Just now, when there was chaos outside the big tent, Zhang Fan already had a lot of doubts in his heart, and when Wang Meng explained to him that there were indeed people outside the tent, Zhang Fan had already started to guess in his heart.

After all, what he is talking to Fang Yueling here is not a secret in this barracks. Of course, ordinary soldiers may not know, but it is absolutely impossible for ordinary soldiers to disturb this place, and it is even more impossible for ordinary soldiers to disturb this place. Zhang Fan's subordinates, in other words, could only be members of the Five Poison Sect.

It's just that Zhang Fan is not too clear about who came from the Five Poison Sect. When he first came to the camp, Zhang Fan asked about it, but the soldiers who led the way for Zhang Fan were not too clear. , but I also know that among the 25 people who came back, there was an old man who was lying down all the time. I heard that he didn't seem to be injured, but his face looked very haggard, and he was protected by Fang Yueling and his group. Zhang Fan immediately Then I realized that it must be Fang Zhenqian.

That is to say, when Fang Yueling rescued Fang Zhenqian, Fang Zhenqian was probably in such a coma, and Zhang Fan heard that Fang Zhenqian has not woken up until now.

Therefore, just now Wang Meng said that there were people outside, but Zhang Fan did not expect that it would be Fang Zhenqian. In his opinion, maybe it was just someone else from the Five Poison Sect. The two subordinates, presumably, will not be the opponents of these old Jianghu of the Five Poison Sect.

However, when Wang Meng took a step back in surprise and told him that the person coming was no small matter, Zhang Fan became vigilant. At that time, Zhang Fan was already suspicious.

And then, when the person outside spoke, Zhang Fan saw Fang Yueling's mixed expression of joy and worry. It was Fang Zhenqian.

After that, when Fang Zhenqian walked in and Fang Yueling revealed his identity with "Daddy", Zhang Fan was no longer surprised. father.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan had seen Fang Yueling's appearance before. Although it was night, the cave was not very bright, and at that time, Zhang Fan was also extremely weak, so he might not have seen it clearly. Even Fang Yue Ling's hoarse voice was also obstructing Zhang Fan's judgment, but not only his own feelings, but even Zhang Fan could rationally guess that Fang Yueling was only 20 years old at most.

It is very contradictory to say that, after all, since it is rational, how can it be guesswork, but Zhang Fan sees it this way.

However, in fact, Zhang Fan's guess is very reliable, and Zhang Fan also thinks so, so it doesn't matter.

But in this way, Fang Zhenqian's age is at most, that is, 60 years old, and he will only be younger, not older.

However, the person who appeared in front of Zhang Fan did not look like a 60-year-old man. Even if he was said to be in his seventies or eighties, someone would believe him.

How should I put it, this Fang Zhenqian is six feet tall, considered tall among Miao people, but his figure is extremely thin. It is no exaggeration to say that he is skinny and skinny, and the clothes he wears fit him well. , but even because the weather is colder now, in fact, Zhang Fan can still tell that he is skinny enough.

A head of long hair hangs loose, although it can be said to be gray, but in fact most of them are white, only a few of them show an unhealthy gray.

And his face, with protruding cheekbones and sunken eye sockets, may be because it is impossible for the nose and mouth to grow and shrink due to fat and thin people, and it looks a bit out of proportion.

Naturally, Zhang Fan would not think that this is Fang Zhenqian's original appearance. I am afraid that it was because of being imprisoned by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin for many years, so he made this appearance. Fan can't help but admire Fang Zhenqian. After all, he can be treated like this by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin. In addition, he is the leader of the Five Poison Sect. He must have profound skills. I am afraid that if you want to imprison him, you must be strict After so many years, Fang Zhenqian was able to survive, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can survive.

However, these were not what Zhang Fan valued the most, and what surprised Zhang Fan even more was actually another matter.

Just now, Wang Meng and Fang Zhenqian made a move. Although it was only a short move, Zhang Fan took what Wang Meng said, because Fang Zhenqian's kung fu was not weak, comparable to him.

However, one thing to know is that even if Fang Zhenqian is good at kung fu, it was in the past, and now, after so many years of imprisonment by those two people, it must be necessary to detain him but not let him escape. There are many methods, but at the very least, Zhang Fan believes that Fang Zhenqian's martial arts will be absolutely suppressed.

