The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1182 Who to Talk to

even though.Now the solution to this matter has been finalized.and.No matter how.Liu Xian is also ready to do this.but.Whenever he remembered what Zhang Fan said to him at the end.always feel.There still seemed to be such a trace of unreliability in my heart.

back to before.Although the two have already finalized a solution.Since there are now 2 people in the city.The most important ones are the words of the Zhuang, Yi and Miao people.Then you only need to find people from these three tribes to lobby.As for other small tribes.But those people are only about 2000% of the [-] people.It is really nothing to worry about.

And Liu Xian.Naturally, they agree with Zhang Fan's method.But there was one thing he didn't understand.After much deliberation.Liu Xian couldn't figure it out.I had no choice but to continue to ask Zhang Fan: "Master Zhang's method is not bad. It is indeed a good method to ask people of their clan to lobby. But, there is one more thing. I haven't figured it out yet."

"Oh." Zhang Fan looked at Liu Xian.Said. "It doesn't matter. This matter is of great importance. Naturally, it is easy to understand everything. Since General Liu has doubts, if Zhang Fan knows, he should answer it. If he wants to come. If he doesn't explain clearly, I am afraid that General Liu will not be at ease. Bar."

"Indeed." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Liu Xian was not at all embarrassed.Said it very bluntly.As Zhang Fan said.If you don't understand everything.He couldn't feel at ease at all.Not to mention any more orders. "If I don't figure it out, I can't feel at ease.

"Actually. Although I don't understand this question, it is very simple. Although I understand what Mr. Zhang means now. But where should I find this person who is going to lobby. Although it is said. Zhuang, Yi, Miao They are all big clans. They have a large population. But because they have too many people, there is no such thing as a patriarch. It is impossible for them to choose. If they choose one person to lead so many people, I am afraid they themselves will unwilling.

"Also. Even if they are willing to do this themselves, I am afraid that our imperial court will not let them do this. If that is the case, I am afraid that the imperial court will start to worry. Are they going to rebel.

"However. Let's not talk about it. It's just that. Who should we find? Since this kind of big clan has a large population. If there is no patriarch, then there is no way to find a person with weight to talk to those people Say. In this way, even if the person we are looking for can see those people. But what you say. If those people don’t listen, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort.”

"General Liu is thinking about it." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "This is indeed a problem. If you can't find someone with weight to come out, this matter will not work."

"Then...what does Master Zhang mean?" Liu Xian asked.Although he raised such a question.And it's a very serious problem.But he himself didn't think about how to solve this the question arises.Liu Xian could only leave it to Zhang Fan to solve it.

"Yeah. Otherwise, let's do it this way." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "Although, like these three tribes, there are too many people. Moreover, they are also divided into countless tribes. They are scattered around here. But think about it. Even so. There are differences in size. There will always be There is a tribe with a relatively large number of people and a large base. If you want to come to such a tribe. Among their own tribes, their influence should not be underestimated. And if you go to these people, think about what they said. Those people You should be able to hear it too."

"That's right. This is indeed a solution." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Liu Xian slapped his forehead.I figured it out in an instant. "If it's people from these big tribes, what you want to say is also important. Those people can listen to it. And these people are very easy to find. How many tribes are divided into each tribe. All are recorded in the court. As long as one Find out."

Liu Xian is right.From the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Zhu Yuanzhang has considered the issue of ethnic minorities.This.This is the origin of the "chieftain system".Use the people of these ethnic minorities to manage them.certainly.They also had to pay taxes and provide labor to the court.

all in all.Now all over the country.The situation of each ethnic group is recorded.Even further down.Including how many tribes this tribe has been divided into.Even if it is as small as a dozen or so people.will also be recorded.I want to find the largest clan in a clan.It's an extremely simple thing.Just let someone go and check the files.

"Then this is the way to go." Zhang Fan also nodded.Said. "Now I have to bother General Liu. Go and arrange it. Let the soldiers below relax a little bit. Don't press too hard. This will also make those people in the city feel at ease. Maybe we can give us more time. And so Come. When the time comes, people will go to lobby them. It is more likely that they will agree.”

