The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1141 The First Past

After ordering Wang Meng to report his order to Liang Chao and the others who were investigating in Yongning all night, it was getting late. After Haishi, it was already late at night, and for Zhang Fan, he was busy One day, he was very sleepy, lying on the bed with fatigue all over his body, but he never thought that he was indeed very tired before, and after he lay down on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Now that so many things have happened, it is naturally worth Zhang Fan to think about it, but after thinking about it carefully, although so many things have happened, Zhang Fan has already arranged most of the things now, and yesterday Although the conversation with Zhu Xuanqi could not solve any problems, and Zhang Fan was fooled by Zhu Xuanqi, but these did not hinder the next things Zhang Fan arranged.

Moreover, even Zhang Fan was a little worried about what happened in Yongning Mansion, but it was only a little bit. After all, arrangements have been made there now. Even if time is tight, in Zhang Fan's view, With Liang Chao and nine capable subordinates, plus the chess pieces that had been arranged there early on, even though he said that to Wang Meng before, the people of the Five Poisons Sect can more or less be counted. It is not too difficult to complete this task for those with the last combat strength.

In other words, although there are many things happening today, and they are all major events, and they all need to be careful so that no mistakes can be made, but for these things that have been arranged, there is actually no need to bother too much, as long as Zhang Fan Just make sure that you don't make any trouble when you are doing it here.

However, no matter how you look at it, these things are really not enough to make Zhang Fan sleepless, but unfortunately, Zhang Fan really can't sleep this time, lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, even he He didn't know why it became like this, and he also felt that he was not bothered by any one thing, let alone digging into a dead end, but he just couldn't sleep.

Perhaps, it's not because Zhang Fan is too focused on any one thing, but because there are too many things now, even if all these things have been arranged, what to do next, but think about it one by one , How can there be time to sleep.

For every matter, Zhang Fan has to consider two situations. Success is certainly a good thing, but there is no need to think too much about it, but what if it fails, no matter how well-planned the plan is, there is a possibility of failure. And in case, one of the things fails, Zhang Fan is not a person without self-confidence, but this does not mean that he will be arrogant, it is just a cautious attitude in dealing with things. Consider the situation after the failure of one thing, and then think about what should be done after all.

After that, I thought about it over and over again.


With the sound of knocking on the door, Zhang Fan's door was opened, Joanna walked in, and asked with concern, "Fan, what's the matter, can't sleep?"

Hearing Joanna enter his room, Zhang Fan sat up from the bed and apologized to her: "Well, I really care about some things in my heart, and it's my fault for disturbing your rest."

"No, it's nothing, you didn't bother me, it's just..." Joanna hurriedly said when she heard what Zhang Fan said, "Actually, I can't sleep either, it's just that I heard movement from you." Come and see," Joanna blushed a little when she said these words, but thanks to the fact that it was dark now, and there was no light in the room, only some starlight shone in, and Zhang Fan couldn't see it.

However, maybe this is also a pity.

But Joanna, the reason why she blushed was not because what she said was a lie made up to cater to Zhang Fan. She really couldn't sleep, but she didn't lie on the bed like Zhang Fan did. , she just lay quietly, unable to sleep.

Of course, the reason why Joanna couldn't sleep was completely different from Zhang Fan. Although she also cared about what Zhang Fan had to deal with now, and whether Zhang Fan could complete these things smoothly, first of all, she didn't know what Zhang Fan was going to do. What kind of problems are she facing; secondly, all she cares about is whether Zhang Fan can complete the project smoothly, but she doesn't ask how to do it.

However, speaking of these, in fact, there is only one reason why Joanna can't fall asleep, and that's all because of Zhang Fan. She was thinking about Zhang Fan. If she said it more accurately Some, she was thinking about the things between Zhang Fan and her.

Naturally, it is impossible to forget the tragic past so easily in such a short period of time. However, it is the tragic past in her heart that makes Joanna understand the happiness in front of her better. She understands how Zhang Fan treats Zhang Fan Her own, she can feel it.

