The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

1147 arrogant arrogance

After Wang Meng knocked on the door to inform, he waited for a long time.

But inside the room, it was another scene. Speaking of which, being interrupted by a knock on the door at this time is definitely the most uncomfortable time, but this time, it is a little different. It was Joanna who was dissatisfied, not Zhang Fan. For Joanna, since she decided to stay with Zhang Fan, she never blamed anyone, even in her heart, but this time, Joanna was really dissatisfied with Wang Meng who came to interrupt her good business. Of course, besides dissatisfaction, there was also some pity, since she could soon...

It was Zhang Fan, on the contrary, he felt relieved at last. It's not that he didn't want the next good thing, but one was because of Joanna, and the other was that Zhang Fan understood that now he really didn't want to. There was no time left for him to do these things, and now that Wang Meng came to knock on the door, not only did he find a reason to prevaricate, but more importantly, Zhang Fan was very concerned about what Wang Meng said. Therefore, he could only say sorry to Joanna in his heart, and secretly planned to make up for her in the future.

But speaking of it, it is not possible to open the door like this now. When Joanna came over last night, she was only wearing her underwear. Now Wang Meng is in the living room outside. It is impossible for her to go back, and she can’t. Wang Meng was asked to come in, so Zhang Fan simply gave Joanna a look that would make her fall asleep, then he got dressed on his own and was ready to open the door.

"Fan, wait a minute," Joanna's voice sounded just as Zhang Fan was about to open the door.

Zhang Fan turned his head and looked at her suspiciously, wondering why she stopped him.

Joanna was not talking, and led Zhang Fan to a stool for him to sit down, then walked behind him, and combed his flustered but untidy hair. Speaking of which, Joanna She is also a woman, even though she has been in the army and has little time to groom her hair, but this does not mean that she is not good at these things, and since she has lived in the Zhang family, she has asked Ru Xue for advice She has mastered this skill, so now, she combs Zhang Fan's hair and makes a bun. Although the movements are a bit jerky, she is not flustered and there is nothing wrong.

But Zhang Fan didn't mean to urge him at all, he didn't care about wasting such a little time, and this was the first time Joanna combed his hair, so he didn't want to disappoint her kindness, so he just sat there quietly, Waiting for Joanna to comb his hair.

Speaking of it, it didn't take much time. After all, compared with women's, men's buns are really simple. Even though it was Joanna's first "actual combat", except for being born with hands, in fact It doesn't take much more time than those skilled people.

After Joanna helped Zhang Fan take care of it, Zhang Fan stood up, turned around and held her hand. Although it was still hot, it had already started to cool down, and his heart felt a little distressed, he said in a low voice. : "You can sleep here for a while today. I'm afraid I have a lot of things to do today. I don't know when I will be free. It's very chaotic outside now, so don't go out,"

Facing Zhang Fan's instructions, Joanna nodded obediently, and got back into the warm bed again.

And Zhang Fan straightened his clothes, opened the door and walked out, then closed the door again. He didn't want to disturb Joanna's rest.

Outside, Wang Meng waited for a long time. Even after he knocked on the door to inform, the maid had already brought the washing things, but Zhang Fan hadn't come out yet, but Wang Meng was not in a hurry, after all, the news was a good thing , and because of such good news, the originally tight time has become a little more lenient.

Originally, at such a time, it was really rare to be able to squeeze out the time, so naturally we had to seize it and discuss it quickly, but Wang Meng was not impatient, because for them now, even if they came up with something There are ways, but there is no way to do anything. After all, all the things that have been arranged, now all depend on what Liang Chao and the others do. Not past.

That being the case, so what if we wait a little longer, not to mention, Wang Meng feels that Zhang Fan has been busy in the past few months since he left the capital, even though he looks very relaxed, but after all It would be stressful, and it would be good to take this opportunity to relax, but this time, Wang Meng got sidetracked, and nothing happened inside.

Finally, the door opened, and after the neatly dressed Zhang Fan came out, he closed the door behind him.

