The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1193 Persuasion Begins

After Zhang Fan came back from Fang Zhenqian.Don't think about those troublesome things anymore.Instead, put all your energy into the matter at hand.

first thing.Naturally, the props are ready.Although he is the chief judge of the rebellion this time.Even Lian Liu Xian, a general who really led his troops into battle.And obey his the power of those rebels in Yongning Mansion.Zhang Fan still has them.

but.There is a misunderstanding here.Zhang Fan did have the power to pardon them from death.But this is only temporary.Not forever.Before this rebellion has been judged.Zhang Fan was appointed by the imperial court.Nature has this power.But wait until the war is over.When everything has settled down.What will happen to those people's lives.But it still depends on the court's decision.

That is.Now this pardon issued by Zhang Fan.It is simply deceiving those people in Yongning Mansion.It may be safe for them to surrender now.But can they survive.This is not up to Zhang Fan to decide.It all depends on how the court decides later.

perhaps.Zhang Fan did this.It is immoral.after all.He does.It is to deceive these people.and.It is still a matter of life as a deception.It really makes people feel that they shouldn't.but.For this matter.Zhang Fan didn't feel guilty at all.after it.Can save many people.That being the case.Why not do it.

and.more important.It also made Zhang Fan feel at ease.The reason for doing this without the slightest psychological burden.That's what Zhang Fan understood.It is absolutely impossible for these people to be killed by the imperial court or the queen mother.

Although there are no absolutes.No matter how confident you are.No matter how small this kind of thing is.There is also a little possibility.This may be different from Zhang Fan's previous behavior style.Don't move until things can be completely grasped.but.It's not doing a mission or anything.This is the court's decision.And various matters in the court.Especially with resolutions like this.You don't have to be [-]% sure to do it.Like this court meeting.There is only a [-] to [-]% certainty.It can already be said to be a sure win.

and.Even if there are some naysayers.But Zhang Fan didn't care about these.these people.After all, they are from the southwest minority.And the southwest has been since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.It has been restless.If it is said that these 2 people have already been captured.But he was still ordered to be beheaded by the court.What a mess it's going to be here.I'm afraid there is no one in the court who doesn't know.

If we say that the 2 people are in the process of rebellion.Yu Liu Xian's army was killed in battle on the battlefield.But there is no problem.Even if this will make other ethnic groups in the Southwest terrified.Even if the trouble comes from the beginning.But this is also something that can't be helped at all.No need to think about it.But if it is said that these 2 people have obviously put down their swords.Surrender.But still want to kill them.Then there would be big trouble.

In short.That's it.Zhang Fan thought about it a long time ago.At that time, it is absolutely impossible for the DPRK and China to be that inhumane.There is no consideration for future orders.

certainly.Since it is the imperial court.There are countless possibilities.and.Wait until the court discusses this matter.Someone has to stand up and sing the opposite.This is not something that should not be done.And it has become a custom.No matter how wrong the reason for the argument is.Even those who stand up and sing a naysayer know that what they say is unreasonable.But there are still people who will stand up and say so.But the tide is irreversible.Even if someone stands up and sings the opposite.It is also unlikely to be passed.

after all.Now is not an era of faint kings.Li Caifeng is the queen mother.Take the reins.Maybe let a woman do that.It really made many ministers in the court feel unwilling.But it is undeniable.Li Caifeng doesn't care what her status is.But her talent in governing the country.There are still some.At least it is much better than the previous emperors of Ming Dynasty.

certainly.If it is practical.Li Caifeng does not have any extraordinary talents.It is no exaggeration to say that she is mediocre.But mediocrity makes a difference.And talented but ineffective.But there are two extremes.What she doesn't understand can be handed over to Zhang Juzheng.She knows she can make her own will.But most importantly.No matter what Li Caifeng does.All have a basic.That is, she would never allow the Ming Dynasty to mess up.This is not just to have an account of the ancestors.More importantly, for the next generation.For her son Zhu Yijun after taking office.Even without a powerful empire.But it must also be a stable empire.

