The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1144 Victory in the First Battle

When ugly.That's how the war started.Said to fight.In fact, the war is completely one-sided.

Although in comparison.It is true that the people of these tribes are more powerful.after all.They often have friction with each other.So there are more opportunities to call back and forth.In this way, they are naturally stronger than Liu Xian's men.

Liu Xian's soldiers.Those who followed Liu Xian to fight north and south.It is true that each has experienced many battles.Naturally, there is nothing to say.But these people add up to only 5000 people at best.And Liu Xian set up a line of defense.It is to disperse these people into various teams.It can also be regarded as an encouragement to others below.

And except for these 5 people.Most of them are soldiers from Sichuan.Although these people grew up on this land.From small to large.Fighting between various tribes is definitely not uncommon.But when it comes to actually putting them on the field to fight.But not many times.Although the scene against the Bo people.They are absolute workhorses.But it was just one if you already have some experience.But still not much.

so.If it is compared, it is more powerful over there.Naturally, the opponent is much taller than here.

but.war.It's not about one or two people.It depends on many people.Let me be more precise.That is to rely on the whole.On the other hand, there is a lack of this kind of thing.After all their union.Although it has already been premeditated.But what unites these people.It's just the word interest.It is because of the interests.That's why these people can come together.If not.There will be fights among themselves.Not to mention the unanimity to the outside world.That is absolutely impossible.

And this.The advantages on Liu Xian's side are reflected.have nothing to say.After all, these people are soldiers in the army.And no matter what kind of mentality you have to join the army.Is it serving the country, revenge, or simply wanting to fill the stomach.But since you entered the army.Then you have to obey the orders above.

And after joining the army.First things first.Naturally, it is necessary to turn these ordinary people into soldiers who can pick up swords and guns and charge to kill the enemy.Become a force.If so.This kind of training is also indispensable.And military training.It's not an ordinary sect or anything.Just train your personal craft.Make you great.more importantly.It is necessary to train whether you can cooperate with your own people.

There is a good saying in the hereafter.Not afraid of god-like opponents.Afraid of pig-like teammates.This sentence is really suitable for use on the battlefield.sometimes.Just because of one small mistake on your part.You might kill yourself.sometimes.It's not just you who have to pay for your mistakes.Even take the lives of others.

more teaching you.Article one.It is also the most important one.Don't drag others down.

In this way.The advantage here is highlighted.Not to mention.The number of people here is far greater than that of the other side.There were only 2000 people there.But there are a full 5000 people ambushing and waiting for their arrival.It is more than twice that of the opponent.

besides.Fight in the dark.But neither side can take advantage of it.Sichuan and Yunnan are hilly.The terrain is extremely complex.But where the 2000 people came.It is the junction of Yunnan and Sichuan.The only rare flat land.Although for those who have lived near Yongning Mansion since childhood.They are familiar with the terrain.But this time.Liu Xian had asked his subordinates to patrol here early on.People from almost every team walked around here.Although there is no other party's ten or decades of experience.But after all, it is no stranger.

all in all.This battle.It is of great benefit to Liu Xian.And the person on the opposite side.But it was a nightmare.

not to mention.Liu Xian's tricks are not limited to these.It's not just these 5000 people who meet the enemy.To be able to win easily.And it won't lose any troops.Liu Xian let people find out again.The other party sent troops like this 2000 people.After there is no other backup.Another order was issued.

Defend the two teams on the north and south on the way these 2000 people came.Then divide 1000 people each.Attack these 2000 people.

7000 people vs. 2000 people.This is a battle without suspense.

From being ugly.After the first arrow was shot first.It only took two hours.The battle is over.Facing the position that the Ming army had already arranged.These 2000 people are extremely brave.But it was impossible to get close at all.In the dark.Arrows run wild.But there is very little melee combat.

And when the pair sacrificed nearly [-] lives.Finally rushed to the front of the Ming army.When starting to fight.The reinforcements from the north and the south have already arrived.

2000 people came.All are cavalry.moment.A siege was formed in this place.People from three sides surrounded the remaining 1000 people.

