Fang Yueling at this time.I don't know what to think in my heart.Even she doesn't know.If you really want to say it.That's all.There is a lot of disturbance.There are too many things to think about.and.Most of them had something to do with the man standing in front of her right now.

That's right.It was Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan.It was the source of Fang Yueling's troubles now.

original.For Fang Yueling.Zhang Fan just means trouble.and.There is only trouble.nothing else.Before.The reason why Fang Yueling wanted to deal with Zhang Fan.the most important reason.Just to rescue his father.She was alone after her father was kidnapped.So many years.But no progress.There is no other way.I can only ask Zhang Fan for help.

But at that time.Fang Yueling still felt Zhang Fan.Very troublesome.To deal with him.This already annoyed Fang Yueling very much.Needless to say.Zhang Fan helped him find his father.Not unconditionally.After all, Zhang Fan didn't owe her anything.Even if there is Yingyue in it.But Zhang Fan still had room to turn around.therefore.While Fang Yueling was getting help from Zhang Fan.Also had to help Zhang Fan.

This is for Fang Yueling.It was a hassle.Needless to say.Zhang Fan needs her help.In fact, I still went to inquire about the two people who kidnapped her father.And this is for Fang Yueling.It is a very troublesome thing in itself.

all in all.that time.Zhang Fan is to Fang Yueling.It means trouble.

And now.After she rescued her father.But because of this, the incident of Li Yang's apostasy happened.result.She originally wanted to seek Li Yang's life.But I know.All in all.All are good things planned by Zhang Fan.In this way.Fang Yueling is to Zhang Fan.But it's not just a hassle.It is still a representative of similar meanings such as hate, disgust, and displeasure.

This kind of thinking is always going on.only.Change did happen.

Just now.After those people entered the tent.Fang Yueling felt it right away.There are people behind the tent.She didn't know if her father, who hadn't recovered his martial arts, could feel it.But she knows.But she didn't care.After all, this is Zhang Fan's territory.Now his father is helping him with such an important thing.Zhang Fan sent someone over to investigate.It is also very normal.

When Fang Yueling walked out of the tent.She was planning to go back to her residence first.But for a while.I changed my mind.Fang Yueling changed her mind.She planned to take a detour behind the tent to have a look.Who is it.

did not expect.Go behind the tent.What caught her eyes was the figure that disgusted her.Lying on the back of the tent.It looks like you're eavesdropping on the conversation inside.

original.Fang Yueling saw Zhang Fan here.The best thing to do.Just a cold snort.Then turn around and leave.but.That's just the original.For Fang Yueling now.It was impossible for her to turn a blind eye to Zhang Fan.especially.After what happened last night.

last night.Indeed something happened.Something that changed Fang Yueling's view of Zhang Fan.Although now.Fang Yueling still hated Zhang Fan.Still angry.But it was no longer simply angry.Or.It was impossible for her to be simply angry with Zhang Fan.

What the hell happened last night.Actually nothing.Fang Yueling was still the same as a few days ago.Take care of Fang Zhenqian by his side.But don't be.Fang Zhenqian is now awake.Although the body is still extremely weak.But now that I woke up.And also read problem.This is for Fang Yueling.Nature is the happiest thing.after all.She is a daughter's home.One person has worked so hard for so many years.In order to save his father.Now she does.Father also came back safe and sound.She is naturally happy.

only.last night.Something different than usual.At first it was the same as yesterday.Fang Zhenqian just woke up.Asked her many things.Including the past few years and so on.Although Fang Yueling didn't talk much on weekdays.But in the face of the father who has not seen for so many years.Of course she has a lot to say.And it was the same last night.

only.last night.The conversation between their father and daughter.Not just gossip.

Even Fang Yueling didn't know.Why did father talk to her.Talking and talking.But she talked about Zhang Fan, a topic that she hated.

Fang Zhenqian didn't see that Fang Yueling just heard him mention Zhang Fan.The change on the face.Or.He saw it.But didn't care.

Fang Zhenqian first asked her the ins and outs of why she cooperated with Zhang Fan.And some other things.And Fang Yueling at this time.There is some confusion in my mind.Plus trust in your father.So what she asked Fang Zhenqian.Didn't think about it at all.Directly ask questions.Said everything she knew.

