The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1174 Suddenly Different

Speaking up.Fang Zhenqian is not a father who is extremely doting on his daughter.He is also a person who has walked on the rivers and lakes for decades.Naturally I understand.If people don't go through honing.It is difficult to teaching to Fang Yueling.It's not the kind that just raises her well.The way to keep her out of outside affairs.And now Fang Yueling.The reason why it will smart.But there is also naivety.It was because of Fang Yueling herself.She's not good with that stuff.

But for Fang Zhenqian.In fact, he plays differently from his own daughter.That's right.Fang Yueling is his daughter.Of course he cared.but.But he didn't treat her like Fang Yueling treated himself.

For Fang Yueling.A father is an irreplaceable role.And Fang Yueling also told Zhang Fan before.If it is to rescue the father.She even sacrificed the entire Five Poison Sect.

But Fang Zhengan was his eyes.The Five Poisons Sect is much more important.If say now.He switched roles with Fang Yueling.It was Fang Yueling who was arrested.Words used to blackmail him.Fang Yueling.Of course he wanted to save it.But it was impossible for him to work as hard as Fang Yueling.Maybe he will sacrifice a group of people from the Five Poison Sect.Even his own life to save her.But if he were to lose the entire Five Poison Sect.He also won't agree.

after all.Although the position of leader of the Five Poison Sect is not passed down from clan to clan.But the teaching of the five poisons has been passed down for so many generations.For Fang Zhenqian.This is a very significant thing.He can't just because of his daughter.He ruined all the inheritance of his ancestors in his own hands.

perhaps.That's how it sounds.Fang Zhenqian is really a little unreasonable.He doesn't even care about his own daughter.We must also preserve the Five Poisons.But speaking of it.This is just Fang Zhenqian's idea.After all, he had never encountered Fang Yueling being taken away.for people.No matter how thoroughly you think in your heart.But as long as you haven't faced it.There will always be variables.

but.Also because of this reason.Now Fang Zhenqian is considered safe.and.Anyway look at it.It is impossible for him to experience that situation him.Today's Five Poisons.It's his heart and soul.The degree of attention.Far surpassed Fang Yueling.

but.It doesn't mean either.Fang Zhengan didn't care about his daughter anymore.Fang Yueling is still his precious daughter.And now.Someone dared to bully his precious daughter.He is a father.Naturally, it is impossible to let Zhenqian woke up.After asking what happened.He came right away.

that time.He didn't know that Zhang Fan was here too.But even a Liang Chao.Although he didn't pay attention to it.But she was also worried about Fang Yueling.Fang Zhenqian understood.I can be rescued myself.It definitely dragged Jin Yiwei's great help.But this is not the reason for Fang Zhenqian to worry.What he was thinking about was the problem behind this matter.

Jin Yiwei.In this world.No one knows.Who doesn't know Jin Yiwei's name.But.The Five Poisons Sect has been established since the establishment of the teaching.It has a long history even now.But never had any relationship with the imperial court.

The most important question is.Why did Jin Yiwei come back to help Fang Yueling save him?

How could Fang Zhengan, who has experienced a lot of wind and rain, not understand.He guessed seven or eight points with just a little thought.

In this world.There are no permanent friends.Only forever benefits.For Fang Zhenqian.Although he didn't know this wise saying of later generations.But there's a truth to it.How could he not understand.

The Five Poisons Sect and Jinyiwei.At least until he was captured.These two sides have never had any contact.Even people from the Five Poison Sect who have been on the rivers and lakes.He met people sent by Jin Yiwei by chance in the rivers and lakes.But Fang Zhenqian had already explained it when he was the leader.If you meet someone from the imperial court.Try not to deal with it.It is best not to touch.It's not that I'm afraid.But afraid of getting into trouble.

And after that.Fang Zhenqian didn't feel that he had just been taken away.Fang Yueling came into contact with the people from Jin Yiwei.Very simple reason.that time.Zhang Yong and Wang Xin must have threatened Fang Yueling and the Five Poison Sect with Fang Zhenqian's life immediately.Let the Five Poisons Sect be used by them.And those two people are not too smart though.But not stupid.Someone must be sent to monitor it.In this way.It was also impossible for Fang Yueling to have any contact with Jin Yiwei.

even.Fang Zhenqian thought about it.I found that no matter what my daughter thought of it.It is also impossible to come out and ask Jin Yiwei to cooperate to rescue him.

