Hear the other party say.is to surrender.This really made everyone happy.After all they expected.Isn't it always the result?Now I finally heard the other party say it with my own ears.This should be something to be very happy about.

only.Hear the other person has other questions to ask.There was also silence here.Of course.Silence is not depression.After all, the other party didn't say what the problem was.It's not the turn of that emotion to spread.Not to mention.at this time.It was they who came to surrender.Since it is surrender.It is natural to ask and understand.If the other party has no problem at this time.Instead, it is necessary to consider whether there is any problem in it.

And now.Since the other party asked so.Although compared to letting them put down their weapons and surrender immediately.It is indeed a little troublesome.but.But it made me feel very reassured.

"Well. It's nothing." Liu Xian said.A very, very understanding expression on their faces. "Don't say it's them. It's me instead. If you want to surrender, how can you not ask questions. Some things must be asked clearly." The attitude is very leisurely.It was as if he was saying that he had surrendered before.

But what Liu Xian said.The person on the other side didn't respond.Instead, it was Zhang Fan and Feng Bao who were next to Liu Xian.The heart is full of these words to him.There is a lot to say.What is "if it's me".It's the same as he once surrendered.Those on the other side may not know.But who in the court doesn't know.You, Liu Xian, have led troops to fight for so many years.When did you lose a battle?

If it comes to so many famous generals in the Ming Dynasty today.Speaking of achievements.I am afraid that only Qi Jiguang can overwhelm Liu Xian.

In short.Liu Xian's words.It can be said that it is a bit heartless.But at this time.Only Zhang Fan and the others understood.The other side doesn't know.But since the other side doesn't know.That's good.There is no need to let them know about this kind of thing.Or maybe they still don't know.

"That's good." The man heard what Liu Xian said.It can also be heard from the tone of voice.She also obviously relaxed a lot.Said. "The few of us have already told them about the matter. They are also willing to surrender. As for what will happen after the surrender. They are also somewhat prepared. Even if they have to serve corvee or something, they are all accepted. It's just one thing. They are a little worried."

"Oh." Liu Xian heard what he said.quickly asked. "There is nothing to worry about. Just say it. I will answer you right away." At this time.It's not just Liu Xian.Even Zhang Fan and Feng Bao next to him became curious.

"That's what happened." The man heard what Liu Xian said.Then he opened his mouth and said. "Before we enter the city. The general gave us something to take in. It's the pardon."

"Well, there is indeed such a thing." Liu Xian heard him mention this matter.nodded.Said. "What's wrong with this matter." The other party will ask this question.Although Liu Xian hadn't thought of it.But he wasn't surprised either.And he didn't see any problem getting the pardon.After all, it was written by Zhang Fan himself.And after Zhang Fan finished writing.He has seen it too.no problem.

Moreover.Liu Xian didn't think so either.Zhang Fan would write something in it that he couldn't understand.One is.Although Liu Xian is not a well-educated person.But he has confidence.If he himself can't understand what's hidden in that pardon.Then those people in Yongning Mansion couldn't understand it either.

Second.Zhang Fan also had absolutely no need to do those unnecessary things.good.In Liu Xian's eyes.Those are not impossible to do.Rather, there is no reason to do such a thing.After all, on this matter.Zhang Fan and Liu Xian are on the same line.Zhang Fan had absolutely no reason to spoil this time.

And now.The other party asked about it.Although Liu Xian didn't think there was any problem with this.Worried about what will happen after the surrender.It is also human nature.but.If so.They should not have asked the question of the pardon.Instead, ask the question directly after the surrender.That's why.After the other party asked this question.Liu Xian wondered if there was something wrong with the pardon.

"The general misunderstood. It's not a big problem." The man said hastily. "It's just that they have some things they don't understand. They just want to ask clearly.

"They also know. This time, the court asked the general to preside over it. It's just that. This amnesty must have been issued by the general. This... please don't blame the general. It's just that they didn't I don't think so. The general has the right to issue this amnesty. Or...or they don't think the court will let them go." After finishing these words in a somewhat hesitant tone.This person kept looking at Liu Xian.Obviously, he was afraid that what he said just now would make him feel uncomfortable.

