The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1198 Just Say That

"How exactly are we going to do it?" Someone obviously couldn't wait for Fang Zhenqian to show off, and hurriedly asked.

"It's very simple. First of all, it is natural to let everyone enter the Yongning Mansion," Fang Zhenqian said. "This is why the Han people asked you to come here. After all, if they use their people, I am afraid they will not be able to enter the city, and there will be troubles." Well, by that time, even if the Han people don’t want to fight, I’m afraid there’s no way to avoid the war.”

That's all Fang Zhenqian said, but the person in front of him is not a fool, so he can tell that Fang Zhengan's words must have intentions.

It's actually very simple. What Fang Zhenqian didn't say was actually telling them one thing, that is, the Han people don't want to fight this war. Before, Fang Zhenqian had already told them that if there was a fight, no matter what, the Han people would be It's a sure win, since that's the case, the Han people still have to spend so much effort to get them here, and they even asked Fang Zhenqian to convince them, and then let them enter Yongning Mansion to convince the people inside.

Such a big circle, such a troublesome matter, is obviously telling them that the Han people do not want to make this matter to the point where it must be fought with swords, and they also want to solve this matter peacefully.

If not, just let the Han people's own envoys go, if they are killed because they disagree, then they can only go to war.

But now, after listening to Fang Zhenqian's explanation, these people also accepted it and agreed to help. Even if they all understand that the Han people don't want to fight, I'm afraid the more reason is because of the tens of thousands of Han people in Yongning Mansion. , but these are not important to them now. As long as they know that helping the Han people is equivalent to helping their own tribe, it is enough. As long as this matter can be resolved peacefully, let alone the 2 How people will end up, at least their own tribe will not have any accidents.

However, how should this matter be resolved? In their view, it is almost impossible to resolve this matter without using guns or knives or bloodshed. Even Fang Zhenqian said that he already has a countermeasure Well, even if Fang Zhenqian said so in his capacity, they would not refute it, but it was hard to believe.

"When you enter Yongning Mansion and meet the people in charge, persuade them to surrender," Fang Zhenqian said, "But if you think about it, those people will definitely not agree. They will definitely say that once they surrender, the Han people will never give up." Kill them all without holding back, that's what I think.

"If they say that, tell them that as long as they are willing to surrender, the Han people will never kill them. Whether it is the soldiers they don't form or the family members like them, no one will lose their heads, but , they must not take action against the people in Yongning Mansion, otherwise I can't guarantee it, "

"This...I'm afraid they won't agree," someone questioned, "Although we haven't told the Han people yet, but after hearing what you said, the Han people don't intend to kill people, but what will the Han people do? People don’t know, and what they’re doing now is rebellion, so I’m afraid they won’t believe what we say.”

"That's right," Fang Zhenqian nodded in response to the question raised, and said, "I've always been like this. If they could surrender so easily, they wouldn't be like this now, and they wouldn't bother you to come here. ,"

"Since they refuse to surrender, what can we do?" Someone immediately asked, "Although we are of the same clan as them, even if we have some reputation in the clan, we seldom meet each other. Now they are doing this kind of rebellion. Will you listen to us, and even say that it is the promise of the Han people..."

"If they are like this, then you take out this thing," Fang Zhenqian said, and took the thing from behind.

Although Zhang Fan was outside the tent and didn't see what was going on inside, he also knew that what Fang Zhenqian took out must be the pardon that Zhang Fan himself wrote to him yesterday.

"What is this?" Someone immediately asked.

"This is an amnesty order for those people in Yongning Mansion," Fang Zhenqian said, "It's clearly written on it, as long as they don't hurt the people in Yongning Mansion, put down their swords, open the city and surrender, then they won't be killed , [-] people, no matter whether they are fighters or the leaders of those tribes, none of them will die,"

"This..." Fang Zhenqian's words made these people stunned, and they didn't know whether they were because of Fang Zhenqian's words or what Fang Zhenqian brought out.

"Is this thing real?" Someone asked again, not because of doubts about Fang Zhenqian's words, it was really such a thing, they had never seen it before, and what was written on it really surprised them Yes, I have to be a little suspicious.

"The Han people are different from us when they send troops," Fang Zhenqian said. "If there is a war between us, we will naturally choose capable people from the tribe to fight. As for the post-war affairs, we need to discuss it again. But The imperial court of the Han people is different. They will elect a person to lead the war, and all matters before and after the war are handled by that person.

"But now this amnesty is from that person. As long as they can do what you said, this amnesty will save their lives," Fang Zhenqian's words are completely deceiving these people. Understand things, these people don't know, but Fang Zhenqian understands, perhaps, Zhang Fan is the chief general of the counter-insurgency, and everything during the war is decided by him, but after the war, how to deal with those people is still up to the court. to decide.

However, the reason why Fang Zhenqian deceived these people was not because of his alliance with Zhang Fan, and he was not someone who would trade the blood of his own people for his future. He and Zhang Fan both understood that as long as these people can surrender, the court will He wouldn't do anything to them. It was because he knew this that he dared to lie to these people now.

"That's good," someone said again, "As long as we have this thing, even if they don't believe what we say, it's written in black and white, so they can't help but believe it."

"That's true," Fang Zhenqian said, "and, after so many days have passed, I'm afraid they will have a hard time these days. Even if they guard a city with water and food, they are surrounded by tens of thousands of people outside the city like this." Thinking about it, I'm afraid it's also uncomfortable. Thinking about it, they might not want to end this matter earlier.

