The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1142 Injustice

At such a moment, Joanna didn't know why, but suddenly remembered the past in her heart.

When she just came back, when she saw Zhang Fan again, Joanna really had the urge to cry. After all, after so many things, she felt a new life at this time, but at that time she But she didn't cry out. She knew that she was going to live a happy life. Even if the past was unforgettable, she definitely couldn't make the current self shed tears because of the misery of the past.

But now, perhaps because she has lived for a long time now, although she has not forgotten those things in the past, even if she thinks about them occasionally, it makes her feel that thinking about those things now is simply like a dream Similarly, those things in the past are like a nightmare, but the happiness in front of me is the most real existence.

It sounds like Joanna's feelings are simply deceiving herself and avoiding the past, but now she doesn't need this at all. After all, the things in front of her are real anyway, and the things in the past, no matter how she Can't let go, but there is no way to change the past.

It's just that she may not have realized that her dependence on Zhang Fan is really too strong. It's not that kind of formal dependence, nor does it mean that she insists on staying with Zhang Fan all the time. No matter what Joanna does, she will always think of Zhang Fan in her heart, not to mention, if Zhang Fan has something to do, or if he shows such troubled appearance, how will it affect her.

Just like now, Joanna really couldn't sleep, but it wasn't because she had any worries, she was just thinking about something, some plans of her own, but when she heard Zhang Fan tossing and turning unable to fall asleep, what she thought The things I thought about changed completely, and I transferred from my own affairs to Zhang Fan, and began to worry about Zhang Fan. That conversation before.

As far as Zhang Fan was concerned, he really didn't know what Joanna was thinking, and just now, Joanna's rosy face was also hidden from Zhang Fan because it was covered by the night. However, the night can block the line of sight, But it couldn't block the transmission of the sound, and it was precisely because of the darkness that the sound was heard even more clearly than usual.

As for Zhang Fan, when he heard what Joanna said just now, the different tone of voice in his voice made Zhang Fan a little distracted. He didn't know what happened to Joanna now, why? will be so.

However, before Zhang Fan could figure it out, Joanna walked to his bedside and asked, "Can I lie down and help?"

Joanna's words once again made Zhang Fan a little confused. He hummed lightly, regardless of whether Joanna could see clearly, nodded, and then moved his body to the other side.

Hearing the sound, Joanna got into Zhang Fan's quilt and lay down.

Although the winter here is not as severe as in the north, it is the first month after all, and the night is very cold. Inadvertently, Joanna thought about Zhang Fan's body and snuggled up to him, but Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it. He just felt that Joanna's body was cold, presumably because he was standing outside for a while wearing only his underwear just now, Zhang Fan stretched out his arms and wrapped Joanna in his arms.

Compared with Han women, Joanna of European descent was indeed taller than them, but Joanna was of that petite size, so she didn't feel inappropriate to snuggle up in Zhang Fan's arms like this.

But at this time, Joanna is not concerned about these things. Zhang Fan's embrace is very warm. Although she knows that it is because Zhang Fan has been staying in the quilt, this kind of warmth is what makes Joanna feel warm. Another feeling, a very nostalgic taste.

I can’t remember how long it’s been since I felt this kind of warmth. Being held in someone’s arms made me feel calm, and I felt that I was in the most peaceful place where I couldn’t be touched by any wind or rain. A feeling of wholehearted protection.

How long has it been since she felt this kind of feeling? Joanna doesn't know herself. She only remembers that when she was a child, her mother would always coax her to sleep like this. But since when, her mother has never been like this again. After hugging her, Joanna has long since forgotten. Since her father passed away, or since she had to take on the important task of revitalizing the entire family, Joanna really does not remember.

Once upon a time, Joanna felt that she had become strong enough to face any difficulties. Even if she was alone and no one came to comfort her, she could survive the difficulties alone and accomplish her goals.

But now Zhang Fan's embrace made her regain that feeling. It was not the feeling of being cared for by her relatives, nor was it caused by desire, but simply caring. This feeling made Joanna feel at ease. Leaning her head in Zhang Fan's arms and listening to his heartbeat, Joanna felt that she never wanted to leave, she just wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever.