Speaking of it, I have to mention that these people are really brave.Obviously the situation is extremely unfavorable to them.But these people are really brave.I don't know how to retreat either.certainly.Even if they want to retreat.At this time.There is simply no way out for them to withdraw.

but.Even if it is more brave.Still can't escape the fate of being massacred.original.The [-] Ming troops waiting in front of them were already ready to fight.Not to mention the two thousand light cavalry coming again.

The Mao hour has not arrived yet.The battle is over.The results are of course self-evident.The Ming army won a complete victory.The 2000 pioneers were all wiped out.Not a single one was left alive.These 7000 people completely carried out Liu Xian's order.And this time it hit the ground running.What's more, the hearts of the people here are very exciting.

after all.This is a big win.None of the people who came from the other side came back.And here.The number of casualties is very small.Injured people.Minor injuries don't count.Only more than 300 people.And the people who died in battle.But not over a hundred.

After hearing the news of victory.Liu Xian rushed over immediately.When he arrives.The sun has risen in the east.Rising sun.The color is extraordinarily ruddy.But it's reflected here.But it looks even bloodier.

Dead bodies all over the place.Broken limbs.Countless blood.Under the reflection of sunlight.It made people feel a chilly breath blowing towards their faces.

Even the soldiers who cheered for a long time.After seeing what I've done in the sun.They were all taken aback.

And Liu Xian.Faced with this scene, he was unmoved in the slightest.This kind of scene.He has seen too much.And this miserable appearance.Sometimes it's the enemy's.Sometimes it's your own.

so.Liu Xian didn't feel that he had done anything excessive.after all.If you are kind.The people who died here might be their own soldiers.

After seeing the appearance of the people around.Liu Xian could naturally understand their feelings.but now.This is not the time to sympathize with the enemy.Actually any time.Neither can sympathize with the Xian immediately gave the order.Clean up the battlefield.

Everything that is useful remains.The dead body of the enemy.Buried in situ.And here is the body of the sacrificed person.Take them all back for a dignified burial.

But these.It's just the usual procedure.Liu Xian is more important.Inspire the momentum of the people below.Although the battle was won.But obvious.These people seem to have changed a bit.This is not a good thing.Not to mention next.There can no longer be massacres like today.Liu Xian would never issue another order to shoot to kill.In case the soldiers below have a soft-hearted plan because of what happened today.Coupled with Liu Xian's order not to make more killings.It is very likely that there will be casualties here.

That's right.Facing these people of various tribes.It's true that you can't kill too many.This time there is no way.Because of the delay.Also give each other a good look.But next time it won't be like this.Otherwise, there will be more troubles in the if the people under him got their own orders.Don't kill too much.But it doesn't mean for this.His soldiers were about to lose their lives.

There wasn't much to do after that.After dealing with the battlefield side.Liu Xian returned to Sichuan Xingdusi.There are still things that need to be prepared.

Good news.He had already ordered someone to pass it back to Chengdu.But even if it is fast.But it will take several hours to reach Chengdu.

But Liu Xian did a few more things.Great victory this time.He wanted to report to Chengdu.Let the people below know outside.But it didn't pass to Yongning.It's not a blockade.Naturally, Liu Xian would not do this.He just didn't let this side take the initiative to pass on the news.

After all, the most important thing now is to delay time.And last night.Already identified.Except for these 2000 people.Yongning didn't send another person out at all.

These 2000 people were wiped out.Yongning is waiting for news to come back.But nothing.Naturally, I will be anxious.And in a hurry.But he dared not act on his own.Wait until they get the news.Still need to argue about something noisily.So come and go.It is estimated that it will take at least half a day.

half a day.For a war.It couldn't be any shorter.But the main thing now is not to fight.Instead, find those two culprits.In this way.Not to mention half a day.Even if it is an extra hour of effort.It's also good.An hour's time.For killing two people.Or grab them and say it.There are simply too many variables.

After Liu Xian made up his mind.Then began to re-arm.Although it is expected that there will be no way to send people out in a short time.But the battlefield is changing rapidly.He must be prepared for all precautions.

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