Sure enough, just as Zhang Fan expected, the people inside immediately made different voices after hearing Fang Zhenqian's words. Zhang Fan had thought about this situation yesterday. After all, if he put himself in front of these people It is inevitable that such doubts will be raised if you come up to consider the seat.

And it is precisely because Zhang Fan considered this issue yesterday, so he also thought about how the next thing will unfold. Now, those people in the tent, just as Zhang Fan expected, said what he expected , that is to say, what is happening now is all within Zhang Fan's expectations. In this way, as long as everything is still within the scope of his expectations, even if the development is not smooth, Zhang Fan will not He didn't think there was any problem with this, and he even felt that it was better this way.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Fan didn't care a bit about Fang Yueling's words that were mocking him for his brain problems, and continued to listen to what happened in the tent.

It's just that Zhang Fan didn't see Fang Yueling standing behind him, because Zhang Fan didn't pay attention to her words, showing displeasure on his face. Of course, if Zhang Fan only saw displeasure, it would be It's nothing, but he didn't see that after Fang Yueling's displeased eyes, what was revealed again was a different look.

"Yeah," inside, after someone raised a question, someone immediately continued, "Even now, they brought us here, maybe we have to listen to them, if it's something else, it's okay to say , but if we are asked to help the Han people, no way,"

"Yes, we will never help the Han people. Besides, what should we do for them? Deal with our own people,"

"That's right, let us deal with our own people, I will never agree,"

Immediately, those people inside said one after another, although it was very noisy and they had various opinions, but they all had the same meaning, that is, they disagreed with Fang Zhenqian's words, and they did not intend to help the Han people, not to mention that this is still dealing with their own clan Even now, what my fellow clansmen do is equivalent to dragging them down, but the same clan is the same clan, since they are the same clan, then they should be blessed, how can they help outsiders harm them Woolen cloth.

"No, I think everyone has misunderstood." Faced with so many opposing voices, Fang Zhenqian did not panic at all. His voice was really as relaxed as before. If Zhang Fan saw it, he would find his There was even a smile on his face, "Although I am now in the military camp of the Han people, and they asked me to tell you about this matter, I never thought of helping the Han people.

"Of course, the Han people have a good saying, 'Don't do to others what you don't want done to you'. Although I hate the Han people, this sentence is true. Therefore, I will not help the Han people, let alone ask you to Brothers of the same clan, or other clans, to do such things,"

"This..." Obviously, even though Fang Zhenqian hadn't finished explaining the matter, what he said just now obviously eased the atmosphere, so that even if these people didn't understand what Fang Zhenqian was going to say, but from their tone It can be clearly heard that it is definitely not as excited as before, "Then what do you mean by saying this, and what are these Han people looking for us to do?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed helplessly. It seems that it is indeed right to find Fang Zhenqian to do this matter. No matter how good they are, they have no prestige among these people. Once they say something they don't want to hear, they will definitely be opposed. I'm afraid the other party won't even listen to the explanation.

But Fang Zhenqian is different, because he has a high reputation among the various ethnic groups in the southwest, so even if he said something that they cannot accept, as long as Fang Zhenqian is willing to explain, these people can listen to it.

This is the benefit of finding Fang Zhenqian to do this.

"I came here to ask you to help, help yourself," Fang Zhenqian suddenly changed into a helpless tone, and said to the people inside.

This is why Zhang Fan is more convinced of the benefits of finding Fang Zhenqian to persuade these people. Fang Zhenqian's eloquence is definitely not inferior to those who have been officials for decades. Fang Zhenqian has been the leader of the sect for decades, and his skills under the imperial court are also indispensable for his eloquence. Moreover, he has also talked with Fang Zhenqian in person, so he naturally knows it.

"Help us," Sure enough, Fang Zhenqian's words made these people puzzled. After all, just now, Fang Zhenqian clearly said that he wanted them to help resolve this war. Although they don't know how to do it, but these are You can leave it alone for the time being, but the question is, this matter, no matter how you look at it, is helping the Han people, so why did it involve themselves, "What do you mean by that?"

