He was able to reach this deal with Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Fan was still in a good mood.Say it's a deal.Although it is used in this kind of warfare.It really makes people feel a little inappropriate.But there is nothing wrong with that.After all, the reason why the two can achieve.But it was also because they both agreed to each other's conditions.Fang Zhenqian helped Zhang Fan lobby those people.Let them help; and the same.Zhang Fan also agreed to form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It will be of great help to the Five Poisons Sect in the future.

sound.That's fair enough.But actually.compare.Zhang Fan has suffered a great loss.To know.this matter.Although with the help of Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Fan could indeed save a lot of effort.but.For Fang Zhenqian.This is simply a piece of cake.As long as he moves his lips.It can be done.

And Zhang Fan here.Later, he formed an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It means that the Five Poisons Sect should be placed on the same position as Jin Yiwei.This book is for Zhang Fan and Jin Yiwei.This is a loss.And after the alliance.Although it is said that the two parties should help each other.But no matter how Zhang Fan thought about it, he couldn't think of it.Exactly how many Jinyiwei needs the help of the Five Poison Sect.After all, this is a piece of southwest.Although there are many ethnic minorities.It is difficult for the Han people in the Central Plains to intervene.But for Jin Yiwei, it is not watertight.perhaps.With the help of the Five Poisons Sect.It is indeed a lot more convenient.But in Zhang Fan's opinion.Convenience is limited.and.Although it can provide a lot of news about the Southwest.But in the end useless.When will it come in handy.Who knows.

But for the Five Poisons Sect.This can be said to be a big deal.By the time.This southwest.Whether it is the imperial court or Jinyiwei.None of them want to intervene too much.And once the news of the alliance between the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei spread.The Five Poison Sect can simply walk sideways on this land.even.Even to the Central Plains.There is no need to be afraid of other Jianghu sects.I don't care about those self-proclaimed righteous Jianghu gangs calling them crooked.after all.Even the Jinyiwei of the imperial court has acknowledged their existence.What else does anyone else have to say.

But these.It was not what Zhang Fan was worried about.What he really worries about is.I am afraid that the Five Poisons Church will take over the title of Jinyiwei.There is no telling what can be done.Although just the first few years of the alliance.I'm afraid the Five Poisons Sect still dare not do this.But who knows what will happen next.not to mention.I'm afraid that time will come.The Five Poisons Sect will also become pampered because of this lack of finding faults.That would be troublesome.

so.Although no matter how you look at this matter, Zhang Fan is at a disadvantage.but.Zhang Fan still agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request.Not really.Fang Zhenqian gave up on Fang Yueling's matter.This kind of errand.It made Zhang Fan very happy to agree to what was originally difficult for him.

Zhang Fan already figured it out.This matter depends on Fang Zhenqian.Absolutely the best.and.more importantly.Even if the two have formed an alliance.It will cause a lot of trouble in the future.But Zhang Fan just needs to be a little more careful.Zhang Fan has already made plans.Even for the Southwest in the future.And nothing too much to ask for.But it cannot be left alone.The Five Poisons Sect cannot be allowed to run rampant here.So as to give them some bad habits.It takes a lot of tapping.Of course as to what to do.Although Zhang Fan has not figured out a solution yet.But this kind of thing.Nothing will happen.There is no way to plan.

but.It wasn't these things that Zhang Fan was most concerned about.It was Fang Zhenqian's request about Fang Yueling.this kind of thing.Even Fang Zhengan didn't make it clear.But you don't need to say it clearly to guess it.Fang Zhenqian must want to marry Fang Yueling to Zhang Fan.In this way.At that time, even if the Five Poison Sect did something that Zhang Fan could not tolerate.want to deal with them.But it also depends on Fang Yueling's face.I tolerated it a little.

Speaking up.Although he clearly knew that he could never agree to Fang Zhenqian's proposal.But Zhang Fan didn't feel a pity in his heart.What a pity.very simple thing.Of course it was a pity for Fang Yueling.

after all.He had seen Fang Yueling's face before.Besides being glamorous.Very cold feeling.Although it makes people feel like they are thousands of miles away.But out of sight.But it also makes people feel a little aftertaste and yearning.In short.I feel sorry and regretful about this incident.It's all due to Zhang Fan's desire for different sex.

but.Zhang Fan is not a womanizer.Maybe this sentence means that there are four in his family.There is still a person outside.It's really not convincing at all.but.This is just the opinion of others.What should it be like.Zhang Fan couldn't be more clear in his heart.

Can't remember the hue.Zhang Fan was even more afraid of the endless troubles in the future.Wanting to find himself in endless trouble for a woman.This kind of thing needs to be reconsidered.Not to mention.This woman is still not dealing with Zhang Fan at all.It can even be called a deadly enemy.

