In fact, Zhang Fan had already expected this kind of thing to happen on the way here. He was the one who sent Li Yang to lurk in the Five Poison Sect, but the purpose was not to deal with the Five Poison Sect. Well, the Five Poison Sect really didn't have anything that Zhang Fan could look up to, even if it was their miraculous poison, the prescriptions that Li Yang handed over to Jin Yiwei were enough for Zhang Fan and the others to use.

Zhang Fan's real purpose is to pass the stepping stone of the Five Poisons Sect, and then ask Li Yang to find someone close to those two people. After all, if outsiders go directly, those two people may not trust them. People from the Poison Sect, and since those two people want to use the Five Poison Sect, they must have investigated the Five Poison Sect. In this way, they must be somewhat familiar with Li Yang, and use Li Yang to approach them. It can counteract their defensiveness, not to mention Li Yang's surrender certificate, which betrayed the entire Five Poison Sect, so they couldn't help but not believe it.

In short, Li Yang was successful this time, and Li Yang also owed a lot to the completion of this matter. If he hadn't relied on the credit he had just "settled" the Five Poison Sect, he would not have been able to do so in those He is so arrogant in front of people, and Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are a little conniving to him, this is what makes him more free than Zhang Fan's people, and if he hadn't gone to inform Liang Chao and those two people The whereabouts, even including the place where Fang Zhenqian was imprisoned, Liang Chao and the others would not be able to complete this task so smoothly, and Fang Yueling and the others would not be able to rescue Fang Zhengan so easily.

In other words, Li Yang is still Fang Yueling's benefactor if it is really counted.

Zhang Fan understood that once the task was completed, Liang Chao and Fang Yueling would definitely come back together, and at that time, it was naturally impossible for them to leave Li Yang and come back alone, that is to say, as soon as they met, Fang Yueling will definitely be able to see Li Yang, and if this is the case, there is no need to talk about the following things, what Zhang Fan sees now is just that.

In short, Zhang Fan had already anticipated this matter, and he had already figured out how to deal with Fang Yueling.

Speaking of which, it's not a whimsical idea, as long as he uses his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, he doesn't know Fang Yueling too well, but he does know a little bit, at least, he knows "It's true that Fang Yueling is not good at words. If that's the case, then it's easy to handle. With the mouth that I have practiced in the court, she can also say that she is speechless. That's fine. With this confidence, Zhang Where there are still.

But now, what Zhang Fan did was pretty good. Fang Yueling was really caught by Zhang Fan's crooked reasoning mixed with righteous words, and she couldn't answer what she said. Although she knew in her heart that what Zhang Fan said was wrong, But she just didn't know how to refute him.

It's just that Zhang Fan wasn't complacent for too long, and even before the matter subsided, chaos broke out outside the big tent.

Although he didn't see it, Zhang Fan frowned at the voice, obviously someone was going to break in on purpose.

"Who are you, how dare you break into the general's tent privately,"

"Stay back quickly,"

These voices were obviously made by the subordinates brought by Zhang Fan. It was obvious that someone wanted to break in, but they stopped them.

But even so, Zhang Fan still frowned, not to mention whether Liu Xian is here now, even if he is not there now, but this is always Liu Xian's big tent, where the supreme commander of the military camp is located, let alone What kind of outsider is it? Even Liu Xian's soldiers are not allowed to enter and leave here at will. Now, listening to the people outside, it is obvious that they are not from this barracks. Otherwise, Zhang Fan's men will definitely not be Speaking in this tone.

But the next moment, something strange happened to Zhang Fan. The quarrel outside did not last, and even became silent, and then he heard the sound of someone falling to the ground.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on, Wang Meng, who was close to the curtain, frowned deeply. Zhang Fan didn't understand, but he could hear it clearly, although he didn't see what happened outside with his own eyes. What, but Wang Meng can already guess.

When he followed Zhang Fan in, there were two soldiers guarding Liu Xian's big tent outside, and there were four people on his side. He followed Zhang Fan in, and the other two were naturally waiting outside. , and after Liu Xian left here, it was impossible for him to let the two soldiers stay, he must have told them to leave, and Wang Meng also heard the footsteps of the three people leaving.

So at this time, only the two men brought by Zhang Fan were guarding outside, and the voices of those two men who yelled just now were also the voices of those two men.

But just now, the yelling suddenly disappeared, replaced by the sound of two people coming to the end, this is already obvious, obviously the people who came brought the two people down.

