The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1153 Don't listen to advice

that night.Everything has been prepared.

After making plans for the next day.Zhang Fan asked the maid in Shu Palace to find Joanna.Let her explain to Xia Lingbo.Tell her more.Ask her to follow Zhu Xuanqi all day tomorrow.As long as Zhu Xuanqi wants to go to his room.Report the news to Zhang Fan.

Although Xia Lingbo already knew about it.The main purpose of Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanluo.Actually there is no difference.But what Joanna had passed down to her.It still made Xia Lingbo a little confused.Although she knows.Holding Zhu Xuanqi back may be to prevent him from finding out that something is missing.But she didn't know that Zhang Fan and the others planned to forge a copy and put it back.At first she thought so.Zhang Fan will leave as soon as he gets the genealogy.So she didn't think of such a thing.

but.Xia Lingbo still did his job well.She is an eyeliner.It's not someone who does fine work or execution.She just wanted to keep a close eye on the target.Once the other party has some action.She had to spread the news immediately.That's what Xia Lingbo does.other things.She doesn't have to think about it too much.She doesn't need to worry about it.All she has to do is follow through.

For Xia Lingbo.The only difference is who she reports to.Changed from the Five Poisons Sect to Zhang Fan.But this was not a problem for Xia Lingbo.not to mention.Doing so will keep her beloved sister Yu'er safe and sound.She has no reason to be disobedient.

Xia Lingbo has done it here.And next.Zhang Fan also wanted to find Zhu Xuanluo.Let him help.even though.Now it is in Zhang Fan's plan.It can be said that Zhu Xuanluo is already a complete tragedy.but.This point is not clear to Zhu Xuanluo today.and.Zhang Fan didn't intend to tell him anything.

so.For Zhu Xuanluo today.He knew that he was working with Zhang Fan.Maybe not so good.But he has no choice.That's all he can do.And that's the only option.Let Zhu Xuanluo's thoughts involuntarily think in a good direction.will make him feel.Cooperation with Zhang Fan.Maybe there won't be any too happy ending.But it's not far off.It's his best choice now.

For Zhu Xuanluo who has such an idea.him today.He will definitely obey Zhang Fan's orders.Again.What Zhang Fan asked him to do.It's not a big deal.And it's something that has already been discussed.That being the case.Of course he will do well.There is no reason for refusal.

so.Zhang Fan has already arranged everything.And now he.Except waiting for the night to come.There is only waiting here.Waiting for good news from Yongning.Tell him that Liang Chao has already completed the task.Not even just finished.Even Fang Zhenqian was rescued.

Speaking of what Fang Zhen did.Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking of Fang Yueling.And the thought of Fang Yueling.Zhang Fan felt a little strange.

Ever since the Five Poisons taught something.Fang Yueling brought everyone from the Five Poison Sect here.Temporarily took refuge in Zhang Fan.For this matter.Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything unusual about it.and.There was already a good talk between the two of them.Today there is no problem.

but.What Zhang Fan was surprised by was not these.He was wondering about Fang Yueling.Why don't you come to him now.The news reported below said.Now Fang Yueling can stay with the people she brought with her at the place Jin Yiwei arranged for them.There is no movement.And that's it.This was what made Zhang Fan suspicious.

Now.It's time to save Fang Zhenqian.And for this matter.You don't even have to think about it.Fang Yueling must be very concerned.But.After Zhang Fan made a request to allow his people to go to Yongning Mansion together.Fang Yueling agreed.She didn't go there herself.Instead, he sent his own men down.

but.These days pass.But Fang Yueling never came to him and said anything about this matter.This made Zhang Fan feel a little strange.For a matter of great concern.Fang Yueling didn't care.If it is said that she has been in the past few days.He came over and over again to let people pass on the message.Or simply come to see Zhang Fan in person.This may make Zhang Fan feel a little troubled.But he doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

But now.Fang Yueling didn't come to him at all.He does.There seems to be something going on here.what exactly is it.Zhang Fan is not sure now.But his intuition told himself.This is not normal.But for Zhang Fan.After so many years in Jinyiwei.Whatever it is.Although no problems have been found.But it doesn't feel normal anymore.So that is to say.Something must have gone wrong.It's just that he hasn't seen it yet.

But for this matter.Zhang Fan thought for a long time.But did not find any flaws.

Zhang Fan thought so.remember.That day when Fang Yueling brought people to Chengdu to look for him.He noticed a strange thing.Just because of these days.At the same time, he has to be busy with Zhu Xuanqi's affairs here.At the same time, I have to worry about the problems in Yongning Mansion.So even Zhang Fan was thinking about such a thing.But didn't think about anything.