If so.No matter how beautiful the other party is.Zhang Fan would not cause trouble for himself because of her.

but.Zhang Fan is not thinking about the gains and losses of this matter now.He doesn't care about these things either.What really worried Zhang Fan was.Fang Zhenqian had different attitudes before and after.

When Zhang Fan raised that question.Ask Fang Zhenqian how he can guarantee Jin Yiwei or Zhang Fan himself.There will be no double-mindedness.There will be no time to secretly breach the contract to deal with the Five Poison Sect.Fang Zhenqian brought up this matter.Although Fang Zhenqian made it very clear.This is the way he just came up with.But Zhang Fan didn't think so.

then.Fang Zhengan answered Zhang Fan's words.Very neat.It doesn't look like what I just thought of at all.After all this kind of thing.That was related to his own daughter.If you don't think twice.Who changed it.I'm afraid it's impossible to say such a thing neatly.

certainly.Also a possibility.Fang Zhenqian came up with it on the spur of the moment.perhaps.He is in such a short time.After thinking about it.I feel that doing so is beneficial to the Five Poisons Sect.And for Fang Yueling.It is also a good thing.After all, a daughter's home.Show your face in the rivers and lakes.It's not a good thing anyway.It's not bad to let her have a good home.and.Even if she is at odds with Zhang Fan now.But the two have been together for a long time.Thinking about it will change.

But.No matter what Fang Zhenqian's real thoughts are.But Zhang Fan always felt that Fang Zhenqian's way of doing things today was strange.

The reason is.this matter.He gave up so easily.It's not that Zhang Fan felt that there was any pity.It's really because Fang Zhenqian did this.It is very strange.

Because of this decision.It takes a lot of perseverance to do it.And it is precisely because of this.Once the decision is made.It's hard to give up halfway.If so.Isn't it sorry for myself.Are you sorry for Fang Yueling?

but.Fang Zhenqian didn't have these awkward thoughts.His decision.Come fast.It goes fast too.It was as if they were discussing an unimportant matter.This is what makes Zhang Fan feel a little unbelievable.

"Perhaps. The reason why Fang Zhenqian did this. What else can't be done later." This was in Zhang Fan's heart.The first thought that popped up.but.Zhang Fan followed this idea.But I can't figure out how to do it.finally.This seems like the answer.But it was abandoned by Zhang Fan.Since there is no answer.Thinking about it, it shouldn't be like this.

but.If not.Fang Zhenqian did this.It makes no sense at all.

This kind of thinking.Since Fang Zhenqian's laughter came.He said he didn't care that Zhang Fan would betray him.Zhang Fan's heart had already arisen.And until he walked out of Fang Zhenqian's tent.He was still thinking about it in his mind.

This question has always troubled Zhang Fan.So much so that when he stepped out of the tent.After meeting Fang Yueling.Fang Yueling snorted coldly at him.But Zhang Fan looked at her with complicated eyes.Didn't speak at all.

This situation.But it made Fang Yueling puzzled.Especially the way Zhang Fan looked at her.Complicated as.And with some pity.There are even a lot of things that she can't understand.No matter how you look at it, this is not the current relationship between her and Zhang Fan.It would make Zhang Fan look at her like this.

And just now.Although Fang Yueling couldn't hear what Zhang Fan and her father talked about.But the hearty laughter of the father.But it reached her ears clearly.Obviously.His father was very happy.But in Fang Yueling's view.I'm afraid Zhang Fan has suffered something.This even made her feel a lot happier.

only.Now Zhang Fan looked at him with this look again.This confused her a little.

certainly.The naive Fang Yueling couldn't think of it at all.Zhang Fan would look at her like this.It was all because of Fang Zhenqian's plan to "sell" her.But this is no wonder Fang Yueling.After all, she couldn't think of it.What would my father do against me.

But for Zhang Fan.When he was halfway.Still haven't figured out why Fang Zhenqian would do this.but.Zhang Fan decided to put this question aside for now.After all, now is not the time to think about these things.There are other things to do right now.

Moreover.This matter did not figure out what Fang Zhenqian was paying attention to.It is really impossible to do anything to prepare.If so.It's better to say it later.

I want to understand these.Zhang Fan quickened his pace.Now that Fang Zhenqian has agreed.Then here.He had to write the pardon for those people first.I have to go to the court with a memorial.Let the court agree.

Think about it.Zhang Fan understood.this matter.There will inevitably be another dispute between the DPRK and China.But Zhang Fan has this confidence.He is confident that the court will definitely agree.

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