This made Wang Meng frown greatly. Wang Meng knew about those two people. Although they were not his opponents at all when it came to martial arts, they were not easily defeated in the Jianghu.

But now, the two fell down without saying a word. It is obvious that the martial arts of the visitor is quite superb. Wang Meng had calculated that if he confronted head-on, he would only be able to do so at most. That is to say, now No matter who comes from outside, in terms of skill, they can match Wang Meng evenly.

This is a powerful enemy. Wang Meng doesn't know what this kind of person is doing here, but Wang Meng feels the danger. After all, Zhang Fan is in the big tent at this time. Although there is Liang Chao, Fang Yueling is not a vegetarian either. Yes, judging from the situation, the person who came here probably has something to do with Fang Yueling, most likely her helper.

Wang Meng blocked that person's words, but Liang Chao might not be able to stop Fang Yueling, not to mention the poisonous methods used by the Five Poison Sect were also very weird, he was afraid that Zhang Fan would suffer something because of it.

This time is not the time to think so much, Wang Meng turned around and walked towards the direction of the curtain, and when he came to him, he stopped, except for the breath of the two fainted people, there was nothing else. I felt it, which worried Wang Meng.

The next moment, when Wang Meng stretched out his hand to open the curtain, who knew that the curtain was lifted from the outside, and a bony right hand just stretched in.

This shocked Wang Meng. With his cultivation base, there was no sign at all before, no matter who came, his strength can be seen.

Fortunately, what came in was not a knife or a sword, but just a hand without any weapon, which made Wang Meng feel relieved a lot, and the outstretched hand was going to take the palm.

However, at the moment when the two palms were about to meet, Wang Meng's face changed drastically, and the outstretched hand was quickly withdrawn.

It's just that Wang Meng's hand was withdrawn, but the opponent obviously had no intention of backing down, and continued to attack Wang Meng. Although Wang Meng was panicked just now, he didn't move in disorder. He didn't pull out the handle of the knife, but put the entire scabbard on that hand, and after blocking it, Wang Meng's body pushed back a step, and the opponent's hand also retracted.

Taking a step back and standing still, Wang Meng didn't move anymore, but his eyes were only staring at the tightly closed curtain, and he didn't speak.

"Wang Meng, what's going on," Zhang Fan asked, "What happened just now?" Zhang Fan didn't see someone outside hitting Wang Meng through the curtain, even Wang Meng's back was facing Zhang Fan, so he didn't see Wang Meng. The change in his face, but these are not important, the important thing is that Zhang Fan saw Wang Meng take a step back, maybe when fighting with others, it is normal to have advances and retreats, but Zhang Fan saw it clearly just now, Wang Meng The step back just now seemed more like being startled by something, which naturally made Zhang Fan very puzzled. He had never seen Wang Meng like this before, even when he was facing tens of thousands of Tartar cavalry. , he never had the slightest intention to back down, but now, this is...

"My lord, there are people outside the tent." Wang Meng didn't turn his head, just stared at the curtain, and answered Zhang Fan's words.

"What?" Wang Meng's words really surprised Zhang Fan. Wang Meng never speaks nonsense. Since he said he almost fell for it, it must be true. And Zhang Fan has never seen it before. Wang Meng will lose to the other party in the matter of fighting, which shows that no matter who the outsiders are, it is definitely not easy to dismiss.

"Dare to ask outside the tent, it's that senior from the Five Poison Sect," Wang Meng suddenly said loudly to the curtain, "Please come in and talk."

"Senior, I don't dare to be this old man," an old voice came over immediately, and the words were full of sarcasm, "It's just that this old man is fighting against injustice, I didn't expect that the dignified Jinyiwei would use three old men, so To deal with a woman, the old man has gained a lot of experience now, "

Zhang Fan and the others had never heard this voice before, but it sounded like an old man's voice.

But Fang Yueling was the only one who had a happy expression on his face when he remembered this voice.

This expression of hers was naturally seen by Zhang Fan. With just such an expression, Zhang Fan already knew the identity of the visitor.

"It turns out that the old leader Fang is here," Zhang Fan also said loudly, "Since the old leader Fang is here, why don't you come in and talk, not to mention that the weather is not warm now, and I heard that the old leader Fang is not feeling well recently, so why don't you come in and talk?" Please come in first, let’s talk after warming up.”

As Zhang Fan's voice fell, the curtain was lifted, and a figure walked in.

"Father," Fang Yueling saw the visitor, the expression on her face was mixed with happiness and worry,

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