there, nor to let the people of Yongning Mansion take refuge in advance.

Originally, although the two of them did this, they were not at ease. After all, even if they had great confidence in this kind of thing, if they made a mistake, they would become eternal sinners.

But now it seems that the two of them guessed right. The 2 people did not surprise the Yongning Mansion, but let others know and gathered together. Obviously, this is not the appearance of killing people. It also relieved the two of them.

However, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian frowned upon seeing the news reported. The matter was not as simple as they thought.

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