The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1185 Very annoying

Zhang Fan stood in front of the tent of the Five Poison Sect group. Although others had already arrived here, although he had already thought about it in his heart, even if he was not completely sure, he still wanted to talk about it, but Zhang Fan, who had arrived here, He still didn't go in right away, but stood in front of him thinking.

At this moment, Zhang Fan didn't move, but the people inside moved first.

There are three tents here. Zhang Fan has already asked Liu Xian's subordinates before. Among the three tents, the larger one is for the nine people from the Five Poison Sect. It seems that they are not used to the appearance of the army, and of the remaining two, one is for Fang Yueling. After all, she is a woman, so naturally it is impossible to squeeze together with other people, and the other is for Fang Yueling. Fang Zhenqian, Fang Zhenqian just came back, and his body is very weak. Even if he wakes up now, he still needs to rest, so don't disturb him too much.

Ignore the others for the time being, but on Fang Yueling's side, even if Zhang Fan doesn't listen to what the soldier said to him, he can figure it out. Fang Yueling will not spend much time in her tent every day. I'm afraid, Except for the normal rest, she would not stay inside, either to find Liang Chao for Li Yang, or to take care of Fang Zhenqian.

But speaking of it, Zhang Fan doesn't have any objections to this, what he really finds troublesome is...

Just when Zhang Fan was thinking about something and didn't go in right away, the curtain of the tent where Fang Zhenqian lived was lifted from the inside, and then Fang Yueling walked out. Although Fang Yueling was covered with a veil, her eyes But if it wasn't covered up, Zhang Fan could see it clearly. From the moment Fang Yueling opened the curtain to let him see her eyes, her eyes were icy cold. When she looked at Zhang Fan, that This kind of coldness is a bit deeper.

Obviously, Fang Yueling already knew that Zhang Fan was outside, and Zhang Fan didn't find it strange why he had such cold eyes. After all, after what happened last night, if Fang Yueling didn't look at him with such eyes, Zhang Fan On the contrary, there will be some problems.

Corresponding to Fang Yueling's cold eyes, she had no intention of giving Zhang Fan a good face at all. After seeing him, she also said in a cold tone: "Isn't this Mr. Zhang? I don't know Mr. Zhang Come here, what's your business," the words were cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm, it was obviously what happened last night, and Fang Yueling already hated her.

Seeing Fang Yueling like this, Zhang Fan could only feel helpless in his heart. Speaking of which, seeing Fang Yueling in this place was indeed the last thing he wanted to see.

Although Zhang Fan didn't have an accurate idea of ​​what to do today, he still thought about it a lot. Among the things Zhang Fan thought of, it might be better if he just talked to Fang Zhengan alone. After all, although Fang Zhenqian is for his daughter, although he has thoughts about Li Yang's matter, he is not as hated as Fang Yueling. Moreover, Fang Zhenqian revealed it after learning about Li Yang's matter yesterday. The appearance of worrying about gains and losses gave Zhang Fan some possible ideas.

But the situation that Zhang Fan least expects to encounter today is that Fang Yueling will also be here. After all, Fang Yueling now hates people like Zhang Fan and Jinyiwei extremely. Originally, she hated Li Yang's sudden betrayal. It seems that they left their hometowns, and yesterday, when she learned that Zhang Fan was responsible for all of this, she even hated Zhang Fan. The reduction, but towards Zhang Fan, he hated Li Yang much more than he hated Li Yang before.

And if Fang Yueling was there when Zhang Fan came here to talk with Fang Zhenqian, it would undoubtedly cause him a lot of trouble.

No matter what, Zhang Fan at least knows that Fang Zhenqian loves his daughter very much. This can be seen from what happened last night. Fang Zhenqian just woke up from a coma and heard that his daughter might be killed. When someone bullied her, regardless of her physical weakness, she came to cheer for her alone, even though she didn't reply at all with martial arts, she actually started fighting with her.

Zhang Fan didn't know if Fang Zhenqian was a little too fond of Fang Yueling, but from this point of view, at the very least, he loved him very much.

But today, if Fang Yueling was also present, I'm afraid she would never agree with Zhang Fan asking Fang Zhengan to help. Please, if this is the case, then things are bad.

This is the worst situation that Zhang Fan thought of, and now, Zhang Fan has not walked in, but he has seen the biggest trouble, how can this not make him feel helpless.

