The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1200 Invited to be a guest

"Business," Zhang Fan couldn't help but stop when Fang Yueling said this, and turned around to look at her, "I don't know what the business leader Fang refers to." Zhang Fan really couldn't imagine that Fang Yueling would find him again What business to discuss, it seems that the business that should be discussed has already been discussed, whether it is about the Yongning Mansion this time, or the alliance between Jin Yiwei and the Five Poison Sect in the future, in short, the current matters related to the Five Poison Sect It seems that there is no need to say anything more, even if it is related to the alliance, it is not something that should be discussed now.

"Hmph, could it be that Mr. Zhang has forgotten?" Fang Yueling has not given Zhang Fan a good face since just now, even now, "If I remember correctly, when Mr. Zhang arrived the day before yesterday, he was still noisy. Do you want to ask for an antidote for Li Yang? Why, is it possible that Mr. Zhang doesn’t want it now?”

"Oh, so it's about this." Hearing what Fang Yueling said, Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Of course the antidote is necessary, but since we have already negotiated with your teacher, I don't think we will renege on it." Well, if that's the case, why rush it for a while, after all, there is no rush for the antidote, and Li Yang has no poisonous hair, but the current matter must be taken seriously, and when this matter is over, then Xiang Fang It won't be too late for the leader to discuss it,"

"Hmph, you don't need to be so hypocritical," Fang Yueling snarled Zhang Fan again, then took out a small porcelain bottle and threw it to Zhang Fan, "Take it, there are two antidotes in it, just enough to untie Li Yang's blood. The 'Five Immortals Honeydew' on my body, by the way, my father has something to tell Mr. Zhang to Li Yang. From then on, we have settled with him, whether it is our Five Immortals or his relationship with my father. Make up your mind, from now on, even if our two families form an alliance, people from my Five Immortals sect don't want to see Li Yang again,"

"It's really well done," Zhang Fan said helplessly, but he could understand why Fang Zhenqian did this. I'm afraid he had some other concerns about Li Yang's betrayal and his desire to quit the arena after joining Jinyiwei. Take it to heart, although this kind of thinking is awkward, it is not incomprehensible, so apart from Zhang Fan's helplessness, he didn't have any other thoughts about Fang Zhenqian's decision, "But speaking of it, this matter Well, I should have been more anxious to get the antidote, after all, if I could get the antidote sooner, Li Yang would be more loyal to me in the future, but you probably want to delay it. Yes, why now, it's the other way around, "

"This is my father's idea." Obviously, Fang Yueling didn't want to answer Zhang Fan's question too much, but I'm afraid there were reasons she had to say, so there was helplessness in her voice, "Since father has already talked to you Once the matter of forming an alliance is settled, it will be almost the same when the matter of Yongning Mansion is over. If so, this is a gesture of favor, and you can treat it as a gesture of favor, "

"..." Fang Yueling's words made Zhang Fan stunned. Generally speaking, such things don't need to be said at all. The reason why he asked the medicine was for himself, after all, there was no other reason, he just wanted to know if there were other reasons, but he really didn't expect that Fang Yueling would say that.

How can you say this kind of thing? As long as you do it, it is enough to let the other party know. The other party will know what you mean, and they will naturally reciprocate at that time, but if you really say it, I am afraid it will not work. Yes, this is tantamount to clearly telling the other party that you have done something that is beneficial to you, and you will have to be grateful in return in the future.

Thinking about this kind of thing, only those fools would do it, but it is obvious that Fang Yueling is not a fool, and on the contrary, she is very smart. The reason why she is so smart, she can do such a thing, is really Because her experience is really too little.

In the past, Fang Yueling had little contact with others, so she didn't know much about the normal situation in the world, and even if she became the leader of the Five Poison Sect, she was the leader of the Five Poison Sect. She seldom talks directly with the congregation, presumably this is also because of her father and Yu'er.

Fang Zhenqian doted on her very much, so in the past, she was almost not allowed to show up, but because of those strange reasons, Yu'er had a strong desire to monopolize Fang Yueling, although she was not enough to speak ill of others in front of Fang Yueling for no reason. , but always unconsciously tell Fang Yueling that most people outside are harboring evil intentions.

In this way, Fang Yueling no longer yearned too much for the outside world, and during this time, all her energy was devoted to rescuing her father, so there will be today's This kind of innocence, which is close to stupidity, can't be blamed on her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan's bewilderment suddenly turned into an urge to laugh. He really did not expect that Fang Yueling would do this, and now, even in the face of Fang Yueling, Zhang Fan could no longer He kept calm on his face, and showed a slight smile, but this smile naturally contained a lot of teasing.

