Although Zhang Fan had thought about it a long time ago, now that Fang Zhenqian is weak, Fang Yueling will definitely take care of him by his side. In this way, after he left, he would naturally see Fang Yueling, but he still hoped in his heart, It would be best if Fang Yueling's people were not around. If Fang Yueling was around, no matter what Zhang Fan said, she would absolutely oppose it. In this case, if Fang Zhenqian's judgment was affected, Zhang Fan would lose more than he gained.

But even if you think about it this way, the fact is impossible to change because of Zhang Fan's thoughts. It is obvious that Fang Zhenqian is now waking up and his body is weak. As a daughter who cares about him, how could Fang Yueling leave? As for him, he must have taken care of him every step of the way.

Now, before Zhang Fan went in, Fang Yueling came out and started yelling at him. Although Zhang Fan didn't care what Fang Yueling said to him, Fang Yueling's words inadvertently deepened his trip. difficulty.

Not to mention, although Fang Yueling's voice is hoarse, but the volume is not low at all, not to mention the soldiers who watched from a distance, but those members of the Five Poison Sect all came out, and all of them were He stared at Zhang Fan with unkind eyes, as if he was staring at him closely, for fear that he would be unfavorable to Fang Yueling.

Regarding this, Zhang Fan could only smile wryly. How could he not understand the eyes of these people? However, this is not because he wanted Fang Yueling to be disadvantaged. It was obviously the other way around. Fang Yueling wanted to eat him alive. .

Fortunately, when the two sides were confronting each other and Zhang Fan was weak, Fang Zhenqian's voice came from the big tent behind Fang Yueling: "Ling'er, let him in."

How to put it this way, Fang Zhenqian speaking at this time can be regarded as a solution to Zhang Fan's urgent need, no, it is a bit too much to say that the urgent need is too much, it's just that Zhang Fan really doesn't know how to deal with the situation in front of him, Fang Zhenqian spoke, he just took this opportunity to get rid of these malicious eyes on him, not to mention that he could go in and see Fang Zhenqian, why not do it.

But in Zhang Fan's heart, he always felt a little uncomfortable. After all, this was Daming's barracks. Liu Xian, a general who led 5 people to fight, logically speaking, he also had to listen to Zhang Fan's orders. It is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Fan is the most senior person in this barracks.

However, now that he is in his own barracks, he needs to get the consent of the other party where he wants to meet someone. Moreover, the other party is not even a guest. To put it bluntly, they are just a group of displaced persons. Zhang Fan took them in and gave them a place to stay in order to stay here.

But they don't know how to be grateful, and they still want to show Zhang Fan's face, no matter what, it's really inappropriate.

Of course, Zhang Fan could only think about these words in his heart and talk about it. Now that he still has to ask Fang Zhenqian, it is naturally impossible to say anything to offend them.

"But..." However, even though Fang Zhenqian had already spoken, Fang Yueling was not very willing.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan didn't know anything, but other members of the Five Poisons Sect did. Fang Yueling had always followed Fang Zhengan's words and would never refute them. But this time, Fang Zhengan's orders were actually Not wanting to obey, this shows how much Fang Yueling hates Zhang Fan.

However, since Zhang Fan didn't know, he wouldn't be troubled by it. In other words, even if Zhang Fan knew about these things, he wouldn't feel anything, wouldn't feel lost, but Nor would she be happy. After all, in Zhang Fan's life, whether in the past or in the future, Fang Yueling was just a passer-by. The two only cooperated temporarily because of special events that happened during this period. Now, the matter has been completed, and Fang Yueling's attitude towards Zhang Fan is also so bad.

Zhang Fan doesn't care what Fang Yueling thinks about him at all. In his opinion, as long as he can finish the task at hand and persuade Fang Zhenqian to help him, the two sides will have nothing to talk about. No matter how much the Poison Sect needs to cooperate, even if the two of them will meet again, it will be just two people talking for the sake of benefit, just like passers-by.

In short, today's Zhang Fan really doesn't care about those things.

As for Fang Yueling, she just wanted to ask her father why she let Zhang Fan in, but she didn't say anything. It seems that even her dislike for Zhang Fan in her heart has exceeded a limit, and she even made the absolute decision in the past. She couldn't do things like refute her father's words, but in the end, the respect for her father still overwhelmed the emotions in Fang Yueling's heart. She didn't say anything, but moved out of her body, indicating that Zhang Fan could go in.

