The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1180 The So-Called Revenge

Speaking up.The question raised by Zhang Fan.Liu Xian really didn't think about it.

Liu Xian is a man who has fought all his life.But even so.some things.Liu Xian still didn't necessarily know about it.If you think about it carefully.even though.From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.For the past two hundred years until now.In fact, the rebellion is constant.Perhaps it was because Zhu Yuanzhang, a reckless man, was able to ascend the throne as a great treasure.It made other people restless.I feel that I also have the strength to aspire to the throne.

These two hundred years.There were constant wars inside Daming.It's just that the scale is not too big.but.Liu Xian is a man who has fought all his life.However, almost no troops were led to suppress any internal rebellion.The last time the Bo people were wiped out can be regarded as the last time.And even with the addition of the battle that has not yet been fought this time.He is only the second Liu Xian has read so many military books.Each book has a clear record on it.But he still didn't think of one thing.That is.The families of these rebels.

Speaking up.Since Liu Xian went to Zhejiang and served as the general of the capital.He fought his whole life.That's the official start.but.Even if he has fought a lifetime of war.Also won countless victories.The annihilation of the enemy is even more immeasurable.only.The ones he hit.Almost all of them are Japanese pirates.

Regardless of the identity of these Japanese pirates.For what reason did they come to Daming's territory to plunder.But one thing is for sure.These people are foreign enemies.

And obviously.Since it is aimed at foreign enemies.There is no need to think about so many things.For Liu Xian.He just needs to remember one thing.Take these Japanese pirates who dared to invade the territory of Ming Dynasty.Kill them all.Even if it cannot be killed.And drive them out too.And let them bring back the principle that Da Ming's prestige cannot be violated.Let other Japanese pirates even want to come here to grab things in the future.Also think twice.

And obviously.For foreign enemies.There is no need to consider where the family is or not.And in the last battle against the Bo people.Liu Xian did not think of these things either.After all, the Bo people have galloped on this land for thousands of years.Its reputation spread far and wide.And it lives up to its name.therefore.Just fight against the main force of the Bo people.Even if Liu Xian has 12 elite soldiers and strong generals.In addition, the food and grass that have already been prepared are in hand.But it is not easy to Xian simply didn't have the time to care about those things.

therefore.This time the war.Liu Xian was because of this inertia.It didn't even occur to me.To find the other party's family or something.

And now.Zhang Fan raised this question.Liu Xian naturally felt his eyes light up.

only.Such an eye-catching thing.It only lasted for a moment.Liu Xian felt it.Although it is about the matter that Zhang Fan raised.It is indeed a good idea.But if you really want to use this matter to break through the troubles in front of you.But it is not an easy task.

"General Liu must have thought of something." Seeing the change of expression on Liu Xian's face.Zhang Fan asked.

"That's right. Master Zhang's words. I thought about it just now." Liu Xian nodded.Said. "Although it is said. Threatening the other party's family. This kind of thing is really despicable. But since they have already committed rebellion. No matter what the reason is, they are just a bunch of rebels. So. Even this The method is a bit hacky, but I think it's good.

"It's just that. There are some troubles here. It's not so easy to handle. Mr. Zhang, please think about it. Since the other party dared to follow those two people to do this, they should also know. What kind of business is what they are going to do. Since they It's about rebellion. I don't believe they are unprepared. I'm afraid even their family members have already made arrangements in advance. It's just to prevent us from doing such a thing.

"Although, these people are all tribes living near Yongning Mansion. Even their family members are still here. I'm afraid they must have hidden. Although there are two big rivers here, the surrounding terrain is It’s not flat. There are also some mountains and forests nearby. If it’s the family members of these people, they are all hiding there. I’m afraid trying to find them. Not only will it take a lot of time, but we also don’t have enough manpower.”

"Yes. What General Liu said makes sense." Zhang Fan said to Liu Xian.Very much agree. "But General Liu. It seems that you haven't understood what I mean. Although I mentioned their family members, I naturally meant to use their family members to threaten them. But I didn't say anything. I must send them away. It’s impossible to arrest all the family members.”