But now, he has just been rescued not long ago. What's more, when Zhang Fan came to the barracks, he heard that he hadn't woken up yet. No matter how he thought about it, Fang Zhenqian had just woken up from a coma. , and Fang Zhenqian at this time must not have any skills, all he has is just good skills, and even, because he has not used martial arts for many years, his skills will also decline.

But even so, Fang Zhenqian was still able to bring down his two subordinates quietly. From the front, although they are not people with high martial arts skills, they should not be underestimated if they have this skill. What's more, just now Wang Meng made a move with him, and it seems that he secretly suffered some losses.

Fang Zhenqian, even when he was weakest, was able to keep pace with Wang Meng. Zhang Fan couldn't imagine what it would be like when he fully recovered.

It's just that although what Zhang Fan thought made sense, in fact, things were not like this.

In fact, Fang Zhenqian did just wake up just as Zhang Fan thought. After hearing the cause and effect of the incident told him by the people from the Five Poison Sect, he rushed over. At this time, Fang Zhenqian, It was indeed the weakest time, just able to move his hands, slightly better than when he was imprisoned.

However, he was able to take down Zhang Fan's two subordinates from the front, not because of his martial arts, but because of the housekeeping skills of the Five Poison Sect, using poison.

You know, the ability of the Five Poisons Sect is not only to study various poisons and antidotes, but also how to make better use of these drugs. As the leader of the Five Poisons Sect, Fang Zhenqian is a master in this area. Fang Yueling didn't even know about being an expert, even some of his abilities. It wasn't that he wanted to keep secrets from his daughter, it was just that he hadn't taught Fang Yueling at all when he was imprisoned.

And among these skills, some do not need to use martial arts at all, as long as it is an ordinary person, it can be learned through practice.

Fang Zhenqian, relying on this method, coupled with the poison of the Five Poison Sect, brought down two of Zhang Fan's subordinates.

As for the move with Zhang Fan, Fang Zhenqian was more tricky than hardworking. That palm was not fast, but the victory was silent, and there was no skill of a martial arts practitioner in it. It was nothing more than a skillful move he had practiced, that is to say, the palm he slapped Zhang Fan from outside the curtain was very ordinary, even if it was hit on a human body, it was not painful at all, but the palm he used The palm technique is extremely subtle, and even Wang Meng almost fell for it.

This is why Wang Meng said that they are evenly matched. Wang Meng has already seen this, and Wang Meng is also confident. Fighting, Wang Meng became more confident.

Where did Wang Meng get his self-confidence? It's very simple, that is, he understands that the other party is much older than him. The strong Wang Meng will definitely have the upper hand, and as long as Fang Zhenqian loses momentum, Wang Meng may take advantage of the loophole and win.

However, there was a reason why Wang Meng avoided Fang Zhenqian's palm just now.

That palm was exquisite but lacking in strength, but Wang Meng didn't know that Fang Zhenqian couldn't use his skill, but thought that Fang Zhenqian did it on purpose. up.

In addition, now there is a leader of the Five Poison Sect beside him. Although Wang Meng can't see anything unusual, and he can't smell anything wrong, he still feels right away that he must not let this palm hit him. That's why he blocked the palm with the scabbard and took a step back.

It's not because Wang Meng is greedy for life and afraid of death, it's because he doesn't know much about poisons, and he doesn't know what will happen to him after being poisoned, and if something happens to him, who will protect Zhang Fan's safety.

Anyway, that's how it goes.

During this time, no one in the big tent spoke.

Fang Yueling saw her father coming, walked to his side, and supported him. Although she looked worried, she didn't say anything.

Zhang Fan, on the other hand, had been sizing up Fang Zhenqian, making it clear what he was thinking.

However, Fang Zhenqian didn't care, and didn't say anything to interrupt Zhang Fan. In fact, he was also looking at Zhang Fan.

He was very curious about this young Commander of Jinyiwei. Although he didn't know the whole story, the people from the Five Poison Sect had already mentioned it to him. In short, he knew that it was necessary for him to be saved. Zhang Fan's help.

However, he didn't thank Zhang Fan, or on the contrary, he still wanted to trouble Zhang Fan.

Why, because he dared to be rough on his precious daughter,

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