As soon as Zhang Fan's words came out, although Wang Meng still couldn't guess what details Zhang Fan had prepared, he already had a rough idea of ​​what Zhang Fan was planning to do.

Speaking of the people who have lived in the Shu Palace recently, apart from Zhang Fan who came all the way from the capital, there are only those from the Shu King family who came here to celebrate the New Year. Obviously, Zhang Fan It is impossible to hit his own ideas on his own people, that is to say, Zhang Fan will let those people take the blame.

Although it is said that doing this kind of thing can't last long, as long as Zhu Xuanqi has doubts, he only needs to find someone to investigate a little bit, and he can immediately see through Zhang Fan's lies, but Zhang Fan doesn't care about these, what he wants It's just such a one-shot deal, as long as it can hold Zhu Xuanqi for a day, it's enough. After tomorrow, even if Zhu Xuanqi began to suspect Zhang Fan on the spot, it will take a day to investigate, and wait until he finds out. When he came to question Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan could use all kinds of reasons to prevaricate it. Something went wrong, or there was another conspiracy. There are thousands of reasons, and there is no need to bother about such things .

The most important thing is that Zhang Fan decided to use this method at the right time. Although the situation in Sichuan is very stable now, and Liu Xian's victory in the first battle, everyone believes that the rebels will soon be defeated. It will be suppressed, which is naturally the case for those who know the inside story; and even for those ordinary people who don't know the inside story, at least on the surface it seems that the situation is very good, so they also believe that Things will eventually be like this. Therefore, although Sichuan is now facing war, in fact, that will not happen at all, and the situation is also stable.

However, even if it is stable, now is still an extraordinary moment, and it is not a time to act rashly at will, and for Zhu Xuanqi, why not.

Speaking of this incident, Zhu Xuanqi really showed the demeanor of a virtuous king. As the king of Shu, he has 2000 people under him, and according to the court's previous attitude towards life, he has already accepted the usual gesture of acquiescence. These 2000 people are just a report to the outside world It's just a number, the actual number will only increase, not decrease.

But this time, when the war broke out, Zhu Xuanqi did not transfer these soldiers to the Chengdu Mansion to guard his Shu Palace, just because he wanted to take his own life into consideration. Instead, he let them stay in the garrison, and even sent them People go to the surrounding prefectures in order to calm people's hearts.

Although Zhu Xuanqi should understand that it is absolutely impossible for the more than 2 rebels to rush into Sichuan and bring any threat to him. It may seem a bit artificial when he did this, but in fact, it can be done like this There are really not many people, and Zhu Xuanqi's ability to do this is indeed eye-catching.

This also strengthened Zhang Fan's previous thoughts. It is true that Zhu Xuanqi had various problems, and the problems were serious, but they were just driven by his previous experiences and self-esteem. The problem has been going on for more than ten years after he took the throne of the king of Shu, but undoubtedly, this situation is slowly fading now.

Therefore, Zhang Fan could understand that compared to Zhu Xuanluo, he hoped that Zhu Xuanqi would stay in this seat. Just imagine, Zhu Xuanqi, who can be said to be much happier than Zhu Xuanluo, after he ascended the throne of the King of Shu, So many things have been done, and it has lasted for ten years, and it has only subsided now. If it is said that Zhu Xuanluo is now on the throne, then he will explode all kinds of things in the past, and I don’t know what will happen. look.

All in all, it is necessary to dispel Zhu Xuanqi's arrogance, so Zhang Fan will continue to complete the tasks assigned by the Empress Dowager Li. In this way, letting Zhu Xuanqi encounter a big nail will also help Zhu Xuanqi bury those thoughts earlier. It would be good to say that he will benefit the court in the future and be harmless.

As for Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Fan also has the confidence to persuade her, even if Empress Dowager Li really felt angry for a while this time, and Zhu Yijun suffered such a big "crime", she felt that she could not take it seriously. Zhu Xuanqi's punishment is hard to solve the hatred in his heart, but after all, Empress Dowager Li is not a woman who only knows her own interests and has no view of the overall situation. Everything she does now is not all for the future. Zhu Yijun is a world without any troubles.

