Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Wang Meng thought in his heart that sure enough, Wang Meng had naturally considered this question, but because the message sent clearly stated that the order was issued by Liu Xian, so for Wang Meng said that he didn't need to think about the cause at all. What he was thinking about was why Liu Xian gave this order. He had already considered this question on the way Wang Meng came, and he had already thought of a Very adequate and reasonable answer too.

And Zhang Fan couldn't think of it, just because he didn't understand the cause and effect of this matter. After all, this is not an inexplicable mystery, it is something that can be understood after a little thought.

"This order was issued by General Liu himself," Wang Meng replied, "That's what the news said. As soon as the news that the 2000 people came out from Yongning last night came out, after General Liu found out, he immediately Order to meet the enemy, and at that time, General Liu's order contained in it that all the incoming enemy troops should be wiped out, leaving no one behind."

"I don't know whether it was intentional or not by General Liu." Zhang Fan obviously thought of the same problem as Wang Meng, but, "I can't control so much now, no matter whether this order by General Liu is intentional or not." Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s unintentional, all in all, this time can be regarded as helping Liang Chao and the others to spend some time.” Zhang Fan didn’t want to worry about whether Liu Xian was smart or not. It doesn't have much to do with him. Perhaps Liu Xian has been of great help to this matter whether it is intentional or not. But in the future, let alone whether Liu Xian will help, that is to say, Whether it will be like this, standing on the same side as Liu Xian in the same matter, this is something I don't know, so it is really not very realistic for Zhang Fan to consider those things now, what he cares about , It's just now, what's in front of you.

"Your Excellency thinks that General Liu can spare us a few days this time," Wang Meng is no longer obsessed with Liu Xian's abilities, and has begun to pay attention to the things in front of him, "After the war Well, the good news spread to Chengdu Mansion, not only in the Shu Wang Mansion, but also from Sichuan Xingdusi to Chengdu Mansion, everyone along the way knew the news. This is also General Liu's order, but, except for our side On the other side of Yongning, General Liu didn’t ask anyone to pass on the news, but he didn’t say that it couldn’t be passed on. In short, don’t talk about it here. If anyone inquires about the truth of this matter, then tell him.”

"It seems that Liu Xian is really smart." After listening to Wang Meng's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help admiring even though he was not going to discuss any issues about Liu Xian. Such a huge momentum, but there is no news from Yongning Mansion. Even if there are some sayings, they are not announced by the court, but passed on by someone. In this way, I am afraid that those people in Yongning Mansion will not be able to understand the situation. .

"I'm afraid they will think that our trouble here is just our bluff. In fact, we didn't wipe out those 2000 people at all. Get up, if we really killed those 2000 people, why should we hide such a news from them, after all, this is a great opportunity to dispel their arrogance, they will definitely think so, Therefore, as long as there is such a contradiction, troubles will definitely arise, and once troubles arise, they will definitely waste a lot of time to sort out the clues.

"More importantly, when this kind of trouble breaks out, it will definitely not just be a quarrel between the various tribes below, and those two people will definitely not be able to get rid of it. I am afraid that they will be asked to speak out. Even if those two people wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, it would be impossible. After all, if they dared to let go at this time in front of so many tribes below, there would be no need for Liang Chao to take the risk. Someone will do it for him."

"What your lord said is right," Wang Meng said, "General Liu has done us a great favor this time. In this way, if those tribes want to talk to those two people because of this incident, it may be possible to let us know." If those two people showed up, it would be like pointing the way for Liang Chao and the others."

"But there are not only good things in it," Zhang Fan said with a frown. "Originally, Liang Chao didn't know where those two people were, so they could only check the places they knew one by one. It's troublesome and time-consuming, but as long as Liang Chao doesn't procrastinate, he might be able to find them before they leave and complete what I ordered.

"As for the current situation, it is indeed as you said just now. If the people from the various tribes below start to make a fuss, needless to say, the people from those tribes will definitely go to those two people to speak out. After all, the people sent out The 2000 people were decided by those two people, and now that something like this happened, it was natural to find those two people to speak out.