While going to wash, Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng: "I just heard that there was a lot of people in the palace. I guess something happened. I just heard you said that there was a good news from Yongning mansion. What happened?" thing,"

"It was Choushi today, and Yongning sent out 2000 vanguards," Wang Meng told Zhang Fan in detail, "After General Liu received the order, he immediately ordered the people below to meet the enemy. , General Liu was prepared long ago, so this time, none of the 2000 people escaped, and they were all wiped out by our army. Moreover, our side has very few casualties. But there are only 300 people, this is definitely a big victory, "

Wiping his face with a towel, Zhang Fan took a sip of the tea beside him, looked at Wang Meng, and asked, "2000 people, why are there so many people sent over there?" He didn't care about the victory, after all Liu Xian's [-] troops have prepared for such a long time, if they still can't handle it freely, then there is a problem.

"When I first heard about it, I thought it was strange," Wang Meng said, "But on the way here, I thought about it and came up with a possibility. I'm afraid it's just as my lord guessed before. Yongning only sent 2000 people today. People, that’s what those two people mean, too.”

"The meaning of those two people..." Zhang Fan heard what Wang Meng said, and he immediately understood it after thinking about it for a while, "You mean, those two people only sent so 2000 people. To attract the eyes of other people," the so-called attraction does not only refer to the eyes of the court, but also includes the eyes of those in Yongning.

Naturally, Wang Meng understood what Zhang Fan meant, and continued, "I'm afraid that's the case. Moreover, according to the news that arrived early this morning, apart from these 2000 people, Yongning didn't send a single soldier at all. If we say that the 2000 people If a person is a vanguard, it is impossible for no reinforcements to follow behind.

"Also, it seems that those two people also deceived the tribe below them,"

"Oh, how do you say that?" Zhang Fan suddenly became curious. Those two people were deceiving people for sure. Although today's battle happened, in the final analysis, it was just a deception created by those two people, but Zhang Fan It's not that I care about these, but what Wang Meng said just now obviously has other meanings.

"After the war, General Liu discovered something while cleaning the battlefield," Wang Meng said. "These 2000 people obviously came prepared, but now it seems that although they are not many in number, they may not be called pioneers." , The arrows and rations brought by these 2000 people are enough for them to eat for more than ten days. If they are just vanguards, they must be followed by a large army, so there is no need for them to bring so much luggage."

"What do you mean...could you say..." Zhang Fan naturally understood Wang Meng's words, but he was even more surprised, "Those two people sent 2000 people out, so they can't be the main force,"

Naturally, a large army needs to be well-prepared for an attack. Food, grass, and supplies are indispensable. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and who knows what will happen. Therefore, most people would rather take it with them than not I didn't bring it when I wanted to use it.

But vanguards are different. The role of vanguards is obvious, that is, to attack quickly and disrupt the enemy. Of course, if vanguards can defeat the results of the battle, then it is a good thing, but generally speaking, vanguards do not do these things. It's just for the discussion of the army, and for the lineup of 2 people over there, these 2000 people can only be regarded as pioneers.

However, what these 2000-man troops carried was nothing like that at all, it was completely like the main force.

"I'm afraid that's the case," Wang Meng nodded and said, "Although it's hard to believe it, but the current situation, it seems that it can only be like this, but, although things are That's it, but the lowly position is a bit confused, the intention of these two people is so obvious, and the purpose of sending 2000 people out is to die, why the tribes below them will agree to come down, "

"If my guess is right, I'm afraid that's the case," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid those two people have such an idea, but they are not sure how to get the people below to agree, but this time Well, they had just assembled their troops and occupied the Yongning Mansion without a knife, an arrow, or a single soldier. I'm afraid it also made those people arrogant. They might think that this time it was really a surprise attack. Our side is Not at all prepared,"

"However, General Liu's army had already gathered there at that time, so those people must have been blind," Wang Meng said differently.

"Sometimes, people are like this," Zhang Fan said, "As long as the start goes well, no matter how difficult they are in front of them, they will feel that they can pass it smoothly. However, the affairs of the world do not depend on you You can do whatever you want, this time is a good thing, but what I care more about is that you said that the 2000 people were all wiped out. Is this Liu Xian's idea, or the generals who led the troops made their own decisions."

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