The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1158 This is a good thing

Early the next morning, Zhang Fan got up just after Mao o'clock. Although he only slept for three hours, it was enough for Zhang Fan. As long as he could keep his consciousness clear and deal with today, it would be fine in this way. Well, as for the things behind, Zhang Fan can no longer intervene, so he won't worry about those things, he just needs to be optimistic about what's in front of him.

But last night, apart from the fact that things were not going well at the beginning, and Zhu Xuanqi happened to be unusual, which delayed some time, everything else went well.

The whole night, Zhu Xuanqi did not leave the room again. Of course, this was only known to Zhang Fan after he got up this morning. He slept soundly, but after waking up early this morning, he heard that Zhu Xuanqi did not do anything unusual last night, which made Zhang Fan very relieved.

And I got up early this morning to stare at Zhu Xuanqi, in case Zhu Xuanqi got up early in the morning, changed his mind again, and ran to his room to check things, then everything would go to waste. It was going smoothly, Zhu Xuanqi didn't make any changes, as usual, it was almost the time of Si, and after more than an hour, Zhu Xuanqi hadn't been to his room, which really made Zhang Fan feel very lucky up.

Of course, it’s not all different. Zhang Fan also met Zhu Xuanqi once in the morning, but he felt something different. When he first met Zhu Xuanqi, he felt that he was no different from usual, he was still the same. However, after Zhang Fan said goodbye to Zhu Xuanqi, he thought about it and found some differences.

There is no essential change, but if you really want to say it, Zhang Fan feels that Zhu Xuanqi is now more cheerful than before. No, this is not Zhang Fan's whimsical idea, and Zhu Xuanqi's life during this period It is impossible for Zhang Fan to have such wild thoughts.

However, after feeling this way, even Zhang Fan felt a little unbelievable. After all, last night when Zhu Xuanqi drank with Zhang Fan, he still showed such a lack of interest and full of troubles. But after such a night, he suddenly changed his mood. Thinking about it carefully, although many things happened last night, for Zhu Xuanqi, it was indeed the same as usual, and nothing special happened.

But it's impossible, Zhang Fan believes that there will be another reasonable explanation for everything. Even though Zhu Xuanqi is not very good at thinking, such a sentence is applicable. It is absolutely impossible for him to change his mood for no reason.

Could it be Xia Lingbo's fault? After all, last night, after drinking with Zhang Fan and returning home, did he go to his room? Zhang Fan doesn't know yet, but obviously, he went to his room alone. , it is impossible to change the mood, and other places, only Xia Lingbo's place, maybe because of Xia Lingbo, Zhu Xuanqi became cheerful.

However, after Zhang Fan thought about it for a while, he shook his head and secretly thought that this was impossible. After all, Xia Lingbo had already been ordered by him yesterday to keep an eye on Zhu Xuanqi and notify him if there was any change. It's not the kind of inexperienced chick. Since she has been ordered to do something, she must abide by one thing, that is, to have the power to complete her task, and not to cause extra complications.

So, last night, what Xia Lingbo had to do was to entangle Zhu Xuanqi as much as possible without leaving any traces, and not let him go out. With these two things, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Xia Lingbo to do other superfluous things.

In other words, Zhu Xuanqi suddenly changed his mood today, but it had nothing to do with her.

"Could it be..." Zhang Fan suddenly thought of a possibility, and it was because of him.

Speaking of which, when Zhang Fan was drinking with Zhu Xuanqi last night, he also said some words. The reason for those words is very simple. It is to let Zhu Xuanqi let go of everything and stop being too persistent. It's better to let him go instead of worrying about himself.

The reason why Zhang Fan said these words was not for Zhu Xuanqi's good or anything, but because Zhu Xuanqi was really different last night, and he still refused to go back to sleep after dragging on for a long time, which made Zhang Fan a little anxious, so he said it Such words.

However, if Zhu Xuanqi suddenly changed his mood because of Zhang Fan's words, then...

