For Zhang Fan, he already had an idea.When Liu Xian heard him say that just now.I'm a little worried.It's not that Liu Xian doesn't believe that Zhang Fan already has an this regard.He still believed in Zhang Fan.It's just that Liu Xian is worried.He was worried about Zhang Fan's idea.Might be able to resolve this matter.But it may not be perfect.

but.After Liu Xian listened to what Zhang Fan said.He also felt relieved.Zhang Fan's idea.For Liu Xian.very good.And it was exactly what he wanted to see.therefore.Liu Xian would not object at all.After listening to Zhang Fan's idea.Liu Xian agreed on the spot.and.He also ignored the fact that it was already late.Immediately went down to arrange.

The so-called arrangement.In fact, Liu Xian made a lot of adjustments to the army that now surrounds Yongning Mansion.And he didn't say why.This makes the soldiers below have doubts.But these people are also old people who have followed Liu Xian for many years.They have great confidence in Liu Xian.So even if you don't understand.He couldn't even figure out why Liu Xian made such an arrangement.But they still faithfully implemented the arrangement that Liu Xian arranged.

The reason why these people can't figure it out.Actually for nothing else.It was precisely because of what Liu Xian had arranged.certainly.Now that Yongning Mansion has been surrounded.Then it is absolutely impossible to retreat.If there is such a change.I don't know what those people in the city will suddenly think about.In case of any unexpected variables.That's troublesome.

Liu Xian really asked the people below to do it.It is to let them surround Yongning Mansion even though they still have to.But not as tight as before.Although it is now the soldiers approaching the city.But it can't show the appearance that this side is about to attack.That is.Let the soldiers below.Act looser.Specifically.Don't send out scouts every day to scout the city.And don't let that group of a hundred patrol the neighborhood all day.all in all.Just don't put too much pressure on those people in the city.

This.It was exactly what the soldiers under Liu Xian couldn't figure out.They don't know why.Liu Xian will make such a their view.Now that these rebels have been surrounded in the city.Even now, because the lives of tens of thousands of people in Yongning Mansion are threatened, nothing can be done.But there should also be a sense of urgency.Let the other person know that fear is.

But now Liu Xian is letting them relax.This is what these soldiers can't understand.certainly.It's not that everyone can't figure it out.After all, there are still many capable people under Liu Xian.These people may not understand the true meaning of Liu Xian's actions.But they agree with Liu Xian's arrangement.They all understand.The so-called dog jumps over the wall in a hurry.If a person is pushed into a hurry.Anything can be done.Be a little more relaxed now.Maybe those people in the city can relax their tense nerves a little bit.

But this truth.The soldiers below did not understand.and.Even if you want to explain to them.How many people can listen to it.It is really an unknown.after all.These are soldiers who are at a favorable stage.Most of them now look filled with righteous indignation.

always.The current situation here.Just as Liu Xian ordered.And so on.Although now.Liu Xian did not rule out the scouts to find out what happened.But in this way.Even without looking.Can also imagine.The situation is definitely much easier than before.

And next.This was the solution Zhang Fan thought of.

Although there are already ways to deal with those people.But how to let them know.That's the problem.certainly.Wanted to let them know.There are many ways.Or send someone to tell them.Or send a letter in.

Speaking up.way of sending letters.It is actually the safest.but.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Liu Xian.I don't think this is a good way.True.This method is very safe.And the opponent is now at a disadvantage.I will definitely read the contents of the letter.but.The manner in which letters are communicated.But it will never be as good as word of mouth between people.

Such things as words.No matter how outstanding the literary talent is.No matter how there is emotion between the lines.But it is not as contagious as the words that come out of the mouth.

and.It wasn't that Zhang Fan looked down on those people.Even Liu Xian felt it.Those individuals in the city today.It may not be possible to see any emotional things from the text.

therefore.The proposal to deliver the letter was rejected.

Then what's left.The only way is to send someone over to tell them personally.Both Zhang Fan and Liu Xian agreed on this.The best way.but.How should this be done.But it is troublesome.Find someone on your side.There are so many people with outstanding eloquence.If so.Just pull out a seventh-rank official from Chengdu Mansion.It is also enough.

but.If you go to the officials of the imperial court.It didn't feel like a negotiation at all.It's more like trying to get them to surrender.even though.There really isn't much difference between the two.But when facing these minorities.The difference also appeared.

