Fang Zhenqian's words.Liang Chao and Wang Meng who were on the side were extremely angry.Although there is no thorn in the words.But to be clear is to say.Zhang Fan's current position.Unjustly obtained.Not relying on one's own ability.It was obtained by flattering people.

how to say.What Fang Zhenqian said was not entirely wrong.After all at that time.Even Zhang Fan is very talented.But after all, he entered the court not long ago.The qualifications are too shallow.At this time, he was established as the commander of Jinyiwei.Just relying on his own ability.It is absolutely impossible.And the reason why Zhang Fan was able to ascend to this position.It also relied on Long Qing's favor.but.Long Qing's favor for him.But Zhang Fan didn't get it by flattering himself.It was Longqing at that time.He took a fancy to Zhang Fan, a newcomer to the dynasty.Has not yet been incorporated by any force.It was just for him to break through the situation that the imperial court had been divided into factions at that time.

Zhang Fan.Just relying on such an opportunity.This is what it is today.this.In fact, it was Zhang Fan's luck.

but.this matter.Outsiders don't know much.Maybe North Korea.There are so few sharp eyes.It can be seen clearly.But if you look at it from an outsider.This matter is obvious.Zhang Fan flattered the horse by stalking.Gained the favor of Longqing.Thus obtained the present identity.

It's not surprising that Fang Zhenqian had such an idea.But Liang Chao and Wang Meng knew that this was not the case.But extremely angry.

Instead, it was Fang Yueling.I don't think there is any problem.She doesn't care how Zhang Fan got his current status.She just knows.If you look at it from Zhang Fan's point of view.He is the commander of Jinyiwei.Do is think nice.and.Fang Yueling really hasn't been exposed to too many twists and turns.So she didn't hear what her father was saying at all.Not to mention the angry expressions of Liang Chao and Wang Meng.She was completely bewildered.

"Old leader Fang is not entirely correct." And Zhang Fan.In the face of Fang Zhenqian's sarcasm.But he was not angry.Instead, he showed a smiling face.Said. "That's right. At that time. If it was only based on intelligence, I would have the qualifications. But after all, Chaozhong is not only looking at intelligence. So if it is serious, I was not qualified to sit in the current position at that time.

"The reason why I can do it is all dependent on the promotion of the late emperor. However, the reason why the late emperor promoted me is somewhat different from what the old leader Fang said. Zhang Fan has never flattered people. If the old leader doesn't believe it .I can't help it. All I can say is. My luck."

"Let's just believe what Mr. Zhang said." Fang Zhenqian also replied. "However. Those words just now were said by Mr. Zhang himself. Moreover, it seems that Mr. Zhang also said that the current power is not deserved. It is luck. In this way, Mr. Zhang does not Are you still not qualified to be in charge of Jinyiwei?"

"This. It would be a mistake to think of the old leader Fang." Zhang Fan said to Fang Zhenqian.But he shook his head.Said. "There is a saying that 'everything is ready. Only the east wind is owed'. In the eyes of the old leader Fang, this east wind. Could it be an inevitable thing. Presumably it is not. This is also luck.

"No matter what ordinary people do. Or what the ministers in the court do. Or walk in the rivers and lakes like people in the rivers and lakes. Even go to battle. It's all inseparable from luck. If you have bad luck. That is of course unlucky. You may lose your life; but if you are lucky, it will be extraordinary. It is even possible to live because of luck. In my opinion, this luck is also a part of strength."

Zhang Fan's words.Fang Zhenqian fell silent.Obviously.Even if he disagreed with Zhang Fan's words very much.But he couldn't refute Zhang Fan's words.

and.Zhang Fan's words.It also made him think a lot.A lot of past things.A lot of hanging in the balance.those things.Fang Zhenqian has experienced it all.And not only that.after what he's been through.He thought about it too.So what if it was a little worse at that time.What would happen if there was one less breath of time at that time.

These things appeared in Fang Zhenqian's mind.In fact, it showed that Fang Zhenqian had already agreed with Zhang Fan's words.but.That's all he agreed with in his heart.Of course he couldn't say it.After all now.He just came to trouble Zhang Fan.Because of handicap.That's why we can only talk about it.who knows.I have never fought this person who is more than 20 years younger than me.On the contrary, my heart was shaken.

Naturally, Zhang Fan couldn't see what Fang Zhengan was thinking.But he never thought of it.Such a few words for myself.It even tends to be strong and unreasonable.Fang Zhenqian has already been defeated.

but.Since Zhang Fan couldn't think of this.Fang Zhenqian did not show any signs of defeat.Then this game has to go on.

"Old Master Fang." Zhang Fan said suddenly.Said. "I think. The old leader Fang is here. It's not to argue with Zhang Fan about these things."