As long as Li Caifeng can always follow this point.Then Zhang Fan is sure.She would absolutely spare the lives of these 2 Fan was so sure that Fang Zhengan would say such a thing.As long as they are willing to surrender.That would guarantee the safety of the 2 people in Yongning Mansion.

so.Now Zhang Fan is writing such a pardon.Even if it's a lie.But he was unburdened.

certainly.Zhang Fan would not involve himself in this matter.Although it is a lie.But it was impossible for him to write the lie.It is said to guarantee their absolute safety after their surrender.It is absolutely impossible to appear on the amnesty issued by Zhang Fan's subordinates.Why.This is the trick.The real deal.A handle that could put him to death.

This pardon.It's not something secret.Will always be public in the future.Let outsiders know.And once Zhang Fan writes that kind of thing, it will go up.It will be made public by then.This pardon became strong evidence for others to impeach him.As long as the impeachment of him is the prince's decision.To act on behalf of the Son of Heaven.Definitely able to move his head.

but.But I can't write too much.after all.This pardon is also to be shown to those people in Yongning Mansion.Although those people are not Han Chinese.Moreover, the various tribes here really don't have a good opinion of the Han people.I'm afraid I won't go back and learn from the Han people.Perhaps it is still possible to know how to read and write.But something too esoteric.But it may not be able to see clearly.but.this kind of thing.Who can guarantee it.To know.Those people in Yongning Mansion now.But there are [-] people.In case any of them actually read the book.If you can see clearly.Isn't it about to reveal his secrets?In this way.Wouldn't all this action be in vain.There must be another war.

so.Zhang Fan's pardon.Can't write too much.It has to be tactful.In short.You can't let other people catch him on this.Impeach him in the future; and those people in Yongning's mansion can't understand it.In case there will be extraneous branches.

It sounds troublesome though.But fortunately.Zhang Fan is no novice in this area.Not to mention that he had a good literary talent.Coupled with so many years in the court.I have taught Zhu Yijun books for so many years.He has seen a lot of those memorials.How should contradict completely contradict something.Write on one page at the same time.Yet it's hard to see the difference at a glance.Such profound knowledge.Although Zhang Fan didn't use it much.But he has already mastered it.Now this time.It can be regarded as a first try.

Wait until the next day.Wang Meng and the others have already brought everyone here.Although this speed is very fast.But it's not surprising.After all, there are many tribes scattered here.And there are also large tribes of various ethnic groups.It's easy to find these tribes.Even if you don't go to the Yamen to inquire.Ask the locals.You can also understand.And found the tribe.Then go to the person with the highest status among them.That's not a problem at all.

Although in the middle.Half are willing to come.Half of them were forcibly pulled in half pushed and half pushed.But these people had to come.After all, this is what has happened here.And also found their clan.These people are obviously afraid that the court will attack them.So there's nothing wrong with coming over to see what's going on.

But Zhang Fan didn't care what these people were thinking.The most important thing for him is to get things done right now.

After these people were brought to Liu Xian's barracks.Immediately was shocked.After all, how mighty the army under Liu Xian's rule is.Even when Zhang Fan first arrived.Also was a little shocked.Let alone these people.and.These people know that there are only 1 people here.There are still [-] people surrounded by Yongning Mansion.The look on their faces.Really wonderful.this ring.Zhang Fan had discussed it with Liu Xian a long time ago.The purpose is to intimidate these people.let them know.Against the court.Absolutely no good end.

Can't blame these people.After all, they are the largest tribe.There are no more than ten thousand people.And those who can stand up and fight.There are only a thousand at most.The 2 people in Yongning Mansion.It is already unthinkable for these people.And Liu Xian's 5 troops are actually in front of their eyes.It has already surprised them.Not to mention the sight of [-] people lined up in front of the formation.

original.Some of these people have the mentality of watching a good show.It's all gone now.In their view.Twenty thousand discordant people.In front of these [-] troops.It is simply vulnerable.

This effect is what I want.let them know.If they don't help.Wait until the 2 people are wiped out.They are the ones who are unlucky.In this way.It also made things a lot easier.

And next.It was not until these people recovered from the shock.They were taken to Fang Zhengan's place.

What should I say.Zhang Fan has already discussed with Fang Zhenqian.But Zhang Fan was still a little worried.So when Fang Zhenqian lobbied these people.Zhang Fan stayed behind the tent and eavesdropped on this.

only.Overheard people here.But Zhang Fan is not the only one.There is another person who is giving Zhang Fan a headache right now.Fang Yueling.

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