In fact, Fang Zhenqian was not surprised that someone betrayed the Five Poisons Sect. What really surprised Fang Zhenqian was that the person who betrayed the Five Poisons Sect was actually Li Yang, who had followed him for decades. Others, although Fang Zhenqian would also be surprised, but not so surprised.

Speaking of which, Fang Zhenqian also considered whether Zhang Fan was deceiving himself, but although he was the same as Fang Yueling when he heard the news, he was unwilling to believe it, but when he was surprised, he thought about it. After some time, he figured it out, Zhang Fan, there was absolutely no need to deceive himself in this matter, and if Zhang Fan had deceived him, then why did Li Yang not understand for so many days? Do not show up.

He still understands Li Yang's temperament. The Li Yang that Fang Zhenqian knew, even if he did such a thing, he really betrayed the Five Poisons Sect, but he was also a brave person, and he would not be so willing to be a shrink The tortoise doesn't come out, and now, Li Yang doesn't come out, doesn't it just mean that Zhang Fan is not deceiving him, does Li Yang really want to join the Jinyiwei wholeheartedly?

However, although Fang Zhenqian's rationality told himself that this was the case, Zhang Fan did not deceive himself, and Li Yang really wanted to quit the arena and join Jinyiwei, but for a person who had known him for decades In other words, Fang Zhenqian is unwilling to believe so. This kind of contradictory way of thinking makes Fang Zhenqian, who has just woke up from a coma and is weak, exhausted.

"Perhaps I shouldn't say these things, but..." Seeing Fang Zhenqian's appearance now, Zhang Fan couldn't help persuading, "However, the game should not be so forceful. Since Li Yang wants Withdrawing from the Five Poisons Sect, why did the old leader Fang insist on holding on to it? The so-called people have their own aspirations, and the old leader Fang would not impose it on others, would he?"

"How is it possible to understand this matter like this?" Fang Zhenqian didn't reply, but Fang Yueling couldn't help but said, "Whether Li Yang is from Jinyiwei or not, he still has to come out and explain to my teaching staff. Because of him, the foundation of my Five Immortals Sect for hundreds of years was almost ruined. If we are so silent, what face will we have to face the people in the sect in the future, and what face will we have to stand in the rivers and lakes? superior,"

"Master Fang, don't take things so seriously," Zhang Fan showed a look of indifference to Fang Yueling's stern words, and said, "Again, Master Fang has always I made up my mind and said that because of Li Yang's actions, the Five Poisons Sect almost ruined a century-old foundation, but I want to ask Master Fang, why did Li Yang do such a thing?"

"This..." Zhang Fan's words made Fang Yueling not only have something to say for a while. Originally, Fang Yueling would not be polite about such things that she took for granted, but just when she was about to speak, it seemed that She thought of something, and it was what she thought that made her speechless for a moment.

"Hehe, it seems that Master Fang has already figured it out," Zhang Fan said with a smile when he saw Fang Yueling's appearance, "That's right, from the time Li Yang returned to your teaching, until he betrayed your teaching, Those two people took refuge in all the things I told him, but I didn't tell him to do anything unfavorable to your teaching, and, even if I thought about it, I'm afraid he wouldn't Ken,"

"What do you mean by that?" This time, Fang Zhenqian asked.

"It's obvious," Zhang Fan said, "Although Li Yang took the initiative to tell me that he wants to quit the Five Poisons Sect and join my Jinyiwei, but even if he didn't say it clearly, I can still see that he has great respect for Gui. Teacher, I am really nostalgic, especially when he said those words, the expression of reluctance, if he said that he has no nostalgia for your teaching, I would not believe it, so I said, he is I want to quit the arena, but what is the reason, he didn't say, I didn't ask, presumably he also has his own difficulties.

"In short, that's how it happened. Moreover, the old leader Fang was imprisoned by those two people at the time, and he just woke up now. He only knows the general idea of ​​the matter, but I'm afraid he still doesn't know what's going on. Now Just in time, why didn't Old Master Fang ask Ling Qianjin, when Li Yang rebelled against the Five Poisons Sect, what did he hurt the Five Poisons Sect?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Fang Zhenqian couldn't help looking at his daughter.

After being said by Zhang Fan's words, and then looked at by her father, Fang Yueling couldn't help thinking, and murmured: "It's a bit strange to say that."

"Did Yueling think of anything?" Fang Zhenqian asked.