"Don't arrest me." Zhang Fan said.Liu Xian was confused. "This... If you don't arrest him, why are you threatening me?" Liu Xian couldn't understand what Zhang Fan meant.

"General Liu. There are some things. It doesn't have to be useful if you have the opponent's handle." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "Just like what happened this time. Although we didn't capture the family members of these people. But we just need to know. This is how we can deal with them. That's enough. At that time. Just tell these people. If they If we don’t surrender immediately, we will attack their families. It is impossible for them to stay in the city and not come out.”

Zhang Fan's meaning was very a handle.It doesn't have to be in your hands.Just like many things in the court.The two sides fight each other.It's not about actually grabbing each other's pigtails.certainly.This is also a case of necessity.Sometimes there is not enough time.And sometimes it is very difficult.But that's all right.Just let the other person know.This side understands his weakness.Even if there is no time.But if you have the ability to find his weakness.This side can also be qualified to compete with the opponent.

And this time.Facing the more than 2 people who rebelled, there is a reason.their family.Not to mention today.Thinking about it, it has already been hidden in the deep mountains and old forests somewhere here.And now.The situation in Yongning Mansion.Although fairly stable.But no one knows how long this stability can go catch these people.There is no such time at all.

and.These people must be numerous.Just imagine.Just these rebels.There are already [-] people.And the families of these people.How many people do you have to add up.Say less.There must be another [-] to [-].If you want to catch these people.There simply isn't enough manpower.

Liu Xian has only 5 people under his command.And these 5 people have to take care of Yongning Mansion.In case there are any variables.It is also irrational to transfer troops from other provinces.One is that there is simply not enough time.The second is the garrisons of the surrounding provinces.Now I know what's going on here.All are under strict precautions.Just in case those young ethnic groups in their own locality will follow suit and rebel.

even though.Now want to bring these people to their families.All in hand.Then go to threaten these people.It is already impossible.But this does not mean.Zhang Fan and Liu Xian couldn't use this matter to threaten them.

"That is to say..." Liu Xian now understood what Zhang Fan meant. "We don't need to catch these people. Just let those people in Yongning's mansion know. We can catch them. Even now we have no choice. There is no time. But once they dare to do something. Then we They will target their families. Blood debts. The crimes they committed. Naturally, someone must pay for it."

"Lord Liu is right. That's exactly what I mean." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Speaking of it, these people don't care. The reason why they rebelled is not just for themselves. It must be for their family members. Maybe wait until they succeed. It doesn't matter what family members are. But the current situation They have no chance of winning at all. Because of this, family members have become their concern. Come to think of it, no one wants to die.

"At that time. We just need to make it clear to them. If they are so obsessed. If they still refuse to open the city and surrender. Then we will attack their families."

"What Master Zhang said is not unreasonable. It's just..." Liu Xian obviously agreed with Zhang Fan's words.But there are many more places.He didn't want to understand. "However. After all, we haven't caught their family members now. If the time comes, these people are really so stubborn. If they don't cry when they don't see the handle, then we have nothing to do."

"This is not a problem." Zhang Fan said.Obviously he has already considered this issue. "At that time. When we talk to them. We have to add one. Just let them know. We haven't caught their family members now. But if they still don't agree. Wait until they are wiped out. We won't either Spare their families.

"Even if their family is well hidden. We can't find it for a while. But tell them. We will take time. Even if it takes a few years. We have to avenge this. If so. Want to come It's impossible for them to say no."

"This..." Liu Xian said to Zhang Fan.There was some hesitation for a while.Not that he disagreed.Just do it.Is it too extreme?But the situation in front of me... After thinking about it.Liu Xian nodded.Agree with Zhang Fan's method.But he has other problems. "One more question, Mr. Zhang. Who are we going to send to tell them. Although Mr. Zhang has thought of a good way. I also think this method can be used to take them down. But if we send our people. I'm afraid they won't see each other at all. Wouldn't it be troublesome again."

"General Liu, don't worry." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "I've figured out a way."

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