The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1199 Completely Changed

Walking out from the back of the tent, Zhang Fan had already planned to go back before the conversation of the people inside was over. After all, the main reason why he came here to eavesdrop this time was to find out what Fang Zhengan was doing. Convince those people, and whether those people are willing to help.

But now, since he already knew the result, and that result was what he wanted, there was no need for Zhang Fan to listen any more. In this weather, standing here and eavesdropping for so long Quite cold, of course, the latter reason is completely just a reason, but this is just what Zhang Fan thinks in his heart, he hasn't reached the point where he wants to say it, but if he says it, I'm afraid it will be too late. No one would listen to him, Fang Yueling, who was the only one by his side, might still look at him with a very annoying look, why bother.

But then again, Zhang Fan was able to joke with himself in his heart. It can be seen that he was in a pretty good mood first, but there was nothing wrong with it. After all, this matter was settled. Those who have not surrendered yet, but now is a good start, isn't it great.

"Look at your appearance." Fang Yueling seemed to dislike Zhang Fan's appearance very much. Seeing his smiling face, she couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Now I just understand those people Forget it, the matter is not over yet, those people in Yongning Mansion have not yet surrendered, you are so happy, you are not doing anything right, it seems that your court uses people like you, it seems like that, "Although Fang Yueling tried her best She satirized Zhang Fan as much as she could, but speaking of it, he didn't really want to get so nervous with Zhang Fan, it was just that she couldn't understand Zhang Fan's appearance.

More importantly, Fang Yueling naturally heard what happened in the tent just now. After all, she has martial arts, even if she doesn't lean on the tent like Zhang Fan, she can still hear the conversation in the tent. , she was very uncomfortable with the smooth progress of what Zhang Fan hoped for.

However, it was just uncomfortable, and she had no other thoughts. Whether it was in her heart or in her actions, Fang Yueling had no intention of hindering Zhang Fan's success. No, it was not because Fang Yueling didn't want to. In fact, yesterday , even if she would not actually do anything, but she couldn't help but think about it in her heart, but now, Fang Yueling would not have this kind of thought.

It wasn't because Li Yang's matter was resolved that she suddenly had no reason to hate Zhang Fan. In fact, Li Yang's matter was just a cause. Fang Yueling would still hate Zhang Fan regardless of whether there was this matter or not. Yes, for no particular reason, just annoying.

Even now, Fang Yueling is still like this, but she is thinking about many things now, and it seems that she has no time to get angry with Zhang Fan anymore.

It's just that, even if she doesn't know how to make trouble, but now, she hates Zhang Fan's indifferent attitude even more.

Especially, now that she saw that Zhang Fan was smiling all over his face when she said so, Fang Yueling was especially annoyed. Not intending to let Zhang Fan go, he stopped him with words: "Why, I'm so happy that I get carried away, you don't even pay attention to what I say,"

This time, Zhang Fan couldn't pretend that he didn't hear anything anymore. He turned his head, looked at Fang Yueling helplessly, and said, "I said Master Fang, I don't seem to have offended you, even though there was the one from Li Yang before. The matter, but didn’t your father also say that there is no need to worry about this matter anymore. If this is the case, I think there will be no more festivals between me and Fang Jiaozhu. Why is Fang Jiaozhu still To be directed against me here and there,"

"That's because of me..." It seemed to Fang Yueling that if she didn't reply to Zhang Fan, she would lose her momentum. However, when he spoke, he didn't know what to say. I can't say anything.

Seeing Fang Yueling like this, Zhang Fan felt even more strange. Although there was a veil covering her face, Zhang Fan could see the expression in her eyes clearly. Fan couldn't understand it at all, let alone what she said just now, which she didn't say in the middle, made Zhang Fan feel strange.

No, it's not just weird that can be described by just two words. If you really say it, maybe the word "weird" is more suitable for Zhang Fan, but the real weirdness is not because of Fang Yueling. Zhang Fan couldn't figure out why Fang Yueling made such an appearance.

However, even though it was weird, for Zhang Fan, curiosity made him suddenly want to understand this matter, but it was nothing more than curiosity, and Zhang Fan's intuition told himself that this matter It's better not to ask about things, even if Fang Yueling is weird now, and it's aimed at him, but as long as you don't pay attention to it, then nothing will happen to you.

