The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1194 Behind the Tent

even though.It is already planned.Leave everything to Fang Zhenqian.And what Zhang Fan has prepared here is also very sufficient.No matter which pardon.It was still what he discussed with Fang Zhenqian.It's all taken into account what should happen.

certainly.At that time, how should Fang Zhenqian tell those people about this matter.Zhang Fan didn't discuss anything with Fang Zhenqian.but.Zhang Fan was not worried about this matter.even though.In any case, it all depends on Fang Zhen.But Zhang Fan was not worried about this matter.He talked to Fang Zhenqian.I know Fang Zhenqian's eloquence.There's no problem trying to convince those people.

But even so.Zhang Fan was still a little worried.Although he knows.Since Fang Zhengan had reached an agreement with him.Then he is for the future of the Five Poison Sect.It is also impossible to give Zhang Fan any problems.Or a temporary change of mind.but.Zhang Fan still wanted to know what was going on.

so.When those few people who were found.When he was shocked by the might of Liu Xian's army and was sent to Fang Zhenqian before he recovered his senses.Zhang Fan also followed.He was not afraid of these people seeing him.After all, no one had revealed Zhang Fan's identity to them.and his place in the matter.not to mention.Now he is in Liu Xian's barracks.Zhang Fan acted alone.And in those who want to come.No matter what the big shot.They don't wander around by themselves.

Wait until those people are brought into the pre-arranged tent.Zhang Fan also walked towards the back of the tent.There is just a thick piece of cloth between here and inside.Although it is far away, I can't hear the sound inside.But if it's closer.You can still hear voices inside.

"Everyone is here." This is Fang Zhenqian's voice. "Since you're here, please sit down. Tea has already been prepared here."

"What does this mean?" An unfamiliar voice that Zhang Fan had never heard rang out.I guess it was one of those people who came here who asked. "Who are you. What did you bring us here for?"

And this person's voice just fell.Zhang Fan could still hear many people beside him echoing their questions.Obviously.These people are all panicking now.On the one hand, it is the ignorance of the status quo.Make them panic; on the other hand.It is because of the mighty army seen just now.And things about Yongning Mansion not far from here.Make them think of too many things.It was impossible not to panic.

"Don't be impatient." Fang Zhengan was very calm at this time.In the face of so many people's panic questioning.He used a very calm voice.Said. "It is true that I have some things to talk to you about. But I think you have come from a long distance. You are all a little tired. Why don't you sit down first and drink some tea. It's not too late to talk after a break. Look at your appearance. It's all here The elders of the major tribes nearby. You don’t need to be so nervous.” Although the words were vague.But what Fang Zhenqian meant was to say.All of you are elders.Now that he's here, he's acting so flustered.It's out of order.But they also lost the face of their respective tribes.

Just such a sentence.It is also possible to see some of Fang Zhenqian's skills.He said so though.It sounds like you're being sarcastic about these people.But actually.He told these people not to panic.Even now, there are no outsiders in this tent.But after all, it is in the barracks of the Han people.If you panic here.Wouldn't it be to weaken one's own reputation?

certainly.Fang Zhenqian said this.Of course it also depends on who you are talking to.If you are facing a group of people who are not too old.It is absolutely impossible for Fang Zhenqian to say these words.young.Less experience.If someone can't hear the deep meaning in his words.In turn, he thought Fang Zhenqian was laughing at their words.That would be counterproductive.

but now.The people standing in front of Fang Zhenqian were different.As early as before Fang Zhenqian met them.They have already learned their identities from Zhang Fan.These people are all elders among the tribes.certainly.After all, this is the time for Zhang Fan to ask someone to find him.commanded.Try to find people who are highly respected.So it's not a matter of fluke.

Since he can be an elder in the tribe.The bare minimum.It is to be respected.Maybe it will be different in the future.But in this day and age.One of the most important components of morality and prestige.That is, the age is definitely not young.Definitely.So this group of guests was "invited" by Zhang Fan and the others.youngest.They have also read sixty years.

It's not that older people are necessarily smarter.But it can be regarded as highly respected.Elders who became elders of the tribe.Definitely not stupid.And decades of life experience.Let these people also see a lot of can be heard that there is no deep meaning in the other party's words.It's not a difficult thing.

