The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1143 Liu Xian's Plan

It was already a battle that was close at hand, and it was unavoidable at all. Even if Liang Chao and the others sensed the Yongning Mansion, they immediately found out where Zhang Yong and Wang Xin were hiding, and took action immediately to arrest or kill them. They were defeated, but it was impossible for the assembled army of more than 2 troops from various tribes to retreat so quickly.

Perhaps, these people will become chaotic, but they will not retreat because of this. After all, the reason why they put aside their conflicts and gather together is actually because of their interests. They have not received any benefits other than a few months of food. These people are very realistic. Even if they are short-sighted, they are also very realistic. Since there is no benefit, it is naturally impossible to just retreat like this.

What's more, Liang Chao and the others haven't found those two people yet.

But now, it is no longer the focus of these two people, because the war has already begun.

It was at midnight today that the scouts sent by Liu Xian to patrol the east side of Yongning Mansion found the traces of the brigade. Now everyone knows what happened here, so these scouts don't need to After thinking about it, I immediately understood that the Yongning Mansion had already started to move, and the scouts who understood the seriousness of this immediately rode to Sichuan Xingdusi to notify Liu Xian.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Xian, who knew the news, was a little surprised, but he didn't delay at all. According to the situation reported by the scouts, he immediately set up his formation and gave the order to prepare to meet the enemy.

As for the people below, they didn't know what happened when they first started, and they complained a lot about Liu Xian's order. Not only did they not tell them why they did this, but more importantly Yes, Liu Xian chose to let them patrol here at such a time. You must know that some of these people came with Liu Xian. These people came from all over the world and left their homes. They are locals from Sichuan. Their family members are not far from them, but they can’t go home for the New Year. They don’t even have time to rest. They have to patrol here every day. How can they not complain? .

However, when the news that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin began to assemble the army spread, these people immediately understood that in fact, they should not doubt Liu Xian. After all, Liu Xian has led troops to fight for many years. Naturally, he would not make this kind of mistake. Of course, although it is not certain whether this is a mistake, Liu Xian is not the kind of person who likes to make a big fuss. Now, it has further confirmed that Liu Xian's proposition is correct. The only reason for this is because it is the time of the New Year, and everyone wants to go home for the New Year.

But now, it is already the critical moment of the war, and it is naturally impossible for these people to complain any more. Although, in comparison, the following people would rather not go home during the Chinese New Year. Patrolling in the wild, but they don't want to go to the battlefield to fight with others. However, this kind of thing can't be left to them. After all, since they have joined the army, they can only follow the orders from above, and they are not allowed to make their own decisions.

However, what happened this time made these people willing. The last time the Bo people were conquered was not long in the past. At that time, these people also worked together very well. Although some people were afraid of losing their lives, but in comparison , if the Bo people are not eliminated, it is also a huge threat to them. After all, the Bo people have been rampant in this land for so long, not only the various tribes living here, but even the Han people are often harassed by the Bo people. Therefore, in order to For themselves and for their families, they absolutely spared no effort in eliminating the Bo people.

But this time, there is actually not much difference between what happened to the Bo people last time. Compared with the threat of the Bo people to them, these rebels are even more excessive. After all, the Bo people don't care Han people or people from other ethnic groups, they all rob without discrimination, and they also understand that if they do it too hard, they will definitely be severely suppressed by many parties. Therefore, although the Bo people kill people, they are not exterminated. There are really many reasons why Liu Xian's army was wiped out this time.

But these people are different. These people are an army of people from various tribes. The purpose of these people is very simple, that is, to rebel. Even this time, these people did not kill anyone in Yongning Mansion, but for these people below, even if they are uneducated, they can be foreseen. Once these people rush into Sichuan, they will definitely die. Those who started killing, for this, they also had to fight desperately.

And at this moment, Liu Xian's order to meet the enemy came out, and these people naturally started to move immediately.

Thus, the confrontation between the two armies took place on such a night.

