There are many things Fang Zhenqian doesn't know, and he just woke up, there are many things, neither Fang Yueling nor his old subordinates told him all the things, but even so, Fang Zhenqian is so smart, he did The leader of the Five Poisons Sect has not experienced anything for so many years, and he can see many things even if the people below don't tell them.

At the very least, he can clearly see that his daughter's resentment towards Zhang Fan is very serious now. Although he still doesn't know what Zhang Fan wants to say when he comes to him now, it is obvious that , if Fang Yueling still stays here, I am afraid that Zhang Fan will not be able to say a lot.

Even if Fang Zhenqian could feel it, Zhang Fan came to him this time, definitely not to gossip, or just to talk about unimportant things, there must be something to tell him, and it is very likely that he will bring him Some troubles came, but even so, Fang Zhenqian had to listen to Zhang Fan before he finished speaking.

Moreover, although he doesn't know much about many things, Fang Zhenqian has already sensed one thing. Since he woke up last night and talked with Zhang Fan, Fang Zhenqian has been thinking about this matter, and just now, Knowing that Zhang Fan came here, he figured out one thing.

"I only found out about this last night," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "I didn't expect Old Master Fang to be famous not only in Jianghu, but even among the Miao family. "

"Oh," Fang Zhenqian looked at Zhang Fan and said, "It seems that Mr. Zhang already knows it. Yes, the old man still has some weight in the eyes of the Miao family. It's not a secret. As long as All the members of the Five Poisons Sect know about this, but most of the other Miao family members, except for those from my hometown, have only heard of my name, but have never seen him, so they don’t recognize it, that’s all.”

"In this way, I'm a little confused." Zhang Fan didn't immediately ask Fang Zhenqian for help, but asked, "In this case, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin used tricks to catch you back then. You didn’t report your family background. I know that among those people, although the Zhuang family is the one who decides, the Miao people still hold a lot of weight. If they knew your identity, they might not agree to those two people imprisoning you Get up, why didn't Old Master Fang speak out?"

"It's not that I don't know the details, but it's useless to say it," Fang Zhenqian explained, "At the beginning, the people who caught me were the subordinates of those two people, and those two people were also from the Zhuang family. I am afraid that even if I tell them about the matter at home, they will believe it, and they will never let me go.

"Besides, even if they were willing to believe it, they wouldn't dare to arrest me. However, Mr. Zhang doesn't think so. They don't say it beforehand, but wait until something happens. How many people can believe it in this situation?"

"That's true," Zhang Fan agreed with Fang Zhengan's words and nodded.

"What's more..." Fang Zhenqian did not stop, and continued to speak, "Even if the old man is unwilling to say it, he has to admit that he was restrained by them because of his disadvantage, but even so, the old man I also look down on them, if the old man said that, wouldn’t it mean that the old man has surrendered to them, if he is willing to bow his head in order to survive, the old man will not obey, "

Fang Zhenqian's words made Zhang Fan a little stunned. He really didn't expect Fang Zhenqian to say such a thing, but immediately, Zhang Fan laughed, and Fang Zhengan said in an admiring tone: "Old leader Fang Sure enough, it is a good integrity. Although it is very reasonable to say these words, it is useless to know that it is useless to be soft, and it will be looked down upon by the other party, but not everyone can be as tough as the old leader Fang at that time. point, the juniors are admired, "

"Master Zhang," and Fang Zhenqian obviously didn't like Zhang Fan's tricks. Faced with his low profile, Fang Zhenqian didn't appreciate it at all, "Could it be that you are underestimating the old man?"

"This..." Zhang Fan immediately showed a look of surprise, and asked curiously, "Where did you say that?"

"Since you came in, until now, I really can't understand what I said," Fang Zhenqian said, "Last night, you were still able to stand against the old man, but after a few hours, you suddenly I changed my tone and respected the old man. With this appearance, I think you have something to tell the old man. If this is the case, then say it outright, and don't beat around the bush.

