The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1195 Unexpected

"May I ask who you are..." In the tent, after those people sat down, they only came over for a while, and some people asked anxiously. Through what Fang Zhenqian said to them before, among them Some people have already begun to doubt Fang Zhenqian's identity, but now, if they don't ask clearly, they can't feel at ease.

But this time, Fang Zhenqian no longer concealed it. It is enough to do something like this to whet people's appetite. If it continues, it will be too much. He is not hiding it. Those people revealed his identity in the Miao family.

Speaking of which, although Zhang Fan had already learned from Liang Chao that Fang Zhenqian should be a well-established figure in the Miao nationality, but Zhang Fan didn't know what his identity was. This matter is also quite curious, but if you ask Liang Chao, Liang Chao can't know more. If others ask, the Five Poison Sect will naturally not tell him. Ask Li Yang, but Li Yang is the only one. Things are not willing to tell him.

In this way, it is obviously not too important a matter, but Zhang Fan became more interested in the situation that he did not find out after several investigations. Now, Fang Zhenqian is about to speak out. Although this was not Zhang Fan's original intention of coming here to eavesdrop, but now he is also concentrating.

But then, after hearing what Fang Zhenqian said, Zhang Fan was dumbfounded. Zhang Fan couldn't understand a single word he said. It wasn't Chinese. Zhang Fan reckoned it should be Miao language.

But if you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it, but after Fang Zhenqian finished speaking, Zhang Fan could clearly hear the people in the tent sighing softly, and someone said, “I didn’t expect it was you, I have heard of your name a long time ago, and it is an honor to meet you now." Obviously, no matter what Fang Zhenqian's status among the Miao people is, he is definitely very famous.

At this point, Zhang Fan couldn't help turning his head to look at Fang Yueling who was still standing behind him, with a puzzled expression on his face.

When Fang Yueling was looked at by Zhang Fan, she became unnatural. She couldn't help but stare at him, and said coldly, "What are you doing looking at me like that?" However, this time, Fang Yueling's words were not only It's just the coldness that keeps people thousands of miles away, but there are other things.

However, at this moment, Zhang Fan was so busy thinking about the problems in his heart that he would not have noticed such an imperceptible change in Fang Yueling. He asked, "What is your father's identity in the Miao family?"

"Why, you want to know," Fang Yueling breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Zhang Fan asked about this matter, and immediately put on a playful look, looked at Zhang Fan, and said, "My father The Miao family is naturally very prestigious, but, why should I tell you, besides, even if the father promised to help you, you don't need to know his identity, you just need to understand, since my father promised you , will help, and it will definitely help you, that’s enough,”

Fang Yueling's answer was not so much trying to make Zhang Fan look bad, but more like a little girl trying to make trouble for someone she didn't like.

In such an instant, Zhang Fan really had this feeling in his heart, but this feeling was just the kind that flashed through Zhang Fan's mind, and he soon woke up. Come on, after all, now is not the time to think about these things, Zhang Fan still has to listen to the conversation inside, and it is impossible for Fang Yueling to do that to him no matter how you think about it.

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan stopped asking, turned his head and continued to lie on the tent to eavesdrop on the conversation inside.

And Fang Yueling saw that Zhang Fan didn't pay any attention to her words, and she didn't even show any extra expressions, so she turned around, which made Fang Yueling very upset, although it must be because of Zhang Fan's ignorance of her. It was her attitude that made her angry, but what other reason was there? Fang Yueling might have already had the answer in her heart, but she wouldn't think about it that way anymore.

"It's just, why are you here, in this Han army camp?" A voice came from the tent again. It was one of the people who came today, obviously asking Fang Zhenqian, "And you also found us all. Come on, what are these people planning to do?"

"Is it related to the rebellion of those two people this time," another person asked.

With such a sound, Zhang Fan could feel that the tent had become quieter, not because the people inside lowered their voices or something, but because of that feeling, although such things are always not very practical. Yes, but most of the time, people just feel very sensitive. Zhang Fan is like this now. He can clearly feel that the people in the tent are all quiet now, which is obviously caused by what the person said just now. such a situation.