In this way, it would be easier for Zhang Fan to persuade him, as long as he told Queen Mother Li, it would be more convenient for Zhu Xuanqi to continue to sit on the throne of the King of Shu than to let Zhu Xuanqi step down and replace him with Zhu Xuanluo. Just tell Empress Dowager Li that Zhu Xuanqi no longer intends to cause trouble. Of course, Empress Dowager Li may not trust Zhang Fan's one-sided words, but Zhang Fan will try his best to convince her. After all, this is the truth. Good for the court.

However, now is not the time to think about these issues. Now, Wang Meng is more concerned about the feasibility of Zhang Fan's idea than what Zhang Fan is thinking about.

When Zhang Fan proposed this method, Wang Meng had already started thinking about it.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Meng understood that Zhang Fan's method is indeed very good. It can connect things that don't exist at all with people in reality, making it seem that they are indeed related. Yes, just imagine, if a group of outsiders want to harm the Shu Palace, even if such a thing is true, it will be difficult for the prince Zhu Xuanqi to believe it. For Zhang Fan and the others, even if they know the reason , and it is impossible to tell Zhu Xuanqi the truth.

However, if those people were used as a reason, Zhu Xuanqi might believe it, and the reason for this is actually very simple. If Zhu Xuanqi is not familiar with people outside, then use the people inside. Moreover, Zhang All the people selected are still from the lineage of the King of Shu, that is to say, they are all blood related to Zhu Xuanqi.

Youdao is that it is difficult for an upright official to decide on family affairs, but another meaning of this sentence is that, in the same family, there are many things that happen in it. For a family that is big, dignified, and powerful, it is impossible for such a family to have problems, and they are all big problems.

Zhang Fan doesn't care about any disputes among the rulers of the small countries below, but what he wants is actually the conflict between these people, or one of them, and Zhu Xuanqi.

This kind of thing is really too common. Even if there were no such things in the first place, as long as Zhang Fan can make a little fuss and want to convince Zhu Xuanqi, it is not a problem at all. In addition, Zhu Xuanqi is too suspicious now. Yes, after Zhang Fan's teasing, he can definitely be recruited.

And, that's not all.

"I've already made plans," Zhang Fan continued to say to Wang Meng, "it's about using the event on the night of the New Year's Eve."

"My lord means..." Wang Meng continued Zhang Fan's words, "I want to connect what happened that night with someone from the King of Shu's lineage."

"That's right, that's what I mean," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "In this way, as long as I order Zhu Xuanqi a little bit, it's all right, and he also pays attention to this kind of thing, so in this way, I don't have to say too much, he will think about it himself, and in this way, I don't have to say too much, in this way, the chance of me showing my flaws immediately is very small, "

"Your Excellency's method is good, but there are still some concerns about the lowly position," Wang Meng continued, "What reason is Your Excellency going to use to tell the prince? After all, what happened on the night of the New Year's Eve , although it is said that we arrested people and did not see blood, but the rumors I have heard now are all saying that there was a fight outside the wall of the palace that night, and I don’t know who started the rumors. It has already been said that a life has been lost.

"However, I don't care much about the rumors. What I care about is that the rumor has already reached the ears of the prince. I'm afraid that even the prince will think so. At that time, if the prince becomes suspicious , then what should we do? After all, if the people from the King of Shu family want to get something from the prince, it still makes sense, but if they have something to do with the murder case, I am afraid that even the prince will not will believe it,"

"It is indeed as you said," Zhang Fan nodded and said, "I have already considered this matter, so I didn't intend to tell him about the murder case at the beginning, I just told him He said that what happened that night has something to do with the Shu Palace, and I will tell him secretly that it was his relatives who did this.

"As for those rumors, I will naturally tell him that those things are nothing. Thinking about it, I'm afraid that even if he has heard those rumors, he will not seriously think that there is a murder case happening here. , and if I tell him that it is related to the Shu Palace, he will believe it. After all, after that day, no one in the Shu Palace disappeared or died suddenly, so it will be easy for him to believe it.

"It's just that I really don't have much to say about the fact that someone sneaked into the palace to steal things that night,"

"I think it's better not to mention it to the prince," Wang Meng expressed his thoughts, "After all, our purpose is to hold the prince down so that we can do things conveniently. If you're more suspicious, it's not good."

"Well, you're right," Zhang Fan said, "This way, it's not dangerous anymore."

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