Just like these people.It is already at this time.The impulsive energy has long been passed.Not like a reckless junior.As soon as he heard the unpleasant words, he suddenly became violent.In the eyes of these people.No matter what the words are.It's all about thinking twice.To understand what the other party meant by these words.Then make a decision.

And now.That's what these people are.Fang Zhenqian's words.It sounds overwhelming to them at first.But if you think about it carefully, you can understand.Fang Zhenqian was mocking them.Obviously reminding them to calm down.Don't lose the face of the Han people on the territory of the Han people.

And among them.A few people think more than these.They also thought of many other things.Just like the question of Fang Zhenqian's identity.

After all, Fang Zhenqian has been the leader of the sect for decades.In addition to being in a high position.That attitude.It is also evident.But it was different from the officials of the Han court they had seen.Plus.What he just said.It was clearly for their sake.If so.Some of them could already vaguely guess Fang Zhenqian's identity.Although it is not known who it is.But the general direction is always right.

"Dare to ask..." One of them couldn't help being curious.Already asked. "Which clan are you... from?" This really got to the point.

"Wait a minute." Fang Zhenqian didn't answer him right away. "Ling'er. You go out first. I want to say something to your elders."

Fang Zhenqian said this.This surprised Zhang Fan who was eavesdropping behind the tent.He didn't know what was going on inside the tent at first.I thought Fang Zhenqian was the only one waiting inside at first.But I didn't expect it.It turned out that Fang Yueling was also inside.

But think about it this way.Zhang Fan smiled self-deprecatingly.This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore.Besides.Fang Yueling will be inside.It's not something hard to guess.After all, Fang Zhenqian's body.Although it is improving at a rapid speed.But the frail state of being imprisoned for so many years.But it is not something that can be eliminated in a day or two.Fang Yueling, who was worried about her father's health, would follow him.There is really nothing surprising.

Moreover.Zhang Fan didn't come here today to inquire about Fang Yueling's news.He pays more attention to other people.

Fang Yueling did not hear her reply.But footsteps were heard.After the footsteps gradually disappeared.There was no other sound.This tent is not small.Plus Zhang Fan was outside.From time to time, the voices of soldiers passing by could be heard in the barracks.There are also some rumors.The sound of Fang Yueling opening the curtain could not be heard.It's also normal.

"Everyone, please sit down." After that.Fang Zhenqian's voice came from the tent again.

And Zhang Fan.Also put your ears close to the tent.Listen to the voices inside.I'm afraid I missed something.

until.A hand patted Zhang Fan's shoulder.

This time.But Zhang Fan was terrified.After all, he was so engrossed just now.But it was suddenly photographed.Anyone would be surprised.

But Zhang Fan was surprised.It's not messed up.He shuddered.But there was no sound.Afraid of letting the people inside hear it.Turn your head away.But he saw Fang Yueling behind him.look at him.

"Just now I thought there was someone behind here. But I didn't expect it to be you. And you are the only one." Fang Yueling looked at Zhang Fan.Not too loud.Open your mouth and say. "What are you doing here. Overhearing. Or say you don't trust my father."

"Keep your voice down." Zhang Fan couldn't be silent this time.Said to Fang Yueling while suppressing her voice. "Don't let the people inside hear it."

"Hmph." Fang Yueling answered Zhang Fan with a cold snort.Still speaking in the same volume as before. "Don't worry about that. Of the ten people inside, none of them know martial arts. I'm talking here. They can't hear you. It won't ruin your good deed."

Fang Yueling's words.It made Zhang Fan calm down a lot.Seeing Fang Yueling's eyes looking at him.Still have doubts.Zhang Fan felt helpless.I had no choice but to say: "You misunderstood. I don't doubt your father. It's just this matter. You know it. It's very important. I just want to hear the truth."

"Hmph." There was another cold snort.Obviously, although he hates Zhang Fan very much.But what Zhang Fan said.Fang Yueling also accepted it.

"It's you..." Zhang Fan looked at Fang Yueling.asked. "I'm here to listen. Don't you want to wait here too."

"Where do I want to go? It's my business. It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks." There was nothing to say just now.But what Zhang Fan said.I don't know where Fang Yueling was angered again.

And Zhang Fan doesn't want to argue with her now.He ignored her.He put his ears on the tent again.Listen to the movement inside.

only.Zhang Fan didn't see it.Fang Yueling, who was standing behind him, looked into his eyes.Suddenly it gets complicated.

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