"Everyone, please think about it carefully," Fang Zhenqian explained, "But even if I don't say it, there is one thing that you all know. I am afraid that since the news of Yongning Mansion has reached your ears, you have also You can’t sleep well, you’re all afraid, things here will involve your own tribe.”

After Fang Zhenqian finished speaking, no one below spoke. Obviously, they all agreed with what Fang Zhenqian said.

"It seems that what I said is right," Fang Zhenqian waited, and then continued, "If this is the case, everyone has thought about it, if the matter here cannot be resolved sooner, or by then, too many people will die. people, do you think the Han people won’t take us under the knife?”

This time, after Fang Zhenqian finished speaking, there was still no one below. These people definitely thought about Fang Zhenqian's words, and, presumably, what they thought was the same as what Fang Zhenqian said just now.

"But if this matter can be resolved earlier, it will be different," Fang Zhenqian waited again, and continued to say, "If this matter can be resolved earlier, and fewer people will die, or even not die." If people can make those people in Yongning Mansion surrender, your tribes will definitely not be implicated.

"So, this matter needs everyone's help. It seems to be helping the Han people, but in fact, it is helping ourselves,"

It was quiet again, but this time it didn't last long, and someone below spoke.

"That's a good point," someone agreed with Fang Zhenqian's words, but, "It's just, why are you so sure that the winners will be these Han people, in case..."

"In case they win," Fang Zhenqian interrupted him before the man finished speaking, "do you think it is possible, not to mention the number of people, there are only 5 people in Yongning Mansion now, and in the The Han army here is a full [-] people, "

"Han people are soft-boned and vulnerable," someone objected immediately.

"Soft bones," Fang Zhenqian sneered at these words, "If it was soft bones, how did those Bo people be killed? Yes, that time, there were only tens of thousands of Bo people, but the Han army had 10,000+ But, is it different this time? There are [-] in the city, and [-] here.

"Moreover, it's not just these. Although the 2 people are all warriors of our various ethnic groups, they are only people who have fought among the various tribes. But the [-] Han troops here are different. These people follow them Liu Xian, the general of the Communist Party of China, has killed countless Japanese people in the southeast for many years. If it is serious, they are no worse than ours.

"Even if those people in Yongning Mansion can win by chance, but do you think it will last long? The court of the Han people has a vast territory and countless generals. Even if they are not our opponents, they will eventually kill us. Kill it cleanly, until that time, it will be too late to regret, "

Fang Zhenqian's words once again made those people fall into silence.

But this time, Fang Zhenqian didn't intend to wait any longer, and said directly: "Don't blame me for saying this, boosting others' ambitions and destroying one's own prestige, but these are the truth, and there is no need to lie to everyone.

"If you can help resolve this matter and persuade those people in Yongning Mansion to surrender, it will only be good for our ethnic groups, and it will never be bad. As long as we can understand this matter, we don't have to worry about the Han people. They will attack us, I can assure you, "Fang Zhenqian's words are good, but in the end he still lied to them and guaranteed that the Han people would not attack. What will happen if you provoke trouble yourself.

But now, these people are all thinking about the present, where would they think about what will happen in the future.

"That's not bad," finally, these people agreed with Fang Zhenqian's words, "but what should we do?"

"That's right," someone echoed, "Although we don't agree with the Han people, this is already the territory of the Han people. Although I really don't want to say that, I have to say that those people in Yongning Mansion are rebelling.

"No matter how the Han people plan to deal with them, what do we do with them? I'm afraid they won't be able to surrender with just a few words of rebellion. Are you dying?"

"Yeah, this is a rebellion, how could it be so easy to surrender,"

"Everyone, don't panic," Fang Zhenqian said, "This matter is indeed troublesome, but since I have asked you to help, I have naturally thought about this matter, and I am also sure that the people inside will definitely listen to you ,"

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