"I have to find a way to distract her," Zhang Fan thought in his heart, and said to Fang Yueling, "Hello Master Fang, I didn't expect Master Fang to wake up so early."

"Hmph," facing Zhang Fan's question mark, Fang Yueling naturally didn't appreciate it, snorted coldly, still looked at Zhang Fan with cold eyes, and replied in cold words, "living in this place, it's smoky, why don't you live here?" Allows for a good night's sleep,"

Well, all of a sudden, not only Zhang Fan, but even more than 1 people in the entire barracks were hated by Fang Yueling. They obviously wanted to take care of their father, so they got up so early, but Facing Zhang Fan, how could Fang Yueling say such a thing? At this moment, she would definitely not give Zhang Fan any good looks.

As for what Fang Yueling said, Zhang Fan could only show some embarrassment on his face.

After being told by Fang Yueling, Zhang Fan was at a loss for words for a while, and he didn't know how to tell Fang Yueling that he was going to see her father under such circumstances. I am afraid that as long as Zhang Fan speaks, it must be Will be rejected by Fang Yueling.

"You haven't answered me yet," Fang Yueling continued to ask without any embarrassment, but this time, even the three "Master Zhang", even the honorifics with a lot of resentment, were no longer used. He used the title of "you" without any modification, "What's the matter with you coming here?" This time, not only the words and eyes were cold, but also a lot of suspicion and guard were added.

"I..." Fang Yueling's continuous aggressiveness made Zhang Fan hesitate, but he thought of the purpose of coming here today and what he did, and he didn't worry any more. He said, "I want to see On your father's side, say something, "

"Hmph, now, what do you still want to see my father for?" It was obvious that Fang Yueling had already shown great resentment towards Zhang Fan from the very beginning, without asking him why he came here, she just refused , "Could it be that you have some ghost idea, you want to entrap us?"

Faced with Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan smiled helplessly, although Fang Yueling didn't know the reason why Zhang Fan came here at all, and what she said was just because she was angry with Zhang Fan. That's all, but from a certain point of view, what she said was not wrong at all. Zhang Fan came here to ask Fang Zhenqian for help. Of course, he didn't mean to harm them, but he had to put it aside.

But fortunately, Fang Yueling obviously doesn't have such a high EQ. If it were someone else, seeing Zhang Fan's expression like this, he would already know that he was right, but Fang Yueling didn't. I'm afraid in her opinion , Zhang Fan is purely looking for trouble.

"No, Master Fang misunderstood." Although Fang Yueling was deceived by saying this, Zhang Fan still had to say, "I came here to talk to your father about something, and there is no other meaning," Zhang said. Fan can only say so.

"If you want to see my father, don't even think about it." Sure enough, Fang Yueling rejected Zhang Fan decisively, "My father just woke up, his martial arts has not yet recovered, and his body is very weak, and seeing you is not a happy thing. If you say something that makes him angry, what should you do if something happens," Fang Yueling said clearly.

However, Fang Yueling's reason, in Zhang Fan's ears, is completely unreasonable. It is completely just to send him off. Fang Zhenqian, how could something happen just because he heard someone say a few words? Surprisingly, he's definitely not that vulnerable.

On this point, judging from the fact that he just woke up yesterday and was about to protect his daughter, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

But the problem is, no matter how reasonable the reason Fang Yueling said, even Zhang Fan couldn't find a suitable reason to counter what she said, but he still can't just leave like this, he must see Fang Zhenqian .

As for Fang Yueling's words, her voice was cold and loud, even though her voice was very hoarse, it spread far away, causing all the soldiers who heard it to turn their eyes to this side.

However, Zhang Fan didn't care about the soldiers' gazes. What he cared about was that Fang Yueling's voice caused the tent next to him to be lifted from the inside, and the people from the Five Poison Sect came out one by one. They stared at Zhang Fan with unkind eyes. Obviously, these people also hated Zhang Fan very much. Although they didn't hate Zhang Fan as much as Fang Yueling did, they definitely hated Zhang Fan, but to a different degree. .

"Besides," Fang Yueling didn't care about other things, and continued to say to Zhang Fan, "My father hasn't gotten up yet, and you are also a scholar, and you can do things like disturbing people's dreams."

"What does a scholar have to do with disturbing people's dreams..." Zhang Fan complained in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

"Ling'er," at this moment, Fang Zhenqian's voice came from the tent behind Fang Yueling, "Let him in."

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