Such a moment.Zhang Fan felt that he couldn't regain his senses.after all.Fang Zhengan's arrival.It started when he didn't enter the big tent.Until he always comes in.Stand by Fang Yueling's side.this time.What Fang Zhenqian showed.That is absolute strength.It's completely because her daughter is surrounded by several big men.And the father who came to fight the injustice was just like him.

but.It was really something that Zhang Fan did not expect.After Fang Zhenqian opened his mouth, he actually said such a thing.This is simply a complete show of weakness.This made Zhang Fan not at all able to understand what was going on.Why was Fang Zhengan so strong just now?There is no transition at all.Open the second sentence.It softened.

And what Fang Zhenqian said.It's not just Zhang Fan.Even Wang Meng and Liang Chao next to him.They were all shocked.They never thought of it.Fang Zhenqian would say such a thing.

But they still don't care.Most shocking.Nothing beats Fang Yueling.

just now.Fang Yueling was also distressed because she couldn't reply to Zhang Fan's words.Although she understands.Zhang Fanna was just making excuses.A lot of what he said.It's all unreasonable.You are suppressing yourself.But for Fang Yueling.What Zhang Fan said.She couldn't refute it at all.Not for anything else.But Fang Yueling didn't know how to refute Zhang Fan's words.

so.When Fang Zhengan's voice reached her ears.Not to mention how happy Fang Yueling was.And in her joy.Also somewhat worried.

It goes without saying that I am happy.After all, now is the time when I am at a disadvantage.And at this time.My own father can come to help me.Fang Yueling was naturally happy.and.She rescued Fang Zhenqian from her.It has been several days.But Fang Zhenqian never woke up.If not checked.There is nothing wrong with Fang Zhenqian's body.It's just a coma.Fang Yueling was already in a mess.How can there be time to argue with Liang Chao about Li Yang.Now Fang Zhenqian's voice came.That is to say.His father woke up.Why doesn't this make Fang Yueling happy?

But there are also concerns.after all.Fang Zhenqian has been in a coma for so long.Just two hours ago.When she came to find Liang Chao's theory.Fang Zhengan hadn't woken up yet.That is.Fang Zhenqian just woke up from a coma.But he had only just woken up.Just came here.Also started with people.This made Fang Yueling extremely worried about her father's health.

But in general.Fang Yueling was happy in her heart.Father woke up.And she has not forgotten her daughter who has not seen her for many years.Still very concerned.

but now.What Fang Zhenqian said to Zhang Fan.Not tough at all.It didn't seem like he was here to fight for her.It's more like it.It's more like giving in.

This is not at all the same as Fang Yueling's impression of her father.In Fang Yueling's memory.Father was always very tough.No matter in the matter of governing the Five Poisons Sect.Still teaching her on weekdays.That's all.Not that kind of strong words.After all, Fang Zhenqian wants to govern the entire Five Poison Sect.So he understands that it is absolutely impossible to just act arbitrarily.but.Fang Zhenqian is definitely a geographically unforgiving master.

But no matter what.Fang Zhenqian has always tried his best not to suffer.Even if you really suffered something.But he will definitely find his way back.Especially about Fang Yueling's matter.Even in the Five Poisons Sect.Fang Yueling didn't go out to meet people very much at that time.But whenever there are any rumors that Fang Yueling is not good.Fang Zhenqian will definitely stand up for her.

But today.Fang Zhenqian opened his mouth to tell Zhang Fan what he said.It really confuses her.

When he just got into the account.Said that Zhang Fan and the others bullied Fang Yueling.It's not wrong.And his tone.It's exactly the same Fang Zhenqian who used to protect his shortcomings.But wait for him to speak to Zhang Fan again.But it became like this.Something like "The little girl is still young. There are many things that are ignorant. I hope Mr. Zhang will forgive me" and the like.This is simply saying something wrong about Fang Yueling.

and.If it is just their father and daughter.Fang Zhenqian said these words of reproach to her.Fang Yueling didn't care about it.On the contrary, I will be happy that my father cares about me so much.But.Now it is in front of outsiders.And speak up.Or in front of his enemies.This is simply to increase the ambition of others.Destroy your own prestige.This is the same as the father Fang Yueling knew.It is so different.

But even so.Fang Yueling was shocked.Didn't do anything.Didn't even bother to speak.In her opinion.Maybe her father had done something she couldn't understand.But there was one thing she absolutely believed in.His father would never harm himself.It is absolutely impossible to use yourself to do anything.

That being the case.Just the thing now.Just leave it all to your father.

