The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1145 In the Morning

Winter mornings come later.Except that there is no bird language.The fragrance of flowers is absolutely indispensable in the Shu Palace.

The time has just passed.Zhang Fan woke up leisurely.Although speaking.Really didn't sleep much.But Zhang Fan didn't feel sleepy.On the contrary, he is full of spirit.Maybe it's because of peace of mind.Although talking about what happened last night.Obviously, it was Joanna who came to Zhang Fan to seek comfort.But I didn't expect it.Joanna also gave Zhang Fan enough peace.

The person in his arms was still fast asleep.The posture of the two is the same as last night.Zhang Fan remembered the same thing before he fell asleep.Obviously, they were deadlocked all night.But Zhang Fan didn't feel numb at all.

It was daylight.It feels cooler in the morning than in the evening.but.Zhang Fan didn't feel the slightest bit of cold breath.Perhaps it was because the person in his arms warmed him.Or maybe because.I want her to sleep a little longer.Zhang Fan couldn't help keeping warm.

bow your head.Seeing Joanna's face sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed.Not a trace of uneasiness.There was only a smile on the corner of his mouth.Maybe it's a sweet dream.

See this scene.Zhang Fan couldn't bear to disturb her even more.Even if it is daylight.Even today he still has a lot to do.But he felt it.It's worth the time.Joanna at this time.His face was extremely calm.Even the usual one.Because of being in the army all year round.And let her even smile.But it can also show a heroic spirit.Now Joanna doesn't feel this way at all.From Zhang Fan's point of view.Now Joanna is just a very ordinary woman.Nestled in his arms.Breathe gently.Sleep peacefully and sweetly.

But obviously.The picture that Zhang Fan wanted to appreciate.It didn't last long either.Not long after.Joanna woke up.He didn't open his eyes right away.Instead, he took a deep breath.It seems that although the eyes are closed.But because of waking up.Awakening of consciousness.Even through the eyelids.But it also made Joanna unable to adapt for a while.His brows frowned slightly.That look.Very cute.What Zhang Fan saw was a burst of ecstasy.

It seems to be because the consciousness has been awakened.Although the eyes have not yet opened.My head is still a little dizzy.But Joanna felt something was wrong.He moved his body in Zhang Fan's arms.Find a more comfortable position for yourself and continue to fall asleep.

but.Joanna made such a move.She herself doesn't care.On the contrary, Zhang Fan became strange. the morning.That desire is always so strong.Not to mention Zhang a big man.The beautiful wife and concubine at home.Once you have tasted the taste of ecstasy.Nature is inextricable.In addition to this period of time.Since he set off from the capital.until now.Three months have passed.But it's because of all the troubles.Where is the time to think about these things.But now.The beauty is in her arms.Plus that slight touch.Zhang Fan couldn't calm down anymore.

original.Never moved.It doesn't matter anymore.Now being teased by Joanna.How can I stop.

Joanna, on the other hand, didn't have this self-awareness yet.It seemed that she had moved a little bit.But I still haven't found the most comfortable position for myself.Continue to rub against Zhang Fan's arms.

In this way.Zhang Fan's desire became stronger and stronger.but.He didn't intend to do anything.Not for any other reason.It's not that Zhang Fan wants to be prudish.The reason still lies with Joanna.

She is a Catholic.Even her country has done her so much harm.It even made her want to forget everything about it.but.All of this.But it does not include faith.Speaking up.Even when it comes to severe times.Want to make a person give up their beliefs.But it is not easy.And Joanna was a devout Catholic since she was a child.Over the past 20 years or so.This is very difficult to change.

Although now.Joanna rarely prayed anymore.To know.Although Catholicism was as early as the Yuan Dynasty.It was introduced into China.But because it was not able to integrate into the society of the Han people at that time.So even the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty hoped so.But it eventually disappeared with the demise of the Yuan Dynasty.And now.There are no Catholic missionaries here.

Perhaps it was because the church could not be found.Joanna even insisted on her beliefs.But there is no place to touch God.So now she seldom prays.But even without praying.But her faith was not lost.

And for a Catholic.Pregnant before marriage.Absolutely a heinous thing.

It is precisely because Zhang Fan understands this.So this is what I didn't do to vent my desire.She respects Joanna.I don't want her to compromise her beliefs by accommodating herself.