"Father, it was because Li Yang suddenly turned to those two people. No one in the sect thought it would be like this, so they were not prepared at all," Fang Yueling said, "The situation at that time was indeed a bit serious. Li Yang rebelled alone. He did not have any accomplices in the church, but he got more than 1000 people from those two people and planned to attack the church. This is why, his daughter led everyone in the church and abandoned the church Altar, the reason for coming to Chengdu Mansion all the way, but now that I think about it, it seems that no one in the church died because of this incident, and there were a few injured, but they were not serious. It will recover after a while, so..." At this point, Fang Yueling also turned her attention to Zhang Fan.

"It seems that Master Fang has also come to understand." Seeing her talking like this, Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Yes, this is what I told Li Yang. Use force, don't hurt the members of your religion, it's really troublesome to talk about it, you can't use force, you can't cause casualties to your members, but at the same time, you have to make those two people believe that Li Yang really betrayed Your teacher, you have invested in them.

"For this matter, we really didn't spend less time thinking, but now it seems that everything has succeeded, right?

"Besides, let me make another digression. Although I told him not to hurt the people of your teaching, but looking at Li Yang's appearance, even if I didn't tell him to do so, he would definitely not hurt the people of your teaching. killer.

"In this way, the two of you must be able to understand what Li Yang is thinking. If that's the case, it's possible that the two of you still have to trouble Li Yang."

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, both Fang Yueling and Fang Zhengan's father and daughter fell silent. The difference was that Fang Zhenqian was completely silent, thinking about something, but Fang Yueling, although she didn't speak. , the expression in her eyes was much calmer than the anger just now, but there was still a little resentment in her eyes. Obviously, even Zhang Fan had already said everything for this sake. , but she still couldn't completely forgive Li Yang.

It's not that Fang Yueling is such a person who can't let go, it's just that Li Yang's actions really made her unable to let go, not because of what Li Yang did to her, but because she felt that Li Yang's actions hurt her. to his father.

"Oh," after a long time, Fang Zhenqian suddenly sighed and said, "So that's the case. It seems that people's hearts are really tired. I think I was full of joy when I first stepped into the rivers and lakes. Years later, I understood a truth, the Jianghu Road is a road of no return, as long as one step into it, there is no room for maneuver, and it is simply impossible to quit the Jianghu.

"For this reason, I want to become stronger, so strong that even if someone holds a grudge against me, they can't do anything to me, but I understand very well in my heart that this road is even more difficult to walk. It seems What Mr. Zhang said just now, Li Yang wants to withdraw from the arena is true. It is impossible to really withdraw from the arena. Rather than that, it is better to use Mr. Zhang's Jinyiwei to protect himself, which is also a good place to go. "

"Father..." Fang Yueling couldn't understand what her father said, not that she didn't understand Fang Zhenqian's words, she could understand them, but Fang Yueling couldn't figure out why these words were so important. from her father's mouth.

The father in her image is absolutely domineering. In the past, even Li Yang, who has followed him for decades, would definitely be the first to kill Fang Zhenqian once he had such thoughts, but why now? ...

"Speaking of which, I have some questions to ask Old Hierarch Fang," Zhang Fan said suddenly, "Although I haven't met Old Hierarch Fang before, I have heard about Old Hierarch Fang's affairs. , Judging from what I have heard, for Li Yang, the old leader Fang should have insisted on putting him to death, why is it now..."

"That's right," Fang Zhenqian said, "If it was me in the past, it would be so, but... the past few years have made me understand some things. In the final analysis, the reason why I was caught by those two despicable villains , but I also blame myself for being arrogant, thinking that no one can plot against me when looking at the world, it is this kind of thinking that hurt me, and it is all my fault, I have done things too badly in the past.

"Now that the old man has regained his freedom, his thoughts have changed a lot. Fang Zhenqian is still the same Fang Zhenqian, but in the future, Fang Zhenqian will no longer be like the past, no matter what he has to do, what the old man thinks now, It is to let the Five Immortals Sect continue. This is the foundation of our ancestors, and it must not be destroyed by my father and daughter.

"Let's leave it at that about Li Yang, the antidote for 'Five Immortals Honeydew', after a while, I will let the little girl be handed over to Mr. Zhang, but before that, I have a request,"

Fang Zhenqian's words made Zhang Fan a little confused: "Old Master Fang, please tell me."

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