But now.Zhang Fan who had a little time.But he put this issue back on his primary consideration.

but.What made Zhang Fan feel weird the most.It was Fang Yueling who didn't mention Yu'er.No.It's not that I didn't mention it.It's just that Zhang Fan recalled the conversation he had with Fang Yueling at that time.always feel.The other party is deliberately avoiding this question.

Zhang Fan didn't think Fang Yueling didn't know about it.After all the time it happened.It was not far from the time when Fang Yueling arrived in Chengdu.Probably.After Fang Yueling revealed Xia Lingbo's identity that day.Yu'er never returned to the Five Poison Sect.Then I ran into Fang Yueling and his party who had escaped.

if it is like this.Yu'er absolutely dare not hide anything.After all now.The Five Poisons Sect is in great trouble.Need his help urgently.And Yu'er just had an unpleasant incident with Zhang Fan.Although it was finally resolved.But she also understands.Zhang Fan was already extremely upset with her.

If.Fang Yueling dared to join Zhang Fan in such an unknown place.But Zhang Fan was unwilling to accept them.Also mention this matter.This sudden situation.It is very likely that Fang Yueling's panic will ruin the big event.How about the Five Poisons Church?Thinking about it, Yu'er would not be worried.But Fang Yueling will definitely not have a good time.This is what Yu'er cares about.So think about it anyway.Yu'er must have already told Fang Yueling about it.

And actually.That's how it is.On the way, Yu'er met Fang Yueling and her group who were heading to Chengdu.After hearing about Li Yang's betrayal.After making the Five Poison Sect fall apart.Yu'er knew that there was no way to hide the matter.She just told Fang Yueling everything that happened in Chengdu.There is only one purpose.It was to make Fang Yueling ready early.In order to meet Zhang Fan's attack.

And for this matter.Fang Yueling didn't blame Yu'er for anything.First of all, she felt that Yu'er had done something bad even unintentionally.But her purpose is definitely for her own good; secondly, although Fang Yueling is a little naive in her dealings with others.But she is definitely not stupid.for what has happened.Who to blame now.It doesn't help at all.

so.Fang Yueling who came to see Zhang Fan.In fact, many ways have been prepared to deal with Zhang Fan's attack.Fortunately.Zhang Fan didn't do that.This made her secretly relieved.

but.None of this matters.What matters is that Zhang Fan can't figure it out.Why didn't she mention Yu'er.If Fang Yueling saw Zhang Fan, she would immediately talk about it.He even apologized to Zhang Fan.Thinking about it, Zhang Fan had no reason to trouble them.but.She still didn't do it.

"There must be something weird in it." Zhang Fan thought to himself.But what the hell.Zhang Fan has some...

etc.Zhang Fan suddenly thought of it.Yuer.It's Yu'er.This key figure.

Fang Yueling probably didn't mention Yu'er.But Zhang Fan was sure.She definitely already knew about that.That is.Yu'er is definitely with her.

but.Where is Yu'er now?

Report back below.It didn't mention that Yu'er's people were also with people from the Five Poison Sect.

"Could it be that..." A possibility suddenly came to Zhang Fan's mind.

I am afraid.Fang Yueling didn't listen to Zhang Fan at all.Still determined to go to Yongning Mansion.I'm afraid it's now.She was already looking for her father in Yongning Mansion with her subordinates.And Liang Chao already knew about it when he thought about it.It's just because of Yongning's current situation.Plus they have so many places to search.I'm afraid there is no way to send the news back.

And here.The reason why Fang Yueling was still in Chengdu was able to hear the report.I'm afraid that was Yu'er pretending to be.

The more I think about it.The more Zhang Fan felt that this was the end.He was almost sure of it.That's how things must be.

After thinking about it.Zhang Fan immediately wanted to talk to Wang Meng about this matter.but.Zhang Fan walked halfway.But stopped again.

What's the use of saying that now.Everyone in Fang Yueling is already in Yongning.What else can I think of now.

He didn't worry about anything else.But worried about Fang Yueling's impulsiveness.Take people to act indiscriminately.It will scare the snake.Whether Fang Zhenqian can be saved or not is the next best thing.But if Liang Chao and the others are in trouble because of them.That would be the end of it.

Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help clenching his teeth secretly.I also have a plan in my heart.If Fang Yueling's reckless behavior put Liang Chao and the others in any danger this time.He will never let go of the gang of the Five Poison Sect.

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