The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1179 Discussion

"Master Zhang," Liu Xian walked in, called Zhang Fan, looked in the big tent, and saw that Fang Yueling had left, so he continued, "That Miss Fang has already gone back." It seems that Fang Yueling really scared Liu Xian quite a lot.

"I've already gone back," Zhang Fan said with a smile, but even so, Zhang Fan still felt a little strange in his heart. After all, a person like Liu Xian, who has been in the army for a lifetime, is surprised by Fang Yueling's aura. Zhang Fan can understand it, but if it has reached this point, Zhang Fan is a little confused, "General Liu, don't blame Zhang Fan for asking too much, it's just that Fang Yueling really bothers General Liu so much."

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, you don't know." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Xian said with a helpless look, "If it was any man who dared to do this, I would have ordered him to be beaten. There are dozens of army sticks, but this Fang Yueling is a woman after all. Although she is from the world, no matter what, she was able to kill Zhang Yong and Wang Xin this time, thanks to her strength ah.

"What's more, Mr. Zhang doesn't know, but he knows Liang Qianhu if he wants to come. In just over a day, he just wanted to be important to Liang Qianhu. Apart from eating, sleeping and taking care of his father, he was always in the house. It's noisy here, and I asked the people below to stop it, but she has already poisoned more than ten of my subordinates. Fortunately, it's just some poisonous fog that makes people faint. If you think about it, she knows it. If it really kills people , I also have to trouble her, so I am very measured, but because of this, I can't find a reason to punish her. Alas, during this time, I don't know how many people under my command have complained to me After this incident, now that Mr. Zhang is here, I can breathe a sigh of relief if I can persuade this girl Fang."

Hearing Liu Xian's words, Zhang Fan looked back at Liang Chao, seeing that he nodded in agreement with Liu Xian's words just now, Zhang Fan felt even more helpless in his heart. He knew that Fang Yueling would fight endlessly over this matter, but he never expected that Fang Yueling could do such a thing. Fortunately, Fang Yueling knew the seriousness of this matter when she did it, and did not kill anyone. Come.

"General Liu, now that I'm here, this matter will naturally be settled, and General Liu doesn't need to worry about it anymore," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "But now, it's not the time to worry about these things. Well, I'm coming to General Liu's place this time not because I received the imperial decree. In fact, I was ready to rush over just after hearing the news here. By the way, General Liu, I still have to ask , What is going on in this Yongning mansion now, "

"I was going to talk to Mr. Zhang about this matter too," Liu Xian said, "Speaking of the current Yongning Mansion, it has stabilized for the time being, and there is nothing wrong, but, these two days, I sent to investigate people, but also found something.

"After those two people were killed, although the news did not go out, the people of the various tribes also understood. The people I sent to find out that when the incident just happened, there was chaos in the Yongning Mansion. Those people were also frightened by the news, and didn't react for a while. I also immediately sent the army out to surround Yongning Mansion. I'm afraid they wanted to escape at that time, but they didn't expect that they would escape. It was a step too late, and by the time they wanted to escape, there was no way out.

"Now, these 2 people are trapped in Yongning Mansion by my [-] army, and they dare not act rashly, and because the [-] army surrounded them, the tens of thousands of people in Yongning Mansion are very safe now. , but I don’t think this situation can last for long,”

"Oh," Zhang Fan thought for a while after hearing Liu Xian's words, and asked, "General Liu said that although everything is safe now, the [-] people in Yongning's mansion are still in danger. "

"That's exactly what I mean," Liu Xian said, "Besides, this is not a random guess. Master Zhang, just think about it. In the beginning, these 2 people were surrounded by my army, and they had nowhere to go. I can retreat to the Yongning Mansion, and because they are surrounded by my army, I will never dare to do anything to the people in the city. Once they dare to kill, I will definitely not sit idly by, even if I want to do it. Both sides will suffer, and they will also storm the Yongning Mansion and wipe out all the 2 people.

"Of course, this is just an idea of ​​mine. I'm afraid that even if I do this, Master Zhang will stop me, but they don't know. As long as they are not stupid enough, they definitely think so.