But the fact is that the people inside will suddenly become silent, and it is indeed because of the sentence just now. After all, Yongning Mansion is now occupied by people, and this matter has long been spread throughout the Southwest. People don't know, everyone knows things, these people will know, naturally there is nothing strange.

Moreover, they were very worried about this matter. After all, even if they didn't know who the rebels were, the names of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin were not deliberately hidden by the court. If two people take the lead, it must have something to do with the Zhuang people.

Therefore, after the news of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin's rebellion came out, the people of the Zhuang nationality were most worried. What they were worried about was naturally that they were afraid that the rebellion of those two people would implicate them.

Originally, the only people who should be worried are the tribes of the Zhuang family. As for other tribes, although they are also worried that this matter will be involved in them, if something happens, the Zhuang family will definitely bear the brunt Yes, so people from other races, rather than worrying about implicating themselves, they are more on the sidelines.

However, when they heard that there were a total of [-] people who followed the two men to rebel, their moods were not like that.

Although it is said that the Zhuang family is in the southwest, no, it is not just the southwest. Among the ethnic minorities under the Ming Dynasty, the Zhuang people have the largest number of people, but even the largest tribe has only 2 to 2 people. It is impossible to gather an army of [-] people.

Of course, maybe those two people didn't just find one tribe, maybe they found several people to join forces, but as soon as this matter came out, they went to inquire and came out of the tribe in Yongning Mansion. In addition, the other tribes have made it very clear, and they have not been involved with those two people.

As for the tribes in Yongning Mansion, those of their own tribe also know that all of them add up, at most there are only 2 people who can fight in battle, and now, those two people have gathered 1 people, that is, He said that even if all the Zhuang family tribes near Yongning Mansion were recruited by those two people, there are still another [-] people, and they don't know what tribe they came from.

All of a sudden, the other tribes who were going to stand and watch the fire from the other side also became nervous. If people from the same tribe followed those two people to make a fuss, they would be in trouble after the court put down the rebellion.

It's just that at that time they didn't know which tribes other than the Zhuang people were involved, so during this period of time, all the tribes in the southwest, no matter how big or small, were all worried to death.

Now, the people in this tent are the most worried. Although Zhang Fan's men didn't say what the reason was when they brought them here, how could they not guess it.

Although these people are all elders of different ethnic groups, they naturally know each other. When they met, they understood. It seems that among the 2 people, the most important ones are the Zhuang, Miao and Yi nationalities. people.

However, even if they know this, these people still don't understand, or, rather, after knowing this, they become more confused, yes, they know who is in Yongning Mansion, but let What they don't understand is why they should come.

If you want to deal with them, it's not like, if you are dealing with them, you won't be so troublesome to find them.

But if it's not to deal with them, then what to ask them for, maybe let them help.

At that time, almost all of these people thought of this possibility, but immediately, almost all of them gave up this ridiculous idea to them.

Sometimes, people are like this. They have already guessed the truth, but they give up the idea because they think it is impossible, and when they are told that this is the case, they start to veto it vigorously.

Just like now.

"Now that I am looking for you, I need your help for some things," Fang Zhenqian said, "It's not that I want your help, but those Han people want your help, just for the current affairs of Yongning Mansion."

This time, Fang Zhenqian got to the point.

"What?" As soon as Fang Zhenqian finished speaking, someone stood up immediately, "You asked us to help the Han people,"

When Zhang Fan heard this, although it didn't sound like it was going well, he laughed. Why, because although the situation that happened inside was not smooth, it was all in his imagination. From experience, it is not difficult to match the situation that you have thought in advance.

"Why," Fang Yueling who was behind her spoke at this time, "You still laughed when you clearly heard the people inside disagree."

But Zhang Fan didn't return to Fang Yueling, but just made a silence gesture to her.

This made Fang Yueling very unhappy.

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