The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1156 Don't Worry

It is said that after Wang Meng entered the backyard of the Shu Palace, he was not in a hurry to get things from Zhu Xuanqi's room, but went to the room that was so bright in the dark night. Inside, Zhu Xuanqi was drinking with Zhang Fan, Wang Meng naturally knew Yes, after all this time, this has become what Zhu Xuanqi has to do every night.

Although it is said that the reservation has been made for tonight, and Xia Lingbo is required to inform them, but now, Zhu Xuanqi has not gone to her. Wouldn't it be a bad thing to go to the room, so, just to be on the safe side, Wang Meng planned to wait until Zhu Xuanqi went to Xia Lingbo's room before starting to act.

Even if this is the case, it will take a lot of time, and there is not much time left for them to imitate the genealogy, not to mention the fact that it is impossible to tell the truth at a glance, the time is relatively tight, but compared However, Wang Meng still believes that safety first is the most important reason.

Perhaps, at that time, it is very likely that due to lack of time, the imitation genealogy will have some flaws, which will increase the possibility of being discovered by Zhu Xuanqi. Compared with it, Zhu Xuanqi may return to his room at this time Sex is actually not that big either.

But Wang Meng would rather choose the first option. After all, in that case, Zhu Xuanqi may see the flaws, but if he chooses the second option, in case Zhu Xuanqi comes back and finds that something is missing, then this matter will not be resolved. It is fundamentally a failure.

If it succeeds, by then, Empress Dowager Li will want to punish Zhu Xuanqi, as long as this matter comes out, it will be enough, and if this happens, the sudden attack by Empress Dowager Li will surprise Zhu Xuanqi who is unprepared There was simply no way to fight back.

But if he finds out that the genealogy is gone now, even if he doesn't know the existence of Zhu Xuanluo, Zhu Xuanqi is not a fool, he can definitely guess that no matter who stole his genealogy, it must be to To deal with him with the only thing he cares about, at that time, Zhu Xuanqi will definitely be prepared. Although he can't think of any way here, it cannot be ruled out that he may be able to think of a way. Maybe this matter has been evaded.

So in comparison, Wang Meng would rather choose the first option. Although it is risky, it is not too big. Of course, compared to the second option, the risk is indeed much smaller.

Although it was getting late, Zhu Xuanqi did not have this kind of self-awareness inside, and was still drinking. Seeing this scene, although Wang Meng also hoped that Zhu Xuanqi could end this boring daily life earlier and go back to sleep quickly, but this is also There is no way, no matter how anxious he is, there is no way for him to let Zhu Xuanqi leave early.

But Zhang Fan, he can do something, after all, he also knows that tonight's affairs can't be dragged on for too long, it should be over early, so it's not a solution to spend so much time with Zhu Xuanqi.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan naturally knew this, but in fact he also felt a little headache when Zhu Xuanqi didn't go back to sleep for so long. In the past, although he did this every day, it was only half an hour and a stick of incense, but that's all. Today, I don't know why, but Zhu Xuanqi took so long, half an hour has passed, and he still doesn't go back.

Speaking of it, Zhang Fan thought about it, and there was really nothing special that could make Zhu Xuanqi behave unusually today. Perhaps, today was just Zhu Xuanqi's unusual behavior by accident.

However, this made Zhang Fan feel a little uncomfortable. Why is it that he is usually fine, but when he wants to act on his side, things start to go against him. However, Zhang Fan is not complaining, after all, this is There is no way, since he has already encountered this situation, what he has to do is not to complain, but to find a way to solve it.

and so……

"My lord, let's drink less," Zhang Fan persuaded, "It's better not to drink so much wine on weekdays. After all, although this wine is delicious, drinking too much will still hurt your body. Today, the lord has already drunk a lot. There are seven or eight taels of wine, and it's getting late now, let's go back and rest quickly, "

"Hey, I don't pay much attention to this wine king," Zhu Xuanqi said, and although his face is a little rosy now, his consciousness is very clear, and his clear eyes have already explained the problem , "Didn't you see that this king is still very sober now, don't worry, Mr. Zhang,"

"No, Wei Chen didn't mean that," Zhang Fan said, "We also know how much the prince can drink, and this little wine will naturally not make the prince drunk, but during this time, the prince drinks like this every night. Long, I'm afraid my body won't be able to bear it anymore."

"Oh, I feel uncomfortable when I do this," Zhu Xuanqi suddenly showed a helpless look, and said, "In the past few days, when I encountered some things, I always felt a little unhappy in my heart, so this is why I feel uncomfortable every night. It's all like this, if not, how could it be like this.