But now.Jin Yiwei still cooperated with the Five Poison Sect.But Fang Zhenqian looked at this matter.I'm afraid it was a coincidence.Fang Yueling.Or Jin Yiwei.came into contact with each other.And after that.What happened to the two parties.I'm afraid there was some trouble in the middle.This is how we got to where we are now.The two sides cooperated.

have to say.What Fang Zhenqian guessed was that the two were close together.Although he didn't know what happened between Jin Yiwei and the Five Poison Sect.I didn't have time to ask the people below.But for him.It doesn't matter if you know those details or not.

only.How could he possibly think of it.The reason why Jinyiwei is related to the Five Poison Sect.Just because of an ordinary.It's just an unfortunate Miao girl.He would never think of it.If you really go back to the source.The reason why this woman from the Miao family made Jin Yiwei have something to do with the Five Poison Sect.But also because of her misfortune.It was indirectly caused by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.

all in all.All this seems to be in the dark.It has already been concluded.

But then again.Fang Zhenqian didn't need to know this at all.Although what he thought was just his guess.But no matter the fact.Or his own idea.All are right.In this way.The idea is very clear.

Regardless of what kind of deal was reached between the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei.One thing is for sure.If it is to compete with its strength.The Five Poisons Sect is absolutely inferior to Jinyiwei.And in this situation of huge disparity in strength.The Five Poisons Sect wants Jin Yiwei's help.Never give less than what you get.And much more.

He didn't know that Fang Yueling was trying to rescue him.And agreed to Jin Yiwei's conditions.But it will definitely not be easy.If it has been paid off.That's okay to say.If not.I'm afraid it will be troublesome.

therefore.Even at that time he didn't know that Zhang Fan had come.But Fang Zhenqian was still very worried.He was afraid of the deal between Fang Yueling and Jin Yiwei.It made her unable to deal with such a small character as Liang Chao.That's why Fang Zhenqian came here in such a hurry.

Although Fang Zhenqian has only just been rescued now.Even just woke up from a coma.Not to mention being weak.Martial arts or something.Also not usable at all.But his decades of hard training were not in vain.So when he arrived at the big tent.He heard the breath of three people in the big tent.Plus the two guards in front of the big tent.The clothes clearly belonged to Jin Yiwei.Not in this barracks.Fang Zhenqian knew immediately.That own old subordinate said to himself.That young Jin Yiwei commander Zhang Fan.It's already inside.

In this way.Fang Zhenqian became even more worried.He was worried that Fang Yueling would suffer a big loss.He even worried.This matter will not only make Fang Yueling suffer.It will also endanger the entire Five Poison Sect.

so.Even martial arts did not recover.But the skills are still there.Plus some poison from his old subordinates.Fang Zhenqian is naturally not afraid of these people.He confronted Zhang Fan's two subordinates grandly.And from the front.He brought them down without a sound.

But I have to say.Fang Zhenqian is really weak at the moment.If his martial arts has recovered.These two people even if he is facing each other.There is no chance for the other party to speak at all.He was sure of bringing them down.

And after that.After Wang Meng's voice sounded.Fang Zhenqian was taken aback.Just now he heard the breath of three people in the big tent.Now the voice of the fourth person sounded.This really surprised him a little.To know with his experience.Even if he lost all his martial arts now.But those first-class, quasi-first-class players in the general arena.It is also impossible to escape his detection.But this Wang Meng.But let him not find out.

so.Fang Zhenqian was planning to attack him through the curtain.One is to try Wang Meng's skills.Secondly, it can be regarded as giving the opponent a blow.

Under this test.Wang Meng was of course taken aback.And then even more surprised.After all, facing a martial arts all lost.And he was jealous of the frail old man.He almost caught fire.But.Fang Zhenqian is not like this.He didn't think about it.A guy who doesn't look like he's in his 30s at most.To have such good martial arts.And there is such a quick response.To know his palm.Even if it's just a trick.There is no power in it.But he dared to say to adapt.And successfully blocked the person.among the people he has met.No more than five.

Now.To support my daughter.Don't let her be bullied.Fang Zhenqian walked into the big tent forcefully.only.Although he is extremely tough on the surface.But there is some worry in my heart.It wasn't Zhang Fan who was most worried.It was Wang Meng.

but.These things.Zhang Fan didn't pay too much attention.He is also very curious about Fang Zhenqian.Now.The father who made Fang Yueling willing to give everything to rescue stood in front of him.Zhang Fan was very curious.

"Master Zhang, right?" Fang Zhenqian said to Zhang Fan. "The little girl is still young. There are many things that are ignorant. I hope Mr. Zhang will forgive me."

Fang Zhenqian's words.Let the other four people in the big tent.All were stunned.

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