Whether it is Zhang Fan or Liu Xian.All are afraid.If you shoot your own people in the past.I'm afraid I haven't waited to speak yet.The other party is already killed by the person who will go.

If so.It's over.Although it is said that one or two people died.It's not really a big deal.But if that's the case.But there's going to be bloodshed.There is a saying.The two countries clashed.Do not cut to make.Now even if it is not the development of the two countries.But this statement is also applicable.And if the messenger is killed.That is.A war is inevitable for both sides.

therefore.Even sending someone is a very good idea.But what exactly should be done.It is really difficult.Because I don't know those people.So don't know the situation.Zhang Fan and Liu Xian couldn't be sure that these people wouldn't do anything when they met.

but.Zhang Fan came up with a solution.And it is this way.After Liu Xian heard it, he got his Liu Xian could issue the previous orders.Let the people below relax a little.Don't push too hard.

having said so much.What kind of idea did Zhang Fan come up with?It can make Liu Xian agree.

actually.very simple.

The reason why I think this is a very difficult and good way to do it.The main reason is that they cannot understand the thoughts of those people.Afraid of them seeing people.Do not wait to speak.And who is it.To be able to meet those people.It is absolutely safe.

"Of course they are their clansmen." Zhang Fan said to Liu Xian.

"Master Zhang said they are members of their tribe." After hearing Zhang Fan's words.Liu Xian couldn't figure it out for a while.Can't help but ask. "This... is not bad. If their clansmen go, they will definitely not do it. But, aren't all their clansmen hiding now? Oh. I understand what Master Zhang means. We don't have to send Grab them all. Just grab one or two. Let them go."

"No, no, no..." Zhang Fan said to Liu Xian.shook his head.Said. "General Liu completely misunderstood what I meant. It is true. If their family members are asked to see them, they will naturally not do anything. However, even if their family members are in good health in front of us, it is difficult to guarantee those people. In front of you. Will you change your tone? Let them continue to confront us. If this is the case, then it will be over."

"Then..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Liu Xian was a little confused again.asked. "What does the lord Zhang mean by that?"

"I said it. Talk to their clansmen." Zhang Fan repeated.This is the explanation. "But I didn't say that. Looking for their families."

immediately.Liu Xian understood what Zhang Fan meant.

"It seems that General Liu understands." Zhang Fan saw Liu Xian's expression.laughed. "I asked General Liu before. The people who rebelled inside are mainly people from those tribes. They accounted for more than 2% of the [-] troops. There are only three big tribes. The Zhuang people and the Yi people , Miao people these three.

"That being the case, let's go find people from these three clans elsewhere. Let them go to the city and those people say that it's fine." Zhang Fan's meaning was very clear.It is to find the "compatriots" of those people to lobby them.

"Moreover, the benefits are not limited to these." Zhang Fan continued. "Even if they don't know each other. But they are of the same clan. Naturally, they have some ideas. As long as the people we send over tell them. If they don't surrender, it's not just their family members. Even those who don't participate in this People of the same clan who rebelled once will also be implicated. In this way, those people must know why.

"Then. I'm telling them. As long as we can surrender, we can guarantee their safety. We will never kill them. I think things have come to this point. Those people inside don't want to die either. In this way, you can do it if you want Let them take the initiative to open the city and surrender."

"This is also a way. It's just..." Liu Xian hesitated.Said. "It's just. Can we really save their lives? If we go back and kill them, I'm afraid people from other clans will..."

"Don't worry about that," Zhang Fan said. "The queen mother has given me great power. I am qualified to make decisions on this matter. Although the court has always killed rebels without mercy. But they are different. They cannot be killed. Killing them will make chaos. Think about it, whether it is The queen mother, or the ministers in the court, will also understand this.

"At that time. I will write an amnesty order. Let people bring it in. Anyway, they don't understand. Although I have the right to let them go, I have no right to pardon. But as long as I can deceive them. Wait until they surrender. I am asking the court to play. Let the Queen Mother issue a pardon."

Zhang Fan's words.Liu Xian thought about it for a long time.Finally nodded: "Okay. That's it."

And Zhang Fan.But he didn't show any satisfaction: "Since that's the case. Now, there is only one problem left."

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