But.Now.Zhang Fan thought so.I can hardly hold on anymore.perhaps.Men are really weak-willed animals.No matter how big the determination was before.But once things come to an end.But he wanted to change his mind.

Even at such a moment.Such an idea popped up in Zhang Fan's heart.What unmarried first conceived.Why bother with these things.Anyway here.It is not a place where the teachings of heaven can be involved.Moreover.Just that one time.Where is such good luck.

Think about it.Although Zhang Fan warned himself in his heart.This is nothing more than a despicable justification for the bestiality I am about to commit.But his body couldn't help but want to make some movements.

finally.Zhang Fan started...waking up Joanna.perhaps.There is only one way.Being able to interrupt his now dizzy mind.

"Wan..." A lazy voice came from Joanna's mouth.Those watery blue eyes have also been opened.The two of them stuck so tightly together.The four eyes are facing each other. "It's already dawn..." Joanna has never been a woman who likes to act like a baby.certainly.That doesn't mean her heart.It's that she seldom utters coquettish words.only.When saying such words.Joanna's unintentional lazy and comfortable look.But it made Zhang Fan unable to extricate himself.

"That's right. It's already dawn." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "But you're still stuck in bed and can't get up." Although I always feel that on weekdays.Joanna shouldn't be speaking in such a tone.But this time.Zhang Fan still used it.even.Zhang Fan lowered his head.Want to kiss Joanna's pretty nose.

Joanna naturally understood what Zhang Fan wanted.But she won't let him succeed.Lift your head up slightly.Four lips meet.This is no longer for Zhang Fan to succeed.Instead, let him take a bigger advantage.

Joanna's surprise attack.Zhang Fan never thought of it.I was stunned for a moment.but.Joanna stopped moving.While Zhang Fan was in a daze.Take the initiative.Tongue Qiao thrust forward a little jerky.Talking with Zhang Fan.

I didn't expect her to take the initiative in this place.Zhang Fan felt helpless.But as a man.on this kind of thing.It can make women take the initiative.The next moment Zhang Fan also let go.responded fiercely.

only.immediately.Zhang Fan found out.I really underestimated the woman in my arms.between deep kisses.Joanna is more than that.Although his body was clinging to Zhang Fan's arms.But those slender legs are not honest at all.Grinding on the edge of Zhang Fan's desire.

When she just woke up.It's already felt.But for Joanna.The beloved man faced himself and had this reaction.It is the best love for her.It's too late to be happy in her heart.

All of a sudden.Zhang Fan couldn't calm down at all.He couldn't stop the movement of Joanna's legs no matter what.It just took a lot of will and effort.Only then did he break his mouth out of the gentleness.Looking close at hand.Already flushed.Vision blurred.Joanna, who was already panting slightly, said, "Now...not..."

But Joanna didn't give him a chance to explain at all.Actually turned over.Press Zhang Fan under his body.He gagged his mouth again.

original.Obviously it was Zhang Fan who wanted to persuade her.Now there is no way at all.Just another kiss.It made him unable to think again.Began to respond to Joanna's enthusiasm.Zhang Fan at this time.Where else can it be considered.Now he was "pushed" by a woman.Speaking up.This is indeed a very detrimental "face" thing.Even if the other party is his beloved woman.

But Zhang Fan at this time.It is impossible to think about these things at all.And Joanna's strength.It's not just between the lips that show.After pressing Zhang Fan under him.Her plump body through the underwear was just against Zhang Fan's chest.Zhang Fan could even feel the movement of the pair of ripe fruits on his chest.Her legs also changed the way they were stimulated.Clamp Zhang Fan's desire tightly.Grinding back and forth.

this time.Zhang Fan's sanity really collapsed.All the things that have persisted in the past.All left behind.Him now.just want to...

Just at this time.There were bursts of laughter outside the window.Completely interrupted the sweet moment of the two.It also allowed Zhang Fan's rationality to regain control of his body.

"Wait. Wait..." Zhang Fan hurriedly helped Joanna up.Said. "There seems to be something happening outside."

If it is on weekdays.Joanna would absolutely stop by.But this time she.Also already emotional.Some unreasonable taste.Even Zhang Fan's words.But he couldn't make her stop.

Just at this time.There was a knock on the door.Immediately afterwards.It was Wang Meng's voice that sounded outside the door: "My lord, there is a good news from Yongning Mansion."

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