The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1159 Arbitrary Manipulation

"After I got the things in my hands last night, I rushed back to the palace," Wang Meng answered Zhang Fan's question, and said, "After I went back, I asked those people to imitate them quickly. I stayed there halfway and took time to look at it." Look at that genealogy, indeed, that is indeed what we want, as long as Queen Mother Li can get this genealogy, she will hold the prince's biggest handle, and punish him in any way she wants, "

"Oh." Hearing what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan also showed interest and asked, "Then tell me, what is written on it?"

"That genealogy, it seems, is indeed different from the one left in the palace," Wang Meng said, "From the first generation of Shuxian King Zhu Chun to the present, all people who have the blood of Shu King, Everything is recorded, even illegitimate children, as long as they can be confirmed, they are also recorded, and even, not only males, as long as they are women with the blood of the king of Shu, they will also be recorded on it, not only that, everyone has The only difference is that those unimportant people, such as those illegitimate children, or women, although there is also a pendant for identification, but there is only one sentence written on it Just a click, no pictures.

"It's just that the lineage of the King of Shu has been around for almost 200 years now, and there are too many people with the bloodline of the King of Shu, so it is really difficult to imitate. , there are not many places to draw pictures on it, only the lineage of the King of Shu, the side branch does not have these things, if you just imitate the handwriting, it is not difficult, and those few pictures, although somewhat difficult, but the above pictures It's not detailed, it's just a general appearance, so it's much easier for us to imitate, the difficulty is that there are too many things, and we have to spend time on the genealogy and do some processing to make it look older OK.

"Speaking of which, this genealogy has been recorded since the first generation of Shu kings. Naturally, the time cannot be kept for 200 years, and the one that was taken back by the humble job, according to the craftsman below, is also 40 to 40 years old. It takes some effort to make the imitated things look the same as those made three or [-] years ago, but those people often do this kind of thing, although it is laborious, but they are not unfamiliar, so there should be no problem,"

"Well, that's not bad, as long as it can be finished around You o'clock today." Zhang Fan nodded and said, "But you said that not only males and offspring, but also females and illegitimate children Remember, "Zhang Fan is a little puzzled by this point. If it's women, it's easy to say. After all, although they are women, these princesses will always marry in the future, but no matter what, their The blood of the King of Shu line also flows in the body.

However, even the illegitimate children are recorded. Although it is said that the illegitimate children who can be recorded have been ascertained, but the illegitimate children are illegitimate children after all. I thought, it shouldn't be included in the genealogy.

Perhaps, it is because of their noble status that they have such a sense of crisis. Even though the lineage of the King of Shu has always been prosperous, it cannot be ruled out that the lineage will suddenly be cut off and there will be no one who can inherit the throne. Perhaps, in case of such a situation, perhaps the title of King of Shu can be retained and transferred to other people in the future, but if this happens, wouldn't the people of this line be about to disappear?

Perhaps it is to prevent this from happening, so the illegitimate children are recorded, just in case, although up to now, no emergency measures have been used in case of such a situation.

However, Zhang Fan doesn't care what these people think, or how they plan. He only knows that these people's cautious actions have caused him trouble. After all, for more than 200 years, even if there are no side branches, but only the king of Shu, I don’t know how many heirs there are, not to mention those princesses, and These illegitimate children.

Ten people can be recorded on one side, but such a book has a capacity of hundreds of pages, which accounts for more than half of the genealogy book which is only [-] pages long.

There are thousands of these people alone. Counting the history of the lineage of the king of Shu, it has only been 200 years. Well, although this is really nothing for a family that has grown to such a large size, but think about it, when the Shu Palace was opened, there was only such a person who could develop to the present "" scale", I have to say that people in their lineage are really "involved".

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed, and continued to ask, "What about the record about Zhu Xuanluo?" The things he explained, but this was only what Zhu Xuanluo said to them alone. If Zhu Xuanluo deceived Zhang Fan and the others just to keep himself at that time, then it would be over.