After thinking about this, Zhang Fan opened his mouth to Fang Yueling and said, "That... Master Fang, the things here are all done now, since that's the case, I have to go back, and I have to prepare for the next thing." OK,"

"Why, Mr. Zhang is scared." Although Zhang Fan wanted to retreat, it was obvious that Fang Yueling did not intend to let him go. "It's just that I can't figure it out. What is Mr. Zhang afraid of? I didn't expect anything to scare Master Zhang into such a thing, "

"How could it be..." Zhang Fan said reluctantly in response to Fang Yueling's words, "Why would I be afraid? Besides, just like Fang Jiaozhu said just now, what is there to be afraid of now? It must be Fang Yueling. The leader thought wrong..."

"Could it be..." However, Fang Yueling didn't wait for Zhang Fan's far-fetched explanation at all. She didn't even have any interest in listening, so she interrupted Zhang Fan and said to herself, "Could it be that, Mr. Zhang is afraid that I will fail, "

Although Zhang Fan didn't want to admit it very much, and it was impossible to say it, and although what Fang Yueling said was not entirely correct, Zhang Fan had to admit that she was partly right, not that Zhang Fan was afraid of Fang Yueling, but Said that he was a little afraid of Fang Yueling's strange behavior now, and he couldn't figure it out. Perhaps, this was just fear, but at least Zhang Fan himself couldn't admit it.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Fan forced himself to be calm, looked at Fang Yueling and said, "Did Master Fang do something, did you do something that would scare people? No, since there is no such thing, why should I be afraid of Master Fang? Speaking of which, although Master Fang is the leader of the Five Poison Sect, he is just a woman in her twenties. I have no reason to be afraid at all. ,"

"Oh," but, even though Zhang Fan said that, and he pretended to be very calm, even Fang Yueling didn't notice anything, but the previous actions were too conspicuous, how could Fang Yueling let go? Passed him, "It's the Five Immortals Sect, what Five Poisons Sect, it's so ugly. Also, you really aren't afraid of me, maybe you don't,"

Now the situation is reversed. She was obviously Fang Yueling, because what her father said to her last night made her become weird. She originally hated Zhang Fan to the extreme, and it was because of this. He changed his appearance, although he still hated Zhang Fan, it was quite different from before.

However, the problem does not lie here. In fact, what Fang Zhenqian said to her last night made Fang Yueling think about that matter all the time, and the problem caused is that Fang Yueling is a little afraid of Zhang Fan now. It's not that she's afraid of what Zhang Fan will do, it's just that when she sees Zhang Fan now, she doesn't know how to deal with him.

It was as strong as before, but Fang Yueling always felt that it was wrong to do so, but she didn't know what was wrong.

However, she couldn't give in to Zhang Fan, it was completely out of question, after all, in her heart, Fang Yueling hated Zhang Fan very much.

As a result, this contradiction caused a problem, that is, when Fang Yueling faced Zhang Fan, she no longer knew how to deal with him, and it was for this reason that Fang Yueling looked weird now. Absolutely, others might not be able to see it, but under the circumstances that this is only possible when facing Zhang Fan, if Zhang Fan saw it, it would definitely be weird.

However, Zhang Fan, who is not very familiar with Fang Yueling, doesn't know the inside story, and he always has a cold attitude towards Fang Yueling's image. Now that Fang Yueling has changed into such a look, this is completely weird to Zhang Fan. up.

So now, Zhang Fan is not afraid of Fang Yueling, but rather fearful. After all, people will naturally behave like this when faced with strange situations they have never encountered before.

However, from Fang Yueling's perspective, it made her feel that Zhang Fan was afraid. Although it was not correct, it was not wrong.

And just like this, Fang Yueling felt that she had found an opportunity. Today, she behaved "abnormally" in front of Zhang Fan, which made her very upset. Now she seized this opportunity and turned to defend herself. Attacking, it seems that he wants to pull it back, and it doesn't seem to be the advantage Zhang Fan has at all.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first." After a while, Zhang Fan saw the change in Fang Yueling's eyes, which really made him a little scared, and planned to leave first.

"Wait," Fang Yueling stopped him again, "I have something serious to tell you."

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