The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1171 Sophistry

"What did you say?" Facing Zhang Fan's answer.Fang Yueling used such a cold voice.Asked be honest.from her voice.Really can't hear too much surprise.But Zhang Fan could tell.Regarding the sentence I just said.Fang Yueling was indeed extremely surprised.

"What. Master Fang can't even use his ears well now." Zhang Fan said to her with a mocking smile. "If that's the case, then I'll say it again. Li Yang has long been a member of my Jinyiwei. And everything he did, I ordered him to do so. Even if Master Fang is looking for trouble, he is also asking for trouble for me But Li Yang, he has no enmity with the noble sect."

"Li Yang... When did he become a member of Jinyiwei?" Fang Yueling her words.There is a hint of the same time.There is also unbelief.and anger inside.

Speaking up.The current Fang Yueling.My heart is very contradictory.Her words to Zhang Fan.I still believe it.So Zhang Fan said that Li Yang was already a member of Jinyiwei.And what he did.Everything was ordered by Zhang Fan.These things.Fang Yueling believed in Zhang Fan.

But at the same time.on this matter.Fang Yueling didn't really want to believe it.After all, if this is the case.She would not be able to seek revenge on Li Yang.But the Five Poisons Sect was harmed so badly by Li Yang.She can't just leave this hatred alone.otherwise.At that time, the people below became noisy.How would she explain to the people below.

One more important point.Actually just now.Zhang Fan said.If she wants revenge.It should be aimed at Zhang Fan.Instead of facing Li Yang.This is something that Fang Yueling can't accept.Zhang Fan's identity was clearly there.And if she really wanted to deal with Zhang Fan for the sake of the Five Poisons Sect.That is to say, the Five Poison Sect is going to deal with Jin Yiwei.If so.She has absolutely no chance of winning.No matter how ingenious the Five Poison Sect's methods of poisoning are.Has a lot of rich experience in the arena.But in front of Jin Yiwei's absolute strength overwhelming them.There is no room for these.

Or maybe.This reason above is not really the reason.It was just an excuse Fang Yueling made for herself.And the real reason.It's actually another one.

all in all.Fang Yueling really didn't want things to turn out like that.therefore.Even if she believed what Zhang Fan said.I believe that Li Yang has long been a member of Jinyiwei.And he did that kind of thing at Zhang Fan's order.But she also had to ask to understand.Otherwise.She always felt that she couldn't find a reason to convince herself.

"When." Zhang Fan didn't understand Fang Yueling's mood.His question about Fang Yueling.Instead, he showed a funny expression.Said. "I don't know if Master Fang still remembers it. When he was in the capital, Li Yang had already judged your sect. He joined my Jinyiwei."

"Of course I remember this." Fang Yueling said. "At that time, because I still wanted to find out the whereabouts of my father. I also needed your help. I didn't care about those things. That's why I didn't bother to find Li Yang. But what Mr. Zhang said now, I couldn't understand it. That's right. At that time, Li Yang did join Jinyiwei. But after that, he betrayed you again. Didn't he return to my Five Immortals sect?"

"Hehe. It seems that Master Fang didn't understand." Zhang Fan said to Fang Yueling.smiled.Said. "Let's not mention Li Yang for now. Let me ask Hierarch Fang first. About the trip to Yongning Mansion this time, Hierarch Fang has followed all the way. Naturally, Hierarch Fang knows. So Hierarch Fang also understands if he wants to come. There are ten of Liang Chao and the others. Can Kill those two people. And they were able to come back safely. Most of them depended on the three people I arranged to be next to those two people to inform them. Thinking about this, Master Fang already knew about it."

For Zhang Fan's words.Fang Yueling nodded.Said: "Of course I know about this matter. I also admire Mr. Zhang very much. I can see what those two people want to do at such an early time. I even sent someone to go around them to find out the news. And this Once. Whether Liang Chao and the others were able to kill those two people. Or I was able to lead people to rescue my father. It is also thanks to Master Zhang who sent the men beside those two people to inquire about the news." When it came to this point.Fang Yueling also seemed very sincere.It's not that he didn't put his previous anger towards Zhang Fan here.She's talking about the matter.on this matter.Made by Zhang Fan.It really helped her a lot.And she didn't say anything against her will.Zhang Fan arranged this matter this time.It really made her admire.

For Fang Yueling who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years.Although she spends most of her time in the Five Poison Sect.But for things on the rivers and lakes.She also understands.For example.Her Five Poison Sect sent Xia Lingbo to be an eyeliner in the Shu Palace.That is, for emergencies.But this kind of thing.There is no specificity.