"However, this can only be stabilized for a while, but it cannot be stabilized for a long time. Now two days have passed, which is not too long, but if it is delayed for another three to five days, I am afraid they will not be able to stabilize. At that time, they will no longer estimate anything, I am afraid that they will also start killing, "

"Well..." Regarding Liu Xian's words, Zhang Fan listened and thought, and nodded. Zhang Fan agreed with Liu Xian's words, "General Liu is right. If things really drag on like this, I'm afraid that when the time comes , It’s the same as General Liu said, although those people also know that once they dare to do something, we will never spare them, but if they are surrounded for so many days, there are more than 2 people, even if there are only a few I'm starting to get impatient, but it won't take long to spread the word, and all those people will become impatient, and by that time, as long as a little thing, it can lead to a big disaster."

"That's right, what Mr. Zhang said is true, and I think so too," Liu Xian frowned when he said this, "Now, it depends on how we can resolve this matter earlier, and nothing can happen. Mistake, don’t let those people take any action, it’s best to solve this matter without using force,”

"No martial arts," Zhang Fan muttered Liu Xian's words, a little uncertain, "It's not impossible to say no martial arts, but it's very difficult, and now it's not about saying no to fighting." The words of a subdued soldier are too much, but how can the 2 people in Yongning city be willing to surrender.

"They should also know that they are rebelling now. They originally followed those two people, but as long as they follow those two people, even if they are defeated, they will all be arrested at that time. Thinking about it, they can also shirk the blame Go to those two people, and they, so many people, are not Han Chinese, and the imperial court will not do anything to them, at most they will be exiled.

"But now, those two people are dead. In this way, the rebels will become them. When they are arrested, the crimes will naturally be borne by the leaders of those tribes. They must understand this. , they don't want to die either, "

"Master Zhang," Liu Xian said suddenly, "Although that's what you said, those people have no other way to go now. I see, should I find someone to talk to them and let them open the city and surrender? Woolen cloth,"

"Find someone to lobby." Zhang Fan thought for a while, shook his head lightly, and said, "This method is possible, but I don't think there is much hope. If the two countries are at war, at this time, talk to them. Maybe it's okay, but they are rebelling, and I'm afraid they don't think we can let them go.

"I'm just afraid that they will be ungrateful and kill the people we sent. If that's the case, this battle will no longer be avoided, and the people in Yongning Mansion may also..." Zhang Fan didn't say anything Let's go on.

However, even though Zhang Fan didn't continue, Liu Xian understood what Zhang Fan meant.

All in all, what they have to do now is to try not to start a war, and if there is a war, not only will the total of 7 people on both sides die, but even the people in Yongning Mansion will not be spared.

However, this doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. Zhang Fan has already rejected the method proposed by Liu Xian. In this way, Liu Xian has no good idea. This made Liu Xian wonder what to do for a while. What to do.

After thinking about it, Liu Xian couldn't think of any other way, so he had to ask Zhang Fan: "Then, Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Zhang Fan couldn't help but start to think about it, and Liu Xian didn't say anything when he saw this, waiting for Zhang Fan to think about it.

"By the way, General Liu," Zhang Fan raised his head suddenly, looked at Liu Xian and asked, "Zhang Fan has something to ask the general."

"Master Zhang, please tell me." Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance, Liu Xian intuitively told him that Zhang Fan had already figured out a way, so he hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Although there are currently 2 rebels in the rebel army," Zhang Fan said, "and these [-] people were gathered from various tribes, but even though there are many tribes, they may not all be from the same tribe." I don’t know what kind of people there are in it now, "

"I've had people inquire about this before." Although Liu Xian didn't understand why Zhang Fan asked this question, he still answered Zhang Fan, "Actually, there are three tribes with the largest number of people. Among them, the strong people At most, it is estimated to be more than 2. After all, Zhang Yong Wangxin followed Wei Yinbao back then, and this time he also borrowed Wei Yinbao's reputation. In addition, there are the most strong people near Yongning, so now among the [-] people, there are nearly [-] strong people. Half, the rest are mainly Miao people and Yi people, the total number of these two groups is about seven or eight thousand, and the rest are just some small groups, like..."

"That's enough, General Liu." Zhang Fan didn't let Liu Xian continue, but interrupted him, "The Zhuang people, the Miao people, and the Yi people together already accounted for [-]% of the total. enough.

"By the way, does General Liu know where their family members are?"

"This... naturally I know..." Liu Xian already understood what Zhang Fan meant.

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