Seeing that Zhang Fan opened his mouth to reveal this matter.Naturally, Fang Zhenqian would not hold on to things that were not good for him.He opened his mouth and said, "That's right. Actually, the meaning of the old man's coming here. I have already said it when I came in just now. The old man is here to fight for Yue Ling. I want to come. This time, Yue Ling and I also helped Zhang. My lord is quite busy. Why did lord Zhang make things difficult for her over and over again? Come to think of it, even Jin Yiwei is unreasonable. It doesn’t need to be used on a woman.”

"Hehe. The old leader Fang must have misunderstood." Zhang Fan said. "Zhang Fan is not making things difficult for Ling Qianjin. In fact, the situation is just the opposite. It is Ling Qianjin who is making things difficult for me."

"Is it about Li Yang?" Fang Zhenqian obviously knew what Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan were arguing about from his old subordinates.Said. "Speaking of it, the old man is a little confused. Li Yang. From the day he first entered the rivers and lakes. For more than 20 years, he has been with the old man. The old man also taught him martial arts. He can have the current martial arts skills More than half of it. That's all thanks to the old man.

"However. Just such a person. He dared to betray my Five Immortals Sect. He even almost destroyed the century-old foundation of my ancestors. He also almost killed my Yueling. Such a traitor. We can't get rid of it. Don't talk about how to explain to the people below. Even the old man can't sit idly by. But why Master Zhang didn't allow it. Could it be possible. Jin Yiwei is so powerful. But he wants to take care of the affairs of my Five Immortals Sect? "Speaking of the last.Fang Zhenqian was obviously angry.

Maybe it's because he hasn't recovered his martial arts yet.Very weak.It's just saying something like that.In addition, I feel a little excited.He was already very ruddy.This made Fang Yueling, who was supporting him by his side, look worried.He kept stroking his back.

"Hey, don't get angry, Old Master Fang," Zhang Fan said. "If you get angry because of this matter, it's really not worth it. Besides, I think the old leader Fang just arrived. He only heard about my quarrel with Ling Qianjin. But he didn't hear the previous words."

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.There seems to be something else going on in this matter.Fang Zhenqian couldn't help asking. "The old man wants to listen to Mr. Zhang. What's going on here?"

"This matter. Even Ling Qianjin just found out about it. The old leader Fang didn't know about it. It's not surprising." Zhang Fan said. "Li Yang. He has already joined my Jinyiwei. And everything he is doing now. I ordered him to do it." Speaking of this.Zhang Fan recalled what Fang Yueling said just now.Said it all.

" is this possible." Fang Zhenqian was different from Fang Yueling.After he heard what Zhang Fan said.That's the first reaction.impossible. "Li Yang... Li Yang, how could he betray my Five Immortals Sect. He...he was brought up by me alone. He is loyal to me. How is it possible..."

"Old Master Fang, don't do this." Zhang Fan was a little excited when he saw him.I can only persuade. "How Li Yang was in Guijiao before. What is the relationship between him and the old leader Fang? I don't know all of this. However, it is also true that Li Yang joined my Jinyiwei. I will never lie about this matter. For the two of you. Let’s talk about this kind of thing. I lied to the two of you. What good is there? Is it possible that you two think that I will become an enemy of your religion just because of an irrelevant person.

"It's true. Jin Yiwei is not afraid of your teaching. But many friends. Even if it's just a few acquaintances who don't have much contact with each other. It's better than raising an enemy. Isn't it? Jin Yiwei hasn't been free enough to care about it. Everything has to come to a standstill.”

"But..." Zhang Fan said.It really made Fang Zhenqian calm down a lot.But he still looked like he couldn't figure it out. "Li's fine if it's someone else. But how could Li Yang...did he say anything to you?" Obviously.Fang Zhenqian believed Zhang Fan's words.After all, Zhang Fan's words were not unreasonable.But every sentence makes sense.If not true.How could he say such a thing.Come and stand against the Five Poison Sect.

"Li Yang didn't say anything to me." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "But in my opinion. I'm afraid he is a little tired. He wants to quit the arena."

This is Zhang Fan's opinion.He learned from the few words Li Yang had said to him.You can really feel it.And this is also in line with Li Yang's actions.Just imagine.People like Li Yang who have traveled the rivers and lakes for decades.If you want to withdraw from the arena.There must be many enemies who will come to him.And obviously.Join Jin Yiwei's words.But it's a good refuge.As long as he plays for Jin Yiwei a little bit, that's enough.

And this time.Apparently it was his vote to join Jinyiwei.

but.Even if the words have already reached this point.Fang Zhenqian still didn't quite believe it.

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