"Hahahaha." It's just that.What they didn't expect was.After Liu Xian listened to his words.Not just not angry.Instead he laughed.This made them a little confused.

but.Liu Xian hadn't waited for them to say anything.Then he said: "So this is the matter. Presumably they were also worried that the pardon was written by the general. In the future, the court will pursue it. They will also make trouble for them. Isn't that the case. Hmm. This is also a human nature. It's normal. It's not a big deal."

"The general..." Hearing what Liu Xian said.The man hesitated a little.

at this time.Zhang Fan saw it.The one who got in.After he listened to Liu Xian's words.His face obviously changed.became tense.even though.Not much has changed.Not very eye-catching.But because Zhang Fan has been watching him secretly.So even very small changes.Zhang Fan also saw everything in his eyes.

It's not bad to think about it.After all, Liu Xian's words were only halfway through.It's not over yet.And what he said.No matter who listens to it, they will have a bad feeling.

"Don't panic. The general hasn't finished speaking yet." Liu Xian interrupted the man's question.Said. "That amnesty was not written by Ben General. It was not written by this General. Do you know why? Because this General is not the person appointed by the court to preside over this battle. There is an adult above this General. He wrote that pardon."

"There is another adult."

"The general actually wants to take orders from others."


this time.Even the people next to them who had been silent before.They all whispered in surprise.But it's not their fault.After all, this matter sounded very strange to them.

among their tribes.From time to time conflicts between the two clans occurred.And because the conflict turned into a battle.Not less.certainly.The reason why is fighting.After all, there are not many people in the tribe.Call it a word of war.Doesn't seem to be on that scale yet.But it won't be a one-on-one fight alone.So it's not appropriate to fight.Just call it a fight.

Since it is not a person.but a lot of people.Then naturally there needs to be a leader.Otherwise, it will be a mess.The enemy is not killed yet.But it's troublesome if you hurt your own people.

But these are not the point.The point is.The one who takes the lead.Even if it is not enough for the generals of the Han court.But at the very least, someone who can command people to fight will do.all in all.It is generals.

And now what's happening here.Although it didn't start.But this is their rebellion.rebel.Naturally, that meant a war.Since the war.Each party should have a leader.like them.Originally, they followed the orders of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.But now.Those two people are dead.That being the case.Command them now.He is the leader of each tribe.Although not alone.But even if there is any order.It is also for them to discuss it before ordering it.

In other words.in their view.The Ming army should also have a leader.And before they want to come.This person must be a general.And now Liu Xian in front of them.Obviously a general.And he still led the [-] troops.A true warrior.But Liu Xian said that this matter is not up to him to decide.It looks to them.It is simply an incredible thing.

Although several people couldn't control their mouths because of surprise.Said these very rude things.But they are also aware of it.After all, the matter of the Ming army.It's Ming Ting's business.No matter how Ming Ting arranges this matter.Not like them.It is also the freedom of others.They can't help meddling in their own business.

"Then this..." After being surprised.Naturally, it was a question.But that old man.All of a sudden.Some don't know how to ask.

But well.Now it's all said and done.Even if he doesn't say it.Everyone present also understood what he wanted to say.

And the next moment.Before he could speak again.Zhang Fan took the initiative to speak: "That person is the official."

Zhang Fan's words.Let these people in front of you.Even what he didn't see.The soldiers behind who heard their conversation.All eyes were on him.Apparently not just opposite.Even Liu Xian's side.There are also many people who don't know.It turned out that this matter.He was appointed by the court.Even Liu Xian had to obey his orders.

Zhang Fan didn't care about the surprised eyes of these people.Hold your fists toward the northeast.Said: "This official is the current Tai Tuo. Receive the grace of the Queen Mother and Your Majesty. Preside over this battle. This matter has been fully entrusted to this official. And there is an imperial decree to prove it. It cannot be faked. That pardon It was also written by the official himself. And the pardon is not fake at all. As long as those people are willing to surrender now, I will never kill any of them."

Zhang Fan finished speaking.The face didn't move though.But the eyeballs are in the dark.Once again, he stared at the ninja who sneaked in.Continued: "However. This is also conditional."

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