The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1160 The News Comes Again

In the next time.Zhang Fan was always nervous.No.It wouldn't be right to say he was nervous.But definitely focused all the time.After all, he had to wait.Once Zhu Xuanqi made any changes.As soon as Xia Lingbo's news came.He had to go and hold Zhu Xuanqi back immediately.Although Zhang Fan would have to wait until Zhu Xuanqi did something before he could hold him back.But this waiting process.Not reassuring.What's more, Zhang Fan has been thinking about it.What should be done then.

In this way.Haven't done anything yet though.But this made Zhang Fan not feel relaxed.In addition, he still has to think about what to do when the time comes.The spirit has always been on this.Even more so.

but.Been waiting for quite a while.Until the afternoon.Zhang Fan began to feel strange.It should not be said to be strange.It is no exaggeration to say that I am happy.Inside all day today.Zhu Xuanqi didn't even intend to go to his own room.And not only that.The appearance of Zhu Xuanqi today.It is indeed a lot more cheerful.

If.Early in the morning.Zhang Fan had this feeling.It can also be said to be a subtle change that is not very noticeable.It can even be said to be an illusion of oneself.But in the afternoon.This becomes very obvious.Zhu Xuanqi obviously became much more cheerful than before.

Zhu Xuanqi today.A lot of laughter.And that laugh.It makes people feel very refreshing.Absolutely not on purpose.It's a heartfelt laugh.It's clear that I'm talking.He is in a very good mood now.

And today.Although Zhang Fan would not deliberately meet Zhu Xuanqi.But naturally, she would not deliberately avoid him.So Zhang Fan also met him a few times today.And every time.Zhang Fan will find out.Zhu Xuanqi had a smile on his face.that smile.It's definitely not the kind that's pretended.It definitely comes naturally.

all in all.Either way.All explained.Zhu Xuanqi's current mood.very good.

This made Zhang Fan feel a little strange.Obviously until last night.Zhu Xuanqi was still in a very bad mood.He told Zhang Fan so much last night.But the only theme is.He's in a bad mood right now.And Zhang Fan just explained him a few sentences casually with great principles.but now.Zhu Xuanqi became like this.

The person who caused this.It was Zhang Fan himself.But Zhang Fan himself didn't know this.He's still wondering.Strange obviously from yesterday to now.Not even a day's work.If you remove the time to sleep.It was only a few hours.Why did Zhu Xuanqi have such a change?Moreover.Zhang Fan who kept staring at him.Did not find anything special.

but.Can't figure out something.Don't go too far into it.But for Zhang Fan.Even if he can't understand this matter.But he just needs to know.If Zhu Xuanqi had always been so cheerful.It can only be good for him.

People just need to be cheerful.Worrying things will indeed be let go.And most importantly.I won't be obsessed with something anymore.Something that he didn't need to worry about at all.But for Zhu Xuanqi.Maybe he was so cheerful.I also forgot to check whether my things are missing every day.If you don't even go at night.There is no need to go during the day.

Of course.These are Zhang Fan's thoughts on the good side.Although it looks like the situation now.It's really developing in this direction.But Zhang Fan couldn't take it lightly.He still has to wait until tonight.After Zhu Xuanluo put the things back.Only then can I feel at ease.Now.No matter how cheerful Zhu Xuanqi looks.He can only stare at him here.Just in case something unexpected happens.

but.Zhang Fan's idea is not bad.But things always backfired.Originally, he planned to stare at Zhu Xuanqi like this today.But Zhang Fan seemed to have forgotten.Now here's what's happening.But not just in the Shu Palace.somewhere else.There are still things going on.And among them.There is Zhang Fan who also needs attention.

afternoon.When the application time just arrived.There is news.It's about Yongning Mansion.

But this time.It was not Wang Meng who brought the news.It was the battle report sent back by Liu Xian.Said it was a battle report.But actually.It was to be passed on to Zhang Fan alone.

that day.Yongning Mansion sent two thousand troops.Heading towards Sichuan.But Liu Xian, who was sitting in the Xingdu Division of Sichuan Province, got the news.Immediately ordered the long-prepared army below to meet the enemy.The result was Liu Xian's victory.The two thousand enemy troops who came were wiped out.And there were only a few casualties on our own side.