And why is Zhang Fan not like this? Of course, his feelings are different from Joanna's at this time. Holding Joanna in his arms, Zhang Fan didn't have any desire, just hugged her like this, and even if he hugged her again After a while, Joanna's body warmed up just like his, but Zhang Fan always felt that he needed to continue hugging her like this to warm her up.

Perhaps at this moment, Zhang Fan was comforting Joanna, but Zhang Fan had a different feeling. He felt that Joanna was comforting him.

Zhang Fan, who couldn't sleep, was thinking about those things in his mind, and after thinking for so long, there was no result. In the end, it was not much different from when he didn't think about it.

The arrival of Joanna did not help Zhang Fan solve any problems, but it calmed Zhang Fan's heart and stopped thinking about things that had no answers at all.

After a while, Zhang Fan suddenly said in a low voice: "If you are worried about the situation here, there is nothing to worry about. I have already arranged everything. Although I don't know if it will be smooth, but I don't think anything will happen. Big problem, although there is going to be a fight over there, it won't be long before it ends. If you are still worried, you can go back to the capital first, and I will go back in a few days. When the time comes... "

"don't want,"

Before Zhang Fan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Joanna. She suddenly stretched out her hand and hugged Zhang Fan tightly, as if the two of them would be separated if they did not do so. The face on Zhang Fan's chest was pressed even tighter.

The "no" sound was so small, but it made Zhang Fan understand that Joanna was extremely determined.

" are..." Zhang Fan didn't react for a while, and suddenly said self-righteously, "Look at what I said, yes, although there is going to be a war here, it is impossible to fight in Chengdu Mansion Come on, not to mention, you are also a person who has been on the battlefield, I am afraid you will not care about these things, "

"'s not..." It was Joanna's negative voice who responded to Zhang Fan, "I don't want to see war anymore, I don't even want to think about it, I watched too much in that year I don't want to see you again for the rest of my life."

"Then why..." Joanna's words made Zhang Fan a little confused. Since he didn't want to see the war, he didn't want to hear about the war, and he didn't even want to think about the war, why bother? If you stay here, why not just go back to the capital and wait for yourself.

"I..." Joanna didn't know what to say for a moment, and then continued after a while, "I just don't want to be separated from Fan. When I first came here, I envied Ru Xue and the others, and I also I want to be a mortal, but that time, when fan went hunting with the emperor, he couldn’t take his female relatives with him, and I haven’t become a mortal yet, so I was really happy to be able to follow, and it’s the same this time.

"I don't want to occupy you like a person, it's just that I don't want to be separated from you, even if I can't see you for a day, but as long as I know that you are not far from me, my heart will be at ease, so this time, no matter No matter what happens, I won't leave you, anyone who can do your business with peace of mind, just let me know that you are not far away, and I will be satisfied if I can see you, "

Joanna's words made Zhang Fan speechless for a moment. He originally thought that the reason why Joanna didn't want to leave was because of his own reasons, but he never thought that Joanna would say such a thing.

In the end, Joanna did not take the initiative to say how much she suffered during that year, and Zhang Fan would not take the initiative to ask her about such things, but now it seems that even if she is already safe, it is absolutely impossible What happened now, but Joanna's sense of insecurity still hasn't receded.

No, it's not so much that it hasn't receded, it's better to say that there is no sign of fading at all. The reason why Joanna is so cheerful on weekdays is all because Zhang Fan is by her side, so that she won't think of those bad things. past.

At this time, Joanna revealed her thoughts, but it also made Zhang Fan understand how fragile Joanna, who seemed to be the strongest, was in her heart.

"Don't worry," Zhang Fan kissed Joanna deeply on the forehead and hugged her tightly, "I won't leave you. When this matter is over, we'll go back right away."

"En," responded softly, Zhang Fan's peace of mind completely calmed Joanna's heart, and with this peace, she quickly fell asleep.

But Zhang Fan never fell asleep.

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