"This is easy." Liu Xian said hastily. "I'll let the people below come over later. Let them pass on the order."

"However, this matter may not be so easy to handle." Zhang Fan said such a sentence suddenly.

And Liu Xian who heard these words.He didn't ask anything.Instead, he frowned deeply.He also understands.This approach looks good or bad.But not necessarily without problems.The reason why he didn't ask was because he didn't see any problem yet.But if Zhang Fan can imagine it.It has to be resolved early on.

"I just don't know what these people will think about this matter." Zhang Fan didn't wait for Liu Xian to ask.just said. "Speaking of it. Since the founding of our dynasty, the relationship with these ethnic minorities has not been very good. They can live in peace with us now. It's no different than back then. Our Ming's military might really frightened them .Besides, after all, they are few in number. They are single and weak. Naturally, they dare not provoke us. But I am afraid they also have resentment.

"I'm just afraid. When the time comes, I'll find these people. But they're unwilling to help. Or they're obedient and obedient. If they don't help us any more, then we'll be in trouble."

"This... can't be." Liu Xian heard Zhang Fan say this.Said such a sentence that was not sure at all.

"It might not be like this. But I'm not sure." Zhang Fan also frowned.Said. "You know. Although they are afraid of us, they are not so afraid that they dare not move. Otherwise, after so many years, this area in the southwest would not be so chaotic. In short, there are always people who want to Some little tricks.

"I'm just afraid. We don't know the details. Find someone. Don't just find this kind of person and come back. It will be troublesome. If we talk about it at that time, they promise well. When we get there, it's not the case when we talk Something happened. It ruined our big business. It can't be saved."

"But. What should we do?" Liu Xian lost his mind for a moment. "The so-called people's hearts are separated from each other. At that time, even if they agree on the surface, they will recite the past and make another set of words. We have no way of knowing. But now. At this time, we can only rely on these people. "

"Yes. This is indeed a problem." Zhang Fan was also stumped by this problem.

All of a sudden.There was silence in the big tent.Barracks at night.Even if someone is patrolling.But the footsteps.But it makes people feel more silent.And now.In this big account.Candles flickered.Several people were silent and did not speak.This stillness adds to the silence.It made people feel a little breathless.

That's right.Obviously, he has thought of a good to break through the current impasse.Let this matter be earlier.It was resolved safely.But who knows.up to now.Another new question popped up.And it's still not a good problem to solve.This makes people feel more unhappy at the same time.This atmosphere in turn affected the people in the tent again.

"My lord." Suddenly.A voice sounded. "Humble job has thought of a way."

This voice came.Let the other three people all wake up.Look over there.

out loud.It's Liang Chao.This.It also surprised Zhang Fan and Wang Meng.It's not that he has any other feelings about Liang Chao expressing his opinion now.After all, nowadays.Having trouble.J.As long as you can figure out a way to solve the problem.Who cares about his identity.

only.For Zhang Fan and Wang Meng.Liang Chao will have such a thing.It is very rare.

"Liang Chao. What can you do?" Zhang Fan asked anyway.But he didn't hold out much hope.Just because.Now they really can't think of any better way.Since Liang Chao said he has a way.Even if it is not feasible.You have to listen to what he has to say.What if it really works.

"Humble job also understands what adults are worried about." Liang Chao said. "I was afraid that we would invite people from those big tribes to come over. They agreed to us. But they put us together behind their backs. However, if the time comes, let our people. For example, adults or General Liu. Even It’s what the other adults said. Those people agreed, and they agreed. But I’m afraid there’s still a possibility of betraying us.”

"Not bad." Zhang Fan nodded.

"But..." Liang Chao continued. "If it's not, let's talk about it."

"It's not us." Zhang Fan was confused by Liang Chao's words for a moment. "If it's not us, who else could it be?"

"Let their own people tell them." Liang Chao said. "In this way, as long as those people can agree, they won't betray us if they think about it."

"This..." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "That's a good idea. But where do we find such a person? If we want to convince people of those big tribes, we must have an identity."

"Humble job happens to know one." Liang Chao said with a smile. "He was useless at first. But just now. He has woken up."

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