"Gamble." Facing Fang Zhenqian's words.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out. "Think about it. The old leader Fang proposed an alliance. I am afraid it is for the future of your religion. It can be seen that the old leader Fang cares about your religion. But if this is the case, on this matter, the old leader Fang is I want to take a gamble. This really confuses me."

Zhang Fan will ask this question.Very normal.Because of the conditions put forward by Fang Zhenqian.It made him feel a little unreasonable.Just as Zhang Fan asked him.Since Fang Zhenqian wanted to form an alliance with Jin Yiwei.Naturally, there is only one reason.It is for the longevity of the Five Poisons.maybe before.The Five Poisons Sect is in the southwest.It is indeed able to protect itself.But I'm afraid this time things.Let Fang Zhenqian realize.There are still many deficiencies in the Five Poisons Teaching.If so.It's normal for him to have such thoughts.

but.Zhang Fan didn't believe it.Even Fang Zhenqian, who is in the Jianghu, would not know about Jin Yiwei.Jin Yiwei's movements.Very uncertain.It will change with the general trend of the DPRK and China.at this point.It's no secret.on the contrary.This is something that is known all over the world.

so.The former Jinyiwei.It's not about not looking for an alliance.But even if they have this idea.But others may not want to either.Collaborating as subordinates is one thing.But really made an alliance.In the future, once there is any change in Jin Yiwei.These allies will also follow along.so.No one wants to make such a bet.

certainly.If it is said that Fang Zhenqian has formed an alliance with Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan will naturally treat them well.In this way.The Five Poisons Sect wants to spread across the southwest.Even walking sideways on the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains is no problem.But Zhang Fan didn't believe Fang Zhenqian and didn't understand.If there is any change in the court.For example, if he was a victim of a power struggle.Then that day will be the day when the Five Poisons Sect will come to an end.

even though.Curse yourself like this.It really shouldn't be.But the reason why Zhang Fan thought so.It was considered on Fang Zhenqian's side.Zhang Fan would not worry about what might happen to him.After all, even if there is any change in the DPRK and China.As long as his relationship with Zhu Yijun doesn't break down.As the commander of Jinyiwei, he can continue to do it.

but.Fang Zhenqian didn't know this.So this way.Why did Fang Zhenqian find Zhang Fan to form an alliance?This is a bit confusing.

"Life is full of gambling." Fang Zhenqian didn't care about it.Said. "Some people say that a small gamble is good, but a big gamble hurts the body. That's right. For ordinary people, it is naturally so. But the old man is different. The Five Immortals are also different. Since the establishment of the Five Poison Sect, it has been impossible to follow the ordinary There is a way to do things. And the old man is the same. Since I became the leader of the Five Immortals, I can't do it like before.

"Small gambles may not hurt anything. But even if you win, you can't get anything. But if you gamble big, you will either go bankrupt or get rich overnight. Now, my Five Immortals Sect seems to be nothing. But the old man It can be seen. If it continues like this, there will always be a day when the sect will be exterminated. For that day, it can be delayed by decades or even hundreds of years. This old man is willing to take a gamble."

"Not bad." Zhang Fan said to Fang Zhenqian.It is also recognized. "Some people are hesitant to move forward. Relying on their laurels. Although they seem to be in peace now, there will always be a day when they finish eating. When that time comes, they either wait honestly to die of starvation. Or they take risks. They cannot escape death. But If you can take a big gamble now, if you win the bet, then naturally everything will be filled and everyone will be happy.

"Let's not ask why you believe me. But I really admire the old leader's thoughtfulness. He can put all his hard work into the hands of the victim without frowning. This is amazing Not everyone can do it.”

"In that case, Mr. Zhang agrees." Fang Zhenqian asked back.He didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Fan's appreciation.It's not that he doesn't care about other people's compliments at all.It is because of now.He wasn't in the mood to think about those things at all.Compared to other people's praise or something.Fang Zhenqian hopes to get more practical things.

"This matter. Speaking of it, I have no reason to refuse." Zhang Fan said. "And. How do you look at this matter. I Jinyiwei will not suffer. If our two families really form an alliance, I am afraid that we will even want to take care of the affairs of the Southwest. I am afraid that your religion may not be willing. And your religion has me Jinyiwei As soon as the news spread in Jianghu, I am afraid that no one would dare to cause trouble for your teaching. In this way, in fact, we can calm the Southwest without any effort. Of course, as long as your teaching is not too It’s too much publicity. Let’s talk about it. Even if we don’t mention the Southwest, we are in many places, but we still need your teacher’s help.”

