Fang Zhenqian, this person, Zhang Fan has never met before, but Fang Zhenqian has been the leader of the Five Poisons for decades, although he only knows such a piece of news, for Zhang Fan, he can draw a lot from it. At the very least, Fang Zhenqian must have some common problems of those in high positions.

If you really want to say something, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has the kind of coercion, or that he has a strong desire to possess. Of course, for Fang Zhenqian, who is not familiar with him, Zhang Fan does not know that this person can't protect him. However, from his daughter to his subordinates, they all want to rescue him. I am afraid that even if the protection is not obvious, there are some, otherwise, I am afraid that it would be impossible for so many people to come back. worried.

Therefore, in Zhang Fan's view, Fang Zhenqian will definitely think of many ways for the sake of the Five Poison Sect. In this way, no matter if it is the Southwest or the Central Plains, as long as it is under the rule of Ming Dynasty, no one will dare to provoke them. In short, this is definitely a good way.

And Fang Zhenqian would come up with such an idea, Zhang Fan is not surprised at all, but what really confuses Zhang Fan is, where did Fang Zhengan's self-confidence come from, Zhang Fan will definitely abide by it, perhaps, because of this time Zhang Fan wanted to end the war quickly and peacefully, so he needed Fang Zhenqian's strength, so he had to slip his shoes on him and agreed to him, but what Zhang Fan couldn't figure out was where did Fang Zhengan get his confidence? Zhang Fan would not betray him. At that time, as long as Zhang Fan repented, wouldn't the Five Poison Sect be doomed?

However, no one expected that Fang Zhenqian would come up with such a move. In addition to this request, there was another request. He seemed to want to use his daughter, Fang Yueling, as a barrier to restrain Zhang Fan. Of course, the so-called restraint , In fact, he pushed his daughter to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan couldn't figure out why Fang Zhenqian could do such a thing. Last night, Fang Zhenqian just woke up and hurried over alone. Wasn't he worried about his daughter? His concern is not light at all, but Fang Zhenqian, as a father, is able to so easily hand over his daughter to a man who is still very strange to him, and what he did for it was a member of the Five Poisons Sect. great cause.

If it is said that Fang Zhen, who has done great things, can simply give up the love of his children, this is indeed incomparable to others, and it is indeed what a hero did. However, what he gave up was not something innocuous, but It was his own biological daughter, which made Zhang Fan feel a little bit unacceptable. It wasn't that he was feeling sad for Fang Yueling, but he didn't agree with Fang Zhenqian's way.

Moreover, even if Zhang Fan didn't have the idea of ​​worrying for others, he would not agree with Fang Zhenqian's method, and the reason for it was very simple.

It is true that Fang Yueling is indeed very beautiful. Although her voice may have some problems, it does not conceal her beauty. If it is only about appearance, I am afraid that only Luo Linger can compete with her. Moreover, with Luo Linger Unlike her delicate temperament, Fang Yueling's glamorous, but it makes people feel a different kind of atmosphere.

It's not that I like it or not, but, of course, this kind of thing can't be judged by appearance alone. The intersection between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling is almost non-existent. Now, everything is all about profit, and even now, the relationship between the two can only be described as bad.

If this is the case, and Zhang Fan agreed to the conditions proposed by Fang Zhenqian, then, I am afraid that there will be one more person that Zhang Fan has to beware of.

And after that, if Zhang Fan really wants to break the appointment, Fang Yueling will indeed become a factor restricting his actions, but it is not because Zhang Fan has become his daughter that Fang Yueling will be concerned about the matter of the Five Poison Sect. Her heart softened, and I'm afraid things will be reversed. If Zhang Fan wants to harm the Five Poison Sect, Fang Yueling will immediately put the knife on his neck.

However, no matter what kind it is, Zhang Fan doesn't want it, so...

"Old Master Fang, don't say any more," Zhang Fan interrupted Fang Zhenqian, and said, "Please give up this idea. If Old Master Fang insists on this, there is no need to say anything more between us. I can spend some more time. to think of another way,"

"That's true," Fang Zhenqian saw that Zhang Fan rejected his "good intentions", but he was not in a hurry, and said with a smile, "I think Mr. Zhang has nothing to do now, if not, he wouldn't be the first to find it." The old man is here, and the old man promises that he can make sense of those people and let them go in to persuade those blind bastards, and he will never have two intentions, and Mr. Zhang only needs to agree to this request of the old man, not only can he sit back and enjoy the benefits , and to be able to hold a beautiful woman home, Jin Yiwei will also be in control of the situation in the Southwest in the future, such a good thing that kills three birds with one stone, Mr. Zhang refuses to agree, but he insists on asking for trouble."

