The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1157 Fighting Everywhere

night.Zhang Fan didn't go back to sleep.Actually.Zhang Fan didn't go back to the house at all.After Zhu Xuanqi went back.Zhang Fan waited there for a while.just left.But Zhang Fan didn't go back to his room to sleep.Instead, they went to a garden not far from Xia Lingbo's room.

Do not misunderstand.It's not that Zhang Fan has any special hobby of voyeurism.He was just here to stare.Even to stare at Zhu Xuanqi.Zhang Fan didn't intend to do anything dirty either.only.It was because they had already made an appointment with Xia Lingbo.Let her stare at Zhu Xuanqi.Once Zhu Xuanqi goes wrong at night.I want him to tell Zhang Fan immediately.

And Xia Lingbo told Zhang Fan the method.Actually it is.If Zhu Xuanqi left at night.She wants to light a lamp.If so.Zhang Fanyi found out about this matter.They will stop Zhu Xuanqi.As for what reason should be used to stop Zhu Xuanqi.This is what Zhang Fan needs to consider.Although Zhang Fan felt it himself.The reason you have prepared.It's really unreliable.But in order to deal with this kind of thing at night.There are very few reasons that can be found.

But speaking of it.The chances of that happening tonight are also slim.Although not entirely.But actually very little.So Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it.Instead, focus on tomorrow.Speaking words.It's not too likely that things will happen tomorrow.But because it is daytime.So Zhang Fan's reason was even made up by himself.But it was more able to attract Zhu Xuanqi's attention.

Think about these things.Zhang Fan sat alone in the garden.It was cold at night.Even Zhang Fan wore very warm clothes.Although I feel a cool breeze blowing.But he wasn't cold either.But in such a dark night.Except starlight.But there was no light.Sitting here alone.It was also dark all around.It does make people feel a little uncomfortable.

certainly.The so-called nonsense is strange and chaotic.Whether it was Zhang Fan who was proficient in scientific knowledge in his previous life.It is still the Zhang Fan who has read a lot of poetry and books in this life.Don't even believe in the existence of ghosts.But where Zhang Fan is now.There was no one around at all.There is no sound.Not much light either.It's really scary.

But Zhang Fan was fine.After all, he didn't come here just because he had nothing to do.His eyes kept looking at the window of Xia Lingbo's room over there.But in his mind, he was thinking about what was going to happen in the's here.Don't worry about being seen by anyone.Even if it is a person in the palace.I happened to pass by this place at such a time and saw Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan only needs to say that he can't sleep to get rid of it.

even though.People who can't sleep.will be in this weather.At this hour.Come and sit here.It's just too weird.But strange is not strange.That is someone else's choice.What's more, in this palace.Although Zhang Fan is just a resident.But except for Zhu Xuanqi.With his identity.No one can say anything to him.

Speaking up.It's half past midnight now.Since Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi separated to the present.An hour has passed.this time.want to come.Wang Meng has already got something.Hurrying back to the Yamen made those people start to imitate.

Although Zhang Fan said that he would monitor this place.But it's impossible for him to sit here all night without moving.Sleepy or not is one thing.Although it is very cold.But for Zhang Fan.There's nothing wrong with staying up all night.But in this way.People will be very lethargic the next day.What's more, he had to deal with Zhu Xuanqi's possible abnormalities the next is impossible for Zhang Fan to spend all night here.He has to the very least.We must deal with Zhu Xuanqi tomorrow with all our energy.

Think here.He looked at Xia Lingbo's window opposite.It was still pitch black.I've seen lights on there before.Presumably it was because Zhu Xuanqi had just left.Occasionally some voices can be heard.It's just because the sound is too small.Can't make out what's being said in there.

But wait until midnight.There was no sound in the room.Zhang Fan saw this.Think about it.Decided to wait half an hour.Wait until the ugly time comes.He went back to his room to sleep.

During this period of time, he thought about his plan to deal with possible abnormalities tomorrow.

Speaking of problems that may arise tomorrow.Zhang Fan had already thought about what to do.He planned to use it on New Year's Eve.What happened outside Shu Wang's mansion as a reason.Come and hold Zhu Xuanqi back.Talk about what happened that day.I mentioned it before.Everyone in the Shu Palace already knew about it.And some of the rumors are not quite right.

Zhu Xuanqi obviously knew about that.even.He also doubted whether Zhang Fan was involved.But Zhu Xuanqi was skeptical.Although the look in Zhang Fan's eyes was a little strange in those two days.But he didn't ask Zhang Fan anything about that day in the end.but.Although Zhu Xuanqi didn't ask Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan knew.He must have wanted to know.

so.If something strange happens to Zhu Xuanqi tomorrow.Zhang Fan will find him immediately.Talk about that day.

