The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1155 Into the Palace

It was getting dark.At the end of Xu and the beginning of Hai.Wang Meng was ready.Waiting in the place around the Shu Palace.Just wait for the signal from inside.He's about to hit the ground running.

For today's thing.Although Wang Meng was prepared.But it didn't feel that difficult.The most important point is.With his skill.Although the Shu Palace is very big.But he may not be able to put it in the eyes.It's not that Wang Meng thinks highly of himself or anything.He has always been cautious in his work.only.There is indeed nothing in the Shu Palace that can threaten this case.How could it not be easy.

Speaking up.Action tonight.One of them.Let Zhu Xuanluo help.Among the actions planned by Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanluo has two roles tonight.One of them is to inform Zhang Fan and Wang Meng.And another one.In fact, it was when Wang Meng sneaked into the palace.Take care of it.And the so-called accompaniment here.In fact, Zhu Xuanluo turned a blind eye to Wang Meng's intrusion.

This is what Zhang Fan planned.So naturally Wang Meng would not object.And he had no reason to object.only.Although Wang Meng didn't say anything.But in his heart.But there are some other ideas.on this matter.Zhu Xuanqi was to Wang Meng.The tip-off is somewhat useful.After all to do this kind of thing.You never know if something unexpected will happen.therefore.A person can know the movement of the target at any time.And tell you right away.That's absolutely important.

but.If you want them to turn a blind eye to Wang Meng's intrusion.Wang Meng felt.This is completely superfluous.Why.Anyway look at it.Wang Meng felt that there was no need for this at all.certainly.Now that the matter has developed to the point where Zhu Xuanluo wants to help them tip off the news.Then he would naturally turn a blind eye to Wang Meng's infiltration.But in Wang Meng's view.There was no need for Zhang Fan to ask for this on purpose.Wang Meng has this confidence.Even Zhu Xuanluo was on full alert.With his skill.He can also be completely undiscovered by Zhu Xuanluo.He even dared to say it.Zhu Xuanluo and Ben couldn't hear any movement at all.Complete the tasks assigned by Zhang Fan.

but.I said this not to show how powerful Wang Meng is.more importantly.Wang Meng is concerned about this time.Really very confident.And now.He is fully prepared.Just wait for the signal over there.

now.Wang Meng was dressed in black.Even the face was hugged.Only one pair of eyes remained.Hide in the dark.He stared closely at the courtyard wall of the Shu Palace.What are you waiting for.

It was not long before the time of Haishi.Wang Meng saw a figure coming from the side door of Shu Palace.By moonlight.Although I can't see the face clearly.But Wang Meng could recognize it.That is the figure of Zhu Xuanluo.

I saw Zhu Xuanluo.Walk to the courtyard wall opposite Wang Meng.He didn't come towards Wang Meng.Instead, look around.after.He made a mark on the courtyard wall.After making a mark.Zhu Xuanluo did not leave immediately.Instead, wait for a while.I looked around again.

During this time.Wang Meng didn't move at all.Hide your breath.Just like a dead this time.Even if Zhu Xuanluo walked up to Wang Meng.He couldn't be found at all.

And after waiting for a while.Zhu Xuanluo turned around and went back to where he came from.

Wang Meng after Zhu Xuanluo left.But he didn't move right away.Instead, waited for a while.This is what comes out.Go in the other direction of the palace.

This seems to be a bit of a hassle.but.This is what Wang Meng asked Zhang Fan before.

Just now.Zhu Xuanluo is here.He didn't walk towards Wang Meng.Not because of the previous agreement.It's that he really can't see it.I don't know where Wang Meng is.Although he knew it when he came just now.Wang Meng was already waiting nearby.But where is Wang Meng?He is not clear.

Zhang Fan handed Wang Meng over tonight.But Wang Meng never told him that he had any plans.

Why do this.The reason is mistrust.good.Wang Meng still doesn't believe in Zhu Xuanluo.Not just Wang Meng.Even Zhang Fan didn't believe Zhu Xuanluo.Just in comparison.Wang Meng's defense against Zhu Xuanluo was stronger.

It's not that Zhang Fan didn't do enough detail on this matter.It's just that Zhang Fan was thinking about this matter.Just thinking about the big picture.In his opinion.Naturally, he wanted to guard against Zhu Xuanluo.But it doesn't have to be so comprehensive.Not even a little bit of space is spared.Just watch some of the main places to stay.That's enough.

But Wang Meng's focus is different from Zhang Fan's.Zhang Fan looked at the general direction.As long as there are no major problems.Then it doesn't need much attention.after all.What Zhang Fan wants to do.It's not just about Zhu Xuanluo.There are many other things that need him to deal with.