"Perhaps, if I reject your kindness now, it will be very troublesome." Even in the face of these words Fang Zhenqian said, Zhang Fan did not waver at all, obviously this matter is not at all. There is no room for negotiation in the scope of his consideration, "In comparison, if I agree to you, I am afraid that the immediate troubles will be easily resolved, but there will be endless troubles in the future.

"Instead of this, I think the old leader Fang also knows how to choose, and knows that it is the best way to do it. Therefore, I would rather be troublesome now, but it is only a few days, and I don't want to wait until later, a few years, Ten years or decades of so much trouble, which is more important, so I don’t need to explain it anymore.”

Zhang Fan's words made Fang Zhenqian silent. He looked at Zhang Fan quietly without saying a word, and Zhang Fan looked at him very calmly, without any hint of panic. However, he has been here since early in the morning. Although he can't talk about pretending to be a grandson, he is still very respectful.

But now, it seems impossible to talk about it. Why do you have to make such a show? It's better to face Fang Zhenqian directly.

"In this case..." Zhang Fan waited for a long time, seeing that Fang Zhenqian just looked at him like this and didn't speak, Zhang Fan stopped talking, and said, "I have other things to do, so this It was really disrespectful to disturb the old leader Fang's rest early in the morning, so Zhang Fan left." After saying these words, Zhang Fan didn't procrastinate at all, stood up and planned to turn around and leave.

And at this moment, Fang Zhenqian laughed loudly from behind Zhang Fan. The laughter sounded so hearty that Zhang Fan couldn't help but stop, and turned around to face it again. Fang Zhen did it.

Even Zhang Fan looked at him, but Fang Zhenqian didn't care, he was still smiling, and the happy expression on his face was revealed without any concealment.

"Why," Zhang Fan didn't understand Fang Zhenqian's meaning, thinking he was still laughing at himself, so he couldn't help but said, "Perhaps the old leader Fang thinks I'm stupid for doing this, or maybe as the commander of Jinyiwei, I don't know what to do. You should do such an unwise move, but some things have to be different from person to person, if you have to consider everything for the sake of identity, this is not the way of life at all."

"No, no, Master Zhang misunderstood the old man," Fang Zhenqian said with a smile, "The old man also agrees with Master Zhang's words, people, you can't stand still and abandon all your ideas just because of your status, otherwise , just like Master Zhang said, that is not a way of life for human beings at all, and even if we continue to live, it will be meaningless."

"You..." Fang Zhenqian's sudden approval made Zhang Fan a little baffled, obviously just now, he was so tense, as if Zhang Fan had to agree, but it took only a blink of an eye, He immediately changed his appearance, and with such a big change, whoever changed would be confused in such a situation.

"What the old man said just now was just to test Mr. Zhang," Fang Zhenqian explained to Zhang Fan without fading his smile, "After all, this matter can be said to be the lifelong event of my Five Immortals. Why? You can be sloppy, once you and I form an alliance, it is the same as handing over the fate of the Five Immortals Sect to Mr. Zhang. If that is the case, how can the old man be careless.

"Besides, Mr. Zhang doesn't really think that the old man is willing to entrust Ling'er to you. That's my precious daughter. Although the daughter will get married one day, the old man is not ready yet. Maybe Mr. Zhang doesn't care. Whether it is status or power, she is worthy of a little girl, but first, the old man will not do it if Linger is made a concubine. Second, Linger and Mrs. Zhang will not fight each other. If Linger is unwilling in her heart, the old man will not do it either. of,"

"So, you agreed to help me," Zhang Fan asked.

"That's right, the old man agreed, and the old man also wants to end this farce quickly and go home early," Fang Zhenqian said, "As long as Master Zhang agrees to form an alliance between your two families, I will help Master Zhang persuade those people."

"Then aren't you afraid that after forming an alliance, I'll make trouble out of it?" Zhang Fan asked again.

"Of course I'm not afraid," Fang Zhenqian said, "This is a big gamble, but I believe in my own eyes, old man."

Everything seemed to be on the right track again, but Zhang Fan was still very puzzled about these things. Fang Zhenqian's changes really made him a little confused, but he looked at it for a long time, but he didn't find anything wrong.

In the end, Zhang Fan nodded, and the other party said, "In that case, let's make a deal."

"make a deal,"

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