And if something like this happens.Most of them are temporarily sent to inquire about the news.Really like Zhang Fan.Already had the foresight.It has been predicted before the other party has done anything.This sends agents to lurk beside the target.Actually very few.

but.This still couldn't let Fang Yueling let go of her anger towards Li Yang.After all his actions.Destroyed the Five Poisons.Although not many people died because of this incident.But the foundation of the ancestors for hundreds of years.But it was also ruined.Want to rebuild.It is also extremely troublesome.

"Since that's the case, then the following words are easy to say." Zhang Fan saw Fang Yueling speak like this.smiled.Said. "Let's put it this way. Master Fang won't feel it. I will send my three subordinates out. They will become the people of those two. The same reason. I sent Li Yang to your teaching. I also let him pretend to re-enter your school." Teaching. In order to act. In other words, Li Yang has always been a member of my Jinyiwei. Since this is the case, Master Fang thinks, should he be punished by your teaching's rules?"

"What did you say. You..." Zhang Fan said.Fang Yueling was shocked. "You... Li Yang... this... this is impossible. How is this possible."

"Impossible." Fang Yueling said.Zhang Fan laughed again. "Master Fang. There is nothing impossible in this world. Perhaps. Just the opposite. The more impossible things are, the more likely they are to happen. However, I also want to ask Master Fang. What Master Fang said just now Impossible to say. What exactly do you mean?"

"How could Li Yang really join Jinyiwei?" Fang Yueling expressed her doubts. "He has the 'five immortal honey dew' in his body. If he dares to betray, I will never give him an antidote. After a year, he will definitely die. I also asked him secretly when he entered Jinyiwei. He said that the situation was unavoidable. This is the only way to do it. But he also said. To find out information for me. Help me if necessary."

"That is to say. Master Fang has believed in Li Yang." Zhang Fan once again put on a funny look.Looking at Fang Yueling.asked. "Based on Li Yang's few words, Fang Hierarch believed it. To be honest, when Li Yang told me about this matter, I was still worried. Whether his clumsy words could deceive Fang Hierarch. Later I met Fang The leader really believed it. I still don't quite believe it. Now that I heard what the leader Fang said, it seems that it is so."

"But..." Fang Yueling.But he didn't care about Zhang Fan's mockery of him.continued. "But after that, Li Yang did help me capture you. Not only let us escape from danger, but also almost killed you. I... I don't believe that you will plan things to this extent. You and I didn't meet each other at that time. How can you be sure that I won't kill you?"

"That's right. At that time, I had never met Master Fang," Zhang Fan said. "To tell the truth, Master Fang. At that time, I never thought that things would turn out like that. So that night. In that cave. I was indeed a little scared. But the final result. Just like the leader Fang insisted on following It didn't come well. It was indeed a threat to Liang Chao and the others. But the final result. No, nothing happened. The same thing happened. Although I'm not sure if Master Fang will kill me at that time, but in the end. I haven't been living well until now. I'm talking to Master Fang."

"This..." Obviously.Talk about a war of words.Just two more mouths.Even Fang Yueling was no match for Zhang Fan.Now.Zhang Fan's words.Fang Yueling was already speechless.

But Zhang Fan looked at her with a relaxed expression.Don't say anything.His words.Not so much as being reasonable.It would be better to say that it is sophistry.But he was sure of Fang Yueling's clumsiness in this regard.Knowing that she couldn't say anything to refute her words.Seriously speaking.Zhang Fan did this.It is indeed a bit of a bully.

And Fang Yueling.Just for a while.His face turned red with anger.Happily.She just couldn't refute Zhang Fan's last.She could only snort coldly.Turn around and leave.

"Wait, Master Fang." Zhang Fan shouted to stop Fang Yueling who was about to leave.

"Master Zhang, what advice do you have?" Fang Yueling turned her head.He looked at Zhang Fan coldly.asked.

"I have to trouble Master Fang with one thing," Zhang Fan said. "My subordinate. I accidentally got the 'Five Immortal Honeydew' of your teaching. I also need to ask Master Fang to hand over two antidote. It is to remove the poison from his body."

"You..." Zhang Fan said.Immediately let Fang Yueling work hard.Pointing at Zhang Fan.Said angrily. "Don't deceive others too much. He was poisoned. That's his own bad luck. Delusion that I will hand over the antidote. Dreaming."

"Then the leader Fang can't help but decide." Zhang Fan said. "Now, both Hierarch Fang and your father are in my hands. I hope Hierarch Fang will cooperate better so as not to cause any trouble."

And just when Zhang Fan said this.Outside the big tent.But it got messed up.

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