"Old Master Fang, you are being polite." Now that Fang Zhenqian has spoken.It was impossible for Zhang Fan not to answer. "It's just this matter. The public says the public is right and the woman says the woman is reasonable. It's a hard thing to judge." Although I don't know what purpose Fang Zhenqian said for saying this.But now that the other party has already said such soft words.Naturally, Zhang Fan couldn't give up any face.but.Zhang Fan also understood the truth.There are many precautions.In case the other party has such a plan.Show to say some soft words.Let Zhang Fan say something that is not good for him.Then suddenly change the words.Then it's Fan even spoke politely to Fang Zhengan.But actually.There is still a lot of leeway in his words.It makes people sound polite.But also guard against the opponent's sudden backbite.

And Fang Zhenqian.After listening to Fang Yueling's words.I was taken aback.But then.Fang Zhenqian also recalled it.He also heard the meaning of Zhang Fan's words.He also understood why Zhang Fan said these words.but.Fang Zhenqian didn't care much.even.He also began to admire Zhang Fan.

Think about it.Fang Zhenqian opened his mouth and said to Zhang Fan: "Speaking of which, this old man only heard about Mr. Zhang today. Originally, he wanted to come. Mr. Zhang is in his 20s. Since he can serve as the commander of Jinyiwei, he must be very capable. It's just that the old man is really short-sighted. Originally imagined. At the very least, Mr. Zhang must be a person with high martial arts. Now I see it. Please forgive me for being rude. But the old man looks at Mr. Zhang, but he doesn't know martial arts ah."

Fang Zhenqian's words.Not mocking Zhang Fan or anything.Although the voice is flat and light.But in words.It also means some inquiries.

"Hehe. It's not surprising that Old Master Fang would think so," Zhang Fan said. "However, the reasoning is very simple. It's like your teaching. If you want to be the leader, you must have martial arts skills. If you don't have these, you don't have the qualifications at all. Isn't that the case."

For Zhang Fan's words.Fang Zhenqian show consent.

"However, Master Fang should also understand." Zhang Fan said. "After ascending to the position of leader by relying on your skill and strength, you can't rely on martial arts to govern. You have to use your brain. If not, no matter how strong your martial arts are, you can fight one against ten. Even Yes. But when the time comes, if everyone refuses to accept you, wouldn’t it still be nothing.”

"Master Zhang is right." Fang Zhenqian said.Even what Zhang Fan said.It sounded like he was satirizing Fang Zhengan.He only knows how to teach with martial arts.But he has no brains.But Fang Zhenqian didn't care.These.even.He had already figured out how to deal with Zhang Fan's words. "Master Zhang is right. Ascending to the position of sect leader does require force. It took a lot of effort to establish my sect back then. Countless people died.

"However. If you want to teach, you can't say that you don't need force. But force alone is not enough.

"This is different from the Jinyiwei. Master Zhang governs the Jinyiwei. There is no need to use force. After all, this kind of thing. There are people to do it. It is enough for Master Zhang to use his brain. Speaking of this, the old man really admires it. .

"It's just that the old man has some problems with Mr. Zhang. It's true. As Mr. Zhang said, it really doesn't take much martial arts to govern the Jinyiwei. But. If you want to sit in Mr. Zhang's current seat, I don't think everyone is qualified. And Mr. Zhang can ascend to such a high position at such a young age. I think Mr. Zhang must have abilities that are different from ordinary people."

Fang Zhenqian's words.Let Wang Meng and Liang Chao on the side.A trace of sullenness flashed across his face.Fang Zhenqian's words.Although there is no explanation.But who was there couldn't hear the ulterior motives in his words.

Fang Zhenqian's words.It's clear that I'm talking.No matter how Zhang Fan is now.Or how it was at the beginning.But he was able to get to where he is now.Definitely not relying on his ability.certainly.The ability is also necessary.but.Absolutely not just skill.

Very simple reason.Even when Zhang Fan was young.Just very talented.But in the imperial court.Talent is not a must.What's more important is the relationship.Only a solid relationship.Well-connected people.To be able to rise quickly.certainly.Can it last long after becoming a leader?That depends on him.

Fang Zhenqian made it clear that he was talking.Zhang Fan was able to get the current seat.Definitely not entirely relying on his ability.There is also the help of others.

This was also the reason why Liang Chao and Wang Meng were so angry.

but.In fact, having said that.Fang Zhenqian was not wrong either.Zhang Fan can sit in the current seat.It is not because of Zhu Zaihou's favor.

but.Fang Zhenqian's words.Zhang Fan didn't take it to heart.Instead, he laughed.

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