"The old man has also been a leader for decades, and he has long since ignored the appearance of the people below. Such actions by Mr. Zhang are really useless. If Mr. Zhang still intends to do this, then please come back,"

"Sure enough, this matter is really not that easy," Zhang Fan said with a sigh, "Well, let me tell the truth, you know the current war here, if you think about it."

"That's right," Fang Zhengan said with a nod, "To be honest, I hate you Han people, and I also hate your court. Since your founding of the Ming Dynasty, until now, to my Miao people, no, not only the Miao family, but even the Miao family. The various tribes next to us are also bullying a lot. I also know that there are also our faults in this, but you just rely on your large number of soldiers to occupy all the reasons and bully us wantonly.

"But now is not the time to talk about these things, and no matter what happened before, the matter of destroying the Bo people is indeed of great benefit to us, but now, these people are incited by those two bastards and want to rebel , is also self-defeating, although now that the outcome has been decided, you will definitely be able to calm down this matter, but the old man still wants to say, act quickly, the longer this matter drags on, the worse it will be, "

"Old Master Fang's eyes are as sharp as torches, and he sees very clearly," although Zhang Fan's words seemed to be flattering, but Zhang Fan's words were not all flattering words. It's really commendable, "It's just that the current situation is troublesome. We also want to end this farce as soon as possible, but it won't be soon. If we rush for success, I'm afraid many people will die. ,"

"Why, Mr. Zhang is afraid of the dead," Fang Zhenqian said, as if he had heard something funny, "I don't think so. Even if Mr. Zhang has been the commander of the Jinyi Guard for only a few years, he has seen dead people." It will definitely not be less, I'm not used to it, besides, it's a war now, if there are no dead people, wouldn't it be boring, "

Fang Zhenqian's words sounded extremely cold-blooded, but Zhang Fan understood that what he said was very correct. Indeed, the dead people he had seen were definitely not rare. Perhaps from a certain point of view, he had already It's because I'm used to this kind of thing. Although Zhang Fan hates being used to this kind of place, he has to admit what Fang Zhenqian said.

And more importantly, what Fang Zhenqian said is the most correct, how can there be no death in a war? Zhang Fan didn't want to think about the huge price the two sides would have to pay in the war between victory and defeat.

"I understand what Old Master Fang means." Although Zhang Fan had a calm face, he didn't seem so happy. "Of course, people will die in war, but even if they are dead, I hope to die less, maybe You'll laugh at me for laughing at fifty steps, but that's how I see it.

"The war that would have ended with 1 deaths, if only 5000 people died, it would be a great thing. [-] lives are not only related to these [-] people, but also to theirs. Relatives and friends, so, for me, even if I can save one more person, I am willing,"

"The idea is good, but in the future you will pay the price for this idea," Fang Zhenqian did not object to Zhang Fan's words, but said so, but for some reason, Zhang Fan's words made Fang Zhenqian feel angry. There was a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Please rest assured, Old Master Fang," Zhang Fan suddenly laughed and said, "Although this is my idea, if at that time, if I have to do that, I will not show mercy Yes, after all, no matter how you say it, your own life is the most important thing," and although Zhang Fan said these words to cater to Fang Zhenqian, Zhang Fan didn't think so in his heart. The so-called "people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves", of course, these words are too extreme, but for people, when it is critical, no matter what, they will consider themselves in it.

"In this way, Mr. Zhang can be regarded as a fellow." Fang Zhenqian finally laughed this time, and there was no disappointment on his face, "It's just that the current war here is not intended to People who don't die don't die. Things have come to this point. Even though those two people have been eliminated, there are still 2 people in the city who are surrounded again. In a few days, I'm afraid someone will die."

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "That's why I'm here to ask Old Master Fang for help. With your help, even if I want to take down these 2 people without bloodshed, I'm afraid It's not impossible, either."

"Old man," Fang Zhenqian seemed to have heard something unbelievable, "this old man just escaped from their captivity, Mr. Zhang thinks too highly of this old man, right?"

"No, this is something I've been thinking about all night," Zhang Fan said, "Whether Old Master Fang thinks it's okay or not, please listen to me first before speaking."

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