And Fang Yueling, of course, saw Zhang Fan's expression. Maybe she was not too reasonable, but she could understand what Zhang Fan's expression meant. Now, after she had just finished speaking, Zhang Fan suddenly In a daze, she showed such an expression, which made Fang Yueling very annoyed immediately.

"You...what are you laughing at?" Fang Yueling stopped talking too much in anger, looked at Zhang Fan and asked sharply, "Could it be that I said something strange?"

"No, no, no," seeing Fang Yueling was really annoyed, and at the same time, she didn't feel ashamed. Obviously, she didn't realize the reason why she was laughing. Immediately, Zhang Fan stopped teasing her. He straightened his face and said, "Fang Hierarch didn't say anything strange, on the contrary, what Fang Hierarch said is right, now Li Yang is considered to be in my Jinyiwei, if he can give him the antidote one day earlier If it is true, he will definitely be more loyal to me in the future, I just thought of this and feel happy, so this is all joy, "

"Really," Fang Yueling looked at Zhang Fan suspiciously after hearing Zhang Fan's words, and asked.

"Of course that is the case, otherwise there would be other reasons for not being successful," Zhang Fan nodded his head quickly, saying with certainty.

"Hmph, the villain has his ambition," Fang Yueling thought about it after hearing Zhang Fan's words, but she didn't think of other possibilities, so she believed Zhang Fan's words.

"In this case, I would like to thank Master Fang and your father," Zhang Fan said, "I don't know if Master Fang has other things to say, if not, I have other things on my side, forgive me ,"

"One more thing," Fang Yueling said, "this is what my father asked me to tell you."

"Oh," Zhang Fan asked after Fang Yueling said that he still had something to ask, "I don't know if your father has anything else to say."

"After the matter of this Yongning Mansion is resolved, we will go back," Fang Yueling said, "I think the school is also in a mess because of Mr. Zhang, and I'm afraid it will take a while to clean it up, but Father hopes , Master Zhang, after learning about the affairs of Yongning Mansion, don’t leave for Beijing right away.”

"Of course I won't go back right away," Zhang Fan said, "After all, I have promised my father that you and I form an alliance. Then after the matter in Yongning Mansion is over, my father and I still have to talk. It's not that simple."

"No, Mr. Zhang misunderstood," Fang Yueling said, "Father asked you to stay, not for this matter, but to invite you to my teaching as a guest."

"What did you say?" Hearing what Fang Yueling said, Zhang Fan thought he had heard it wrong for a while, "My father wants me to go to your be a guest,"

"That's right, that's right," Fang Yueling returned to Zhang Fan's question as if it was a matter of course, and then she also saw the strange expression on Zhang Fan's face, and couldn't help asking, "Why, did Master Zhang not listen?" I understand, but I still don’t want to come.”

"I understand, but..." Zhang Fan didn't know what to say for a while, "It's not that I don't want to go, it's just... just why your father wants me to go to your teaching, even if it's for an alliance, Where can't these words be said, "

"You thought I wanted you to go," Fang Yueling squinted her eyes at Zhang Fan, and said, "This is what my father meant. He said that since he wants to form an alliance with Jin Yiwei, he should be sincere, so he invites you In the past, looking at the situation, it will also teach you to know the strength of my Five Immortals, don't underestimate us."

Even if Zhang Fan didn't ask about the latter paragraph, he could figure it out. It must have been added by Fang Yueling herself. However, Zhang Fan didn't care about these. What he really thought about was what was the point of Fang Zhenqian's doing so. intention.

It may be possible to show strength, but Zhang Fan does not think that Fang Zhenqian is someone who would do such a thing, and if it is not for this reason, Fang Zhenqian may have other intentions.

But what it was, Zhang Fan couldn't think of it for a while.

"Why, I just invited you over to be a guest, and you are so hesitant," Fang Yueling couldn't help but said seeing Zhang Fan's response, "Or, you're starting to get scared again."

"No." Although he still couldn't think of it, Zhang Fan decided to agree, "Since your father invited me, I will go there. After I tell your father, I agree. When the things here are over, I will I went to tell my father personally, "

"In that case, let's do it this way," Fang Yueling nodded, "That's all I want to say, if Mr. Zhang has something to do, please do it." After finishing speaking, Fang Yueling went back without waiting for Zhang Fan to speak. up.

Leaving Zhang Fan alone, he stood there thinking,

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