"Yes, in this way, it will indeed make those two people unable to hide anymore, and they may even show their faces. Even if they are still hiding somewhere, Liang Chao and the others can find them as long as they follow those tribes. It saves us a lot of time, but there are also great risks in it.

"You know, if there are no people from the tribe to look for those two people, when Liang Chao finds them, maybe even if there are some guards around those two people, but there will not be too many people. Get up, plus our people, it is also much more convenient.

"But once there are so many tribesmen present, it will be difficult for Liang Chao and the others to act. Yes, Liang Chao and the others can indeed get in by taking advantage of the crowd, but in this way, they can only kill the two Personal, but it doesn't matter, it's okay to kill them.

"But if that's the case, how can Liang Chao and the others escape unscathed? Even if people from those tribes want to trouble those two people, if Liang Chao kills them, those tribes will never let Liang Chao go .

"Of course, those two people from those tribes will not be able to run away when they discuss things with those two people, but if they wait until the people from those tribes leave, Liang Chao and the others will have their whereabouts exposed. At that time, they still cannot retreat completely.

"I'm just afraid of this now. If Liang Chao and the others really don't want their lives, and killed those two people desperately, but they want to take their own lives, to be honest, even from outsiders, compared to Liang Chao and the others The most important thing is to be able to kill those two people, but I don’t think so, those two people are not worthy of Liang Chao and others’ lives alone, "

To Zhang Fan's words, Wang Meng was silent. He was not moved by anything. After working under Zhang Fan for so many years, Wang Meng already knew what kind of temper Zhang Fan had, so Zhang Fan would say such a thing. Wang Meng was not at all surprised by what he said.

Wang Meng was just thinking about what Zhang Fan said just now. It was indeed like what Zhang Fan said, this matter was a good opportunity for those two people to be exposed, and it also allowed Liang Chao to find them quickly. But at the same time, opportunities also carry risks. With a large number of people, Liang Chao and the others may be able to take advantage of the chaos to take action and succeed. However, how to withdraw safely after success is the problem. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of being able to exit safely is very small.

Moreover, just like Zhang Fan's idea, for Wang Meng, killing those two talents is the most important thing now, but Liang Chao is also what Wang Meng cares about. Perhaps, this is Wang Meng's exception. .

It is natural to care about Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan is his superior. As a subordinate, if he fails to protect his superior, it will be his dereliction of duty.

But Liang Chao was his colleague. Although Liang Chao was several years younger than him, he had lived and died with Wang Meng a lot.

With such a colleague, how could it be possible for Wang Meng to watch him get into trouble like this, and even lose his life in the end? No, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Meng to be like this.

But now, there is no other way to do it, except to worry here, or pray that Liang Chao can complete the task and get out, or...

"Wang Meng, I know what you're thinking." Seeing the change in Wang Meng's expression, Zhang Fan understood what Wang Meng was going to do. He hurriedly said, "Do you want to go to Yongning and help Liang Chao and the others?" , don’t say that it’s impossible for you to go, you’d better not even think about it.”

"But... my lord..." Wang Meng was not surprised that Zhang Fan could guess what he was thinking, but was surprised by Zhang Fan's words, "Why..."

"I don't have enough people here anymore," Zhang Fan said, "I transferred so many people last time, and now there is a commotion everywhere. These people have things to do in their own places, and I don't I might transfer someone to come over with you, and I won't allow you to go alone. You may be very skilled, but among the thousands of troops, one person can't do anything. Now, we can only wait for Liang Chao You have to trust Liang Chao, he is not a soft persimmon who can be flattened and rounded by others, besides, we not only have people there, but also other assistance, maybe you have forgotten, "

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Meng thought for a while, nodded, and agreed with his words.

"Furthermore..." Zhang Fan continued, "Next, there are still things for you to do,"

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