"My lord." came the voice.The curtain was lifted.Liang Chao walked in.original.Liang Chao had something to tell Zhang Fan.He didn't even think about it.After entering, he saw Zhang Fan sitting there.A look of deep thought.This made Liang Chao swallow the next words.asked. "My lord, what's the matter? Is it possible? Fang Zhenqian is there. I have encountered some trouble." Liang Chao didn't know what happened.I don't know that Fang Zhenqian has already talked through those people.Let them help.That's why I saw Zhang Fan like this.I thought there was some trouble with that matter.Can't help but ask.

"Hmm. No. That matter has already been settled." Zhang Fan came back to his senses.Said. "Fang Zhenqian has some skills. He explained those people in a few words. Moreover, those people really don't want to make this matter worse."

"So that's the case. Then this is a good thing." Liang Chao heard Zhang Fan say that the matter was done.Naturally, I am also happy.but. "But now that it's done. Why did your lord just say that he was frowning? Did something else happen?"

"Some things did happen. But it's not related to Yongning Mansion." Zhang Fan had nothing to hide from Liang Chao.Said. "Just now. Fang Yueling came to me. She gave me Li Yang's antidote."

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Even Liang Chao was a little puzzled. "However. Before, Fang Yueling was very upset about this matter. Why did she suddenly give the antidote to the lord now? Could it be possible? There is something wrong here. Could the antidote be..." Regarding Fang Yueling's recent events.The most familiar one is Liang Chao.Been entangled for so many days.Liang Chao naturally knew how much Fang Yueling's resentment towards Li Yang was.now.Fang Yueling suddenly gave the antidote to Zhang Fan.This naturally made him puzzled.

"No. This is not what she meant." Zhang Fan understood Liang Chao's worry.Said. "She said that her father made her do it. Besides, I also gave the antidote to Li Yang. He looked at it and said it's okay. Now he has taken it."

"If it's Fang Zhenqian, it makes sense." Liang Chao nodded.Said. "It's also what he thinks. We will form an alliance with them soon. I want to use this antidote to show our favor. In this way, we will form an alliance in the future. We can also give them more benefits."

"Not bad." Speaking of here.Zhang Fan laughed. "Fang Yueling told me that too."

"It turns out that..." Liang Chao wanted to echo.But that's half the story.He sensed something wrong in Zhang Fan's words. "What did your lord just say. Fang Yueling said so to your lord." That's right.Liang Chao discovered such a problem.

"Yes." Zhang Fan nodded with a smile.Said. "That's what she told me. She said that her father did this to show favor to us. She also told me. I don't want to forget this favor. After the two companies form an alliance in the future, the benefits must be right. OK."

"This..." Facing what Zhang Fan said so naturally.Liang Chao didn't know what to say for a while.The so-called human nature.And once you meet someone who doesn't play cards according to common sense.I'm afraid it will become like this.Think here.Liang Chao couldn't help admiring Zhang Fan's calm appearance.

only.Liang Chao couldn't imagine it.At that time Zhang Fan had heard Fang Yueling tell him so with his own ears.The impact was much deeper than that brought to Liang Chao by his retelling.It's just that Zhang Fan had already thought about this.So that's what's going to be so calming.

"This Fang Yueling is interesting." Liang Chao said. "But my lord. I think it's not just these things. I just saw my lord's appearance in a humble position. I guess it's not because of this kind of thing."

"Indeed not." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "In addition to the incident just now, Fang Yueling also told me another matter. She said it was his father's intention. After we found out about the Yongning Mansion, Fang Zhenqian invited me to the Five Poison Sect to discuss the alliance. I was thinking about it."

"Let my lord go to the Five Poisons Sect to talk." Sure enough.Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Liang Chao's complexion also became serious. "My lord, it's inappropriate to do this. Although we have already agreed on the alliance between the two. But we know very little about the Five Poison Sect. And if your lord goes to them, if they get angry What a mischievous intention. What should I do?

"At that time. Don't say that we don't have many people here now. Even if there are many people. But we can't take all of them with us when we talk about alliances. Once they want to do something, it will be dangerous. My lord. You must Don't agree."

"I also know what you said." Zhang Fan said helplessly. "But. I have promised her."

"This. Why are you so rash?" Liang Chao became anxious immediately.Said. "The matter of forming an alliance. You can't say it anywhere. Even if you say it in General Liu's barracks. It doesn't matter. But they still want you to go to the Five Poisons Sect to talk. It's clear that they have other intentions. Why did you agree to them? .”