However, this idea only lingered in Zhang Fan's mind for a while before being thrown away by Zhang Fan. Not only that, but Zhang Fan also laughed at himself, yes, no matter how he thought about it, Zhu Xuanqi really didn't like it. Like that kind of person, he is not the kind of person who changes his mind just because of a few words or a few great principles from others. What's more, even if Zhu Xuanqi and Zhang Fan don't know each other very well, there is One thing they know is that the other party wants to make trouble for themselves.

As long as you have this kind of thinking, you will naturally put the other party on the opposite side of your own. In this way, no matter whether what the other party said is right or wrong, even if it is a nonsense principle, there is no such thing. There is nothing to refute, but there will still be a feeling of resistance in my heart, so I don't agree with what the other party said.

However, Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi are now in such a subtle opposition. The reason why the two sides can still be so gentle is because neither side has made any moves to tear their skins. But the two are essentially , do not believe each other.

In this way, thinking that Zhu Xuanqi might have changed because of what he said, Zhang Fan's first reaction was that this was absolutely impossible, and after this reaction came out, he Immediately vetoed the possibility that came to mind.

This is not to blame Zhang Fan for being so arbitrary. After all, he has lived in the Shu Palace for so long and has been in contact with Zhu Xuanqi for such a long time. Even if Zhang Fan can't see through Zhu Xuanqi, he still has some understanding of him. All in all From what Zhang Fan knew about Zhu Xuanqi, he was definitely not that kind of person.

However, although Zhang Fan vetoed this idea based on what he knew, he ignored an important thing, that is, people cannot be measured by such rigid rules, even if they have People who are very familiar sometimes do things that they would not normally do, and for people like Zhu Xuanqi who don't know him very well, this is even more common.

The reason why Zhu Xuanqi has this change today is because of what Zhang Fan said to him last night. Recently, whether Zhu Xuanqi said that he would go to his room to check things every day, or that he would go to his room every night before going to bed. It is the same reason to drink a lot of wine. There are many things that bother him, and these things that bother him are beyond his power as a prince. Therefore, in order to numb himself , because he became like this during this period of time.

However, what Zhang Fan said to him last night really gave him a feeling of enlightenment. Zhu Xuanqi felt that Zhang Fan had indeed said a lot, many things. It's all unsolvable. In this case, it's better to just let it go and let it go. If the time comes, if it hasn't been solved, that's the only way to do it. If the time comes, the problem will be solved with a sharp edge, then Naturally, it is best, but you don't have to make yourself so exhausted because of these.

After thinking about these things, Zhu Xuanqi was no longer attached.

This is also the strange thing that Wang Meng saw last night. On the forked road leading to his room and Xia Lingbo's room, Zhu Xuanqi walked towards his room, but stopped before taking a few steps, and felt helpless afterwards. With a laugh, he turned and walked towards Xia Lingbo.

It was precisely because Zhu Xuanqi thought of what Zhang Fan said to him at that time, which made him think through many things in his heart.

Even if he is worried that someone will try to steal something from him, which will be bad for him, there is no need to look at it every day. After all, if someone wants to do it, there is nothing he can do. It is impossible to do this every day You can't come out of your own room, right?

And if no one came up with any ideas, it would be too unnecessary for him to go there once a day and make himself so uneasy.

After thinking about this, Zhu Xuanqi immediately changed his mood.

But Zhang Fan didn't know about this, and even Xia Lingbo and Wang Meng, who were also suspicious, just regarded it as an occasional strange thing and didn't pay too much attention to it, so they didn't tell Zhang Fan about it. Intend.

However, these are not important to Zhang Fan. The most important thing is that Zhu Xuanqi didn't think about it so much, so this is a good thing for him, isn't it? Since it is a good thing, let it continue, why bother? Since I have been asking the bottom line like this, if there is a difference, wouldn't I be depressed.

Thinking of these, even Zhang Fan felt much more comfortable, and his mood improved a lot.

And at this moment, Wang Mengren arrived.

"What's the matter over there?" Zhang Fan immediately asked after seeing Wang Meng.

"The people in the yamen have already started working on it," Wang Meng replied, "It seems that it should be no problem to finish it on time."

"Well, that's good," Zhang Fan said, "Have you read that genealogy book, what does it say in it, and can we use it?" Zhang Fan asked about the things he was concerned about,

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