"What Master Zhang said is not wrong at all." Fang Zhenqian nodded again.Said. "All in all. An alliance between our two families. Absolutely no harm."

"But. I'm still worried." That's all for the sake of it.Zhang Fan suddenly changed his mind again. "I believe in the sincerity of your teaching. I can also confidently tell Master Fang. In the future, I will definitely not be able to step down from my current position like a bereaved dog. In other words, your teaching will definitely increase in strength.

"However. I don't worry about people's hearts. Whether it's yours or mine. Maybe the old leader Fang mentioned this. It is indeed for your teaching. But the old leader himself. Will he change his mind midway? Think of something else What is the solution. Besides, I may not be what I look like now. Maybe when the time comes, I suddenly feel regretful. When that time comes, our two families are going to kill you again." The reason why Zhang Fan would so.It wasn't that he wanted to provoke Fang Zhenqian.Of course it wasn't because he didn't want to form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.After all, he had already considered this matter.Didn't feel anything bad about it.The reason why he said these words.The main thing is to try it out.Where is Fang Zhenqian's bottom line?

If it is an ordinary person.Heard such words.I'm afraid it's already out of control.And Fang Zhenqian.Maybe he has been the leader for so many years.Patience will be stronger.But it may not be able to stand up.Zhang Fan.Just wanted to try it out.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't know.Such a tentative method of his.How much trouble will it bring him in the future...

"Master Zhang means that one day in the future..." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Fang Zhenqian looked very calm.He looked at Zhang Fan.Said. "Even if our two families have already formed an alliance, Master Zhang may be unhappy. If you want to find someone to vent your anger, I will have to take care of it all from the Five Immortals."

"That's what happened." Facing Fang Zhenqian's words, which were equivalent to questioning.Zhang Fan didn't care.Said. "Old leader Fang also understands. People's moods are uncertain. Even if I haven't done anything too extreme before, I may not be able to do it in the future. Maybe it's really wrong to want to put down your teaching." Impossible. But once a big mistake is made, there is no room for maneuver. The old leader Fang really dares to bet."

"It turned out to be this matter." However.Originally Zhang Fan thought Fang Zhenqian could be frightened.At this time, it was revealed that it was like this.said with a smile. "Master Zhang is thoughtful. It's just that this matter. The old man thought about it just now. Moreover, the old man didn't just think about it. He also thought of a solution."

"Old leader Fang is really thoughtful." Facing Fang Zhenqian with ease.Zhang Fan was slightly surprised.asked immediately. "I would like to hear the details." But.Zhang Fan didn't think that Fang Zhenqian could find a solution in such a short time.Perhaps he had already thought of this question.But can it be solved.Zhang Fan didn't think it would go so smoothly.but.Since Fang Zhenqian said so.He always had to listen.

"Actually, this method is very simple." Fang Zhenqian smiled.He looked at Zhang Fan and said. "The old man naturally understands. Human mind. It's really hard to guess. Even I don't know when I suddenly changed. Once I do something wrong, no matter how remorseful I am in my heart, there is no way to change it." That's it. So. At this time, someone needs to help him figure out what can be done and what can't be done."

"I understand what Master Fang said." Fang Zhenqian's answer.Zhang Fan had a cold face.Said. "But I'm sorry I didn't see it. In the words of the old leader Fang, there is something that can be solved. Find someone to help. Who to look for. Even my wife and children. I don't know what I'm thinking in my heart What. How can other people try to persuade you?"

"Yes. People's hearts are unpredictable. Even someone who is close to Mr. Zhang may not be able to understand what's on your mind." Fang Zhenqian said. "So. I need to find someone. As long as I see it at a glance, I can get someone from my Five Immortals to remind Mr. Zhang."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Fan had an uncertain expression on his face.asked.But actually.In Zhang Fan's heart.He already had a little understanding of what Fang Zhenqian was going to do.

"Master Zhang is really smart. Thinking about it, he already understands what the old man is going to say." Fang Zhenqian saw Zhang Fan's appearance.But he laughed.

"You...you plan to do this." Zhang Fan suddenly changed his tone.Fang Zhenqian began to question him. "Let's not talk about how I am with her. But you do this. Are you still her father?"

"You don't need to worry about this." Fang Zhenqian said. "Since she is our Fang Zhenqian's daughter, she has to make sacrifices for the teaching. Master Zhang. In this way, it will be all right. Even if it is time. Master Zhang suddenly wants to trouble us. Want to come Seeing Ling'er, I can suppress the fire pressure."

"I disagree." And Zhang Fan.Facing such a "beautiful intention".But it was flatly rejected.

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