Great victory this time.Greatly inspired the people in Sichuan.Originally, I was still worried about the rebellion of more than 2 people.What kind of harm will it cause to the people?After learning the news.Naturally he became happy.

but.Here is a scene of joy and encouragement.But there was chaos in Yongning Mansion.

Yongning's side.The person with Zhang Fan was there.It's not just Liang Chao and his party who are going to carry out the mission.There are also some spies who are in the dark to inquire about the news.only.These spies were commanded.Only report if there is a big trend.If there is no big movement.Just don't move.lest you expose yourself.And the so-called big movement here.Actually not too clear.

But the people Zhang Fan sent.But it is also very difficult.Even if they wanted to.But it's also hard to get the message out.

so.What exactly does Yongning Mansion look like.It's not too clear here.

But the scouts sent by Liu Xian.Instead, I found some news.Although Liu Xian's people couldn't find out what happened.But he was able to go to a place very close to Yongning to inquire about news.

And the news is that.Because Liu Xian's army wiped out those 2000 people before.The Yongning Mansion is also in chaos now.

Just like what Zhang Fan and the others thought.When I first heard the news.The people inside still don't believe it.The reason why they agreed to send these 2000 people.It was actually considered.Although they are officially rebelling now.Although they also know.It is impossible to break through the defense line that Liu Xian has already arranged by relying on these 2000 people alone.But before they want to come.The role of these 2000 people is not to attack.Instead, he held Liu Xian back for them.After all, Liu Xian put 5 to [-] people in front of them.It still scares them a little.

And if these 2000 people pass by.Even if it is doomed to fail.But in their view.At most, Liu Xian just captured them.Just as a prisoner.And 2000 captives.It's enough to keep this place busy for a while.

The reason why these people dare to do this.It was because they thought it was impossible for Liu Xian to make a big kill.The reason is that they are not Han Chinese.To know in this place.So many nationalities.There are enough questions.And now.Because the Bo people were destroyed.This makes the place people.They were also worried.Is the court going to attack them next?

So they feel.It is impossible for Liu Xian to kill these 2000 people.They felt that Liu Xian would be afraid if he did this.Other tribes will rebel.

But.What they never thought of was.Liu Xian didn't do what they thought at all.These 2000 people had just encountered Liu Xian's army.He was killed cleanly.

When I just heard the news.It's just some rumors.So after they were surprised.It also felt that this was impossible.But after.The rumors spread more and more widely.Almost everyone knows about this.And then to the end.By some means.They are sure.This is not a rumor.But it is true.

This time.These people became completely flustered.

They couldn't see the situation at all.

If Liu Xian killed more than 2000 of them.Perhaps other tribes will follow suit out of fear.But only so [-] people.It is impossible for other tribes to take this risk.

And Yongning's side.Under panic.We can only find a way to take responsibility for this matter.Although it is said that the person sent out.They are all composed of people drawn from various tribes.But it was the first to propose such an approach.Still those two leaders of the various tribes.In order to give an explanation to the people below.Naturally, you have to shirk your responsibility.And those two people.It has become the best candidate to take the blame.

Liu Xian's people.That's all there is to know about the news.But what happened afterwards.It is estimated that those people are looking for those two people to gossip.

But the news came back today.But it is different.Although the battle report did not say exactly what happened.But according to the news reported by the scouts released by Liu Xian.Yongning's side.There has been a big movement.Soldiers and horses of various tribes.All are mobilizing.But this transfer.Even Liu Xian couldn't see any tricks.Not sure what the hell they were doing.But there is one thing Liu Xian can be sure of.That's what's going to happen over there.

Liu Xian who just saw the news.It is indeed tense.And Zhang Fan who got the news.Also tensed up.The first thing that comes to their mind is.Yongning's side is very likely because of the 2000 people.It's time for an attack.

It's not impossible.Maybe those two people were trying to shirk responsibility.It fanned the flames again.Convince those tribes to take revenge.

if it is like this.That would be bad.Even if Liu Xian made arrangements.But if 2 people attack together.Even an army of [-] can destroy them all.But casualties are absolutely inevitable.And if this is the case.I don't know if the tribes in other places will take any action.

Just when Zhang Fan was anxious about this matter.Wang Meng is here.

After meeting Zhang Fan.Wang Meng didn't say hello either.He opened his mouth and said, "My lord, there is news from Liang Chao."

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