But what should be said.Here it is necessary to think carefully.certainly.It is absolutely impossible to tell Zhu Xuanqi the truth of the matter.But even without telling the truth.Zhang Fan believed that what he was thinking would definitely attract Zhu Xuanqi's attention.

Zhu Xuanqi this person.As the son of the concubine of King Shukang, how did he ascend to the throne.Zhang Fan already understood this.but.That's not the point.The point is.But anyone who has this kind of experience.There will be a lot of doubts.I suspect that others will think that his current position is not right.Want to covet.

There are precedents for this kind of thing.most typical.It was Emperor Jiajing.He is because Emperor Zhengde has no heirs.This is the one who ascended to the throne of Ming Dynasty.therefore.Many people felt that he took a huge advantage.It is true that he covets his throne.And Zhu Houcong himself also felt this way.So whether it is a relative of the royal family or a minister below.He was going to fight them all.Just let them obey you.

And finally.Emperor Jiajing won his dignity.But the country has been disfigured.

certainly.Not to talk about it now.But Zhu Xuanqi.The circumstances of Zhu Xuanqi and Emperor Jiajing were somewhat different.After all, he can ascend to the throne.By himself.Although it is not a serious way.But it was really on his own.

only.The crooked ways he used.Although not known to outsiders.But the so-called do not do bad things.Don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.He did something wrong.So I am very worried about this kind of thing.Zhu Xuanqi was most worried about two things.One is that someone coveted his throne.And the other thing is that there are people in his lineage of the King of Shu who like to do things like this.

And Zhang Fan is planning to do what he likes.I have made a fuss about this kind of thing.

He planned to tell Zhu Xuanqi.What happened on New Year's Eve.In fact, it has something to do with being in the palace.A collateral lineage of the king of Shu.

Just such a topic.It was enough to attract Zhu Xuanqi.I'm afraid Zhang Fan only needs to tell him that.There is no need to say anything else.Zhu Xuanqi alone was able to start guessing a lot of things.

but.Zhu Xuanqi guessed by himself.But since Zhang Fan said this.Then he would inevitably ask Zhang Fan what happened.And this time.Zhang Fan is about to start making up more lies.

First point.Should this matter be brought to that person's head?

There are many collateral lines of the lineage of King Shu.Speaking of it, if these people all covet the throne of the King of Shu.That's right.After all, who doesn't want to be a prince.

but.You can't point at a person indiscriminately and say that he's the one who's done.Zhang Fan had to find the most correct person.

Like those who are already the heads of a country.Or someone who has been in that position for some years.Of course not.Even if these people really want to be princes.But after all, their current identities are already stable.And for these people who have already established their identities.It is very difficult to challenge Zhu Xuanqi.If you can't steal chickens, you will lose money.Not only did it fail.And if you lose everything you have now.Then the loss outweighs the gain.

so.Zhang Fan did not intend to use the reason that these people were coveting Zhu Xuanqi's throne to delay Zhu Xuanqi.But in a different way.Just say it.Some of them.It is enough for a small country that wants to inherit from its father.

And here.eligible.In fact, there was only one person.It is the family of Deyang Kingdom.

The first generation of Deyang Kingdom was Zhu Youcheng, King Xi'an of Deyang.He is the third son of Shu and Wang Zhu Yuezhao.In the 11th year of orthodoxy, the king opened the mansion.

And this family.From the orthodox year.until now.More than 130 years have passed.Today's Deyang Kingdom.There is no master in the country.

The previous king of Deyang was Zhu Chengyu, the general of Fengguo.It's just that he died last year.Now his three sons are keeping mourning for him.I came to Shu Palace this year.It's just the selfishness of Zhu Chengzhen's eldest son and second son.Another one stayed in Deyang.He is the only heir of Zhu Chengzhen's concubine.

Hesitant before Zhu Chengyu died.No suicide note was left saying which son would inherit the throne.Therefore, his three sons have had a lot of trouble in the past two years.

Speaking up.In the end, who should inherit Deyang Kingdom.Now it seems that only Zhu Xuanqi has the final say.therefore.Chinese New Year this year.The two sons born from the first line took advantage of their status.Let their brother stay.The two came to the Shu Palace to pay New Year's greetings.In fact, he came to please Zhu Xuanqi.

If you use this thing.I'm afraid Zhu Xuanqi will never ignore it.Want to procrastinate for a day.It's not a problem anymore.

As for what will happen next.To be honest, Zhang Fan didn't care.

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