But Zhang Fan looked at Fang Yueling and smiled helplessly again. Although Fang Yueling finally obeyed her father's order and let him in, the dissatisfaction in her eyes was even worse than before. separated.

Zhang Fan didn't care about these anymore, just like that, even under the gaze of these twenty eyes, he still showed a calm appearance that nothing happened, and walked into the tent, but , when passing by Fang Yueling's side, because the distance between the two was too close, Fang Yueling's boundless resentment unreservedly rushed to Zhang Fan.

After Zhang Fan walked in, Fang Yueling followed him in and lowered the curtain.

In the tent, Fang Zhenqian was sitting by the bed. It seemed that because of Fang Yueling's careful care, Fang Zhenqian's complexion looked quite different from yesterday after only waking up from a coma overnight.

Yesterday's Fang Zhenqian looked pale, and if he really wanted to say, he looked like he had just crawled out of a pile of dead people, but now, although he was still so skinny, his complexion was quite Yes, even if his complexion is not rosy, it is not as gray as yesterday. In short, Fang Zhenqian has recovered a lot now.

"Master Fang woke up very early today. I was worried that coming so early would disturb your rest. I didn't expect you to wake up." Speaking of which, if it wasn't because of something to ask, Zhang Fan naturally didn't want to What kind of honor should I use for him, but fortunately, the other party doesn't fight by himself at this age, so it's not bad to say, "Besides, it seems that Old Master Fang's complexion is really good, much better than last night,"

"Huh," Fang Yueling on the side dismissed Zhang Fan's words and snorted coldly. Fortunately, Fang Yueling had never read any books, and was born in the Five Poisons Sect. She is also a bit withdrawn as she rarely goes out, and doesn't know a lot of witty words, otherwise, at this time, she would definitely say something like "Nothing to be courteous, either rape or steal" to ridicule Zhang Fan.

But in the current situation, even if Fang Yueling didn't speak, no one here would not know what she meant.

"Master Zhang, you are welcome." Fang Zhenqian is much more mature than Fang Yueling. After all, he is a person who has experienced decades of ups and downs. This kind of entertainment is completely fine. "My old bones are still tough. In the past few years, I have been imprisoned. Because they were afraid of my martial arts, after they caught me, they would put some things in my meals every day. After these years, if I hadn’t used poison A good hand, I have prepared a long time ago, I am afraid that I have become a useless person, and now I don’t need to eat those things. In less than a month, I will be able to fully recover my skills, but the skills belong to the power, this body wants It will take some time to get better." Regarding his physical condition, Fang Zhenqian did not hide anything from Zhang Fan, but revealed the whole thing. In his opinion, these things were really wrong to Zhang Fan. If it's necessary to hide it, it's okay to tell him.

"Hehe, this martial arts practitioner is really unusual," Zhang Fan also said with a smile, "like my colleagues in the court, who are a little older, all of them are sick, and they don't usually notice anything. Some kind of sickness, but he was bedridden for a few days, "

"I'm not bad at seeing Mr. Zhang, I should have practiced Qi," Fang Zhenqian said suddenly.

"Old Master Fang has good eyesight," Zhang Fan said, "I have also learned some, but I don't have any martial arts or anything. I just learned some methods of practicing Qi and strengthening my body."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang," Fang Zhenqian changed his tone suddenly. Although he still had a smile on his face, it was definitely different from before. I'm looking for this old man, it's definitely not for the purpose of gossiping with this old man, right? If Master Zhang has anything to do, just say it."

"This..." When Zhang Fan said this, he looked at Fang Yueling who was standing behind him.

"Ling'er, you go out first," Fang Zhenqian said, naturally understanding what he meant.

"Father," Fang Yueling naturally refused to agree, "Let him stay here alone, my daughter is worried, in case..."

"Master Fang is serious," Zhang Fan said suddenly, "Even if Mr. Fang is no longer skilled in martial arts, is it possible that Mr. Fang thinks that I want to harm him?"

"You..." Fang Yueling was about to say something, but saw her father shaking her head at her. Although she was unwilling, Fang Yueling still listened to her father's words, snorted again coldly at Zhang Fan, turned and walked out.

"Now, Ling'er has gone out," Fang Zhenqian straightened his face, and said to Zhang Fan, "It's just you and me here, if Master Zhang has anything to say, please speak up quickly."

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