"Using wine to relieve sorrow and worry is even more worrying. It is true, but when there are really troubles, how can it be possible to drink without drinking?"

"I dare to ask, I don't know what the prince is worrying about," Zhang Fan asked suddenly, although he knew that it would be a waste of time to talk about these things with Zhu Xuanqi at this time, and he couldn't ask anything, but Zhang Fan Still asking this question, he was suddenly very interested in Zhu Xuanqi's words.

"What else can there be?" Zhu Xuanqi looked helpless, smiled wryly, and said, "If you want to come to this king, Mr. Zhang already knows what will bother you, so I won't say any more, and Not only that, but there have been rebellions here recently, and they still want to be unfavorable to this Sichuan. Although this king clearly knows that as long as General Liu's army is guarding here, those rebels will not be able to attack at all, let alone Mr. Zhang has already prepared, but no matter what happens, this king still feels unhappy when this kind of thing happened here, so this is the case these few days, which made Mr. Zhang laugh, "

"Oh, what is your lord talking about?" Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "Who hasn't encountered anything that goes wrong? You will also encounter many troublesome things, and after entering the court, there will be even more troublesome things.

"This is the case with me, not to mention that the prince is in such a position, and he has to encounter more troubles than me. Speaking of it, I feel like I'm playing tricks, but I feel that if the prince If you have to use alcohol to drown your sorrows because of these troubles every day, wouldn't you be getting drunk every day?"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang is right." Zhu Xuanqi did not show any displeasure at Zhang Fan's words. Worrying, but that's not something you can solve by worrying about it. Instead of drinking so much wine every day because of these things that can't be solved at all, it's better to relax and be as good as usual.

"If you can drink like this and drink away all these troubles, I, the prince, might as well sell wine,"

"What the lord said," Zhang Fan echoed, "That's the way it is. Some troubles will bother you, but you can't do anything about it. If you are upset, it's really not a solution. It's better to just do it casually." Forget it, don’t worry too much about it,”

"Master Zhang is right," Zhu Xuanqi said here, suddenly put down his wine glass, looked at Zhang Fan and said, "Since that's the case, let's stop here today, it's getting late, Master Zhang, let's go to rest, my lord I'm going to rest too."

"In that case, please rest, my lord," Zhang Fan said, although he didn't ask what was bothering Zhu Xuanqi, but since Zhu Xuanqi didn't want to say anything, Zhang Fan wouldn't insist on asking. What's more, Zhu Xuanqi himself said that he was going to rest, didn't it just fit Zhang Fan's intentions, Zhang Fan had absolutely no reason to keep him.

After Zhu Xuanqi left, Zhang Fan did not leave immediately. He was a little puzzled by Zhu Xuanqi's performance today, but now, Wang Meng had already followed him.

Although Wang Meng did not tell Zhang Fan about his plans after entering the Shu Palace, Zhang Fan still has some understanding of Wang Meng's behavior style. The most important thing for Wang Meng to do things is to be safe, and what happened today, Wang Meng would also know He would not act until Zhu Xuanqi went to Xia Lingbo's place, so Zhang Fan also knew that although he couldn't feel it, he knew that Wang Meng was definitely watching the situation here just now.

Zhang Fan guessed right, Wang Meng was outside, and when Zhu Xuanqi left just now, he also left with Zhu Xuanqi. Of course, Zhu Xuanqi walked the normal way, while Wang Meng walked on the roof.

Wang Meng followed Zhu Xuanqi, and saw that Zhu Xuanqi had come to that fork in the road, one was going to Xia Lingbo's room, and the other was going to his own room, Zhu Xuanqi stopped at this place.

This made Wang Meng look at Zhu Xuanqi very curiously. Speaking of which, he was worried about this matter. Sure enough, Zhu Xuanqi took a step and walked towards the road to his own room. This made Wang Meng feel very concerned about what happened to him tonight The decision felt well worth it.

But what happened next made Wang Meng a little strange. Zhu Xuanqi had already stepped into that road, but he stopped before taking two steps. He just stood there for a while, shook his head, and Let out a helpless laugh, although Wang Meng couldn't see his frontal appearance, he could still imagine his current appearance.

Then, Zhu Xuanqi turned around and walked towards Xia Lingbo's room.

Why this happened, Wang Meng didn't know, but he didn't care about it. After waiting for a while, after making sure that Zhu Xuanqi would not come, Wang Meng looked around, turned over and got off the roof,

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