Although the possibility of this is very small, after all, we have reached such a critical point, and the truth will be revealed soon, but Zhu Xuanluo is a little dull, but he has no intention of escaping. I want to come to Zhu Xuanluo to tell them Yes, it should be true.

However, if this kind of thing is confirmed by himself, Zhang Fan can't feel at ease. Now, the genealogy is being imitated, so Zhang Fan has no way to go and see it in person. He also had to keep an eye on Zhu Xuanqi in case there was any change in him, so now he could only listen to Wang Meng's report. In this kind of matter, he trusted Wang Meng very much.

"I specially read the pages about Prince Kang's heir," Wang Meng replied, "It is true that as Zhu Xuanluo told us before, King Kang did have a son named Zhu Xuanluo, and the age of Zhu Xuanluo recorded above , Counting this year, it is exactly the same as what Zhu Xuanluo told us, exactly 22 years old.

"Besides, because Zhu Xuanluo is the heir of King Kang, the above record is very detailed, even the birth date is included, and the accessory is also painted on it. I have seen Zhu Xuanluo's piece, and the birth date recorded on it is the same as that The records in this genealogy are exactly the same, and even the accessories look exactly the same. I think it is true, but I don’t know if the current Zhu Xuanluo is Zhu Xuanluo himself.” Some words are incomprehensible.

However, although others couldn't hear it, Zhang Fan understood it clearly. What Wang Meng meant was that, according to the records in the genealogy, at least he knew about Zhu Xuanluo, and that piece of The accessories are indeed Zhu Xuanluo's stuff, but I just don't know whether the Zhu Xuanluo that Zhang Fan and the others know is Zhu Xuanluo himself, or whether he heard about his life experience from the real Zhu Xuanluo and pretended to be him of.

"It doesn't matter," Zhang Fan said, "Even if he is not the real Zhu Xuanluo, anyway, no one from the King of Shu family has seen him for more than 20 years, and now they suddenly say that he is, as long as they can produce evidence, Zhu Xuanqi There is no way to refute it at all, besides, doesn't he know everything about Zhu Xuanluo clearly, as long as this is the case, that is enough, "

"But..." Apparently, Wang Meng was still worried about Zhang Fan's words, "What if the prince wants to confess his relatives with blood, what should we do? If Zhu Xuanluo is real, then he is the prince's half-brother. In this way, their blood can also dissolve, if they can't mix, wouldn't something big happen, "

"Blood recognition," Zhang Fan said with a smile since he had heard this word in TV dramas in his previous life, and it was the first time he heard it in this era. Move your hands and feet, the blood of any two people, if I want them to be compatible, then they will be compatible, and if I don’t want them to be compatible, then they will definitely not be compatible." He didn’t intend to explain to Wang Meng how much the method of dripping blood to recognize relatives is. It's not scientific, but he just needs to let Wang Meng know that he has a way to solve this problem, and that's enough.

And it is indeed the case. Seeing Zhang Fan say such words so confidently, Wang Meng felt relieved. Although he did not believe Zhang Fan blindly, basically, what Zhang Fan said was true to him. He believed them all, but Wang Meng was willing to believe in Zhang Fan for things he couldn't understand. After all, Zhang Fan was very knowledgeable, and perhaps some books he had read mentioned such things.

In this era, apart from such an unscientific method, there is no other way to test the relationship between relatives, and since Zhang Fan can manipulate this thing, then everything is easy to say.

However, outside the words, Wang Meng felt something unusual. For the first time, he had a sense of awe towards Zhang Fan. In the past, he only respected Zhang Fan, but he was not afraid. Zhang Fan did have some fear.

Even this kind of thing can be manipulated according to his own ideas. If Zhang Fan wants to use this method to deal with the royal family, wouldn't it be...

Seemingly thinking of something bad, Wang Meng suddenly felt a little chilly all over his body.

He looked at Zhang Fan, but he didn't find any conspiracy on his face, he was still as peaceful as before, Wang Meng felt relieved and thought: "My lord, I probably won't do anything else... right... "

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