"It's not because of them." Zhang Fan was impatient towards Liang Chao.But he behaved very calmly. "They did this. There must be an ulterior motive in it. Of course I can see it. But. What it is. I don't know now. However. I think they are harboring evil intentions. Not really Possibly. After all, if they want to take action against me, it will be of no benefit at all. Presumably they would not do such things that harm others and benefit themselves.

"And I. I'm very curious about what they want to do. I want to see what they want to do. To see what they want to do. To what extent they can do it. Don't worry. At that time, it will be a dispute. Fang Zhenqian won't do anything either."

"My lord, why are you so sure?" Liang Chao was so sure of Zhang Fan that Fang Zhenqian would not make a move.Feel very puzzled.

"What's inside. I won't be able to tell for a while." Zhang Fan didn't tell Liang Chao the reason.It's nothing to say.But Zhang Fan didn't want to say it.

The conversation with Fang Zhenqian before.Zhang Fan already felt Fang Zhenqian's determination.The determination to revitalize the Five Poisons Sect.so that.Just relying on Fang Zhenqian's words.That's what made Zhang Fan feel this way.

Not to mention.Fang Zhenqian is for the future of the Five Poison Sect.He even sold his most beloved daughter.perhaps.The word "sell" is really inappropriate.But Zhang Fan couldn't find a more suitable word to describe the decision Fang Zhenqian made.

certainly.This was also one of the reasons why he didn't want to tell Liang Chao.With Liang Chao's temper.Even if it is such a thing, he will never go outside to talk about it.Even since he got married.His temper has indeed restrained a lot.But once he knows this kind of thing.Definitely going to be thinking something bad in my mind.This will make Zhang Fan feel very uncomfortable.

"Anyway. I've already decided." Zhang Fan said. "At that time. Let's go there. No matter how much we think here now, we can't think of anything. When we get there, don't we know?"

"In that case." Although I was very unwilling in my heart.But now that Zhang Fan has made a decision.Liang Chao no longer insisted.Said. "When the time comes, I'd better let Beizhi and Brother Wang go with the adults. If you don't do anything, that's good. But once you do, even if you can't kill them. Beizhi vows to protect the adults and return safely."

"You have the heart. I'm very happy." Zhang Fan said these words.Naturally, it's not a scene.He understood Liang Chao's words.And definitely not just saying it nicely.If things really develop to that point.Liang Chao and Wang Meng will definitely do what they say.Such subordinates.A subordinate who can sacrifice his life for the superior at any time.This is not something that comes easily.Zhang Fan was really happy in his heart.And when happy.But also with a lot of pride.After all, they can treat it like this.But it was also because of Zhang Fan himself.

"Now. It's not the time to talk about it." Zhang Fan said. "After all, we don't know what it will be like at that time. Instead of worrying about making wild guesses here, we might as well wait quietly. When the time comes, we will understand naturally. The most urgent thing now is to solve the current matter. Sigh .I don’t know what’s going on at the Shu Palace. By the way, Liang Chao. You came in just now. Do you have anything to say to me.”

"Yes, my lord." Liang Chao heard what Zhang Fan said.He also remembered his own purpose.Say it quickly. "Your Excellency mentioned the Shu Palace just now. This is exactly what I want to talk about."

Hear what Liang Chao said.Zhang Fan immediately became interested.Quickly asked: "Oh. There is news from the Shu Palace."

"It's not news from the Shu Palace." Liang Chao said. "Just now I heard a report from the scouts in the army. They said that a group of people came from Chengdu. It was Feng Bao and his party."

"You said Feng Bao and the others are here." Hearing what Liang Chao said.Zhang Fan suddenly regained his spirits.quickly asked. "Where are they now? Do you know what's going on in Shu Palace." These two days.Zhang Fan never asked about this matter.It's not that he doesn't care.He wanted to know very much.But it's obvious.Here he can't get any news about Shu Palace.So he didn't bother to ask.

Now I heard from Liang Chao that Feng Baoren is here.He naturally wanted to ask to understand.

"No." Liang Chao shook his head.Said. "They're not far from here. They'll be there in a while. As for what's going on in the Shu Palace. How would the scouts know about this kind of thing?"

"Yes. That's right." Zhang Fan nodded.stood up.Said. "I'm going to find General Liu right away. Go with him to meet Feng Bao."

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