"Although it is said to let them surrender, but if you show them this pardon, I am afraid that even if they don't all agree, half of them will think it is good to do so,"

"But, that's only half of it," someone immediately raised a question, "If the other half of the people disagree, what should we do? Don't wait for the Han people to fight before they move. What if they get hurt? Those people in Yongning Mansion are about to suffer again, "

"That's right," someone interrupted and said, "If only relying on this thing, I'm afraid they won't be able to surrender, and even though it's half, it's also possible that they all disagree. If that's the case, what should we do?" manage,"

It's not that these people intentionally make things difficult for Fang Zhengan, to embarrass him, it's really a matter of great importance, not only the lives of the 2 people and the people in Yongning Mansion, but also whether their tribes will be implicated, Of course, what is more important and more direct is whether those people who are going to the city will be in danger, so all these things have to be settled now.

But Fang Zhenqian didn't find it troublesome when faced with these people's questions. After all, these questions had been thought about for a long time, and they might happen. Moreover, he and Zhang Fan had also discussed this matter.

But here is a digression. After telling Fang Zhenqian about Zhang Fan's method, he was not moved by the fact that Zhang Fan wanted to use the family members of those people to threaten them. This is strange to say. After all, the family members of those people, in the final analysis, many of them were Fang Zhengan's clansmen, but not only did Fang Zhenqian not come up with any plan for Zhang Fan's plan, but he agreed with Zhang Fan's proposal very much.

It's not that Fang Zhenqian is naturally cruel. He can have such a high reputation in the eyes of the Miao family, not just because of his background and his status as the leader of the Five Poison Sect. Prestige, if you can't have a heart of kindness to your own people, it won't work.

However, these things will not hinder Fang Zhenqian's judgment on the matter. He clearly understands how to do this matter to minimize the damage.

The current situation is that it is obvious that it is more beneficial to use Zhang Fan's method. In this case, why not use it? After all, it is not important how this thing is done, the important thing is to get it done Whether or not, as long as the goal can be achieved and how the goal is achieved, the process is no longer important.

"If you tell them that, but they are still unwilling to surrender..." Fang Zhenqian said directly to those people without any hesitation, "Then tell them, if they refuse to surrender, then the Han people will have to surrender." Arrest their families and force them to surrender,"

"What are you talking about?" Immediately, someone among those people shouted, "This... how could this be like this,"

"Yeah, threatening them with family members, that's really despicable,"

"That's right, it's already very wrong to help the Han people persuade our own people to surrender. If it weren't for the fact that this matter is not resolved soon, it will also affect other people. It is impossible for us to agree, but now we still have to use theirs. Family members force them, how can this work,”

"Everyone, be quiet," Fang Zhenqian looked at these excited people and said, "Although I told them so, I didn't say that I really wanted to do it. I just threatened them with these words, so that's all. If you come here, everyone here will tell them, and with this amnesty and the safety of their family members, I think they will be able to surrender, right?"

"This... is a good thing, but..." Obviously, no matter how reasonable Fang Zhenqian said, these people cannot easily make a decision when faced with such a situation, "If you say, what if... what if They still don't agree. Sometimes there are disputes between our tribes, and we have to do it. Before we do it, we will also arrange our families well, so that the other party will not find them easily.

"Now that the 2 people in Yongning Mansion dare to rebel against those two people, they have already settled down all their families. If this is the case, I am afraid they feel that the Han people may not be able to find them. If he came, wouldn't he refuse to surrender again?

"Besides, if they really don't surrender, what will happen to the Han people?"

"This is what the general of the Han people told me yesterday," Fang Zhenqian said, "Although it is just to tell them to use their family members to force them to surrender, but since the Han people have already thought of this idea, Naturally, they would not give up easily. If they really refused to surrender, the Han people would definitely arrest their family members and threaten them.

"As for where their family members are hiding and whether it is easy to find them, it is not a problem for the Han people. No matter how hard it is to find them, as long as they look for them, they will be found one day. Moreover, there are so many Han people. If you send an army to look for it, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult.

"And, there is another point. Let me tell you, and you will also tell them at that time. If things really come to that point, the harder it is for their family members to find, the more difficult it is for them to survive. You can think about it." Originally, the Han people got angry because of this incident. If the Han people have to spend so much effort to find their family members, think about it, will their family members still survive?"

As soon as Fang Zhenqian said these words, no matter the dozen or so people who were listening inside the tent, or Zhang Fan who was eavesdropping outside the tent, they were all stunned.

Needless to say, the people inside were really frightened by Fang Zhenqian's words, but Zhang Fan did not expect Fang Zhengan to speak like this.

Fang Zhenqian, this is completely describing the Han people as a group of insane lunatics, who are bloodthirsty and want to blame others at will.

However, although what Fang Zhenqian said was so exaggerated, Zhang Fan felt that he had some truths. If things were really like that, some people might lose their heads. Moreover, I have to say that what Fang Zhenqian said was true. The effect of the words is more manifested.

"How are you guys?" Seeing that no one spoke, Fang Zhenqian continued, "If this is the case, I think they have no reason to continue guarding Yongning Mansion and not surrender."

Speaking of this, although the people inside have not yet agreed, Zhang Fan who is listening outside the tent understands that the goal has been achieved, and those people inside will definitely agree with Fang Zhenqian's words and go to persuade those in Yongning Mansion to surrender. human,

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