As a woman, Joanna served in the army even after she grew up, but her heart did not change much. Even though she became stronger externally, she was still incomparable in her heart. Slender, perhaps, originally her heart would not be exposed to outsiders, even her closest people, her mother often advised her to do a little more what a woman should do, not to be so tough Yes, but the occurrence of that incident caused all her disguise to collapse in an instant, revealing the things deep in her heart without any concealment in front of outsiders.

Even after that, she was on the front line of the battlefield, wandering between life and death for a whole year, but these still couldn't change her already exposed weak heart.

However, when she came to Zhang Fan's side and found her true home, Joanna's heart was not at peace, not to say that she was not what she expected, in fact, as early as Joanna had just happened At that time, although Wang Xiliang had not received any instructions from Zhang Fan because he was thousands of miles away, he could just treat it as a random guess. In short, he felt that Zhang Fan had some meaning for Joanna, so he made his own decision. , invited Joanna to live in Daming.

But at that time, Joanna, who had become penniless, did not agree. It was not because she still had hope in her heart, or for other reasons. The real reason was Zhang Fan.

In fact, Wang Xiliang did not guess wrong. Zhang Fan did have that kind of meaning for Joanna, but nothing happened at that time. As far as Zhang Fan was concerned, he knew that Joanna was a nobleman in Portugal. In this era, it is impossible for two people who are separated by thousands of miles to have anything happen. What's more, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to abandon everything in Daming, and the same is true for Joanna. He liked him, but he didn't respond in any way. He felt that it was best to just cut it off.

Therefore, Joanna did not agree to Wang Xiliang's proposal, and immediately followed him back to Daming, because Zhang Fan had never expressed his feelings to her, although Joanna's affection for Zhang Fan was far worse than that of Europeans. According to the standard, it is already reserved and can no longer be reserved, but at that time, Joanna had already understood a lot of Ming's customs, and she knew it was obvious to do so, but Zhang Fan didn't give her any Therefore, she rejected Wang Xiliang's proposal. She was afraid that Zhang Fan would not accept her. She was already extremely hurt and could not experience any more storms.

However, she was not willing to give up just like that, so she told Wang Xiliang, give her a year, and then go to the front line in India to pick her up, if she is still alive by then.

In fact, what she said was not just to calm herself down, but to give Zhang Fan such a time. She didn't know whether Zhang Fan would accept her, so doing so was equivalent to giving Zhang Fan such a time. Yes, she wanted to get Zhang Fan's consent first, and use her life as a bet.

Of course, she thought about it, maybe Zhang Fan didn't have that kind of thought about her at all, maybe within a year, she had already died in that strange land, or maybe, after a year, she could survive, but But she didn't wait for any Ming Dynasty ship to pick her up, but she still gave up such an opportunity.

However, what Joanna had in mind was more than that. She knew that as long as she could survive a year, Zhang Fan would definitely send someone to pick her up.

However, what made Joanna think this way was not her self-confidence, but a very sad way of thinking. She had contacted Zhang Fan when she was an envoy to Daming, so more or less, she understood What kind of person Zhang Fan is, that is, Zhang Fan is a soft-hearted person. Perhaps, even for the sake of his desolate appearance, Zhang Fan will take him in after all because it is just one more mouth to eat. Bar.

That's right, what Joanna thought at the time was that simple, so humble.

But when she really came to Zhang Fan's side, it was different. It turned out that she found that Zhang Fan really liked her a little bit.

After knowing this, Joanna suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart. She felt that she wanted to cry, and she wanted to cry a lot, but whenever she wanted to cry bitterly, her heart She would think of Zhang Fan, but at this time, she couldn't cry anymore, she didn't want to disappoint Zhang Fan's good intentions, since she was very happy now, she shouldn't shed tears anymore.

Somehow, at such a moment, Joanna thought of these things,

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