Only gradually.No matter how upset Fang Yueling was.No matter how you don't pay attention.But she also noticed.What her father asked her.It began to gradually develop in other directions.Fang Zhenqian started to ask.It was no longer about what happened between Zhang Fan and her.Or what Zhang Fan has done.Instead, they started to ask Fang Yueling questions about Zhang Fan.

Although I still have doubts in my heart.But it was his father after all.So Fang Yueling still didn't have any doubts.There are still questions and answers.certainly.As long as she knows it.

But.Gradually.Topics that Fang Zhenqian has heard.It started to shift again.How about Zhang Fan?How is the character.Fang Zhenqian started to ask Fang Yueling.Ask her what she thinks of Zhang Fan.

All of a sudden.Fang Yueling could be regarded as really feeling that something was wrong.

This is a very strange question.And it made Fang Yueling feel even more strange when Fang Zhenqian asked.

Fang Zhengan's plan to form an alliance with Jin Yiwei.Of course she knew.If you just ask Zhang Fan's people how they are.This can also be seen as doing some research on the other side of the alliance in the future.but.That being the case.Why did Fang Zhenqian ask Fang Yueling what she thought of Zhang Fan?

Fang Zhenqian clearly knew.Fang Yueling had a deep prejudice against Zhang Fan.If so.Fang Yueling's opinion on Zhang Fan.It is inevitable that there are many biased places.

Fang Zhenqian's temper.Fang Yueling knew it best.He will definitely not ask those inaccurate things.and.Fang Zhenqian's appearance.It doesn't look like his temperament has changed drastically because of being imprisoned for several years.That being the case.Fang Zhenqian would ask this kind of question.Fang Yueling was really confused.

"Father asks what these people do. This is not to choose a husband for someone." This was Fang Yueling at the time.All thoughts in mind.

only.Fang Yueling's idea.It hasn't lasted long.It turned into surprise.reason.It was what Fang Zhenqian said next.

Hear Fang Zhenqian's words.Fang Yueling was stunned.After a long time.This is how he stammered and said: " are you talking about."

"Didn't you hear everything clearly? I need to say it again." Fang Zhenqian turned a blind eye to his daughter's surprised appearance.Said very calmly. "Still. You don't agree."

"This..." I don't know if it's because of Fang Zhenqian's question.It is too straightforward.Or Fang Yueling was suddenly dizzy by her father's words.In short.All of a sudden.But she couldn't speak.I don't know what to say at all.

But Fang Zhenqian was not ambiguous at all.Even in the face of his own daughter.He is also merciless: "It seems that you are really unwilling. Forget it. After all, you are my daughter. I can't let you be wronged. Even for our Five Immortals. But I..." Speaking up.Fang Zhenqian really shouldn't do this.If it is said that someone has changed.It was said by him in this way.There is no need to mention it.But this one in front of me.But his biological daughter.He also used such a trick.It's really confusing.

"No. Daddy. My daughter didn't say she didn't want to." Fang Yueling saw her father sighing.Can't help but hasten to speak. "If it's for teaching, even if it's to crush my daughter to pieces, my daughter won't frown. However, my daughter can't figure it out. Why do I have to... I have to do this. I want to make our Five Immortals sect last for a long time in the future. Think about it It may not be the only one. Why don't we think of other ways."

"Another way." Fang Zhenqian showed a funny look.looking at the daughter.said with a smile. "Is there any other way. If it wasn't for me before, I wouldn't have talked about it. But it's different now. It's because you hired Jin Yiwei to rescue me. So now we can only focus on them go.

"Ling'er. Dad doesn't blame you. You can come to save Dad. Dad is so happy. But because of this, Dad wants to think about the way out for our teaching and for you. It’s okay. Otherwise, you’ll be walking in the rivers and lakes. Something will happen one day. You have to find a way out first.”

"But..." Obviously.Fang Yueling understood what her father meant.Know that he has good intentions.Also knew he was right.But Fang Yueling was still unable to make this decision.

"This matter. I will bring it up first. You don't need to agree immediately." Fang Zhenqian looked at his daughter's reluctance.Said helplessly. "Go back and think about it. But you have to know. Father will never harm you."

Thinking about what my father said to me last night.Looking at Zhang Fan in front of him.Fang Yueling fell into deep thought.

Zhang Fan didn't know what Fang Yueling behind him was thinking about.All his attention was on the tent.And now.It was time for Fang Zhenqian to get to the point.

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