To say it was a confrontation is actually not right. It should be said that this side has already set up a formation to ambush those who plan to attack Sichuan.

When the news from Yongning Mansion came over, preparations had already started here. Although the people below didn't know about it, for Liu Xian, since there was already movement there, the battle was set up here, and it wouldn't be too late. Let those two people be too nervous, at most, at most, just this time, Liu Xian dispatched his troops quickly.

The place where the two armies confronted was at the intersection of Sichuan and Yunnan. Although there were quite a few people coming from Yongning, it was only a mere [-] people.

And what ambushed directly opposite them was Liu Xian's 5000 troops. These [-] people had never moved before, just to wait for this moment. Of course, not only here, Yongning can lead to a few People were ambushed everywhere.

This time, after receiving Liu Xian's order, these people didn't panic too much. After all, they already knew that this moment would come, so they didn't get nervous because of the order. Besides, these people People are all people who have been on the battlefield, so it is not very difficult to deal with this kind of scene.

However, Liu Xian's order this time was not just to meet the enemy, but also to wipe out all the 2000 people.

Although it has been discussed before that this time, there is no need to kill people, but in the face of these 2000 people, Liu Xian still gave the order to kill. He is very clear that although these 2000 people are quite a lot, they can only be regarded as the first at best. The troops are gone, they were sent out there to find out the truth.

If all the 2000 people were wiped out here, Yongning would definitely panic. This would ease their next move.

And the reason why Liu Xian wanted to do this was because of Zhang Fan. He knew Zhang Fan's plan very well. After all, he was there at the time and had discussed it with Zhang Fan. The most important thing this time was to catch or kill him. For Zhang Yong and Wang Xin, other things can be put aside first.

Although Liu Xian has not received the news, he also knows that Zhang Fan's people must have sneaked into Yongning Mansion and are ready to do something. If these 2000 people are annihilated here, there will definitely be discussions in Yongning. Slow down the pace of dispatching troops. After all, these people do not completely obey the orders of those two people. No matter what they say, these tribes will not waste their combat power in vain. If this is the case, Zhang Fan's people will succeed. The chances will be much greater.

More importantly, Liu Xian also considered one point, which was similar to what Zhang Fan thought, and that was the motive of those two people this time.

Liu Xian knew about the news that the Yongning Mansion was looted several hours earlier than Zhang Fan. Although Liu Xian had fought for many years, he was no worse than others in this respect, so he figured it out without much effort. With such a reason, I am afraid that those two people are planning to get a vote in this way, and then leave immediately.

However, even after knowing such news, Liu Xian didn't know how those two people planned to do this.

But now, after hearing that Yongning had suddenly sent nearly 2000 people out, Liu Xian understood.

Indeed, perhaps at first glance, such 2000 people are just the vanguard, and in such a short period of time, even if the other side is fully prepared, it is normal to send 2000 people out.

But Liu Xian didn't think so. After all, he had already made preparations on his own side, and the news of what was prepared on his side was not concealed, and there was no way to conceal it. Since there was movement in Yongning, here After gathering the people and horses, everyone will understand.

But facing the imperial court's tens of thousands of troops, there was only a team of 2000 people sent out there, it really shouldn't be.

But Liu Xian could tell that the reason why those two people did this was because they wanted to delay time intentionally and attract the attention of the 2 men under him to this side, so that they could escape easily.

They could see that the imperial court didn't want to massacre in the face of so many tribes, so they did so.

But Liu Xian did the opposite. Indeed, in this matter, it is true that there should not be too many killings, but Liu Xian doesn't pay attention to the mere 2000 people. Since the 2000 people sent When they came to the door, Liu Xian naturally couldn't be polite and annihilated them all directly.

In this way, Yongning's eyes will not be staring at this side, but at those two people. After all, their actions have caused the death of 2000 people.

And this can also buy a lot of time for Zhang Fan's people.

For the rest, it depends on whether Liang Chao and his gang can make a quick decision.

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