But Wang Meng was different.He is Zhang Fan's subordinate.And his duty.It is to help Zhang Fan handle various things, that is included.If Zhang Fan encounters any trouble.He naturally wanted to solve it immediately.and.for some potential threats.It is also within the range that Wang Meng needs to deal with.

And Zhu Xuanluo.This is where we are now.Wang Meng.Distrust him very much.Let's take this time as an example.Obviously they cooperated with Zhu Xuanluo to accomplish such a thing.But Wang Meng didn't intend to tell Zhu Xuanluo what he was going to do at all.Not even face to face.Just to let him know.Purpose.It's because I'm afraid that Zhu Xuanluo will secretly have something different.plot against him.

certainly.Wang Meng was not afraid of Zhu Xuanluo's conspiracy.Instead, he was afraid that Zhu Xuanluo would do something that would jeopardize this action.certainly.If Zhu Xuanluo really had this idea.Whether he can't find Wang Meng.Is it just him or is there someone else.In short, today's actions will be in the very least.Then come.Zhang Fan and the others will not be exposed.

In short.That's the way it is.Wang Meng distrusted Zhu Xuanluo very much.That's why it's such a hassle.

but.As it stands now.Zhu Xuanluo has no intention of betraying yet.Still act according to what was discussed before.But even so.Wang Meng still doesn't trust Zhu Xuanluo.But distrust is distrust.But at least it won't be so annoying in the future.

As long as things can be successfully completed today.No matter how much Wang Meng didn't trust Zhu Xuanluo.I won't take it too seriously.After all at that time.Zhu Xuanluo even thought about it.I can't do anything.

And then go on to things after this.Wang Meng didn't need to worry anymore.Wait until that time.Naturally, it was arranged by Queen Mother Li.Wait until then.No matter how much trouble Zhu Xuanluo wants to stir up.It is also helpless.

Just this time.Wang Meng has already climbed into the courtyard wall of Shu Palace.He didn't go from behind.Words from there though.You can directly enter the backyard of the palace.Skip so many guards in the front yard.There was only one ordinary inner courtyard guard left.And one even found his trail.Zhu Xuanluo, who can't make a sound at all, is gone.

It wasn't that Wang Meng chose such a difficult place on purpose.only.He wanted to take a look at the situation in the Shu Palace tonight.By the way, also confirm your exit route after you get the item.

Speaking up.This is in the palace of the king of Shu.It is indeed different.Ever since Zhang Fan moved in.Wang Meng and Liang Chao can come and go here at will.And Wang Meng often came here to look for Zhang Fan at night.So I also know something about the Shu Palace at night.At that time, he had some understanding of this place.

The reason why this place is special.Naturally, he has his reasons.

According to the guards in other places.For example, in the palace.Whether it is the inner city or the outer city.It doesn't matter if it's morning or night.There are many guards patrolling.Definitely not relaxing.certainly.No one would sneak into the palace.But once there are people.But it's not easy to catch.After all, there is really too big.

some.Or it is like that in some palaces.The guards in the front yard are relatively loose.Although there are many people.But it seems a little loose.And the people in the backyard.But there are many.certainly.The place where the owner rests.Naturally, there will be no as not to disturb.But elsewhere in the backyard.But there are many people.After all, the backyard is such a place.Usually very important places.Absolutely not sloppy.

But.This Shu Palace is different.Here's the front yard.There are many guards.Although it is still not airtight.But compared to other places.It's true that there are so many more.

However, compared with the guard arrangement in the front yard.This is clearly the backyard that should be closely guarded.But it is very lax.No.Just using such a slack is not enough to express the situation here.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is useless.

Want to go from the front yard to the back yard.If it wasn't for the people in the palace.It is really difficult.It's five steps away from three steps.There are people patrolling back and forth.But once you're in the backyard.It's almost like being defenseless.

here.There are only two people patrolling here.The two inspected the east and west sides of the backyard respectively.And now.One of them was with Zhang Fan.

I don't know what Zhu Xuanqi's intentions are.Why such an arrangement.

But Wang Meng naturally wouldn't care about those.Moreover.Zhu Xuanqi did this.It's good for him of course.

Although there are many guards in the front yard.But Wang Meng didn't take it seriously.And once he entered the backyard.That would be more convenient.

It can be said.This is very beneficial.

However, Wang Meng escaped the inspection of the guards.After successfully entering the backyard.Did not go to get things right away.Instead, he went elsewhere.

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